Oracle BPM Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 07th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question
If you’re looking for Oracle BPM Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at right place. There are lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Oracle BPM has a market share of about 5.5%. So, You still have opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle BPM Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle BPM Interview Questions 2020 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Oracle BPM Developer.
1. How to initiate the process in BPM11g / How to initiate OBPM process in 11G?
Four ways:
- Human Activity (Initiator).
- Message wait.
- Timer.
- Signal.
2. How can I achieve presentation in OBPM 11g?
In OBPM 10g presentation available , but In OBPM 11g Oracle came up with ADF ( Application Development Framework ) so we can create rich applications ( In simple term View MVC pattern ).
3. How can I see my BPM application in the workspace ? any global activity present to Initiate process ?
After you deploy BPM Application in web-logic domain, you are able to see only your BPM project name in workspace, as per my knowledge no global creation present in OBPM 11g .
- Definition: Business Process Management
- Description:
It is a methodology that provides the management team and the organization as whole with a clear perspective on how the work is actually performed. Most management teams believe that their organizations are process oriented, and they understand how their products or services are delivered to their customers. The reality is that they don’t really understand how the work is actually performed
4. What Does BPM Provide?
BPM provides a shared understanding of the key business processes, their linkages, and their dependencies. It enables management to understand how work is performed across the organization to deliver value to customers and determine the correct skill sets required for employees, the appropriate technology tools to implement, and the appropriate business rules required for repeatable process execution.
5. What is Level 0, Level 1 backup?
- A level 0 incremental backup, which is the base for subsequent incremental backups, copies all blocks containing data, backing the datafile up into a backup set just as a full backup would. A level 1 incremental backup can be either of the following types:
- A differential backup, which backs up all blocks changed after the most recent incremental backup at level 1 or 0
- A cumulative backup, which backs up all blocks changed after the most recent incremental backup at level 0
6. How do you set up the RMAN tape backups?
Configure channel as SBT_TAPE and use the “ENV” parameter to set the tape configurations.
7.What is the init parameter specify the minimum number of days that Oracle keeps backup information in the control file
- You can use the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME parameter to specify the minimum number of days that Oracle keeps this information in the control file.
8.What is the difference between validate and crosscheck.
The restore … validate and validate backupset commands test whether you can restore backups or copies. You should use:
- restore … validate when you want RMAN to choose which backups or copies should be tested.
- validate backupset when you want to specify which backup sets should be tested.
9. What is a backup set?
RMAN can store backup data in a logical structure called a backup set, which is the smallest unit of an RMAN backup. A backup set contains the data from one or more datafiles, archived redo logs, or control files or server parameter files.
10.What is Channel? How do you enable the parallel backups with RMAN?
Use the ALLOCATE CHANNEL command to manually allocate a channel, which is a connection between RMAN and a database instance. To enable the parallel backups, allocate multiple manual channels in the run block or configure parallelism
11. Outline the steps involved in CANCEL based recovery from the full database from hot backup?
RMAN doesn’t support cancel-based recovery like SQL*plus does.
12. What is Web service?
Ans :Web services are application components, which are self-contained and self-describing and provide services based on the open protocol communication (i.e SOAP UI, HTTP over the net).
13. What is SCA?
Service Component Architecture (SCA) provides a programming model for building applications and systems based on a Service Oriented Architecture. SCA is a model that aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service components and for the access methods which are used to connect them.
14. What is SOA?
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is used to develop Enterprise applications by using a collection of services which communicates each other. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of interoperable services.
15. How do I go about backing up my online redo logs?
Online redo logs should never, ever be included in a backup, regardless of whether that backup is performed hot or cold. The reasons for this are two-fold. First, you physically cannot backup a hot online redo log, and second there is precisely zero need to do so in the first place because an archive redo log is, by definition, a backup copy of a formerly on-line log. There is, however, a more practical reason: backing up the online logs yourself increases the risk that you will lose
16. What are the main benefits of SOA ?
- SOA helps create greater alignment between IT and line of business while generating more flexibility – IT flexibility to support greater business flexibility. Your business processes are changing faster and faster and global competition requires the flexibility that SOA can provide.
- SOA can help you get better reuse out of your existing IT investments as well as the new services you’re developing today. SOA makes integration of your IT investments easier by making use of well-defined interfaces between services. SOA also provides an architectural model for integrating business partners’, customers’ and suppliers’ services into an enterprise’s business processes. This reduces cost and improves customer satisfaction
17. What is SOA and explain its architectural benefits?
SOA is the acronym for Service Oriented Architecture and is useful in developing the integration plugins or services for the integration of different cross-technological or cross-platform applications. SOA architecture has several benefits such as the development of loosely coupled components, easy reconfiguration of the existing services, reusing the existing SOA services without affecting the business functionalities, Ensures Data Confidentiality and Security, Better Maintenance and Flexibility of maintaining the services.
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18. What are the different components involved in the SOA Architecture?
The different components present in the SOA Suite are as below–
- Services
- Process Layer or Orchestration layer
- Access Framework
- Business Activities Monitoring
- Operational Data Stores
- Security
- Management
- Partners, Suppliers, and Customers
19. What are the different types of Services available in SOA?
The different types of Services available in SOA Service-oriented Architecture are SOAP and REST-based which are explained as below :
- SOAP-Based: The SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) based services are exposed as XML (Extensible Markup Language) based message format. These XML messages are generated based on WSDL standards where WSDL is Web Services Description Language used to define the SOAP Web Services Standards.
- REST-Based: The REST based or RESTful based Web Services are exposed as JSON format by using the HTTP communication protocols with different methods such as GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS and TRACE. WADL (Web Application Description Language) describes the REST services similar to that of WSDL. SOAP UI tool or Postman UI tool can be used for testing the SOAP and REST Web Services respectively and SOAP UI can be used for both types.
20. What are the important features of the Oracle Service Bus (OSB) component in SOA Suite?
This is the basic Oracle SOA Interview Question asked in an interview. The key features of the Oracle Service Bus component are as below –
- Multiprotocol Messaging Support
- Message Brokering
- Content-Based Routing
- Service Switching
- Service Bus Security
- Message Security, Identity, Authorization, and Authentication
- Service Discovery
- Resource Cache
- Messaging protocols such as HTTPS, SOAP, SMTP, JMS, FTP, File, MQ, Tux etc.,
- Dynamic Transformation
- Error Handling
- Change Center
21. What are the core features of SOA suite component Oracle Service Bus?
The core features of the Oracle Service Bus component of Oracle SOA Suite are Service Integration, Service, Security, Service Management and Service Composition. The Service Integration features are used for the functionalities such as message brokering, integrating disparate service end-points, and mediating & exposing the services for reusing purposes. Service Security features are used for the functionalities such as service authentication and authorization, message security enforcement, and user identity validation. Service Composition features are used for the functionalities such as configuring message routing logic, service configuration, message transformation, validating and for registry purposes. Service Management features are used for the functionalities such as managing service activities, monitoring and availability purposes.
22. Summary of recommended best practices for deployment of Oracle Service Bus resources.
- Avoid project renames. If projects need to be renamed, do so concurrently across development, QA, stage and production systems before the next deployment.
- Operations on environment specific resources are best filtered out at import time. Administrators may define these resources (referenced in the import file) in the target system before starting the import process. Alternatively, new environment-specific resources may be deployed and customized for the environment after the import.
- Operational resources controlled by the operator should not be impacted by the import. A naming convention or a dedicated folder could be used to identify such resources during import.
- When the customization file contains the customizations of all project resources in a single file, apply customizations only to resources that are imported. An alternative is to preserve environment values on import and only apply customizations to resources that are added during import.
- At export-time, the exporter needs to know if resources have been deleted, renamed, or moved; and if there have been project reorganizations of artifacts since the last export. If yes, complete deployment should be done. If not, the exporter can select only those resources that need to be exported and an incremental deployment can be done.
23. Is Oracle SOA the same as Oracle Fusion Middleware ?
- Oracle Fusion Middleware is a collection of standards-based software products that spans a range of tools and services from J2EE and developer tools, to integration services, business intelligence, collaboration, and content management
- Oracle Fusion Middleware offers complete support for development, deployment, and management
- Oracle SOA Suite is an essential middleware layer of Oracle Fusion Middleware. It provides a complete set of Service Infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications
24. Is Oracle SOA the same as fusion middleware ?
NO, Oracle SOA Suite is a part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware family of software products. Oracle SOA Suite 11g is part of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, and it includes the following components:
- BPEL PM (bpel, Mediator, Rules, B2B, and Human Workflow)
- Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM)
- Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Suite
Oracle Fusion Middleware:
- Oracle Fusion Middleware is a collection of standards-based software products that spans a range of tools and services from J2EE and developer tools, to integration services, business intelligence, collaboration, and content management
- Oracle Fusion Middleware offers complete support for development, deployment, and management
Oracle SOA Suite:
- Oracle SOA Suite is an essential middleware layer of Oracle Fusion Middleware
- It provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications
- Oracle SOA Suite enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business processes
- Composites enable you to easily assemble multiple technology components into one SOA composite application
- Oracle SOA Suite plugs into heterogeneous IT infrastructures and enables enterprises to incrementally adopt SOA
25. What builds up Oracle Fusion Middleware ?
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Application Architecture Integration (AIA)
- Application Development Framework (ADF)
- Business Intelligence (BI)
- Identity Management (OIM)
- Data Integration (ODI)
- WebCenter (UCM)
- Cloud Application Foundation (CAF)
Support for SOA architecture with XML, XSD, XPATH, WSDL, JAVA, J2EE, Forms and
- Webcenter for ADF development,
- Application Server – OC4J and Weblogic
- SOA Suite versions support – 10g and 11g
- AIA and Other Components
26. What are various parts of Oracle SOA Suite ?
- BPEL Process Manager
- Mediator
- Human Workflow
- Business Rules
- Adapters
- Adapters – File, JMS (Queue and Topic), AQ, DB Adapter
- Business Events and Events Delivery Network
- Complex Event Processing
- Oracle ESB/OSB
- Oracle B2B
- Jdeveloper IDE
27. What is MDS – Metadata Store ?
- MDS –Metadata Store
- WSDL and Schemas to be used in the process can be published to the MDS and get it used in the code by referring the artifacts from the MDS
- JAR (Deployment unit) size will be reduced
- Duplication of the artifacts can be avoided between the services
28. Why do we use Web service Managers ?
Administration and Management of Web Services like Policy Management and Security of web service
29. Explain Pipeline pairs.
- Pipeline pairs are request and response pipelines. The request pipeline definition specifies the actions that Oracle Service Bus performs on request messages to the proxy service before invoking a business service or another proxy service. The response pipeline definition specifies the processing that Oracle Service Bus performs on responses from the business or proxy service that the proxy service invokes before returning a response to a client.
- Each pipeline consists of a sequence of stages, each stage containing actions. However, a single service-level request pipeline might optionally branch out into operational pipelines (you can configure one default operational pipeline at most one per operation). The determination of the operation is done through user-selected criteria. The response processing starts with the relevant operation pipeline which then joins into a single service-level response pipeline.
30. What is a Customization File?
- Customization files are XML files and you can open these files in any editor and substitute the required environment values. In addition, you can search for specific environment values (that are not complex XML types) in Oracle Service Bus Console or in a customization file and replace them with the new values. You can fine-tune the scope of the search by filtering these environment values based on variable type or project.
- An Administrator uses customization files to make changes to environment values as well as to change references within resources. Customization files can include customizations for all the environment values found in the selected resources, including complex environment values types defined inside the EnvValueTypes class. In addition, it includes a reference customization type for changing resource references inside resources with dependencies.
31. How can we secure our web services using Oracle SOA Suite ?
- Authorization
- Authentication
- Transport Level Security
- Application Level Security
32. What are Business Rules components ?
- Provides evaluation of dynamic decisions at run-time
- Support automation of policies, computations and reasoning separating from application code
- Implements condition as IF-THEN structures or as Decision Tables
- OBR provides a way for a BA to change policies that are expressed as business rules, with little or no assistance from a developer
33. What is the main function of Business Rules? (Decision Component/Service) ?
- Business rules are statements that describe business policies or describe key business decisions
- Decides whether the rule has to be applied in the business process execution or not? Is a SCA component within a composite?
- Wired to BPEL Process for rule execution
- Used in mediator component for dynamic routing
- Used for advanced routing in Human Task component
34. What do you understand by SOA and what are the benefits of using this architecture?
SOA stands for Service Oriented Architecture, which can be used to develop Enterprise Applications. Using this architecture, application components will interact with each other using interoperable services by following the communication protocol over the network.
Benefits of using SOA are:
- Components stay loosely coupled and can be reconfigured.
- Business services can be reused.
- Data security & confidentiality.
- Well defined Interfaces.
- Better flexibility and maintenance.
35. What is Oracle SOA Suite and what are its different components?
- Oracle SOA Suite belongs to the Oracle Fusion Middleware group of software products.
- This tool is based on SOA architecture and helps in creating, managing & integrating services with the application components so as to deliver SOA composite application as one unit. This suite consists of five components.
Service components further consist of:
- BPEL Process
- Oracle Mediator
- Human Task Flow
- Decision Services
Binding components include:
- Services
- References
36. Can you explain the difference between architecture followed in 10g & 11g?
Given below are the differences between 10g and 11g:
- SCA architecture is followed in 11g but not in 10g.
- In 11g, all of the SOA components (like BPEL, ESB, etc.), related to the project can be deployed at once as a single unit using a composite.xml file. In 10g, these components need to be deployed individually to the respective servers.
- App server container for 11g is Web Logic Server while for 10g is OC4J.
- In 11g, Enterprise Manager takes care of all SOA components while in 10g separate consoles are maintained for each component.
37. What is the concept of SOA Governance?
SOA governance is introduced to administrate services in a service-oriented architecture.
This governance is required to:
- Create new services when required.
- Update existing services.
- Manage the lifecycle of services.
- Enforce the rules on policies to maintain consistency.
- Monitoring and tuning performance of services.
- Manages user permissions on services.
38. How can a process be deployed in SOA?
A process can be deployed using any of the below options:
- JDeveloper
- EMC(Enterprise Manager Console)
- WebLogic Scripting.
39. What is SCA and how is it useful?
Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a model for building applications and systems using SOA concepts. The composite service has the assembly of different components of the application and these components can be deployed together at once using SCA.
The various specifications of SCA are:
- Assembly Model Specification.
- Binding Specification.
- Components Implementation Specification.
- Policy Framework Specification.
40. How can you achieve loose coupling in the SOA framework?
- Loose coupling can be achieved by abstracting and resolving the differences between different systems so as to provide seamless integration.
- OSB facilitates the same and resolves the issues between service clients and business systems. SOA uses web services as building blocks to accomplish enterprise integration and component re-usage through the loose coupling.
41. Can you differentiate between mediator and OSB?
Mediator can be differentiated from OSB as:
- A mediator is part of a composite application and is used to mediate between the different components within and outside a composite application. While OSB i.e. Oracle Bus Service is a standalone ESB which mediates with heterogeneous clients and services without being a part of them.
- A mediator can be deployed as an SCA component while an OSB cannot.
- For a mediator, development can happen through JDeveloper IDE while for OSB, it can be done using Eclipse IDE or Web Console.
42. Is SOA a part of Oracle Fusion Middleware?
Yes SOA is a part of Oracle Fusion Middleware behaving as a UI within the big Fusion platform.
43. How is choreography different from orchestration?
- Choreography and orchestration, are critical parts of the collaboration layer within service orientation i.e. SOA & BPM.
- During Choreography, systems get integrated without following any business processes. There is no process defined to control the integration and it is done as per the defined sequence of levels.
- In Orchestration, a central process which can be a Web Service itself controls the other web services involved in the integration of systems. This central coordinator will coordinate the execution of various operations of web services involved in the operation and completes the integration.
44. What is IBM BPM?
- BPM – BPM means business process management. There are various tools available to manage, create, organize and optimize the business processes.
- IBM provides a BPM tool called IBM BPM, Which has all the good features of Websphere BPM Lombardi BPM.
45. What is the current version available in the market for IBM BPM?
Version 8.5
46. What is the snapshot in BPM?
Snapshot is as simple as Version management.
47. What is the stand for BPEL?
BPEL: Business Process Execution Language.
48. What is the Rule Set or rule group?
A rule set is a group of if/then statements or rules where the if is the condition and the then is the action of the rule. Rule sets are best suited for those business rules that have very few condition clauses.
49. What is BPC and how can it be useful?
BPC is a Business Process Choreography. It is used for monitoring Process Instance, Process Template and human task Instance, Human task Template.
50. What is an Activity in IBM BPM?
An Activity represents a logical unit of work that can be executed at run time by a Human or System.
51. What are Variables (Business Objects) in IBM BPM?
Business objects are called variables in Team works that represent the data that provides the data that provides the business context to a running process. There are two types of variables -Simple and Complex variables have different scopes- private Input and Output.
52. What are the key components of BPM?
- Process Server
- Process Designer
- Process Center
- Process Center Console
- Performance Data Warehouse
- Process Portal
- Process Admin Console
53. What is a Process in IBM BPM?
A process is like a Program that does work inside Teamworks. It has a starting point and at least one exit point.
54. How will you start BPM from outside?
There are 4 ways:
- Expose as a web service like WSDL and call it from outside and inside the BPM call in Javascript ‘startBPMByProcessName()’.
- BPM API exposes a rest service to start the BPM process.
- Through JMS, we can start the bpm process.
- Through Java API we can start the bpm process.
55. How will you maintain the version in bpm?
We can create a snapshot.
56. What is serialization
Serialization is mainly used to convert the XML to the Teamwork’s Object.When we use web service integration service we will use serialization. The output of web service is XML So, we need to convert it to Team work’s Object.
57. What is sub-process?
- A subprocess represents a collection of logically related steps contained within a parent process. You can view a subprocess as a single activity, providing a simplified, high-level view of the parent process, or you can drill into the subprocess for a more detailed view of its contents.
- Subprocesses can contain swimlanes that are distinct from the parent process. For example, activities in your subprocess can be carried out by a set of participants that is different from the set of participants that carry out the activities in the parent process. Like other activities, subprocesses can be configured to run multiple times within the execution of the parent process by configuring looping behavior on the subprocess activity element in the parent process.
58. Explain the concept of message flow and pipelines in OSB.
In Oracle Service Bus, a message flow is the implementation of a proxy service. You configure the logic for the manipulation of messages using proxy service message flow definitions. This logic includes such activities as transformation, publishing, and reporting, which are implemented as individual actions within the stages of a pipeline. Pipelines are one-way processing paths that include no branching. A pipeline is a named sequence of stages containing actions, representing a non-branching one-way processing path. It is used to specify the message flow for service requests and responses. A stage is a user-configured processing step. Messages fed into the pipelines are accompanied by a set of message context variables that contain the message contents. They can be accessed or modified by actions in the pipeline stages.
59. What is A Coach?
Coaching is a Human activity in BPM Lombardi. When we build human service We usually include Coaches. Which provides the interface for the end-user interaction.
60. What has changed in coaches in IBM BPM V8?
Coach views are a major addition. Improved error handling, and termination handling. Content Management integration, and other bug fixes
61. How will you access processes in BPM?
You can Start, Stop, Control and Monitor Processes using Process Portal.
62. Which approach between top-down and bottom-up methodologies best fits with a SOA in regards to Service identification?
- SOA is an architectural style. And building architecture is a Top-Down process and not Bottom-Up. The most compelling reason for saying that Web Services are not SOA is that they are technical stuff, often built with a Bottom-Up approach. Building a Bottom-UP SOA is a wrong approach and might lead to an architecture with a lot of redundancy or maybe no architecture at all.
- However, the result of building SOA only Top-Down could be perceptual Architecture building with no runtime artifacts, so some SOA efforts should be Bottom-Up efforts. To sum up: Initially SOA is a Top-Down approach but pragmatic approach requires mixing Top-Down approach with Bottom-Up approach.
63. How can you achieve loose coupling in a SOA?
- One strategy for achieving loose coupling is to use the service interface (the WSDL for a SOAP Web Service) to limit this dependency, hiding the service implementation from the consumer. Loose coupling can be addressed by encapsulating the service functionalities in a manner that limits the impact of changes to the implementation on the service interface.
- However, at some point you will need to change the interface and manage versioning without impacting service consumers, in addition to managing multiple security constraints, multiple transports, and other considerations.
64. What are the common pitfalls of SOA?
- One of the most common pitfalls is to view SOA as an end, rather than a means to an end. Developers who focus on building an SOA solution rather than solving a specific business problem are more likely to create complex, unmanageable, and unnecessary interconnections between IT resources.
- Another common pitfall is to try to solve multiple problems at once, rather than solving small pieces of the problem. Taking a top-down approach—starting with major organization-wide infrastructure investments—often fails either to show results in a relevant timeframe or to offer a compelling return on investment.
65. What is the most important skill needed to adopt SOA ?technical or cultural?
- Surely cultural. SOA does require people to think of business and technology differently. Instead of thinking of technology first (e.g., If we implement this system, what kinds of things can we do with it?), practitioners must first think in terms of business functions, or services (e.g., My company does these business functions, so how can I set up my IT system to do those things for me most efficiently?).
- It is expected that adoption of SOA will change business IT departments, creating service-oriented (instead of technology-oriented) IT organizations.
66. What is global in the DRL file?
- Global is the keyword used in drools to define a global variable. Global variable is the one which will be visible to all the rules inside a DRL file.
- Globals must be used very carefully in a DRL file, since the changes in a global variable are not notified to the working memory. For example, you are using a list variable as a global and in any rule you are adding a value in a list and in one particular rule, you are checking if list size() > 0, then in this case rule may not fire. Global variables can be used for any type of object.
67. Where to use global variables?
Consider a scenario, where in the rules there is a requirement for a database connection object. In this case, the DB Connection object can be inserted as a global variable in the working memory and the connection object will be visible to all the rules in that DRL file.
68. What is Business Process Management (BPM)?
BPM is an automation of processes that exists in anorganisation.There are challenges that can be more efficiently handled through different technologies usingBPM. Ex: webMethods technology(using Designer).
Through BPM an organisation can
- Monitor its working efficiency in rendering services to
- the customers.
- Identify the areas that need to be modified/improvised.
- easily address the problem areas.
69. What is Proxy Service ?
It is exposed to the calling applications or services. Proxy services are Oracle Service Bus definitions of intermediary Web services that Oracle Service Bus implements locally on WebLogic Server.
70. What is Business Service?
It connects to the EIS layer. Business services are Oracle Service Bus definitions of the enterprise services that exchange messages during business processes.
71. What is the EAI architecture OSB follows ?
OSB follows the BUS architecture in EAI.
72. What does it mean by VETRO concept?
VETRO stands for
V – Virtualisation
E – Enrichment
T – Transform
R – Route
O – Operate
73. Can we expose any Business Service to external clients or subscribers?
No, we cannot expose Business Services to external clients or subscribers. We need Proxy Services to expose ourselves to the external world.
74. Can we have Proxy Services without Business Services?
Yes we can have Proxy Services without Business Services , but that will be just a dummy service. The EIS layer cannot be connected using that Proxy Service.
75. What is the message flow in Proxy Services ?
Message flow in OSB is the most important part. It defines the request message flow from Start Node to Route activity and also defines the response message flow from Route to Start Node. It contains Pipeline Pairs, Branch Nodes, Route Nodes , Stages, Actions etc.
76. What are stages ?
Stages are OSB Message Flow components to contain the actions.
77. How can we connect to Database from OSB?
We need to first create one JCA based DB adapter to connect to the database. Then we need to create that JCA based Business Service. We need to call that Business Service to perform database operations.
78. Is there any other way to connect to Database without using JCA adapters?
Yes we can use the XQuery execute-sql() function to connect to the database. But it is better to use JCA adapters.
79. How can we achieve parallel processing in OSB?
SPLIT JOINS are meant for parallel processing. So we need to implement Split – Join resources to achieve parallel processing.
80. What are the transformation resources available in OSB?
In OSB we can use XQuery or XSLT for transforming messages.
81. How to poll files in OSB?
The proxy service should be using file transport, and also define the required components like File Mask,Polling Interval, Read Limit, Post Read Action etc.
82. Can we achieve REST implementation in OSB?
Yes we can achieve REST service implementation in OSB. It can be implemented using Branch Nodes.
83. What is a Pipeline Error Handler?
Pipeline Error Handlers are used to handle the errors occurred in Request or Response Pipeline.
84. What is Oracle Service Bus (OSB)?
- Oracle Service Bus allows you to manage Web services and deliver authentic message brokering through the configuration of proxy services in the Oracle Service Bus design-time environment. Oracle Service Bus manages the routing and transformation of messages in an enterprise system to promote seamless application integration.
- Oracle Service Bus is a market-leading enterprise service bus built from the ground up for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) life cycle management. It provides foundation capabilities for service discovery and intermediation, rapid service provisioning and deployment, and governance. This service-infrastructure software adheres to the SOA principles of building coarse-grained, loosely coupled, and standards-based services, creating a neutral container in which business functions may connect service consumers and back-end business services, regardless of underlying infrastructure.
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