What is colspan and rowspan LEARNOVITA

Creating HTML Table Tutorial | Ultimate Guide to Learn

Last updated on 11th Aug 2022, Blog, Tutorials

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Hajpal Singh (Javascript HTML developer )

Hajpal Singh is The Javascript HTML developer, He is Expert in HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, User Interface Design, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK Stack, Cassandra, OOA & D, SOA, Agile/Scrum environment.His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain.

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Introduction :

The rowspan and colspan are <'td'> tag attributes.These are used to denote the number of rows or columns a cell should span.The rowspan attribute is for rows likewise the colspan attribute is for columns.These attributes had numeric values, for example, colspan=3 will span three columns.

What is a Rowspan?:

In HTML, the rowspan element indicates how many rows a cell should span.That is if a row spans two rows, that means it will take up the space of two rows in that table.It allows the one table cell to span the height of more than one cell or row.

  • <"html">
  • <"body" >
  • <"table border=1 ">
  • <"tr">
  • <"td">
  • First Cell
  • <"/td">
  • <"td rowspan=2 ">
  • Merged
  • <"/td">
  • <"/tr">
  • <"tr">
  • <"td valign=middle">
  • Third Cell
  • <"/td">
  • <"/tr">
  • <"/table">
  • <"/body">
  • <"/html">

What is the Colspan in HTML?

The colspan attribute in HTML denotes the number of columns a cell should span. It allows the one table cell to span the width of more than one cell or column. It offers the same functionality as “merge cell” in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

  • <"html">
  • <"body ">
  • <"table border=1 ">
  • <"tr">
  • <"td colspan=2" >
  • “Merged”
  • <"/td">
  • <"/tr">
  • <"tr">
  • <"td">
  • “Third Cell”
  • <"/td">
  • <"td">
  • “Forth Cell”
  • <"/td">
  • <"/tr">
  • <"/table">
  • <"/body">
  • <"/html">

Usage: It can be used with <"td"> and <"th"> elements in the HTML Table.

Attribute Values:

It contains a value i.e number:

<"td">:The rowspan attribute when used with <"td"> tag finds the number of standard cells it spans.


  • <"td rowspan = "value"">table content…<"/td">

The value denotes the number of rows that the cell fills.The value must be an integer.

<"th">: The rowspan attribute when used with <"th> tag finds the number of header cells it should span.


  • <"th rowspan = "value"">table content…<"/th">

The value denotes the number of rows that the cell fills.The value must be an integer.

Supported Browsers:

The browser supported by rowspan attribute are below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

Rowspan attribute for TD and TH:

What is a Rowspan

The specification states are:

rowspan = number [CN]This attribute specifies the number of rows spanned by the current cell. TheThe constant value of the attribute is one (“1”). The value zero (“0”) means thecell spans all rows from current row to the last row of the table section(THEAD, TBODY, or TFOOT) in which the cell is explained.The test case states:Check the functionality of the rowspan attribute for TD and TH.Table code:

  • <"table border="1">
  • <"tr><"td>row 1<"/td><"td>default<"/td><"td rowspan="0">zero<"/td>
  • <"td rowspan="1">one<"/td><"td rowspan="2">two<"/td>
  • <"td rowspan="3">three<"/td><"/tr>
  • <"tr><"td>row 2<"/td><"/tr>
  • <"tr><"td>row 3<"/td><"/tr>
  • <"/table>
  • <"table border="1">
  • <"tr><"th>row 1<"/th><
  • “th>default<"/th><"th rowspan="0">zero<"/th>
  • <"th rowspan="1">one<"/th><"th rowspan="2">two<"/th>
  • <"th rowspan="3">three<"/th><"/tr>
  • <"tr><"th>row 2<"/th><"/tr>
  • <"tr><"th>row 3<"/th><"/tr>
  • <"/table>

Expected results:The third column (<"td rowspan="0"">zero<"/td">, <"th rowspan="0"">zero<"/th">) should span all three rows.Actual results for all document modes .The third column spans only one row.


The value of the rowspan attribute for the table cell is fixed to 0 (zero).A value of zero implies that the table cell (TD or TH) should span all rows.

HTML DOM TableData rowSpan Property:

It returns and changes the value of the rowspan attribute of a table in an HTML document.


Following is the syntax −

1. Returning rowSpan: object.rowSpan

2. Adding rowSpan: object.rowSpan = “number”

HTML DOM TableData colSpan Property:

It returns and changes the value of the colspan attribute of a table in an HTML document.


Following is the syntax −

1. Returning colSpan: object.colSpan

2. Adding colSpan: object.colSpan = “number”

how to add rowspan


  • <"th"> — table header — A header cell in a <"table">.
  • <"td"> — table data — A data cell in a <"table">.

What does colspan= do?: Allows an individual table cell to span the width of more than one cell or column.

What does rowspan= do?: Allows individual table cells to span the height of more than one cell or row.

Why use colspan= or rowspan=?

  • It made sense for a cell to span multiple columns or multiple rows.
  • This may be used for a header cell that titles a group of columns, or a side-bar that groups rows of entries.
  • colspan= and rowspan= are attributes of the two table-cell elements, <"th"> and <"td">.
  • They offer the same functionality as “merge cell” in spreadsheet programs like Excel.
  • The value of either attribute must be a positive integer or (a whole number).
  • The value denotes the number of columns or rows that the cell fills.

Colspan and Rowspan:

A table is divided into rows and every row is divided into cells.Sometimes we need the Table Cells span across (or merged) more than one column or row.In those situations we can use Colspan or Rowspan attributes.

What are the elements of a table?

It contains columns and rows.In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column are intersect.

Difference between Colspan and Rowspan?

Colspan is used to merge two or more cells horizontally.And rowspan is used to merge two or more cells vertically.In html rowspan and colspan is an attribute of table tag which is used when we require to merge more than one row and more than one column .

What is a table in HTML?

  • The <"table"> tag defines an HTML table. Each table row is defined with atag.
  • Each table data/cell is defined with a tag.
  • By default, the text in elements are bold and centered.
  • By default, the text in elements are the regular and left-aligned.

How do I create a table of contents in HTML?

How to Auto-generated Table of Contents with HTML Slots:

    1. 1. Create the HTML.
    2. 2. The HTML source code for the TOC (table of contents) will be inside the tag.
    3. 3. Number to headings.
    4. 4. Insert the TOC into the document.
    5. 5. Add the hyperlinks.

Advantages of tables?

  • Tables provide rapid and efficient readability across issues in rows and columns.
  • They can serve as a general means for benefit-risk communications because of their simple structure, flexibility and the ease with which they can be adapted.

Disadvantages of tables?

  • Only squeeze in a small number of columns before the table width causes horizontal scrolling on small screens.
  • Making columns narrow to prevent horizontal scrolling will reduce readability of text in cells, as a paragraph is stacked into one or two words per line.
  • Page size has increased .

Can use TR inside TR?

  • Cannot put tr inside td.
  • Allowed content from MDN web documentation about td .
  • The relevant data is in the permitted content section.
  • Another way to solve this is by using colspan and rowspan .

What is an EM element?

  • The em element denotes text with stress emphasis.
  • The position of this element in a sentence and words it is wrapping are important for the interpretation of its meaning.
  • The em element offers emphasis to the text it wraps.
  • To give more importance to a piece of text use the strong element.

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