Html breaks LEARNOVITA

Introduction to HTML Line Breaks Tutorial | Complete Guide

Last updated on 12th Aug 2022, Blog, Tutorials

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Kiran Kumar (Java Developer )

Kiran Kumar has 5+ years of experience in the field of Spring, Hibernate framework, Rest API, coding in Core Java, multithreading, concurrency, DS, Algo, Hash map,

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Fundamentals for HTML Line Breaks:

  • It is possible to create line breaks in HTML by using the br> tag, which functions in the same manner as the carriage return key on a standard keyboard.
  • Be careful that any line break generated by the return key on a keyboard will be ignored by HTML.
  • <"/br">
  • If you are curious as to why there is a forward slash in the br> tag above, the slash was significant back when HTML4 was still frequently used, thus it is still there.
  • Because of HTML5, you no longer have to include a forward slash in the address.
  • However, the results of either one will be the same.
  • If you are using a code formatter such as prettier, the forward slash will be inserted into your code whenever you save or paste it, even if you did not manually enter it.
  • By inserting a line break into HTML code, you prevent the wrapping of the text and instead begin the new text on the line after the break.
  • Utilizing the <"br"> tag in your HTML code will allow you to insert a line break. There is no closing tag associated with the br tag.
  • Utilizing the <"br"> tags in your document will allow you to insert additional lines in between the paragraphs. Every <"br"> tag that you enter will result in the creation of a new blank line.
  • A line break in HTML is a point that denotes the beginning of a new line and the termination of the currently displayed line. Line breaks can be generated in HTML with the help of the br> tag.
  • In this post about HTML line breaks, we will talk about how to put a line break into our HTML text, as well as whether or not the br> tag is required to do so.
HTML Line Breaks

Instructions for Adding Line Breaks to Addresses:

When you are writing an address on a letter, for example, you need to make sure that you include a line break so that it is formatted correctly.The following is an example of an address that does not have any line breaks:

This is what an address looks like when there are no line breaks (br tags):

  • <"p">Welcome \s<"/p">


  • !DOCTYPE html> html> head> title> /!DOCTYPE html>
  • Page Title / title / close brackets / head / body
  • h1> This is My Very First Heading
  • <"/h1">
  • <"p">
  • This will be my first paragraph.
  • <"/p">
  • <"/body">
  • <"/html">
  • The!DOCTYPE html> declaration establishes that the current file is an HTML5 file.
  • The html> element is considered to be the most fundamental component of an HTML page.
  • The meta information that pertains to an HTML page can be found in the head> element.
  • The title of the HTML page, as specified by the title> element (which is displayed in the title bar of the browser or in the tab for the page), may be seen.
  • The body> element is responsible for defining the body of the page and serves as a container for all of the contents that are displayed, including headings, paragraphs, pictures, hyperlinks, tables, lists, and so on.
  • The ‘h1’ element specifies a large heading for the document.
  • The <"p"> element defines a paragraph.
HTML Line Breaks program

Introducing Breaks in the Line:

In order to create a line break on a web page, the <'br'> tag must first be used.There is no requirement for the equivalent /br> tag because the br element is considered to be empty.


  • Test out this new code «
  • <"p">
  • This is a line break within a paragraph that has a br> tag.
  • <"/p"> <"p">
  • Another paragraph that has line breaks can be found after this one.
  • <"/p">

caution: The empty paragraph, also known as <"p"><"/p">, should not be used to create additional space on your web pages. Given that it is a logical tag, the browser may choose to disregard the empty paragraphs. Instead of using the padding or margin properties of CSS, modify the space around the elements using the margin property.

  • This paragraph’s source code has a number of extra spaces after certain characters. <"/p">
  • <"p"> The source code for this paragraph includes a variety of tabs as well as line breaks.
  • <"/p">

Instructions on How to Insert a Line Break in HTML:

  • Open up an HTML file in order to change the HTML code and add a line break to your HTML document.
  • After that, move your cursor to the point in the HTML code where you wish to insert a line break, and then press the enter key on your keyboard.
  • After that, type in this tag: <"br">


  • <"!DOCTYPE html"> <"html">
  • <"body> <"h2">hello world! <"/h2">
  • The ‘br’ tag is used in the paragraph that follows.
  • Hello, and welcome to the world! p>hello, world!br>/p>
  • <"/body">
  • <"/html">
  • out put :
  • Hello, whole world!

The following is a list of the most important aspects of HTML:

  • The abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is “html.”
  • HTML is the language that is utilised while developing online pages and web apps.
  • On the World Wide Web, the most common language is HTML.
  • Simply using HTML, we are able to design a static website.
  • HTML is not a programming language but rather a markup language, according to the technical definition.

Markup Language(HTML):

A document type declaration, often known as a doctype, is an instruction that provides the web browser with information regarding the markup language that is being used on the page that is now being viewed. There is no element or tag associated with it. There is no regard for capitalization in the doctype declaration.

The<"html">: The root element of an HTML document can be defined with the help of this tag. This element notifies the browser that the document in question is an HTML file. It is the second outer container element that encloses all of the other elements within its boundaries.

The<"head">: This tag is what defines the head section of an HTML document, which is the part of the document that holds information pertinent to the document itself. On the front-end of a webpage, the elements that are contained within the head tag are hidden from view.

The <"body">: This tag is the one that is used to encompass all of the material that is viewable on a web page. To put it another way, the content of the body is what the browser will display on the front end of the website.

The Good and the Bad of HTML:

HTML, like any other computer language, has both strengths and weaknesses, much like any other language. The following are some of the benefits and drawbacks of HTML:


  • Beginner-friendly.
  • HTML’s markup is straightforward and standardised, and the language’s learning curve is quite gentle.
  • Support: The language has a substantial user base and is supported by a multitude of resources as well as a sizable community.
  • Accessible:It is open-source, meaning there is no cost associated with using it. Every web browser has an in-built support for HTML.
  • Flexible: Backend programming languages such as PHP and Node.js can be readily integrated with HTML.


  • Static:The language is most often applied to the creation of static web pages. You might be required to employ JavaScript or a back-end language such as PHP in order to achieve dynamic functionality.
  • Separate HTML page. Even though many of the HTML parts are the same, users are required to design their own unique web sites.
  • Compatibility with several browsers Certain browsers are notoriously sluggish to incorporate new capabilities.
  • Sometimes more ancient browsers will not correctly render more recent tags.
Line Breaks

Inline Elements:

A block-level element’s inner content can be formatted using an inline element, which can do things like add links and emphasis strings. The majority of the time, inline components are what are utilised to format text without interrupting the flow of the content.A tag with the attribute strong would cause an element to appear in bold, while a tag with the attribute em would cause it to appear in italics. Inline elements are also known as hyperlinks, which are denoted by the usage of a href attribute in conjunction with an a tag.


    1. <"a href=""">
    2. Simply tap here!
    3. <"/a">


  • <"html">
  • <"body">
  • <"h1">a site portal<"/h1">
  • display:inline; [b] [h2]
  • <"b">The following are some of the topics covered in this document<"/b">
  • <"u1">
  • <"li">operating system<"/li">
  • <"li"> computer network <"/li">
  • <"li"> linear algebra <"/li">
  • <"li"> electronics <"/li">
  • <"/u1">
  • <"/body">
  • <"/html">


On the internet, the most used markup language is HTML, which stands for hypertext markup language. The content structure of a web page or application is comprised of a sequence of elements, which may be found on any HTML page. HTML is a language that is easy to learn, has plenty of support, and is mostly utilised for the creation of static web pages. The best results can be achieved when HTML is used in conjunction with Java Script for its functioning and CSS for its styling.

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