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DevOps Master Programming Course Course Curriculam
Trainers Profile
- Working knowledge of Windows, Web sites and browsers & Client/server environment.
- There are no prerequisites to attend this course but knowledge of performance testing will help.
- Any software tester / developer, mobile application testers / developers and IT professionals can learn loadrunner performance testing.
Syllabus of DevOps Master Programming Online Course Download syllabus
- The C Language and its Advantages
- The Structure of a C Program
- Writing C Programs
- Building an Executable Version of a C Program
- Debugging a C Program
- Examining and Running a C Application Program
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- Understand User Interface in Linux
- Implement basic Linux Commands and Tools
- vim Editor
- Advanced Linux Commands
- File System
- File System Comparisons
- File Attributes
- File Operations
- File System CharLearnoVitaristics
- File Access Methods
- Formatting and Partitioning
- Multiboot System
- Learn Packaging Management in Linux
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- Users in Linux
- User Configuration
- Adding/Deleting/Modifying Users
- Group Administration
- Password Aging Policies
- Switching Accounts
- Sudo
- Network Users
- Authentication Configuration
- SUID and SGID Executable
- SGID Directories
- The Sticky Bit
- Default File Permissions
- Access Control Lists (ACLs)
- Hidden Files
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- Kernel Configuration
- Boot Management
- Grub Bootloader Configurations
- Red Hat Package Manager
- Build from the source code
- Libraries
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- OSI layers and Protocols: IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SSH, HTTP, DNS, DHCP, ARP, ICMP etc.
- Packet capturing tools
- Linux commands/tools to troubleshoot networking: netstat, tcpdump, ip, etc.
- Linux utilities: e.g. dnsmasqd, samba server ftpd, webserver, netcat, scp etc.
- Linux Firewall: command, utility and usage.
- Security: SSH, SCP. Certificates, authentication, encryption etc.
- Remote log in: SSH, screen, VNC, etc.
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- Process Management
- Process Commands
- System Calls
- Output Redirection
- Special Variables in Bash
- Expect Script
- Python Scripting
- Dictionaries
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- Programming languages overview
- Static and Shared libraries
- Compilers, debugger, IDE, ctags, make utility etc.
- Editors in Linux: vi, emacs,
- Troubleshooting and optimization using profiling tools
- Diff, patch and Configuration management system
- Test automation and CI/CD pipeline
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- Security in IT Industry
- SELinux
- Information gathering tools
- Grub security
- TCP Wrappers
- Securing Shell
- ClamAV
- Virtualization
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- What can Python do?
- Why Python?
- Good to know
- Python Syntax compared to other programming languages
- Python Install
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- The print statement
- Comments
- Python Data Structures & Data Types
- String Operations in Python
- Simple Input & Output
- Simple Output Formatting
- Operators in python
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- Indentation
- The If statement and its’ related statement
- An example with if and it’s related statement
- The while loop
- The for loop
- The range statement
- Break &Continue
- Assert
- Examples for looping
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- Create your own functions
- Functions Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Scope of a Function
- Function Documentations
- Lambda Functions& map
- n Exercise with functions
- Create a Module
- Standard Modules
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- Errors
- Exception handling with try
- handling Multiple Exceptions
- Writing your own Exception
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- File handling Modes
- Reading Files
- Writing& Appending to Files
- Handling File Exceptions
- The with statement
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- New Style Classes
- Creating Classes
- Instance Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception Classes & Custom Exceptions
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- Iterators
- Generators
- The Functions any and all
- With Statement
- Data Compression
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- List Comprehensions
- Nested List Comprehensions
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Functions
- Default Parameters
- Variable Arguments
- Specialized Sorts
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- namedtuple()
- deque
- ChainMap
- Counter
- OrderedDict
- defaultdict
- UserDict
- UserList
- UserString
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- Introduction
- Components and Events
- An Example GUI
- The root Component
- Adding a Button
- Entry Widgets
- Text Widgets
- Check buttons
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- Introduction
- Installation
- DB Connection
- Creating DB Table
- COMMIT & ROLLBACK operation
- handling Errors
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- Introduction
- A Daytime Server
- Clients and Servers
- The Client Program
- The Server Program
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- sleep
- Program execution time
- more methods on date/time
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- Filter
- Map
- Reduce
- Decorators
- Frozen set
- Collections
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- Split
- Working with special charLearnoVitars, date, emails
- Quantifiers
- Match and find all
- charLearnoVitar sequence and substitute
- Search method
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- Class and threads
- Multi-threading
- Synchronization
- Treads Life cycle
- use cases
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- Introduction
- Facebook Messenger
- Openweather
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- History of Git
- Design Principles
- Distributed Version Control
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- Account Setup
- Installing Sourcetree Git GUI
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- Common Git Commands
- Configuring Git
- Creating Repositories
- Creating a Commit
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- Visualising Branches
- Branch Naming Conventions
- Creating a new Branch
- Handling Merge Conflicts
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- Creating a Merge Request
- Accepting a Merge Request
- Rejecting a Merge Request
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- Centralised Flow
- GitHub Flow
- Git Flow
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- SVN Branching vs Git Branching
- Inside a Local Repository
- The reflog Time Machine
- What is HEAD?
- Amending Commits
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- Checking in Binary Files
- Rewriting history
- Force Push
- Commit Descriptions
- Brain Overload
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- Introduction
- About this Course
- About Jenkins
- History
- Splitting of Projects
- What is Continuous Integration?
- Where Jenkins Fits In
- Summary
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- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Getting Jenkins
- Starting Jenkins
- Testing the Install
- Command Line Options
- Getting the Service Installer
- Installing as a Service
- Alternate Method
- Nodes
- Configuring a Node
- Setting up a Node
- UI Tour
- Summary
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- Introduction
- Basic Project
- Our Project
- Looking at the Code
- Moving to Jenkins
- Manually Building
- Build Triggers
- Jenkin Plugins
- Creating a Job
- Build Steps
- First Build Step
- Testing the Trigger
- Add Tests
- Workspaces
- Post Build Actions
- Reporting Test Results
- Failing the Build
- Fixing the Build
- Summary
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- Introduction
- Plugin Architecture
- Extension Points
- Getting Plugins
- Plugin Wiki
- Useful Plugins Overview
- Source Code Plugins
- Trigger Plugins
- Build Tool Plugins
- Wrapper Plugins
- Notifier Plugins
- Reporting Plugins
- Artifact and UI Plugins
- Installing a Plugin
- Plugin Configuration
- Security Overview
- Summary
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- Introduction
- A Case Study
- The Flow
- Stay Calm
- Areas of Discipline
- Unit Testing
- Test Coverage
- Acceptance Testing
- Code Quality Metrics
- Notifications
- Documentation
- Deployments
- Growing
- Summary
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- Selecting a Storage Driver
- Configuring Logging Drivers (Syslog, JSON-File, etc.)
- Namespaces and CGroups
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- Pull an Image from a Registry (Using Docker Pull and Docker Images)
- Searching an Image Repository
- How to Tag an Image
- Use CLI Commands to Manage Images (List, Delete, Prune, RMI, etc)
- Inspect Images and Report Specific Attributes Using Filter and Format
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- Create an Image with Dockerfile
- Dockerfile Options
- Dockerfile Structure
- Dockerfile Efficiencies
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- Modify an Image to a Single Layer
- Selecting a Docker Storage Driver
- Prepare for a Docker Secure Registry
- Deploy, Configure, Log Into, Push, and Pull an Image in a Registry
- Managing Images in Your Private Repository
- Container Lifecycles - Setting the Restart Policies
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- Understanding the 'docker inspect' Output
- Identify the Steps Needed to Troubleshoot a Service Not Deploying
- How Dockerized Apps Communicate with Legacy Systems
- Determine Which Graph Driver Should Be Used on Which OS
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- Why configuration management is a critical part of any DevOps team
- Strengths and weaknesses of Ansible
- Web scale
- How Ansible is different from other CM tools like Chef and Puppet
- Getting started with Ansible terminology
- Ansible and YML for describing your environments
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- Some prerequisites
- Getting set up on a Mac
- Getting set up on Linux
- Getting set up on Windows
- Testing with Vagrant
- Using SSH keys to connect to your target nodes
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- Basic inventory example
- Hosts and groups
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- A useful directory structure to keep your Ansible code organized
- Using git to manage your Ansible code
- A first look at a playbook to install and configure NTP time synchronization
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- Connecting Ansible to your preferred cloud provider (we’ll use DigitalOcean)
- Creating a new server instance
- Dynamic inventory
- Dynamic inventory on Amazon AWS
- Mixing static and dynamic inventory
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- Spec up our inventory and host groups
- Using roles
- Configure our database backend
- Configure our web server front-end
- Configure a replicated filesystem
- Configure centralized logging
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- Deploying our app from SCM to our local Vagrant environment
- How we would deploy that code to production once tested by QA
- Updating our application
- How Ansible compares to alternatives such as Capistrano
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- Brief intro to Docker
- The synergy of containerization and automation
- Using Ansible to build Docker containers
- MySQL containers
- Web application containers
- Data storage containers
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- Unit, integration and functional testing
- Automating your testing using GitHub and Travis CI
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- Real-world use case: Using Ansible to automate CM and application pipelines through continuous integration, release, deployment and operations
- We’ll review your own environments and processes and evaluate how to best integrate Ansible’s configuration management for your own needs
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- Introduction To Configuration Management
- About The Author
- Why Puppet?
- How To Access Your Working Files
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- Introduction To Puppet Run Cycle
- Gathering System Facts
- Node Matching And Catalogue Compilation
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- Defining Nodes
- Puppet Modules - Reusable Code
- Provisioning A Web Server
- Class Parameters - Applying Variables
- Hiera Parameters - Defining Variables
- Executing Modules Against A Puppet Master With An Agent
- Reporting With Puppet
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- Managing Modules With Librarian-Puppet
- Managing Directory Environments And Modules With R10K
- External Node Classifiers And Reporting With Puppet Dashboard - Part 1
- External Node Classifiers And Reporting With Puppet Dashboard - Part 2
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- Puppet Agents
- Puppet Masters
- MCollective And Systems Orchestration
- Cross Platform Puppet
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- Puppet Resources - How To Define System Resources
- Applying A Simple Puppet Manifest
- Puppet Types
- The Package File Service Patter
- Applying Conditional Logic In Puppet
- Fact Conditionals - Choosing A Course Of Action
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- MCollective And Live Management
- MCollective With Puppet
- Using MCollective To Interact With Services
- Using MCollective To Interact With Puppet
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- Wrap-Up And Further Resources
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- Kubernetes Core Concepts
- Kubectl common commands
- Understanding Pods
- Configure network on cluster nodes
- Pod Networking Concepts
- Setting up a cluster - Kubernetes Certificates
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- Services and Controllers
- Service Networking
- Deploy and configure network Load Balancer
- Primitives necessary for self-healing apps
- Effects of resource limiting on pod scheduling
- Configure Kubernetes Scheduler
- Running multiple Schedulers
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- ReplicaSet and ReplicationController
- DaemonSets
- Deployments
- Rolling updates and Rollbacks
- Scaling applications
- Ingress
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- PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim
- Access modes for volumes
- Primitives for PersistentVolumeClaim
- Secrets and ConfigMaps in your pods
- Storage classes
- Headless services
- StatefulSets
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- Authentication
- Authorization
- Kubernetes security primitives
- Configure Network Policies
- Security Contexts
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- Monitoring the cluster using Prometheus
- Visualizing cluster logs using EFK stack
- Jobs
- ETCD operations
- Helm Charts
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- Troubleshooting application failures
- Troubleshooting cluster failures
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- Performance reporting
- Routers and switches
- NagiosQL
- MySQL DB integration
- Distributed monitoring
- NDOUtils
- NagVis
- DNX mod gearman
- NetFlow
- High availability
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- Overview of Buttercup Games Inc
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- Splunk components
- Installing Splunk
- Getting data into Splunk
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- Understand the uses of Splunk
- Define Splunk Apps
- Customizing your user settings
- Learn basic navigation in Splunk
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- Run basic searches
- Use autocomplete to help build a search
- Set the time range of a search
- Identify the contents of search results
- Refine searches
- Use the timeline
- Work with events
- Control a search job
- Save search results
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- Understand fields
- Use fields in searches
- Use the fields sidebar
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- Review basic search commands and general search practices
- Examine the search pipeline
- Specify indexes in searches
- Use autocomplete and syntax highlighting
- Use SPL search commands to perform searches:
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- The top command
- The rare command
- The stats command
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- Save a search as a report
- Edit reports
- Create reports that include visualizations such as charts and tables
- Create a dashboard
- Add a report to a dashboard
- Edit a dashboard
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- Naming conventions
- What are datasets?
- What is the Common Information Model (CIM)?
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- Describe lookups
- Create a lookup file and create a lookup definition
- Configure an automatic lookup
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- Describe scheduled reports
- Configure scheduled reports
- Describe alerts
- Create alerts
- View fired alerts
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- Describe Pivot
- Understand the relationship between data models and pivot
- Select a data model object
- Create a pivot report
- Create an instant pivot from a search
- Add a pivot report to a dashboard
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Mock Interviews
- Mock interviews by Learnovita give you the platform to prepare, practice and experience the real-life job interview. Familiarizing yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a relaxed and stress-free environment gives you an edge over your peers.
- Our mock interviews will be conducted by industry experts with an average experience of 7+ years. So you’re sure to improve your chances of getting hired!
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Android App Developer Training Objectives
- EXIN DevOps Master is associate degree advanced-level certification that tests candidates on their ability to develop and maintain property work practices.
- It allows them to introduce and promote DevOps in their organization so as to raised manage application and repair life cycles while facilitating cooperative cooperation.
- Master in DevOps Engineering" program is structured in a very manner, whether or not you're associate degree seasoned IT skilled or a university graduate, this course can assist you to integrate all the real-world expertise with all the vital tools, specialization and job-ready skills.
- Docker Certified Associate.
- Kubernetes Certification.
- AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam.
- Azure DevOps Solution Certification Exam.
- Puppet Professional Certification.
- If you have got previous expertise of pc and software package background however no expertise in programming, scripting, Linux, and Automation then programming and scripting take 2 months, one month for OS and automation fundamentals, and one month for learning DevOps basics like CI/CD pipeline and its tools.
- Just have experience and a clue.
- What's unheard of is a junior or entry level role.
- Yes, but don't expect to just jump straight into a DevOps role.
- I started out as a basic IT tech while learning to program, then junior dev, then sysadmin at a medium size company, then into an SRE-type role at a a major tech company
- Development.
- Testing.
- Integration.
- Deployment.
- Monitoring.
- Last however not least, beginning DevOps from scratch needs a radical understanding of cloud suppliers.
- For no-hit DevOps, you may ought to use numerous cloud services like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
- Now, there square measure many cloud suppliers like Google Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure, which provide these cloud services.
- As such you do not want any artificial language to be told DevOps. Some basic information of UNIX, python, shell scripting are ok.
- After you begin to be told DevOps tools, then you get to understand that language is employed that tool.
- For instance, the Jenkins tool is employed Groovy as a scripting language.
The training is perfect for the below job positions:
- Programmers
- Fresh Graduates
- Start cross-training currently.
- Build the abilities within the job you've got for the task you wish.
- Automation: Prove you'll get heaps through with a touch.
- Develop your personal whole with community involvement.
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Exam & Certification
At LearnoVita, You Can Enroll in Either the instructor-led Online Classroom Training or Online Self-Paced Training.
Online Classroom:
- Participate and Complete One batch of Android App Developer Training Course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
- Complete 85% of the Android App Developer Certification course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
Honestly Yes, We Provide 1 Set of Practice test as part of Your Android App Developer Training course. It helps you to prepare for the actual Android App Developer Certification exam. You can try this free Android App Developer Fundamentals Practice Test to Understand the Various type of tests that are Comes Under the Parts of Course Curriculum at LearnoVita.
These are the Four Different Kinds of Certification levels that was Structured under the Oracle’s Android App Developer Certification Path.
- Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
- Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
- Oracle Certified Expert (OCE)
- Oracle Certified Master (OCM)
- Learn About the Certification Paths.
- Write Code Daily This will help you develop Coding Reading and Writing ability.
- Refer and Read Recommended Books Depending on Which Exam you are Going to Take up.
- Join LearnoVita Online Training Course That Gives you a High Chance to interact with your Subject Expert Instructors and fellow Aspirants Preparing for Certifications.
- Solve Sample Tests that would help you to Increase the Speed needed for attempting the exam and also helps for Agile Thinking.
Honestly Yes, Please refer to the link This Would Guide you with the Top 20 Interview Questions & Answers for Android App Developer Developers.

Recently Placed Students
My sincere appreciation & gratitude to the Training & Placement Department and all staff of LearnoVita for their efforts in imparting quality technical and aptitude training. I am very grateful to them for effectively and sincerely helping me to grab the first-ever opportunity that came into my life.
Pranav Srinivas
Software Testing, CapgeminiAndroid App Developer Course FAQ's
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Yes, you can attend the demo session. Even though We have a limited number of participants in a live session to maintain the Quality Standards. So, unfortunately, participation in a live class without enrolment is not possible.If you are unable to attend you can go through our Pre recorded session of the same trainer, it would give you a clear insight about how are the classes conducted, the quality of instructors, and the level of interaction in the class.
All Our instructors are working professionals from the Industry, Working in leading Organizations and have Real-World Experience with Minimum 9-12 yrs of Relevant IT field Experience. All these experienced folks at LearnoVita Provide a Great learning experience.
The trainer will give Server Access to the course seekers, and we make sure you acquire practical hands-on training by providing you with every utility that is needed for your understanding of the course
- LearnoVita will assist the job seekers to Seek, Connect & Succeed and delight the employers with the perfect candidates.
- On Successfully Completing a Career Course with LearnoVita, you Could be Eligible for Job Placement Assistance.
- 100% Placement Assistance* - We have strong relationship with over 650+ Top MNCs, When a student completes his/ her course successfully, LearnoVita Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with Major Companies like Oracle, HP, Wipro, Accenture, Google, IBM, Tech Mahindra, Amazon, CTS, TCS, HCL, Infosys, MindTree and MPhasis etc...
- LearnoVita is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students's List on our website.
- More than 5400+ students placed in last year in India & Globally.
- LearnoVita Conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
- 85% percent placement record
- Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
- Please Visit Your Student's Portal | Here FREE Lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
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- LearnoVita Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the World.
- LearnoVita is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS.
- Also, LearnoVita Technical Experts Help's People Who Want to Clear the National Authorized Certificate in Specialized IT Domain.
- LearnoVita is offering you the most updated, relevant, and high-value real-world projects as part of the training program.
- All training comes with multiple projects that thoroughly test your skills, learning, and practical knowledge, making you completely industry-ready.
- You will work on highly exciting projects in the domains of high technology, ecommerce, marketing, sales, networking, banking, insurance, etc.
- After completing the projects successfully, your skills will be equal to 6 months of rigorous industry experience.
At LearnoVita you can enroll in either the instructor-led Online Training, Self-Paced Training, Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training Mode. Apart from this, LearnoVita also offers Corporate Training for organizations to UPSKILL their workforce.
LearnoVita Assures You will Never lose any Topics and Modules. You can choose either of the Three options:
- We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities.
- View the class presentation and recordings that are available for online viewing.
- You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch.
Just give us a CALL at +91 9383399991 OR email at
Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question After Once You Have Enrolled.
We at LearnoVita believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics and Can Access more information and Richer Understanding through teacher and other students' body language and voice. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Android App Developer batch to 5 or 6 members
Learning Android App Developer can help open up many opportunities for your career. It is a GREAT SKILL-SET to have as many developer roles in the job market requires proficiency in Android App Developer. Mastering Android App Developer can help you get started with your career in IT. Companies like Oracle, IBM, Wipro, HP, HCL, DELL, Bosch, Capgemini, Accenture, Mphasis, Paypal, and MindLabs.
The Average Android App Developer Developer salary in India is ₹4,43,568 per annum.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by LearnoVita E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the LearnoVita branches in India.
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