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A Deep Dive into Android Services | A Complete Guide For Beginners

Last updated on 11th Jan 2023, Artciles, Blog

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Loganathan (Mulesoft Developer )

Loganathan has expertise in Salesforce, File, Database, JMS, SMTP, Apache Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic & JBoss, Mule ESB, XML, SOAP, REST, XSLT, CI/CD, Docker, Jenkins, BitBucket. he is certified professionals with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain.

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    • In this article you will learn:
    • 1.Introduction to Android service.
    • 2.Android Tools.
    • 3.The Life Cycle of Android Services.
    • 4.Types of Android service.
    • 5.Fundamentals of Android Services.
    • 6.Benefits of Android Services.
    • 7.Conclusion.

Introduction to Android service:

The service is part of the application that can perform tasks that last longer. It does not provide the user interface. Once started, service may continue to run for period of a time, even after the user has switched to the another application. Additionally, component can bind to service to interact with it and even make an interprocess communication (IPC). For example, service can manage network activity, play music, create an O file, or collaborate with the content provider, all in the background.

Android Tools:

Android developer tools allow to create interactive and powerful apps for android platform. Tools can usually be divided into the two types:

  • SDK tools.
  • Platform tools.

SDK tools:

SDK tools are commonly independent and are need no matter which android platform are working on. When install Android SDK on a system, these tools are installed automatically. A list of a SDK tools is provided:

Android- This tool allows to manage AVDs, projects, and installed the SDK components.

Dzm- This tool allows to fix an Android apps error.

Draw 9-Patch- This tool allows to easily made a NinePatch image using a WYSIWYG editor.

Emulator- These tools allow to test the apps without using mobile device.

Mksdcard- Helps to create a disk image (sdcard external storage) that can use with the template.

Guard- Reduce, enhance, and complicate the code by deleting unused code.

Sqlite3- Allows to access SQLite data files created and used by a Android applications.

Tracking- Provides viewer with an images of activity logs saved by the application.

Abb- Android Debug Bridge (adb) is the multi-functional command line tool that allows to connect to a simulation example or power-connected Android device.


  • Manage an Android Visible Devices (AVD).
  • Create and update the Android projects.
  • Update the sdk with new platform additions and documents.
  • Android [world options] action [action options].


  • DDMS represents a Dalvik debug monitor server, which provides a multiple services to the device. The service may include the message formatting, call manipulation, screenshot scanning, internal networking and also file systems, etc.
  • It uses a DDMS. From t an Android studio click a Tools> Android>a Android device Monitor.
  • On android, every program works with its own process and every process is run on a virtual machine. Each VM produces a complex hole, an error fixer to which can attach.
  • When a DDMS starts, it connects to adb. When the device is connected, a VM monitoring service is built between the adb and DDMS, which notifies DDMS when VM on the device is started or be disconnected.
Android Services

The Life Cycle of Android Services:

For android apps have a 2 possible ways to end its life cycle namely Launched and Restricted:

1. Activated Service (Unlimited Service):

Following this method, service will start when application component calls the startService () method. Once started, a service can continue continuously in a background even if the part is damaged that was responsible for the starting service.By calling stopService () method, The service can be stopped using a stopSelf () method.

2. Integrated Service:

It can be managed as the server in the interface of the client-server. By following this method, parts of android app can send requests to the service and can download results. Service is called a bond where part of application commits itself to the service by calling a bindService () method. To stop using this service, all the components must free themselves from the service using a unbindService () method.

Types of Android service:

1. Previous services:

Services that inform user about their ongoing performance are called the Advanced Services. Users can share the service with the notifications provided about the ongoing work. Like downloading a file, the user can track the progress in downloads and can pause and restart process.

2. Background services:

Background services do not need user intervention. These services do not inform user about ongoing background activities and users also do not have access to it. Procedures such as the synchronizing data or data storage fall under this service.

3. Responsible Services:

This type of android service allows app components as a function to bind the themselves to it. Bonded services perform their function as long as any part of application is tied to it. More than one component is allowed to commit to service at time. To bind part of pplication with service bindService () method is used.

Fundamentals of the Android Services:

User-defined service can be created with the standard classroom that extends Class service. In addition, to perform service functions in applications, there are certain re-call methods need to be performed. The following are some of key features of Android Services:

OnStartCommand ():

Android service calls this method if it is component (eg activity). Requesting to start a service using a startService (). Once service has started, can be stopped explicitly using a setupService () or Self ().

OnBind ():

This option is mandatory to use on a android service and is requested whenever program component calls bindService () method to commit to the ministry. The user interface is also provided for the communication with service successfully by retrieving IBinder item. If a service commitment is not need the method should also be empty.

OnUnbind ():

The Android system requests this method when all clients disconnected from an interface of a specific service.

OnRebind ():

If all clients are disconnected from the specific service interface again there is a require to connect the service with a new customers, the system calls this method.

OnCreate ():

Whenever service is performed using a onStartCommand () or onBind (), the android system calls this method. This method is need to perform a simultaneous setup.

OnDestroy ():

When service is no longer running, the system calls this method just before the service was destroyed as a last cleaning call. Services should use this method to clean up the resources as registered listeners, threads, receivers, etc.

Remote Processes of Android Services

Benefits of the Android Services:

  • Android is based on a Linux. This facilitates simple access to the area of ​​rich development and basic functionality of a mobile device.
  • Allows for the faster data collection. It also provides an exact information required.
  • The practice is be greatly reduced.
  • Development tools are simple to use.
  • All information and services are provided by the developers without bias.
  • Provides rich browser services are too. This helps ngineer to provide an improved services.
  • Google Android app. It can be done with or without help of an Android application development company. The previous option is possible if the user is well-versed in a Mobile Application Development technology.
  • On other hand, if an app developer does not have ability to use the SDK tools provided by the Android, the same option may reverse and lead to loss of time, money and resources.
  • Most people choose a latest option and get professional services and also Application Engineer.


Plan Background Tasks using a Android Job Scheduler or Firebase Job Dispatcher – These two libraries provide the framework for a background workflow applications, a separate unit of work. Apps may then configure a task by an operating system with specific terms about when a function can be activated.Start service before – a front service is useful when the app has to do a specific task in a background and the user may need to occasionally engage with that function. The front service will display the persistent notification so that user knows that the app is using the background function and provides a way to manage or interact with function. An example of this would be a podcasting app that plays a back the podcast to the user or perhaps downloads the podcast episode for the later enjoyment.

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