Top Skills that Boosts Java Developer Salaries

Last updated on 01st Oct 2020, Artciles, Blog

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Manikandan (Sr Technical Project Manager )

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Basic Java developer skills

While this isn’t a complete list, below is a look at some of the basic skills needed to become a Java developer:

  • JavaServer pages (JSP) and servlets
  • Web frameworks (e.g., Struts and Spring)
  • Service-oriented architecture/web services (SOAP/REST)
  • Web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery
  • Markup languages like XML and JSON
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and patterns
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Constructors
  • File IO and serialization
  • Collections: lists, maps, sets
  • Access specifiers
  • Exceptions (checked and unchecked)
  • Generics
  • Java keywords: static, final, volatile, synchronized, transient, this super, etc.
  • Java virtual machine (JVM) and memory management
  • Multithreading and synchronization
  • Dependency injection
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Advanced skills for Java developers

Understanding Java doesn’t just mean knowing the language. Many other pieces are necessary to create, develop, and test code.

Here are a few advanced skills a top candidate for Java development jobs should possess:

  • AI and machine learning
  • Blockchain
  • Python
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Hadoop/Big Data
  • Mobile technologies (Android or OS)
  • Advanced JavaScript framework (e.g., Angular, React, VueJS)
  • Spring Boot/microservices

Improve your skills 

Java is a technology that constantly adapts to new needs — these days, there’s a new release every six months or so. The best jobs go to Java developers who keep up with the constantly changing language and enhance their skill sets with complementary technologies.

Groups of Java Developers

If you’re working as a Java developer, you may initially start as a junior Java developer or entry-level java developer. As you work your way up, your title may change to senior Java developer. These job titles often go hand-in-hand with what your average Java developer salary will be.

Glassdoor reports that the average annual salary in the United States for an entry-level Java developer is $77,761, with junior Java developers having a similar average base salary at $75,697 annually. These numbers jump up significantly when Java developers land a senior role, with a reported $106,542 being the average annual base salary in the United States. The higher end of this range is reported to $145,000 annually. 

Some of the many companies currently hiring Java developers include Bright Wolf, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Miracle Software Systems.

Java Developer Responsibilities

Java is a widely-used programming language specifically designed to be used on the internet. Java developers create, develop, and manage software with Java and their daily duties vary based on the specific project they’re working on. Of course, experience level factors in, too.  A more experienced Java developer will oversee the full software development lifecycle, whereas an entry-level or junior developer may only assist or be fully responsible for a portion of the process. As you gain more experience and skills, you’ll become responsible for more and in turn, probably see an increase in earnings. However, it is essential to learn the skills required to grow. 

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Skills Required for Higher Pay

If you’re interviewing for a senior Java developer role that offers a salary on the higher end of the scale, they’ll likely be looking for an array of advanced skills, such as:

  1. 1. Essential Java Technologies
    Through on-the-job experience and adequate training, those aspiring for higher salaries should master all Java technologies, including Java Servlets, EJB, JSP, and J2EE. 
  2. 2. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
    An experienced Java developer is proficient in a wide range of these systems, including MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB. 
  3. 3. Enterprise System Architecture Patterns
    This should include database design, data modeling, unit testing, performance monitoring, and tuning. 
  4. 4. Agile
    Many companies may prefer to hire senior Java developers who have experience with an agile approach when it comes to the lifecycle of software development.
  5. 5. Application Development with Libraries
    Some of these commonly used libraries include Spock, Gradle, and Spring.
  6. 6. Programming Language Knowledge
    Aside from Java, those aspiring to work in senior-level developer roles should know other programming languages as well, such as SQL. 

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