Report on stress management techniques LEARNOVITA

Stress Management Tutorial | A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Last updated on 24th Aug 2022, Blog, Tutorials

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Shalini (SR.Manager - PPC )

Shalini is a PPC Specialist who manages internet pay-per-click advertising campaigns, including the strategy, design, implementation, SEO, and analysis of ad performance. She has 11 years of experience in ROAS, CPE, and CPL and their respective domains.

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Report on stress management techniques:

Managing stress is not a one-size-fits-all system.Depending on the type and regularity of stress, stress management regiment will look vastly different from another individual’s.But it’s helpful to have a toolkit of the stress management techniques on hand should I need them.If you need to know how to relax and reduce stress, come to the right place.They will help you:

  • Overcome a stress quickly
  • Reduce stress in a long-term
  • Cope with the stress in different situations, such as at work and in relationships

The stress epidemic:

  • Before jumping in, let’s first take a beat to recognize how stress levels are at an all-time high.
  • According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 67% of Americans report feeling increased stress since the COVID-19 outbreak began.
  • And 78% say the pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life.
  • And this stress is on top of the daily stressors already experienced before.
  • Stressors such as work, health, finances, family, and also relationships.
  • A little bit of stress can be healthy. But chronic stress can negatively affect mental health and physical well-being.
  • The scope of the stress issues is another part of the reason managing stress effectively is so significant.

Why is stress management so important?

It’s normal to face stressful situations in life.Everyday stressors include everything from the daily commute to paying taxes.Stress affects everyone. The important thing is to learn to keep it so that stress levels don’t become overwhelming.

Symptoms of stress:

  • Unexpected mood swings
  • Insomnia or a difficulty staying asleep
  • Constant fatigue
  • Alterations in body mass, including both weight loss and gain
  • Constipation and other digestive issues
  • Focusing difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Depression and anxiety attacks
  • Stress levels rise
  • OCD symptoms that are either new or much more intense
  • Feel the effects of just one or two of them as a buddy struggles with five. Both reactions are very typical, but they need distinct approaches to stress management.
  • Getting enough rest, eating healthily, and working out are three of the most essential things you can do to control your stress levels.
Stress Management

Sleep: Insufficient sleep contributes to a greater HPA axis .That’s why stress management should include improving duration and the quality of sleep. Be sure to block out the blue light (from TVs, phones, and computers) at least 30 minutes before bed .Also try getting blue-light blocking glasses or getting a sleep-inducing red light bulb for bedside lamps .

Diet: Dieting or restricting calories actually increases HPA activation .So if aiming to manage stress be sure to eat enough nutritious food to fuel all the body’s systems.

Exercise: Because exercise improves the demand for energy and cortisol, avoid high-intensity exercise when trying to get the stress under control. Try anything like walking, swimming, or yoga that doesn’t need too much intensity.

Stress Management Skills:

In addition to making sure to do stress management activities, also build up our stress management skills.Here are a few skills that can help to beat stress.

Try meditation: Multiple studies have shown that mediation can decrease cortisol in the context of stressful situations .This suggests that building meditation skills may be helpful for managing stress.Consider checking out Emily Fletcher’s Meditation Masterclass.

Find opportunities to be kind to others: Expressing positivity towards others, for example with compassion, gratitude, and loving-kindness, can buffer us against stress.So determining ways to be kind may indeed be a good stress reducer.

Shift your mindset: When stressed, can view the situation as a challenge that can be handled or a threat that is to be afraid of.The research suggests that viewing a situation as a challenge (and not a threat) reduces a stress ,So try to remember that “You can do this! And you’re stronger than you think!”

Stress Management Techniques:

Changing our minds is just one avenue for stress management.Also practice stress management techniques that can capitalize on the body-mind connection.Here some of science-based stress management techniques to try:

Progressive muscle relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing a group of muscles as they breathe in and quickly releasing tension as they breathe out.Proceed through one set of muscles at a time.For example, start with the hands, then forearms, then biceps, then shoulders, and likewise.Research has shown that a progressive muscle relaxation can lower the cortisol ,so it may be a helpful technique to try.

Breathing exercises: One effective way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest system) is with deep breathing.For example, cycling slow breathing (2-4 breaths per minute) then fast (30 breaths per minute), then ending with 3 long “Om”s, can deduce anxiety .Breathing techniques like this and others can help to turn off the stress response.

Cold water dunk: Another way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system is by submerging our bodies into cold water .So, if feeling stressed, jump in a cold shower or pool to tamp down the stress.

3 risks associated with excessive stress:

Excessive stress is associated with poor physical and mental fitness. One study even found that stress can be as bad as smoking five cigarettes per day.Let’s take a closer look at three of the major risks associated with stress.

1. Burnout: Burnout is a result of the prolonged stress.According to Gallup, 8 out of 10 employees experience burnout at least some of the time.But while I tend to associate burnout with work, it can also be caused by other extended stressful situations, such as caring for an elderly parent.

2. High blood pressure and heart disease: According to the American Heart Association, stress can have serious long-term health consequences. When the stress response activates, the heart rate is higher than normal.This increase is not an issue if it only lasts a short time.But when stress dominates everyday life, it can put pressure on the heart.

3. Poor physical health: Being in a state of fight or flight reduces a body’s capacity to function properly. It detracts vital energy from the processes and systems, such as the digestive and reproductive systems. It can also affect an endocrine system, which is responsible for hormonal health.This can make imbalances in a body that lead to the health problems and disease.

Understand the expectations: Knowing job expectations is fundamental for fulfilling the role at work.Being unsure of the needs can cause stress. Ask for clarification from a supervisor whenever you need it.

Avoid multitasking4 ways to deal with stress at home:


Home should be a sanctuary. But they can actually be one of the most significant sources of stress in their lives. Here are four ways to reduce a stress at home:

1. Speak up for yourself: If you feel that someone in a home is mistreating you, speak up for yourself.Let them know how their behavior is affecting you.Communicating the problem will help to find a solution and reduce stress.

2. Take action: If you are stressed about the problem, the best strategy is to look for a way to solve it. This solution will deduce the stress the problem is causing.

3. Get organized: If the outer world is chaotic, it can create disorder in the mind and make us feel more stressed.Having a clean and tidy home helps to maintain mental balance and reduce stress by giving us a sense of control over our lives.

4. Create your own space: If possible, find a space in a home where you can be alone and dedicate time .

ways to deal with stress quickly:

Sometimes you need to find a way to reduce your stress levels quickly. Keep these 4 stress management techniques in the back pocket for the next time to face a stressful situation:

1. Take a walk: Exercise of any type can be an effective stress reliever. Taking a short walk has the advantage of removing from the source of stress — whether that’s a demanding boss solvedThis simple act allows one to clear his head, calm down, and approach the situation from a variety of perspectives.

2. Breathe deeply: Taking a few deep breaths can help instantly relieve stress.Make sure that you breathe into the belly as shallow breathing signals to the body that the stress response is still too required.

3. Use aromatherapy: Research suggests that certain scents — such as those found in essential oils — can reduce the levels of stress hormones in the bodies.

Stress Management for Work:

For many of us, work is the most stressful thing in our lives . It involves more demands, difficult co-workers, financial fears, and more.So how do I manage the stress associated with the work?. The skills can include:

Interpersonal communication: How we communicate with people is so important for how we get along with them, how we get what we need from them, and how stressful it is to be around them.So building communication skills is probably one of the most important stress management techniques in the workplace.

Negotiating boundaries: One of the challenges of work is that employers want to get the most out of us, but we only have so much to give without becoming exhausted or burnout. Learning to negotiate what we are and are not willing to do is needed to maintain a lower stress workplace.

Positive social interactions: One of the absolute best ways to de-stress and thrive is to have positive social connections with others.Create some positive connections with the others at work, they can help buffer the negative effects of the stressful workplace.

Books for Stress Management:

There are lots of people who have devoted the careers to stress and learning to manage it.Here are few of the most popular stress management books:

The Stress-Proof Brain: Learn how to master emotional response by using mindfulness and neuroplasticity.

The Relaxation and Stress Workbook: Get a bunch of exercises, practices, and techniques for overcoming stress.

Burnout: A great book for understanding the science behind what leads us to burnout and how to recover.

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