Roadmap to TOGAF 9.1 Certification Process Infographics

Last updated on 05th Oct 2020, Artciles, Blog

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TOGAF is the best choice for enterprise architecture development, used by any of the world’s most successful organizations. Let’s view how a TOGAF certification can aid you.

The Open Group Architecture Framework

The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) is an award-winning enterprise architectural framework formed in 1995 by The Open Group. This leads to a clear set of rules on organizational development designed to help large enterprises achieve development goals fast and cost-effectively.

TOGAF itself gives guidance on how an organization can create, interpret, analyze, and make use of various elements within a single strategy. Using clearly defined terminology, this allows simple communication between departments and a sizeable reduction in the likelihood of careless errors.

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How Does TOGAF Work?

Exactly how TOGAF works can be split down into three critical areas for EA structure development. The first is the evident and well-established terminology applied throughout the development process. Ask a builder and a marketing executive to provide their definitions of ‘architecture’ and their answers will be quite different. Without a fair idea not just of what its professionals are saying but also how they are saying it, an organization will surely suffer confusion and delays.

Establishing the meaning behind basic terms early on enables efficient communication across the board. This, in turn, will guarantee the accuracy of vision in setting goals, along with the methodologies designed to achieve them. TOGAF gives this terminology, providing certified professionals to collaborate with ease, even across disparate industries.

The second is a set of precisely defined processes to support. This is recommended by TOGAF’s ‘ADM’ or ‘Architecture Development Method.’ The ADM method is a cycle for enterprise architecture development which outlines some key steps for professionals to follow. It guides users via a transparent and versatile methodology, enabling them to apply and develop their knowledge in practice.

TOGAF provides all the necessary assets needed to carry out architectural development.

How can I find out about the syllabus and examinations?

Firstly to obtain a high level view, you should read the datasheets here for the appropriate level or path for certification you are considering. For detail of the syllabus see this page.

There are three examinations as follows:

  • TOGAF 9 Part 1 – Pass mark 55% (22 or more points out of a maximum of 40)
    This exam comprises 40 questions in simple multiple choice format, covering the Level 1 learning outcomes (see the Conformance Requirements for detail). Each correct answer scores a single point.
  • TOGAF 9 Part 2 – Pass mark 60% (24 or more points out of a maximum of 40)
    This exam comprises 8 complex scenario questions, with gradient scoring. This exam is open book and covers the complete Level 2 learning outcomes. The correct answer scores 5 points, the second best answer 3 points, the third best answer 1 point. The distracter scores zero points.
  • TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and 2 – This is a combined TOGAF 9 Part 1 and Part 2 examination for candidates who want to achieve Level 2 certification directly in a single examination. It consists of two sections, with pass marks as per the TOGAF 9 Part 1 and 2 examinations described above. Each section must be passed in order to obtain an overall pass mark. If you fail a section then no certification is awarded, however you only need retake the Examination(s) corresponding to the failed section(s).
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What’s new in TOGAF 9.1?

The most recent version of TOGAF was updated to include:

  • Content metamodel: This lifecycle process guides creation and management of enterprise architecture within the guidelines of the ADM. It helps businesses implement proprietary architecture into another architecture tool, using output checklists, a streamlined approach and a richer, more detailed standard for describing architectures.
  • Partitioning: TOGAF 9 introduces suggestions and guidance for partitioning specific architectures within the enterprise.
  • Architecture Repository: This acts as a document that contains all details pertaining to the enterprise architecture and any relevant projects, and it includes ideas, designs, frameworks, policies, process, and so on.
  • Enterprise Continuum: This document addresses the more abstract concepts in the framework by establishing how everything defined in the architecture repository fits into the process and how each asset relates to one another and to the TOGAF framework. It’s also how businesses can help IT and other business units relate to one another with a common language, to improve communication and reduce confusion.
  • ADM Guidelines and Techniques: This expands on information in the ADM, including how to apply it within your organization, when it should be used, how it relates to TOGAF and security considerations.

TOGAF Certification Help in Business

We have now looked at how TOGAF gives the tools and evidence required for active enterprise architecture development. For those unknown with the basic ideas of enterprise architecture, however, it may seem like we have failed to go down to brass tacks.

So, precisely how can TOGAF benefit both businesses and professionals?

TOGAF for Businesses:

  • General Language: The terminology established by TOGAF eases communication both within and between large scale organizations. This can be a significant advantage when it gets to assuring that an architectural development process runs smoothly.
  • Greater Productivity: TOGAF’s framework assists in developing clear paths for creating an enterprise architecture. It also gives all the tools needed to establish a working Enterprise Architecture framework. While paying for this kind of guidance is entirely optional, the choice often results in hard wastage in terms of both time and resources.
  • Creating Processes for Future Development: The ADM discovers a staged approach to enterprise architecture that is nonetheless fluid enough to adjust to individual organizations. While crafting such a plan might seem difficult at first, the experience will make future architectural development much more comfortable. In other words, it encourages organizations to create systems that can be used again and again.

TOGAF’s business benefits :

  • TOGAF helps organizations implement software technology in a structured and organized way, with a focus on governance and meeting business objectives. Software development relies on collaboration between multiple departments and business units both inside and outside of IT, and TOGAF helps address any issues around getting key stakeholders on the same page.
  • TOGAF is intended to help create a systematic approach to streamline the development process so that it can be replicated, with as few errors or problems as possible as each phase of development changes hands. By creating a common language that bridges gaps between IT and the business side, it helps bring clarity to everyone involved. It’s an extensive document — but you don’t have to adopt every part of TOGAF. Businesses are better off evaluating their needs to determine which parts of the framework to focus on.

How Does TOGAF Work?

How TOGAF works can be broken down into three key areas for Enterprise Architecture framework Development.

The first is clarity and well-established terminology.

  • This is used during the development process. If you ask a builder and a marketing executive to give their own definitions of architecture, their answers will be poles apart. Without a solid idea of not just what its professionals are saying but also how they are saying it, an organization will suffer confusion and delays, inevitably.
  • To establish the meaning behind key terminology in the early stages of the process enables efficient communication across the board. This converts to the clarity of vision in establishing goals, along with the methodologies designed to achieve them. TOGAF® provides this terminology, allowing certified professionals to collaborate with ease, even across disparate industries.

The second is setting clear and defined processes to be followed.

  • This is supported by the Architecture Development Method by TOGAF®. It is a cycle for architecture development that outlines several key steps for professionals to follow while also, guiding users via a clear and versatile methodology, simultaneously. This allows individuals involved to apply and develop their knowledge in practice.
  • Finally, The Open Group Architecture Framework provides all the necessary assets required to carry out architectural development. The framework outlines a clear procedure to manage and document changes as they occur.
  • This helps in creating future Architecture Development Method cycles, which, in turn, will cut down on the time required for further developments down the line.

TOGAF Business Architecture Part 1 Exam :

  • This is the examination for the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 credential. It leads to the award of an Open Badge.
  • This exam comprises 30 questions in a simple multiple choice format, covering the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 learning outcomes (see the Conformance Requirements for detail). Each correct answer scores a single point. The pass mark is 60% (18 or more questions out of a maximum of 30).

The TOGAF Certification Levels

The TOGAF 9 exams contain two parts:

  • The TOGAF 9 Foundation – Level 1 (OG0-091) part asks 40 questions to be performed within 60 minutes. These questions are multiple-choice; you have to answer 55% correctly to pass. Architects who reach this level will officially demonstrate that they know the core principles of Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF.
  • The TOGAF 9 Certified – Level 2 (OG0-092) asks eight scenario questions to be finished within 90 minutes.

According to The Open Group, TOGAF 9 Certified – Level 2 (OG0-092) goes beyond testing basic knowledge and understanding of TOGAF 9 principles. It is designed to test candidates’ capacity to analyze and apply knowledge of TOGAF.

The -TOGAF- Certification- Levels

Once you go on to TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092), you cannot go back and change your answers submitted for TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091).

The odds are that you will have to take both of these exams electronically, much like a lot of other product and professional certification exams.

Both TOGAF 9 exams are interested in your ability to use your knowledge of the TOGAF 9 documentation. TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092) asks explicitly about the appropriate way to respond to specific scenarios in an architectural setting.

Completing Certification Process :

  • Once the candidate has appeared for the examination, his result is sent from the Prometric center to the Open Group. An email is received from the Open Group (typically within 6 days) which specifies the information on logging in to the web certification system at the Open Group to complete the certification.
  • If the email is not received, candidates can drop an email to togaf-cert-admin(at)opengroup(dot)org.
  • Once the entire certification process is completed, candidates can give permission to show their details in the Certification register, available at the Open Group website. TOGAF certification is valid for lifetime and doesn’t need any renewal.

Benefits :

As a TOGAF certified professional, you’ll act as a “simplifier” who can uncomplicate complex technical processes. The framework provides a standard architecture development process and common definitions of components and deliverables needed to architect an enterprise.

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Tips for Getting TOGAF Certification

Here are my top ten tips for giving the exam:

1. Pace Yourself

There is a fixed time to complete the exam in 60 minutes for 40 multiple choice answers for TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091), and considerably 90 minutes to answer eight scenario questions for TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092). Once you start, the clock is unstoppable.

Keep an eye on the time. The quiet time is shown at the top of the screen throughout. If you are not a primary English speaker, then you can choose the English as a Second Language (ESL) choice to get more time in 90 and 135 minutes respectively.

When you complete TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091), you can take to move on to TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092), or TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092) will begin automatically when the time for TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091) is over. Recognize that once you move on to TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092), you cannot go back to TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091)! So work at a steady pace and have an eye on the clock.

TOGAF 9 Foundation — Level 1 (OG0–091) cover of 40 multiple-choice questions, and you require to answer 55% correctly (22 questions). It is simplest to answer the ones you know first. If you know 22 right questions then you have now passed! If you are not convinced of an answer, then you can mark it for review.

After the last question, you are provided a review page that lists your answers, tells you which questions are yet unanswered. Shows you which questions you marked for review. So like to go back to questions that you stand the best chance of getting right.

3. Eliminate Wrong Answers

TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092) comprises 8 scenarios. You have to take the response you think is most suitable for each situation from four options. Answers are rated 5 points for the correct answer, 3 for next most like, then 1 and 0. Eight correct answers would give you 40 points, but you only want to get 60% to pass, which is 24 points.

Start by understanding the scenario thoroughly to figure out what it is about, think about which phases of the ADM are essential, the concerns of stakeholders, and how strong each option meets their needs. Then discard any wrong answers, decreasing your opportunities to those you believe are right.

Get that for TOGAF 9 Certified — Level 2 (OG0–092); you have a way to the TOGAF documentation in PDF format. Use the reference material to evaluate scenarios, but be bright with your searches.

4. Glossary of TOGAF

Questions and answers are all fully worded using a dictionary as described in the TOGAF documents. So make assured that you know the words and their definitions!

5. Recognize the PDF Open Book

Using the PDF Open Book in the exam is very from ideal! But you can become intimate with its structure before the exam. Practice searching on keywords to get the sections you need.

6. Consider like an Architect

Finally, remember this is about being an architect. So set your architect hat on and think like one.

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Final Thoughts: TOGAF Certification

Obtaining your TOGAF certification practicing can be reasonably straightforward, given you know what to expect. A TOGAF 9 certification can also be valuable to your career as an architect, particularly in Enterprise Architecture.

The best way to increase your understanding of both TOGAF 9 exams is to enroll in a live practicing course. These courses can assure that you are prepared for both levels of the exam so that you can gain your certification on the first try.

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