Adb adapter LEARNOVITA

TIBCO ADB Adapter Interview Questions and Answers + [ JOB REFERENCES ]

Last updated on 23rd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question

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Sanjay (Sr Big Data DevOps Engineer )

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1. How can fine-tune an ADB Adapter? What are different parameters that can be used?


  • can use publish by value or publish by reference for a high speed and data type support like an oracle long respectively.
  • Can use a polar or alerter for frequent and infrequent data changes respectively.
  • ADB.PollingInterval, _ADB.DUPDECT.adapter_instance_name parameters can be used to flow control and avoid the duplication respectively.

2. What is quality of services we can have in a adapter publishing services?


RV: a reliable, a certified, a transactional.

3. What are wire formats can have in adapter publishing services?


Wire formats:

RV: an active enterprise message, RV message, XML message.

JMS: a XML message.

4. What Is a Run-time Adapter and Design-time Adapter?


    RUN – TIME ADAPTERDesign time adapter
    Once adapter has been configured using a TIBCO Designer, it can be deployed. A deployed adapter instance is referred to a run-time adapter. A run-time adapter operates in the production environment, handling communication between vendor application and other applications that are configured for a TIBCO environment.
    Some adapters used a design-time adapter (DTA) to access the vendor application and return design-time configuration information. The palette is client of the DTA process. The DTA connects to a vendor application, fetches data schemas and sends them to the palette.

5. Explain an internal functioning of a ADB publication service?


When configure a ADB publishing service it creates a Publishing table for a source table, Trigger acts as a bridge between the source and publishing table. Whenever data is being inserted/updated/deleted froma source table, it will be inserted into publishing table by means of the trigger. ADB has the another component called polling agent. The polling agent will keep a looking for new inserts into a publishing table and if it finds any then converts a record in p table into the specified wire format and publishes on specified on quality of service.

6.What is difference between a JMS and EMS?


The difference between a JMS and TIBCO EMS is that JMS provides two types of a delivery modes which are Persistent and Non-Persistent while TIBCO EMS adds the another type of delivery mode which is more RELIABLE delivery mode.

7. In how any ways can create an EAR files ?


Can build an EAR files in 2 ways. One method is using an Enterprise Archive pallete in a Tibco designer and adding the process archive we can build EAR file. Other method is from a cmd prompt. Use the command appmanage and buildear.

8. What is difference between the “interface vs type” statements?


    An interface declaration always introduces the named object type. A type alias declaration can introduce the name for any kind of type, including primitive, union, and also intersection types.
    An interface can be named in a extends or implements clause. Type aliases for the object type literal cannot be named in extends or implements clause.

9. Can filter the records from publishing when they get updated in a source table? (Data from all the regions are coming into the table but want to publish only New York data)?


Yes – By modifying a trigger and can only insert the New York data into a publishing table.

10. Can limit the number of columns to be published from a source table?


Yes, using a user field in the adapter publishing table tab. Just uncheck a columns and don’t want to use.

11. Can publish a parent and child table information by using single adapter configuration and how?


Yes, in an adapter publisher table tab create a parent table first by lookup and then add a child table using the add child tab then click on the child table column to specify a foreign key then to establish a relationship between a primary key of the parent and foreign key of the child go to the column in a child table and specify the primary key of parent table.

12. What Are the Adapters?


Adapters are the connectors to data sources to catch an event changes. Once an Adapter catches the event change, Adapter publishes the message to message box using either EMS or RVD.Adapter is a gateway between different the applications using a messaging channels.

13. What Are Different Types Of Adapters?


A Technical Adapters ( File Adapter, DB Adapter ):

  • A Functional Adapters ( PeopleSoft Adapter, SAP R3 Adapter).
  • A Custom Adapters.

14. What Is a Publish By Value And Publish By Reference?


    Public by valuePublish by reference
    In Publish by Value, all specified columns in a source table are copied into a Publishing table. In Publish by reference, only a specified key column values are copied to a publishing table.

15. Explain About a Adapter Components ?


Every adapter has two main components, an adapter palette and the run-time adapter. In addition, some adapters are include a design-time adapter. The adapter palette and design-time adapter are used for during configuration, and the run-time adapter is used at a production time.

16. Explain About the Adapter Palette ?


Every adapter includes a palette that is used for the configuration. The palette is automatically loaded into a TIBCO Designer during adapter installation and available the next time Designer is started. The palette enables to configure the adapter specific options, such as its connection to a vendor application, logging options, and adapter services.

17.How to check a null and undefined in TypeScript?


By using juggling-check, and can check both null and undefined:

  • if (x == null) {
  • }
  • If use a strict-check, it will always be true for values set to null and won’t evaluate as a true for the undefined variables.
  • Example
  • var a: number;
  • var b: number = null;
  • function check(x, name) {
  • if (x == null) {
  • console.log(name + ‘ == null’);
  • }
  • if (x === null) {
  • console.log(name + ‘ === null’);
  • }
  • if (typeof x === ‘undefined’) {
  • console.log(name + ‘ is undefined’);
  • }
  • }
  • check(a, ‘a’);
  • check(b, ‘b’);
  • Output
  • “a == null”
  • “a is undefined”
  • “b == null”
  • “b === null”

18. What is a distributed polling in a DB adapter?


Distributed Polling means that when record is read, it is locked by a reading instance. Another instance which wants to pick up a record skips locked records.

19. What are the types of a message transfers in file adapters?


Record transfer: To integrate a file systems to TIBCO AE environment.

Simple file transfer: To transfer a files to the other TIBCO adapters.

20. What Is Run-time Adapter ?


Once adapter has been configured using a TIBCO Designer, it can be deployed. A deployed adapter instance is referred to a run-time adapter. A run-time adapter operates in the production environment, handling communication between the vendor application and other applications that are configured for a TIBCO environment.

21. What is Design-time Adapter ?


Some adapters used a design-time adapter (DTA) to access the vendor application and return design-time configuration information. The palette is the client of the DTA process. The DTA connects to a vendor application, fetches data schemas and sends them to palette.

22. Explain About a Adapter Lifecycle ?


  • Install a vendor application to which the adapter connects before installing adapter. For many adapters, adapter and vendor application need not be installed on a same machine.
  • Adapters depend on the other software from TIBCO. Before installing an adapter, a TIBCO Run-Time Agent software must be installed on every computer on which adapter runs.
  • Create the adapter instance and save it in the project using TIBCO Designer™. A project contains a configuration information required for a run-time adapter to interact with a vendor application and the other applications.
  • Deploy adapter. An adapter instance is deployed using a TIBCO Administrator.
  • Using a TIBCO Designer, create an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file, which contains an information about the adapter instances and
  • wish to deploy.
  • Using a TIBCO Administrator, upload an EAR, then deploy the adapter on a machine(s) of your choice. And can set runtime options before deployment.
  • Using a TIBCO Administrator, start and stop a adapter.
  • Monitor adapter using a built-in monitoring tools provided by a TIBCO Administrator.

23. Explain About the Adapter Services ?


  • Publication Service
  • Subscription Service
  • Request-Response Service
  • Request-Response Invocation Service

24. What Is Difference Between a Jdbc Activities And Adb Adapter?


    Idbc activitiesADB adapter
    JDBC is more suitable for the running dynamic code where in runtime and can execute statements with various values depending on the process execution. ADB is more suitable for an instances where can have a lot of processing. ADB is more suitable for instances where want that a particular action on the DB Table triggers a BW process.

25. Define a Publication Service?


An adapter publication service recognizes when business are events happen in a vendor application, and asynchronously sends out an event data in realtime to the interested systems in the TIBCO environment. For example, an adapter can publish an event every time a new customer account is added to application. Other applications that received the event can then update their records just as a original application did. When an application receives a request to create the customer record, the application notifies the adapter about a request and the adapter publishes the event.

26. Define the Subscription Service?


An adapter subscription service asynchronously performs the action such as updating business objects or invoking a native APIs on a vendor application. The adapter service listens to an external business events, which trigger appropriate action. an adapter subscription service can listen for a customer record creation events and update the another application.

27. Define a Request-Response Service ?


In addition to asynchronously publishing and subscribing to events, an adapter can be used for a synchronously retrieving data from an executing transactions within the vendor application. After the action is performed in a vendor application, the adapter service sends a response back to a requester with either results of the action or a confirmation that an action occurred. This entire process is called the request-response, and it is useful for actions such as adding or deleting the business objects.

  • Receives requests from the other applications.
  • Parses a requests. Returns response .

28. Explain generics in a TypeScript?


In generics, a type parameter is written between open (<) and close (>) brackets which made it a strongly typed collection. Generics used a special kind of type variable that denotes a types. The generics collections contain only a similar types of objects.

29. Does root increase a RAM?


When this happens, it usually means that don’t have a enough RAM. And can increase a RAM in Android phones using a micro SD card, but need to have rooted phone. Otherwise, can maximize a phone’s performance by optimizing a device.

30. Define a Request-Response Invocation Service?


An adapter request-response invocation service is similar to a request-response service, except that roles are reversed. The vendor application is now requester or initiator of service, instead of the provider of service. The adapter service acts as proxy, giving the vendor application the ability to invoked a synchronously functionality on an external system.

31. What Are The 3 Main Configuration Elements Common For the All Adapters?


A Design Time ( For BW Testing )

  • A Run Time ( For Admin Deployment )
  • A Service ( Pub / Sub, Request-Reply )

32. What is the potential problem with the JMS Queue requestor?


When specify a reply to queue there is a chance of the other processes sending messages to a same queue and the jms queue requestor interpreting that as an actual response and sending this wrong message to a client.

33. What is an inspector activity does?


The inspector activity is used to find the output of any activity or all activities and process variables. Scenario: can use the inspector activity to write output of any activity or process variable in a current process. Activities and process variables in the subprocess are not available to a Inspector activity .If wish to find the output from one or more activities or process variables in the subprocess, place the Inspector activity in the process definition of a subprocess.

34. What Are the Modes Of Operation For File Adapter In a Record Mode?


Synchronous mode upon receiving the event, the publication service will allow the other services in the instance only after it completed the processing and publishing of all files that match a specified criteria.In Asynchronous mode publication service allows the other services of the instance to receive events while it is processing and publishing a file. By default a Subscription service always operates in an Asynchronous mode.

35. What is use of a project template?


In project template can save a standard processes that want to use in future. These processes are generally that ones which have the commonly used activities.

36. What Are the Supported Sql Operations In a Database Adapters?


He database adapter supports a following SQL operations for the publishing and subscribing:


37. What Are The Transport Types of Supported By a Adb Adapters?


  • Rendezvous
  • JMS

38. What are the differences between a versions 2.x and 5.2?


Type 2.x 5.2 deployment In a 2.x deployment is done in a designer Here deployment is done using an administrator tool Name spaces Name spaces are prefixed with the tib No tib in name spaces pallets Extra pallets are added Iterate-reset At the end of each iterate a output is not reset Here output is reset after every iteration installation Here all components like BW,ADB,FILE etc come as package Here will have to install every component separately File type All files are .dat. have to convert a these manually Multi format file are available so that are do not have to convert a dat files.

39.Define shuffling in a MapReduce?


Shuffling is a process of transferring data from a Mapper to Reducer. It is part of first phase of a framework.

40. What are the break points?


Break points are used to check a inputs and outputs of every activity during testing a design so that can debug a design. And can place the check points for all the activities on a input and output side.

41. What is a sub process and what is its use?


Whenever call a process from the another process , the called processbecomes the subprocess. Sub process helps in a reducing the complexity of the design by an assigning a activity in the other process.

42. Explain an Internal Functioning Of a Adb Publication Service?


when configure an ADB publishing service it creates a Publishing table for a source table, Trigger acts as bridge between a source and publishing table. Whenever data is being inserted/updated/deleted from a source table, it will be inserted into a publishing table by means of trigger. ADB has the another component called a polling agent. Polling agent will keep looking for a new inserts into publishing table and if it finds any then converts a record in the p table into a specified wire format and publishes on a specified quality of service.

43. What is a Max jobs, Flow limit, and Activation limit?


Max jobs: Max jobs specify a number of process instances that are kept in a memory while executing. b. Flow Limit: it is a max number of jobs that can be spawned before a process starter is suspended. c. Activation Limit: Specifies a that once process instance is loaded and it must be a placed in a memory till it completes execution.

44. What is a grouping activity?


Grouping activity is used to group a certain activities used in a designer so that can loop those activities and iterate a group with conditions.

45. What are the adapters in OIC?


The word Adapter generally means a something that adapts or converts incompatible an information into a compatible information for the end-users. Adapters in a cloud is a program that controls a transfer of information between the users and a cloud.

46. What is a custom activity?


Custom activity is a useful when want others to use our process and not allow them to view a contents of process. And can add this process into a MY Pallete section. can directly use this process by dragging it into the process.

47. What is use of a confirm activity?


Confirm activity is used to confirm a success of a activity that have a confirmable messages. For example if certain process starts on the reception of a message then if that process starts a confirm activity sends a confirm message to a sender of the message.

48. What is the ADB adapter in Tibco?


TIBCO ADB adapter is the bridge between TIBCO application and database systems allowing a bi-directional transfer of data between TIBCO processes and Database Systems by utilizing a publication or subscription service on a top of JMS or Rendezvous messaging platform.

49. What are the ADB 3 components?


  • A client, which sends a commands. The client runs on a development machine.
  • daemon (adbd), which runs a commands on a device.

50. What is file adapter?


A File Adapter is the object used to manage a file-based information through Clarify. File Adapters are support these common operations: Copy.

51. What is a Adapter in SOA?


Adapters are able to integrate a BPEL process service component with the access to file systems, FTP servers, database tables, database queues, sockets, Java Message Services (JMS), MQ, and an Oracle E-Business Suite.

52. What is FTP adapter?


The FTP Adapter enables an integration of servers supporting a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (sFTP) into Oracle Integration. The FTP Adapter can connect to a FTP and sFTP servers that are publicly available on internet.

53. What is Schema and why do create a schema ?


Schema is used to create a XML schema file in which add a variables which want to use in a designer process and can create elements under which can add the typed variables. The structure formed will be in a form of tree structure.

54. What is FTP adapter in a SAP PI?


Create a sender FTP adapter if want to send a file content from an FTP server to an Integration Server or the PCK. … If developing a module for the adapter and want to access a file name in a module, see SAP Note 819761. The use of FTPS follows a specification RFC 4217.

55. Does a SAP support SFTP?


Sap’s recommendation to read/write to a SFTP server is by using a PI (Process Integration) solution. … Option 1. Server side scripting commands to a write to SFTP server from the SAP Application Server with help of an open Source FTP client (WinSCP).

56. How does a SAP Sftp work?


Tenant sends a requests to SFTP server to write files to a SFTP server. SFTP server authenticates a tenant based on a public key. Using this authentication option, a user (performing the file transfer) is authenticated based on a credentials (username/password). Supported by a SFTP sender adapter.

57. What is a FTP in SAP ABAP?


FTP(FileTransferProtocol) is the network protocol built on top of a TCP/IP protocol,allowing transfer of files between the two host machines over the network. FTP is used for the Application-to-application(A2A) or Business-to-business(B2B) scenarios. SAP provides the built-in client library called ‘SAPFTP Library’.

58. What is a FTP path?


“FTP ” stands for a File Transfer Protocol and it is a method by which files can be transferred from the one host computer to another; over a TCP-based network like an Internet. In a Shift4Shop’s case, FTP access is used to transfer the image files, design templates and other site specific files to and from the store’s server.

59.What is main purpose of a ADB?


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports a projects in developing the member countries that create a economic and development impact, delivered through the both public and private sector operations, advisory services, and also knowledge support.

60. What is a FTP image?


Glossary: Image transfer by FTP FTP stands for a File Transfer Protocol. This is a network protocol and is the method which can be used by an IP security cameras to transfer images from a camera to storage. FTP is client/server system which means that there must be one FTP server and FTP client.

61. What is a transition in BW?


To move a data from one activity to the another or when conditions exist on data.

62. Is it possible to combine a multiple .ts files into single .js file? If yes, then how?


  • Yes, it is possible. For this, need to add –outFILE [OutputJSFileName] compiling option.
  • $ tsc –outFile comman.js file2.ts file.ts
  • The above command will compile the all three “.ts”file and result will be stored into a single “comman.js” file. In the case, when don’t provide an output file name as like in a below command.
  • $ tsc –outFile file2.ts file.ts
  • Then, the file2.ts and file3.ts will be compiled, and the output will be placed in a file1.ts. So now file1.ts contains a JavaScript code.

63. What is a TIBCO and why is it used?


TIBCO, a global software company, provides a business software to integrate, efficiently manage, and helps to the monitor enterprise applications, information delivery, and so on. The purpose of this TIBCO software helps to trading partners to coordinate a business process and activities easily.

64. What is a TIBCO used for?


TIBCO ActiveMatrix is the technology-neutral platform for a composite business process management (BPM) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. The platform includes a products for service creation and integration, distributed a service and data grids, packaged applications, BPM and governance.

65. What is the TIBCO?


Information integration and analytics firm a TIBCO is so named because it’s name stands for The Information Bus COmpany. An information ‘bus’ is indeed transport mechanism i.e. it helps to a distribute work around a connected components of an application.

66. Is a TIBCO an ETL tool?


TIBCO Jaspersoft® software supports a both of the leading data integration solutions: Extract, transform, and load (ETL) and data virtualization. Use ETL when want to physically moved a data from multiple data sources into the single data warehouse.

67. What is mean by interfaces? Explain them with the reference to Typescript?


An Interface is the structure which acts as a contract in our application. It explains the syntax for classes to follow, it means a class that implements an interface is bound to implement all of its members. It cannot be instantiated but can be referenced by a class object that implements it.

68. What is a JMS In Tibco?


Java Message Service (JMS) is the specification about sending and receiving messages between the two or more applications in Java environment. The JMS palette is used to send and receive a JMS messages in a process. The models supported are: Point-to-Point (queues): Message delivered to a one recipient.

69. What is the ADB and its functions?


ADB maximizes a development impact of its assistance by facilitating a policy dialogues, providing advisory services, and mobilizing financial resources through the cofinancing operations that a tap official, commercial, and export credit sources.

70. Is it good to work with the Tibco?


  • 76% of employees at a TIBCO say it is a great place to the work compared to 59% of employees at typical U.S.-based company.
  • 72. What does a Tibco streaming include?
  • TIBCO Streaming includes the enterprise-class, high-performance, and low-latency TIBCO StreamBase® Server, a TIBCO StreamBase Studio™, TIBCO LiveView™ Server, TIBCO® Artifact Management Server, broad connectivity to a data sources and sinks, and management and monitoring tools.

71. What is diff between a tibco adapter and BW component?


Adapters are connectors that used a messaging channel that can be configured the over source/target systems which can be used in a Pub, Sub or Replyrequest mode. BW components are the designer, administrator, bw engine.

72. How can change the configuration properties of an EMS server Answer?


Can change in a tibemsd.conf file or and can change using a ems admin console.

73. What is a Tibco in Java?


It is Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) which promotes a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The main portion of its implementation in JAVA. TIBCO is widely used because of its more reliability, flexibility, and scalability.

74. How does a Tibco EMS work?


A TIBCO Enterprise Management Service (EMS) server provides a messaging services for the applications that communicate by monitoring queues. The TIBCO EMS server ensures that sent messages are directed to a correct receive queue or ensures that messages are routed to the another queue manager.

75. What is a Tibco Web services?


Web services are the application components that communicate using the open standard protocols. And can develop a SOAP-based web services using a Generate Concrete WSDL Wizard. The wizard generates the WSDL file and appropriate response activities.

76. Is Tibco Java based?


TIBCO Business Works is the Java based platform, however normally little development is done in a Java.

77. What is a Tibco ESB?


The TIBCO® ESB Bundle provides the capability for creating a robust ESB solutions for an enterprise environments. The bundle includes functionality for an integration & orchestration, messaging, adapters and monitoring for the complete ESB solution that can be tailored and configured to a specific customer use cases.

78.What are the benefits of a ADB?


Offer a competitive remuneration and a comprehensive benefits of package that includes a worldwide medical insurance cover for staff and dependents, life and disability insurance, leave, benefits for a contingent events, and retirement benefits.

79. Tell about a flow control on bridges and routes?


Flow control has to be a specified on both sides of bridges where as on routes it operates the differently on sender side and receiver side.

80. Is Tibco public?


Tibco launched in a 1997 as a provider of software for the enabling financial applications to share market data with the each other. The company wenta public just two years later, made it through a dot-com bubble and established itself as one of leading players in a application integration market.

81. What is a Tibco PSG?


The TIBCO Professional Services Group (PSG) is most experienced TIBCO consulting the organization in the world and its mission is to ensure the customers’ success. support a projects that are aggressive, strategic to the customers’ business, and that leverage mission critical services and applications.

82. What is a Jaspersoft ETL?


Jaspersoft ETL is the complete and ready-to-run ETL job designer with extensive set of data integration capabilities. Display and edit ETL process with the Job Designer, a graphical editing tool. Explain a complex mappings and transformations with a Transformation Mapper and other transformation components.

83. What is a Tibco LiveView?


TIBCO LiveView Web is the browser-based application empowering users to create rich display of cards that visualize data from the queries and create actions against TIBCO Streaming server. It displays data in the variety of real-time charting formats, and supports the extensions such as custom visuals using a JavaScript.

84. What is a Tibco data virtualization?


TIBCO Data Virtualization combines a disparate data sources on-demand instead of copying their data into the Data Warehouse. … TIBCO Data Virtualization connects to a virtually any data source and provides a business users access to data through a JDBC, ODBC, REST and SOAP.

85. What is a Tibco designer?


TIBCO Designer is a GUI tool for the designing a business process integration. It is used for an adapter configuration, process design, test, and deployment. TIBCO Designer is the component of a TIBCO BusinessWorks.

86. What is difference between internal module and the external module?


    Internal moduleExternal module
    Internal modules were used to logically group classes, interfaces, functions, variables into the single unit and can be exported in the another module. External modules are useful in hiding an internal statements of module definitions and show only the methods and parameters associated with a declared variable.
    Internal modules were in earlier version of a Typescript. But they are still supported by using a namespace in the latest version of a TypeScript. External modules are simply known as a module in a latest version of a TypeScript.
    Internal modules are local or exported members of the other modules . External modules are separately loaded bodies of a code referenced using an external module names.

87. What is a Tibco middleware?


Tibco makes integration server software program for the companies. An integration server permits corporation to combine a packaged packages, custom software packages, and legacy software programs to be used all through an internal and outside networks.

88. What are services of a ADB?


  • Public Sector (Sovereign) Financing. Financial products for the developing a member country governments and public sector entities.
  • A Private Sector (Nonsovereign) Financing.
  • Cofinancing.
  • Results-Based Lending (RBL) for a Programs.
  • Trade and also Supply Chain Finance Program.
  • Funds and Resources.

89. Wire Formats Supported by a Rendexvous?


  • An Active Enterprise Message
  • A Rendezvous Message
  • An XML Message

90. What is a file adapter in a Tibco BW?


TIBCO File Adapter is used to enable a flow of information between files and TIBCO Enterprise Service Bus. File Adapters are provide publication and subscription services which are used to get a data from the file or to write a data to the file respectively.

91. is ADB a programming language?


The Android Debug Bridge (commonly abbreviated as adb) is the programming tool used for a debugging of Android-based devices. The daemon on a Android device connects with a server on the host PC over USB or TCP, which connects to a client that is used by an end-user over TCP.

92. Is ADB an objective?


Objectives of an Asian Development Bank: Firstly, its objective is to help a member countries in the countering poverty. Hence, it helps them in a poverty reduction and country development. If both a social as well as the economic aspects of the country is rising, then it leads to an economic growth.

93. Is ADB an open source?


The adb tool is part of an Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

94. How do use a ADB without USB debugging?


  • USB a debugging is enabled.
  • call adb tcpip on a computer (switches from an usb to tcpip mode with a default port 5555)
  • call adb connect a PHONE_IP and connection is made.

95. Can use an ADB in a recovery mode?


Connect a device to Mac or PC in a recovery mode. Now open terminal/CMD in a computer and go to platform-tools/. type and enter adb devices to check if a device is connected in a recovery mode. Now type adb shell mount of data and adb shell mount system to mount the respective directories.

96. Can use a ADB without computer?


It creates local host entirely on-phone, then acts as if it’s a computer on a network. From there, it’s just matter of connecting to the phone’s own wireless of ADB feature, meaning no longer need a computer to use a feature.

97. How do know if ADB is working?


Testing If ADB Works. want to make sure that all ADB is now working. First, see to it that an Android device is set up for debugging. On Android device running Gingerbread, go to Settings > Applications > Development screen and a make sure “USB Debugging” is checked.

98. What is an ADB port forwarding?


The ability to reverse a network connections from a device. to the host. This feature is more useful for testing different programs. running on Android device without a root or poking at the.

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