Apache Solr Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 05th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question
Apache Solr is a complete text-only platform that works as a search engine for various websites that basically used formats like HTTP and XML. Many organizations are in search of candidates that have immense knowledge along with adequate hands-on-training in this field. If you are looking for advancement in your career then the following Apache Solr Interview Questions will help you get an overview as well as prepare for the interview to land you the favorite job.
1.What Is Apache Solr?
Apache Solr is a standalone complete-textual content search platform to carry out searches on multiple web sites and index files the usage of XML and HTTP. Built on a Java Library referred to as Lucence, Solr supports a wealthy schema specification for a wide range and offers flexibility in handling exceptional report fields. It additionally consists of an extensive search plugin API for developing custom seek conduct.
2.What File Contains Configuration For Data Directory?
Solrconfig.Xml file includes configuration for facts listing.
3.What File Contains Definition Of The Field Types And Fields Of Documents?
schema.Xml record contains definition of the sector kinds and fields of files.
4.What Are The Features Of Apache Solr?
- Allows Scalable, high overall performance indexing Near real-time indexing.
- Standards-based open interfaces like XML, JSON and HTTP.
- Flexible and adaptable faceting.
- Advanced and Accurate complete-textual content seek.
- Linearly scalable, automobile index replication, car failover and recovery.
- Allows concurrent looking and updating.
- Comprehensive HTML administration interfaces.
- Provides cross-platform answers which are index-compatibleFind out how Apache Solr works perfectly with Hadoop in this blog put up.
5.What Is Apache Lucene?
Supported via Apache Software Foundation, Apache Lucene is a free, open-source, excessive-overall performance textual content seek engine library written in Java via Doug Cutting. Lucence helps complete-featured searching, highlighting, indexing and spellchecking of files in various formats like MS Office docs, HTML, PDF, textual content docs and others.
6.What Is Request Handler?
When a user runs a search in Solr, the hunt question is processed by using a request handler. SolrRequestHandler is a Solr Plugin, which illustrates the good judgment to be finished for any request.Solrconfig.Xml report comprises numerous handlers (containing a number of times of the same SolrRequestHandler magnificence having exceptional configurations).
7.What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Standard Query Parser?
Also known as Lucence Parser, the Solr popular question parser enables customers to specify unique queries through a robust syntax. However, the parser’s syntax is liable to many syntax mistakes in contrast to other mistakes-free query parsers like DisMax parser.
8.What Is The Use Of Field Type?
Field kind defines how Solr might interpret facts in a area and the way that area can be queried.
9.What All Information Is Specified In Field Type?
A field type includes 4 styles of statistics:
- Name of field type.
- Field attributes.
- An implementation class call.
- If the sector kind is Text Field , a description of the sphere analysis for the sphere kind.
10.Explain Faceting In Solr.?
As the call shows, Faceting is the association and categorization of all search effects primarily based on their index terms. The manner of faceting makes the searching task smoother as users can search for the exact results.
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11.Define Dynamic Fields?
Dynamic Fields are a useful characteristic if customers with the aid of any threat neglect to outline one or extra fields. They allow outstanding flexibility to index fields that have now not been explicitly defined within the schema.
12.What Is Field Analyzer?
Working with textual facts in Solr, Field Analyzer evaluations and tests the filed text and generates a token flow. The pre-system of analyzing of enter text is completed on the time of looking or indexing and at query time. Most Solr packages use Custom Analyzers described via users. Remember, each Analyzer has only one Tokenizer.
13.What Is The Use Of Tokenizer?
It is used to split a flow of textual content into a sequence of tokens, where each token is a subsequence of characters inside the text. The token produced are then passed through Token Filters that can add, cast off or replace the tokens. Later,that area is listed with the aid of the ensuing token movement.
14.What Is Phonetic Filter?
Phonetic clear out creates tokens the usage of one of the phonetic encoding algorithms in the org.Apache.Commons.Codec.Language package.
15.What Is Solrcloud?
Apache Solr allows fault-tolerant, high-scalable looking talents that permit customers to set up a notably-available cluster of Solr servers. These competencies are properly revered as SolrCloud.
16.What Is Copying Field?
It is used to describe the way to populate fields with records copied from some other area.
17.What Is Highlighting?
Highlighting refers back to the fragmentation of documents matching the consumer’s question blanketed in the query response. These fragments are then highlighted and positioned in a unique section, which is used by customers and users to give the snippets. Solr includes some of highlighting utilities having control over unique fields. The highlighting utilities may be known as through Request Handlers and reused with fashionable question parsers.
18.Name Different Types Of Highlighters?
There are three highlighters in Solr:
Standard Highlighter :
gives specific matches even for superior queryparsers.
FastVector Highlighter :
Though less advanced than Standard Highlighter, it works better for extra languages and helps Unicode breakiterators.
Postings Highlighter :
Much greater particular, efficient and compact than the above vector one however irrelevant for a extra range of query terms.
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19.What Is The Use Of Stats.Area?
It is used to generate information over the consequences of arbitrary numeric functions.
20.What Command Is Used To See How To Use The Bin/solr Script?
- Execute $ bin/Solr –helpto see the way to use the bin/Solr script.
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21.Which Syntax Is Used To Stop Solr?
- $ bin/solr stop -p 8983 is used to stop Solr.
22.Which Command Is Used To Start Solr In Foreground?
- $ bin/solr start –f is used to begin Solr in foreground.
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23.What Syntax Is Used To Check Whether Solr Is Currently Running Or Not?
- $ bin/solr status is used to test Solr running status.
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24.Give The Syntax To Start The Server.?
- $ bin/solr start is used to start the server.
25.How To Shut Down Apache Solr?
Solr is shut down from the equal terminal where it become released. Click Ctrl+C to close it down.
26.What Data Is Specified By Schema?
Schema announces:
- the way to index and search every field?
- What styles of fields are available?
- What fields are required?
- What field ought to be used as the specific/number one key?
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27.Name The Basic Field Types In Solr?
- 1.date.
- 2.Lengthy
- 3.double
- 4.textual content
- 5.waft
28.How To Install Solr?
The three steps of Installation are:
- Server-associated documents, e.G. Tomcat or begin.Jar (Jetty).
- Solr webapp as a .War.
- Solr Home which accommodates the statistics listing and configuration files.
29.What Are The Important Configuration Files Of Solr?
Solr supports important configuration documents:
- 1.solrconfig.Xml.
- 2.Schema.Xml
30.What Are The Most Common Elements In Solrconfig.Xml?
- Search additives
- Cache parameters
- Data listing area
- Request handlers
31.Please Explain what is Apache Solr?
Apache Solr is the server that is Open source basically used for the construct search applications.
It is released very recently on 29 December 2019, developer of Apache Solr is Apache Software Foundation.Some operations which are performed by the Apache Solr are:- indexing, querying, mapping, ranking the outcome.
Apache Solr has the following important features:-
- Faceted Search and Filtering
- Batch and Streaming processing
- Allows you to perform a multilingual Keyword search
- Automatic Load Balancing
- Comprehensive HTML Admiration Interfaces
- Recommendations & Spell Suggestions are supported
32.Enlist some advantage of Apache Solr?
Apache Solr seems to be focused on E-commerce. Advantages of Apache Solr is XML, HTTP, real-time indexing, auto failover, auto-recovery, flexible with XML configuration.
Applications of Apache Solr are:-
- DuckDuckGo
- Replace fast or Google search
- Drupal integration
- Loggly
- Future
- Auto suggestions
33.Explain the internal architecture of Apache solr?
The architecture of the Apache Solr contains the following components.
Request Handler-
It handles all the requests sent to the Apache Solr. These requests are mainly queries sent to request or update.
Search Component-
This is the search component for doing spell checking, query, hit highlighting, faceting, etc.
Query Parser-
This component verifies the queries for syntactical errors.
Response Writer-
This component generates the required formatted output for the user queries.
It examines the text fields and generates a token stream.
Update Request Processor-
This is a set of plugins that includes signature, logging, and indexing. All the update requests are sent to this item, and modifications are performed on it such as dropping, adding a field, etc.
34.List few difference between Apache Solr and Lucene?
Apache Solr is a standalone predefined web app which follows Lucene. While Lucene is a low-level library of JAVA that is used for implementing searching, indexing, etc.
Functions of Solr are:-
- Hit highlighting
- Replication
- Web administration interface
- Caching
- Faceted Search and Filtering etc
Functions of Lucene are:-
- Scalable
- High-Performance
- Indexing
- Powerful
- Accurate
- Efficient Search Algorithm
- Cross-Platform Solution
35.List few difference between Apache Solr and Apache Drill?
Few differences between Apache Solr and Apache Drill are:-
- Apache drill is an RDBMS while Solr is a search engine.
- Both are open source.
- Apache drill supports only C++ while Solr supports .Net, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.
- Apache Drill is a free SQL Query engine while solr is a widely used search engine based on Apache Lucene.
36.Do we need different server to run Solr?
Yes however we don’t need any different server when you want to run Solr at the local level & you can run it very easily if someone not required high availability.
In different cases, the no. of servers are also different, like if you want to improve the response time bit required. For bit more servers required.
37.What do you understand by the term Apache Lucene?
Sponsored by Apache Software Foundation, Apache Lucene is an open – source, free and superior content internet search engine library written in Java by Doug Cutting. Lucence encourages fully included highlighting, spellchecking and numbering of archives in different configurations like MS Office files, HTML, PDF and so many more
38.Describe the term Request Handler ?
A Request Handler is basically a plugin, which handles approaching solicitations with a specific goal in mind. At the point when a client runs a search in Solr, a request handler prepares the inquiry question. SolrRequestHandler is the Solr Plugin that represents the logic to be performed at any request.
39.How can one utilize Apache Solr for achieving maximum potential for performance?
Solr can accomplish quick inquiry reactions in light of the fact that, rather than looking through the content legitimately, it looks through a record. This resembles recovering pages in a book identified with a catchphrase by checking the file at the back of a book, rather than looking through each expression of each page of the book
40.List and describe the various building blocks of Apache Solr ?
The chief building blocks associated with Apache Solr include the following:
- Request Handler: A request handler is used in order to process various queries that might be related to updating or other features. Based on the requirement of the user, from a variety of request handlers, the most appropriate one can be picked to do the job.
- Search Component: Search Component is a special feature that allows searching for different facilities within Apache Solr. These facilities might include spell checks, faceting, highlighting, etc. that might be particularly required by the user.
- Query Parser: This building block of Apache Solr helps in the verification of different queries for specific syntactical errors. Once the error has been resolved then it is modified to a format that is acceptable by Lucene
- Response Writer: Response Writer in Apache Solr generates various outputs of different formats for each query place by the user. Numerous formats supported by Apache Solr include JSON, XML, CSV, and so on. Each type of response has a different response writer assigned to it.
- Analyzer/Tokenizer: Data is recognized by data in the format of tokens. These token that is analyzed and segregated to different contents by Apache Solr is then passed onto Lucene. The role of the Tokenizer is to then break the stream of tokens that is organized by the analyzer as tokens.
- Update Request Processor: When an update is sent as an appeal to Apache Solr, then this particular request is run via a range of different plugins that are jointly named as update request processor.
41.List the different types of Fields that are used in Apache Solr ?
The different type of Fields used in Apache Solr include the following:
- date
- double
- float
- long
- text
42.List the various categories of query parameters used in Apache Solr ?
The various categories of query parameters used in Apache Solr include the following:
- fl: stipulates the list of various fields that are required to be returned to each document within the result
- fq: represents a set of filter queries that are filled by Apache Solr within strict bounds for the best result to be obtained for various documents
- rows: represents the exact number of various documents that need to be recovered per page; the default number is 10
- start: represents the initial offset for a particular page, the default number is 0
- sort: indicates the rundown of fields isolated by commas, in light of which the aftereffects of the question is to be arranged
- q: this is the fundamental inquiry parameter of Apache Solr, the archives are scored by their closeness to terms in this parameter
- wt: represents the kind of the reaction the user needs to see the outcome
43.List the various configuration files used by Apache Solr ?
The various configuration files used by Apache Solr include the following:
- Solr.xml – This record is in $SOLR_HOME index and is composed of Solr Cloud related data.
- Schema.xml – It constitutes the entire schema.
- Solrconfig.xml – It incorporates the definitions and center explicit setups identified with solicitation taking care of and reaction organizing.
- Core.properties – This record contains the arrangements explicit profoundly.
44.What do you understand by the term Apache Solr core?
Apache Solr Core is a functioning occurrence of a Lucene list that is composed of all the Solr arrangement records. Solr core should be made to perform activities like analyzing and recording. Solr application may contain one or different centers. On the off chance that core might require two centers in a Solr application have the leverage to communicate with one another.
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