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Automation Testing Masters Program Course Curriculam
Trainers Profile
- Working knowledge of Windows, Web sites and browsers & Client/server environment.
- There are no prerequisites to attend this course but knowledge of performance testing will help.
- Any software tester / developer, mobile application testers / developers and IT professionals can learn loadrunner performance testing.
Syllabus of Automation Testing Masters Program Online Course Download syllabus
- Features of Software Testing
- Simple
- Secure
- Portable
- Robust
- Multithreading
- Platform-Independent
- Distributed
- Dynamic
- New Features of Software Testing 8
- Introducing Software Testing Environment
- Software Testing Development Kit
- Software Testing Platforms
- Software Testing Virtual Machine
- Software Testing API
- Software Testing Programs
- Installing Software Testing
- What about CLASSPATH?
- Software Testing’s Reserve Words
- Starting a Software Testing program
- Line 1—public class App
- Line 2—public static void main(String[] args)
- Line 3—System.out.println(“Hello from Software Testing!”);
- Compiling Code 15
- Compiling Code: Using Command-Line Options
- Cross-Compilation Options
- Compiling Code: Checking for Deprecated Methods
- Running Code
- Running Code: Using Command-Line Options
- Commenting Your Code
- Importing Software Testing Packages and Classes
- Finding Software Testing Class with CLASSPATH
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- Variables
- Data Typing
- Arrays
- Strings
- What Data Types are Available?
- Creating Integer Literals
- Creating Floating-Point Literals
- Creating Boolean Literals
- Creating CharLearnoVitar Literals
- Creating String Literals
- Creating Binary Literals
- Using Underscores in Numeric Literals
- Declaring Integer Variables
- Declaring Floating-Point Variables
- Declaring CharLearnoVitar Variables
- Declaring Boolean Variables
- Initializing Variables Dynamically
- Conversion between Data Types
- Automatic Conversions
- Casting to New Data Types
- Declaring One-Dimensional
- Creating One-Dimensional Arrays
- Initializing One-Dimensional Arrays
- Declaring Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Creating Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Initializing Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Creating Irregular Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Getting an the Length of an Array
- Understanding General Form of Static Import
- Importing Static Members
- The String Class
- Getting String Length
- Concatenating Strings
- Getting CharLearnoVitars and Substrings
- Searching For and Replacing Strings
- Changing Case in Strings
- Checking for Empty String
- Formatting Numbers in Strings
- The StringBuffer Class
- Creating StringBuffers
- Getting and Setting StringBuffer Lengths and Capacities
- Setting CharLearnoVitars in String Buffers
- Appending and Inserting Using StringBuffers
- Deleting Text in StringBuffers
- Replacing Text in String Buffer
- Using the Wrapper Class
- Autoboxing and Unboxing of Primitive Types
- Learning the Fundamentals of Varargs Methods
- Overloading Varargs Methods
- Learning the Ambiguity in Varargs Methods
- Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters
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- Variables
- Data Typing
- Arrays
- Strings
- What Data Types are Available?
- Creating Integer Literals
- Creating Floating-Point Literals
- Creating Boolean Literals
- Creating CharLearnoVitar Literals
- Creating String Literals
- Creating Binary Literals
- Using Underscores in Numeric Literals
- Declaring Integer Variables
- Declaring Floating-Point Variables
- Declaring CharLearnoVitar Variables
- Declaring Boolean Variables
- Initializing Variables Dynamically
- Conversion between Data Types
- Automatic Conversions
- Casting to New Data Types
- Declaring One-Dimensional
- Creating One-Dimensional Arrays
- Initializing One-Dimensional Arrays
- Declaring Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Creating Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Initializing Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Creating Irregular Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Getting an the Length of an Array
- Understanding General Form of Static Import
- Importing Static Members
- The String Class
- Getting String Length
- Concatenating Strings
- Getting CharLearnoVitars and Substrings
- Searching For and Replacing Strings
- Changing Case in Strings
- Checking for Empty String
- Formatting Numbers in Strings
- The StringBuffer Class
- Creating StringBuffers
- Getting and Setting StringBuffer Lengths and Capacities
- Setting CharLearnoVitars in String Buffers
- Appending and Inserting Using StringBuffers
- Deleting Text in StringBuffers
- Replacing Text in String Buffer
- Using the Wrapper Class
- Autoboxing and Unboxing of Primitive Types
- Learning the Fundamentals of Varargs Methods
- Overloading Varargs Methods
- Learning the Ambiguity in Varargs Methods
- Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters
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- What is automation testing
- Difference between Manual & Automation lesting
- When to go for Automation
- Advantages of Automation
- Licensed Automation Tools
- OpenSource Automation Tools
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- Overview of Selenium
- Different Selenium Components(Selenium.IDE, WebDriver, Selenium GRID)
- Differences between Selenium and other Tools
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- Installation of Java
- Installation Eclipse IDE
- How to create new java project
- How to create a new java class
- Compiling and Running java class
- Analyzing the results of java program
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- Introduction to Java programming
- Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types
- Operators in Java
- Wrapper Classes
- lypes of Variable (Local, Instance and Static Variables)
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- If else condition
- Nested If Else Condition
- Switch case statement
- Examples for all the above conditions
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- While loop
- Do while
- For loop.
- For each loop
- Examples for all the above loops
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- What is an Array?
- Type of Arrays
- Working with Single Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Copying Arrays with Clone() and arraycopy()
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- What are Packages
- How to create Classes .Objects and Object References
- Working with Constructors
- Using Methods(instance,static)
- Access Modifiers (private, default, protected and public)
- Method arguments call by value and call by reference
- How to write user defined methods
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- How to define Interface
- How to implement Interface
- How to define Abstract Class
- Abstract method vs. Concrete method
- Interface vs. Abstract class vs. Concrete Class
- Implements vs. extends
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- What is Inheritance and Why to use Inheritance?
- Single Level Inheritance, Multi-Level Inheritance, Multiple Inheritances (Through Interface)
- super keyword
- this keyword
- Composition / Aggregation
- Inheritance (Is a Relationship) vs.composition (Has a Relationship)
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- What is polymorphism?
- Compile time Polymorphism
- Method overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- final keyword
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- What are exceptions and errors?
- Checked Exception or Compile time Exception
- Unchecked Exception or Runtime Exception
- How to handle exceptions in the program!
- Using try and catch blocks
- Using of throw
- Using of throws
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- Overview of Collections API
- Arrays vs Collections
- List, Set, Map interfaces
- Using ArrayList Class
- Working with elements of a Collection
- Examples for all the above concepts
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- How to configure MySQL database
- How to configure with Eclipse
- Connection Interface Commands
- Statement Interface Commands
- ResultSet Interface Commands
- How to execute query
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- Understanding Debug
- Using Breakpoints.
- Verify the values during debug
- Using step over, step into
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- Features and Limitations of Selenium Webdriver
- Configure Selenium with Eclipse IDE(Adding selenium Libraries)
- Configure Selenium with Chrome,
- Firefox Driver, IE, Safari, Operabrowsers
- WebDriver Interface
- ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver, InternetExplorer Driver,Edge Driver classes
- Browser Commands
- Navigation Commands
- Handling Cookies
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- Object Identification
- findElement and findElements
- Different types of Locators
- Xpath,relativeXpath,AbsoluteXpath,cssSelector
- How to build dynamic Xpath
- Identifying Objects using Xpath and cssSelectors
- How to use Regular Expressions in Xpath and CssSelectors
- How to configure ChroPath •Html Tags and DOM structure
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- Handling TextField and Text Area
- Handling Checkbox’s
- Handling RadioButtons
- Handling Links and Buttons
- WebElement Interface methods
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- Handling dropdowns/listboxesi
- Select Class methods
- Working with Dynamic Web Table Elements
- Extracting data from WebTable’s
- Custom methods for WebTable’s
- Select date from calendar
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- Handling alerts
- Alert interface methods
- Handling Frames /IFrames
- Handling Nested Frarnes
- How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs
- TargetLocator interface methods
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- Mouse Events
- Click, doubleClick, contectClick, dragAndDrop, clickAndHold,release
- Keyboard Events
- How to scroll page
- Capture screenshot
- How to execute JavaScript
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- How to use implicitWait, pageLoad T imeout, setScript Timeout
- How to use ExplicitWait
- How to implement WebDriverWait
- What are different ExpectedConditions and how to use
- How to implement FluentWait
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- Headless browsers
- Handling Notifications
- Handling Auto Suggestions
- Highlight objects
- Scroll into view
- How to find broken links
- Different Selenium Exceptions
- Capture screenshot of entire page
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- Configure Sikuli with Selenium
- File Upload/Download with Sikuli
- Configure Auto It with Selenium
- File Upload/Download with Auto IT
- File Upload/Download with Robot
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- Configure Apache POI with Eclipse
- Workbook, Sheet Row ,Cell Interfaces methods
- HSSFWorkbook, HSSFSheet, HSSFRow, HSSFCell methods
- XSSFWorkbook, XSSFSheet, XSSFRow, XSSFCell methods
- How to read data from Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
- How to write data to Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
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- TestNGFeatures
- Configure TestNG with Eclipse
- TestNG Annotations
- Integrate Selenium Scripts with TestNG
- Create TestNG.xml file
- Assert methods
- Hard Assert vs. Soft Assert
- Cross browser testing
- How to use DataProvider
- Reporting Results
- Listeners
- Sequential Execution vs. Parallel Execution
- How to create batch file
- Extended Reports
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- What is maven
- Installing Maven in Local Machine
- Creating Maven project in Eclipse
- Understanding of POM .xml
- Maven Integration with TestNG
- Maven Lifecycle
- Executing Scripts Using Maven build tool
- Advantages Maven Build Tool
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- Overview of Jenkins
- Installing Jenkins
- Configure Maven project in Jenkins
- Configure Non Maven project in lenkins
- Creating Jobs in Jenkins
- Scheduling lobs for timely Execution
- Integration with Selenium Scripts and Running Scripts
- Configure Email notification in Jenkins
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- Overview of Selenium Grid
- Remote WebDriver and Desired Capabilities class
- Configuring Hub
- Configuring Node
- Running scripts on Remote system
- Run Selenium scripts in parallel on Remote system
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- How to create GitHub Account
- Configure Git and GitHub with Eclipse
- Git & GitHub Commands
- Integrate with Framework
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- Overview of BDD and Cucumber
- How to install and setup Cucumber with Eclipse
- Overview of Gherkin keywords
- How to create Feature file
- How to generate Step Definition file
- How to integrate Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver
- JUnit Test Runner Class
- Data Driven esting in Cucumber
- Configure Cucumber with Maven and Jenkins
- How generate Reports in Cucumber
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- Download and Install Katalon Studio
- Configuring Katalon Studio for Web Applications
- How to create TestCase and TestSuite
- How to create Object Repository
- Create Automation Script using Record and Playback, Manual Mode, Script Mode
- How to integrate with other environments
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- Introduction to Mobile Automation &Appium
- Installation of Android SDK on Windows OS
- Installation of Appium on Windows OS
- Configure Appium Client libraries
- Configuration of Environment variables
- How to use UIAutomator Viewer
- How to use Appium Inspector
- Different types of Locators
- Mobile Web App Automation
- Native App Automation
- Hybrid App Automation
- Configuring & executing scripts on Emulator and Real Device
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- Why DevOps?
- What is DevOps?
- DevOps market trends
- DevOps Engineer skills
- DevOps delivery pipeline
- DevOps ecosystem
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- What is Version Control?
- What is Git?
- Why Git for your organization
- Install Git
- Working with remote repositories
- Branching and merging in Git
- Git workflows
- Git cheat sheet
- Implementation of Git in an Edureka project
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- What is CI?
- What is CI?
- Why CI is required?
- Introduction to Jenkins (with architecture)
- Introduction to Maven
- Jenkins management
- Building a delivery pipeline
- Implementation of Jenkins in an Edureka project
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- Introduction to Selenium
- Why Selenium?
- Selenium – Webdriver
- Creating test cases in Selenium WebDriver (waits)
- What is X-Path and why use it?
- Handling different controls on a webpage
- Framework in Selenium
- Selenium integration with Jenkins
- Implementation of Selenium in an Edureka project
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- What is Performance Testing?
- Types of Performance Testing
- How to conduct Performance Testing?
- Performance Test Tools
- Performance Test Life Cycle
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- What is Apache JMeter?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of JMeter
- JMeter vs LoadRunner
- How does JMeter Work?
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- Thread Group
- Controllers
- Listeners
- Timers
- Assertions
- Configuration Elements
- Pre-Processor Elements
- Post-Processor Elements
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- Add and Remove Elements
- Load and Save Elements
- Configure the Tree Elements
- Save and Run the Test Plan
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- Creation of Thread Group
- Adding HTTP Proxy Server
- Configuring HTTP proxy server
- Configuring the browser for recording the test script
- Capturing the test steps using JMeter >
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- Parameterization
- Correlations
- Validations
- Debugging Script
- Assertions
- Error Handling Etc…
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- Creating multiple test thread groups
- Calling the multiple thread groups from a test plan
- Configuring the threads groups with respective users numbers and ratios
- Running the load test for multiple thread groups from a Single Test
- Analyze the user group specific issues
- Analyze the Test plan specific issues for all user groups
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- JMeter – Web Test Plan (HTTP Request)
- JMeter – Database Test Plan (JDBC Request)
- JMeter – FTP Test Plan
- JMeter – Webservice Test Plan (SOAP/XML-RPC Request)
- JMeter – JMS Test Plan
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- Configure the nodes
- Start Servers
- Add the server IP to your client’s Properties File
- Start the JMeter Client from a GUI client to check configuration
- Start the JMeter from a non-GUI Client
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- List of Functions
- Where to Use Functions And Variables
- Referencing Variables and Functions
- JMeter Regular Expressions
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- Limit the Number of Threads
- Reducing resource requirements
- Use Variables
- Distributed Testing
- BeanShell server
- Parameterising tests
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- Define Mobile Automation Testing
- Different Mobile Platforms
- Types of mobile testing tours
- Approaches to mobile testing
- Levels of mobile testing
- Life-cycle for mobile testing
- Automation frameworks
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- Define Mobile Automation Testing
- Different Mobile Platforms
- Types of mobile testing tours
- Approaches to mobile testing
- Levels of mobile testing
- Life-cycle for mobile testing
- Automation frameworks
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- Introduction to Appium and Appium architecture
- Overview on various Appium versions
- Appium Installation and Configuration
- Appium UIAutomatorviewer usage
- Commonly used ADB commands
- Starting the Appium server with advanced options
- First simple code in Appium with Java
- Understanding Appium Inspector to Find Locators
- Automate an app on a virtual Android device
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- Synchronise the tests with implicit, explicit and fluent wait
- Automate app management such as installing, uninstalling, reset, closing the app and putting the app in background
- Implementing assertions in Appium scripts
- Appium interactions to push, pull file and folders
- Appium Test with TestNG
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- Automate gestures on Android app such as touch Action, scroll, tapping, long press, swiping and orientation
- Automating mouse hovering like move to, double click, button down, button up, etc
- Automating spinners, switch button, seek bar
- Automate android key events
- Automate drag and drop, pinch and zoom, alert gestures
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- Read the notifications from the notification bar
- Automating networking configurations such as to toggle airplane mode, toggle data, toggle Wi-Fi
- Automating the app interactions such as lock and unlock and rotate the android phone
- Get the performance data of an android app
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- Hybrid and Native app features
- Desired capabilities for native and hybrid apps
- Activity Lifecycle Testing for Native App
- Switching between the views, invoking activities via Intents, killing activities
- Steps to automate a hybrid app using Java
- Steps to automate a native android app using Java
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Mock Interviews
- Mock interviews by Learnovita give you the platform to prepare, practice and experience the real-life job interview. Familiarizing yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a relaxed and stress-free environment gives you an edge over your peers.
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Automation Testing Masters Program Training Course Objectives
- Try not to Ignore Manual Testing.
- Have Excellent Technical Programming Skills.
- Comprehend the Application Well.
- Experience the Automation Testing Tools.
- Comprehend ATLC Methodology.
- Make a Test Automation Strategy.
- Stay Updated With the Testing Trends.
- Progressed Level Test Automation Engineer by ISTQB. Guaranteed Automation Functional Testing Professional by Vskills. Affirmed Agile Software Test Professional Master Level (CASTP-M) by IIST. Ensured Mobile Software Test Professional (CMSTP) by IIST.
- These days there is generally excellent freedom just as development in this vocation inside the entire industry. Aside from Software Development, there is part of other professional openings accessible inside the business, Software Testing is one of them. Robotization Testing is a mechanized method to perform programming testing.
- Selenium is an open-source web robotization device, presently sought after, and generally utilized instrument on the lookout. Selenium test content can be sent in programming dialects like Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and JavaScript. Selenium offers a record and playback highlights with its program add-on Selenium IDE.
- Analyzers require great coding information when they pursue mechanization testing or white box testing. This is because robotization testing includes explanation inclusion, code inclusion, cyclomatic intricacy, and so forth every one of these ideas needs decent information on programming abilities and data set.
- Test computerization is a product improvement movement, and it's hard to figure out how to program. Indeed, even with codeless devices, analyzers rapidly discover the restrictions of the apparatus and should learn more troublesome ideas.
- Choosing a test computerization system is a matter of first important thing to do in the Test Strategy period of Automation Testing Life Cycle. Choosing an instrument relies upon the advancements utilized in the application. Comprehend your item before beginning the mechanization test.
- Mechanical computerization implies the supplanting with PCs, robots, and machines to that of human reasoning. The word mechanization intends to demonstrate oneself or to act unadvisedly and it's gotten from the Greek words auto which implies self and the word Matos which means moving.
- While ZipRecruiter is considering yearly to be just about as high as $138,500 and as low as $23,000, most of Automation QA Tester compensations at present reach between $72,500 (25th percentile) to $104,000 (75th percentile) with top workers (90th percentile) making $124,000 yearly across the United States.
- Tests that should be executed just a single time.
- Tests that should be confirmed with human tact.
- Tests that rush to execute.
- It's not generally suggestible to mechanize tests during the ease of use test.
- Test that takes additional time in mechanizing than in executing physically.
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Exam & Certification
At LearnoVita, You Can Enroll in Either the instructor-led Online Classroom Training or Online Self-Paced Training.
Online Classroom:
- Participate and Complete One batch of Android App Developer Training Course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
- Complete 85% of the Android App Developer Certification course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
Honestly Yes, We Provide 1 Set of Practice test as part of Your Android App Developer Training course. It helps you to prepare for the actual Android App Developer Certification exam. You can try this free Android App Developer Fundamentals Practice Test to Understand the Various type of tests that are Comes Under the Parts of Course Curriculum at LearnoVita.
These are the Four Different Kinds of Certification levels that was Structured under the Oracle’s Android App Developer Certification Path.
- Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
- Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
- Oracle Certified Expert (OCE)
- Oracle Certified Master (OCM)
- Learn About the Certification Paths.
- Write Code Daily This will help you develop Coding Reading and Writing ability.
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- Solve Sample Tests that would help you to Increase the Speed needed for attempting the exam and also helps for Agile Thinking.
Honestly Yes, Please refer to the link This Would Guide you with the Top 20 Interview Questions & Answers for Android App Developer Developers.
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Pranav Srinivas
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- Also, LearnoVita Technical Experts Help's People Who Want to Clear the National Authorized Certificate in Specialized IT Domain.
- LearnoVita is offering you the most updated, relevant, and high-value real-world projects as part of the training program.
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- After completing the projects successfully, your skills will be equal to 6 months of rigorous industry experience.
At LearnoVita you can enroll in either the instructor-led Online Training, Self-Paced Training, Class Room, One to One Training, Fast Track, Customized Training & Online Training Mode. Apart from this, LearnoVita also offers Corporate Training for organizations to UPSKILL their workforce.
LearnoVita Assures You will Never lose any Topics and Modules. You can choose either of the Three options:
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Yes We Provide Lifetime Access for Student’s Portal Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Question After Once You Have Enrolled.
We at LearnoVita believe in giving individual attention to students so that they will be in a position to clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and difficult topics and Can Access more information and Richer Understanding through teacher and other students' body language and voice. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Android App Developer batch to 5 or 6 members
Learning Android App Developer can help open up many opportunities for your career. It is a GREAT SKILL-SET to have as many developer roles in the job market requires proficiency in Android App Developer. Mastering Android App Developer can help you get started with your career in IT. Companies like Oracle, IBM, Wipro, HP, HCL, DELL, Bosch, Capgemini, Accenture, Mphasis, Paypal, and MindLabs.
The Average Android App Developer Developer salary in India is ₹4,43,568 per annum.
You can contact our support number at +91 93800 99996 / Directly can do by LearnoVita E-commerce payment system Login or directly walk-in to one of the LearnoVita branches in India.
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