What is Blue Green Deployment? : The Ultimate Guide | Step-By-Step Process

Last updated on 07th Jan 2023, Artciles, Blog

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Rohan Reddy (SEO Manager )

Rohan Reddy is an SEO manager and an expert in Black-Hat SEO, Gray-Hat SEO, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, SEMRush, KWFinder, Moz Pro, Ubersuggest, and SpyFu. He is a certified professional with more than 7 years of professional expertise.

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    • In this article you will get
    • 1.Preface
    • 2.The Origins of Blue- Green Deployments
    • 3.Tools and Services for Set- Up
    • 4.AWS Services for Blue- Green Deployment
    • 5.Exercising Elastic Beanstalk and trading operation
    • 6.Steps to perform Blue- Green association in AWS
    • 7.Blue green deployment and Kubernetes
    • 8.How does blue green deployment work?
    • 9.The benefits of enforcing Blue- Green deployments
    • 10.Conclusion


Blue green transferring is an operation discharge model that moves customer business from a history adaptation of an operation or microservice to a nearly indistinguishable new delivery — the two of which are running afoot.When creation business is fully moved from blue to green, blue can coagulate if there should arise an circumstance of rollback or pulled from creation and refreshed to turn.

There are downsides to this ceaseless transferring model. Not all conditions have analogous uptime prerequisites or the means to meetly perform CI/ CD cycles like blue green. Be that as it may, multitudinous operations develop to help similar constant vehicles as the trials supporting them precisely change.

Blue- Green Deployment

The Origins of Blue- Green Deployments

The story starts around 2005, with two controversies and an issue. The online business website they were dicing down at was showing multitudinous unlooked-for miscalculations. These contrivers were careful and had a decent test suite setup, at the same time, for reasons unknown, blunders were flying under the radar and arriving at creation. The entire circumstance was bringing a ton of difficulty for their guests.

Upon a more top to nethermost assessment, they tracked down the reason They saw that there were similar a large number of contrasts between the creation and test machines. Their tests were brushing through in the assessment climate, yet the law was bombing when conveyed underway.

These contrivers, Daniel North and Jez Humble, also, at that point, had a capricious yet splendid study. They would convey and test directly underway.Presently I can read your mind. Is n’t trying afoot a major no- no? generally, yes. still the central issue then that they were n’t overwriting the old point. All effects being equal, they were running the upgraded one coming to each other, in an analogous factual box, so guests knew nothing about the nonstop association. The old point kept filling in as common while Dan and Jez dealt with the delivery.

The arrangement worked this way. They replicated the organizer containing the most recent adoption into the creation machine. also, at that point, they began the point exercising a different area and bank- tried it not too far out. When they were glad, they would point the Apache web garçon to the new envelope, punch out, and supposedly have beer each around. In the case of anything going south, they could point the web garçon back to the old organizer, fix the blunders, and attempt more. This procedure incredibly further developed identification since test and creation conditions were presently commodity veritably analogous.

How do Blue- Green Deployments Work?

  • With a couple of provisions that we’ll probe latterly, blue-green principally checks every one of the holders for an ideal arrangement process.
  • Harmonious guests should not encounter any holiday.
  • Safe slim liability of disappointment.
  • Fully reversible we can fix the change without unfriendly impacts.

The premise of the blue-green fashion is one coming to the other associations. What’s more I mean climate in the most broad manner, including waiters, virtual machines, chambers, arrangements, information bases, in addition to other effects. Now and again we can use colorful boxes. Different occasions we can use separate virtual machines running on an analogous outfit. Or on the other hand they can be colorful chambers running in a solitary contrivance.

Tools and Services for Set- Up

In light of frame and operation, there are different administrations for illustration Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud, Cloudfoundry etc accessible which can be employed to apply Blue- Green Deployment.We’ll talk about the Blue Green arrangement on Cloud and the means to apply it.

The arrival of Cloud in Blue- Green Deployment:

  • The appearance of distributed computing in arrangement has helped the frame to reduce associated hazards.
  • All serviceability of infra the board, charging and robotization have made it simpler to apply Blue- Green Deployment, making it a speedier errand at a lower cost.

AWS Services for Blue- Green Deployment

By using AWS for Blue- Green Deployment, we can get to numerous administrations that help in robotization of deployment and foundation for illustration AWS CLI, SDK, ELB, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFormation etc. There are colorful arrangements that AWS gives which we can use, some of them being:

  • DNS Routing with Route53.
  • Trading of Auto Scaling Group with ELB.
  • Exercising Elastic Beanstalk and trading operation.
  • Blue- Green Deployment exercising AWS Code Deploy.
  • Cloning Stack in OpsWork and streamlining DNS.
AWS Services for Blue- Green Deployment

Exercising Elastic Beanstalk and trading operation

Protean Beanstalk gives us the simplicity in transferring. When we transfer operation law with some adaptation on Elastic Beanstalk and give data about operation, it sends our operation in the Blue Environment and gives its URL.This mark of time our operation is Up with two conditions still business is going just to Blue Environment.For Switching the climate to Green and serving business to it, we really want to pick other Environment craft from Elastic Beanstalk Console and exchange it exercising Action menu.Consequently, business will be diverted to Green Environment.

Steps to perform Blue- Green association in AWS

  • Open Elastic Beanstalk press from AWS and elect the Region where we want to set up a climate.
  • Conceivably we can shoot off another climate or clone the current climate.
  • Shoot and test the new operation climate. For transferring, the new form picks Environment and name from the rundown.
  • Click on transfer and shoot.
  • We can use screen structure to transfer source packs.
  • On the Overview runner, pick terrain exertion and pick exchange climate URL.
  • Pick the climate name, under Select a climate to trade section and snap on exchange

Steps to perform Blue- Green transferring in AWS:

Who Can Profit from Blue- Green Deployments?

Blue- Green Deployment provides us with minimal Down Time and reliable transferring.Blue- Green Deployment has come precious in planting an operation for Development brigades, still it can be used under the beneath situations:

  • There should be identical and isolated conditions.
  • There should be an arrangement for a switch or cargo Balancer.
  • Framework should work with nonstop Update.

What’s a Blue-green deployment?

In software delivery, a blue-green deployment is a fashion for releasing new software performances by maintaining two separate yet identical surroundings, called the blue and the green. The product terrain is called the blue terrain whereas the new interpretation of the software is stationed to the green terrain.

Upon a thorough test and confirmation the green terrain is switched to the product terrain by routing business to the green terrain. This makes the green terrain the new blue terrain. The former blue can be taken down once the new Blue terrain becomes stable.

How does blue green deployment work?

Suppose about it like this. You ’ve developed a simple pall-native app — a mobile game where druggies earn points tapping varicolored balloons that fly across the screen. The game’s reverse end is supported by multiple vessel- grounded microservices that handle game achievements, scoring, mechanics, communication, and player identification.

Hundreds of druggies start playing the game after its original release. They ’re logging thousands of deals every nanosecond. Your DevOps platoon has encouraged you to release early and frequently, which is why you ’re about to release a minor update to the mechanics microservice that increases the size and speed of the red balloon.

Rather than staying until night to push the update to the product terrain( when the least quantity of drugs are active), you ’re using a blue green deployment model to modernize the app during peak use. And you ’re going to do it with zero time-out.

You ’re suitable to do this because you took the mechanics microservice in the product terrain( blue) and copied it to an identical — but separate — vessel( green). After you increase the size and speed of the red balloons in the green terrain, it passes through Q/ A and staging( which were maybe automated by an open source stress test design like Jenkins) before it’s pushed to the product terrain alongside the active blue terrain.

The ops platoon can use a cargo balancer to deflect each stoner’s coming sale from blue to green, and — formerly all product business is filtered through the green terrain — the blue terrain is brought offline. Blue can either buttress as a disaster recovery option, or it can come to the vessel for the coming update.

Blue green deployment and Kubernetes:

Kubernetes is a natural fit with all the rudiments associated with the blue green deployment process, including pall-native apps, microservices, holders, nonstop integration, nonstop delivery, nonstop deployment, SRE, and DevOps. As an open source platform that automates Linux ® vessel operations, Kubernetes not only helps orchestrate the holders that package pall-native apps ’ microservices, but Kubernetes is also supported by a collection of architectural patterns that inventors can exercise rather of creating operation infrastructures from scrape.

Since microservices are innately small, they can multiply in number veritably snappily. The Declarative Deployment pattern reduces the homemade trouble demanded to emplace new capsules — the lowest and simplest unit in the Kubernetes armature.

The benefits of enforcing Blue- Green deployments

  • Flawless client experience druggies do not witness any time-out.
  • Instant rollbacks undo the change without adverse goods and go back to the former stylish state.
  • No upgrade- time schedules for inventors no need to stay for conservation windows.
  • Testing equality the newer performances can be directly tested for real- world scripts.
  • The Blue- Green strategy is a perfect practice for bluffing and running disaster recovery practices. This is because of the essential parity of the Blue and Green cases and a quick recovery medium in case of an issue with the new release.

As we’ve seen in the case of Canary deployment, the testing terrain may not be identical to the final product terrain. In canary, we use a small portion of the product terrain and move a small quantum of business to the new system. But to pretend an factual product script a analogous birth case is created that also is compared with the canary release. Read further about Canary Analysis then.

Gone are the days when DevOps masterminds had to stay for low business windows to emplace the updates. This eliminates the need for maintaining time-out schedules and inventors can snappily move their updates into product through the Blue- Green strategy, as soon as they’re ready with their law.

Why is blue-green deployment useful?

The primary benefit of enforcing Blue- Green strategy is to insure minimum or zero time-out with no end- stoner experience impact while planting and switching druggies to a new software release or a rollback( in case there are unlooked-for issues with the new release/ deployment.

The generalities and factors needed to apply Blue- Green deployments include, but aren’t limited to cargo balancers, routing rules, and vessel unity platforms like Kubernetes.

Keeping databases in sync:

Depending on your design, you may be suitable to feed deals to both cases to keep the blue case as a backup when the herbage is alive. Or you may be suitable to put the operation in read-only mode ahead cut- over, run it for a while in read-only mode, and also switch it to read- write mode. That may be enough to flush out numerous outstanding issues.

Backward comity is of utmost significance when business is veritably critical. Any new druggies or data on the new interpretation must have access in the event of a rollback. else, the business might stand a chance to lose out on new guests.

Execute a rolling update:

The vessel armature has enabled the use of a rolling or a flawless blue-green update. Containers enable DevOps masterminds to perform a Blue-green update only on the needed cover. This decentralized armature ensures that other corridors of the operation don’t get affected.

Challenges to consider while enforcing Blue- Green Deployments:

Crimes when changing stoner routing.Blue Green is the stylish choice of deployment strategy in numerous cases, but it comes with some challenges. One issue is that during the original switch to the new( green) terrain, some sessions may fail, or druggies may be forced to log back into the operation. Also, when rolling back to the blue terrain in case of an error, druggies logged in to the green case may face service issues.

With more advanced cargo balancers these issues can be overcome by decelerating moving new business from one case to another. The cargo balancer can either be programmed to stay for a fixed duration before druggies are inactive or force close sessions for the druggies still connected to the blue case post the specified time limit.

This might decelerate down the deployment process and may affect some failed and stuck deals for a veritably small bit of the druggies. But this will give an overall flawless and continued service quality as compared to the system where routers force the exit of all druggies and divert business.

High structure costs:

The giant in the room with Blue- Green deployments is the structure costs. Organizations that have espoused a Blue- Green strategy need to maintain a structure that doubles the size needed by their application.However, the cost can be absorbed more fluently, If you use elastic structure. Also, Blue- Green deployments can be a good choice for operations that are less ferocious.

Code comity:

Incipiently, the Blue and Green cases live in the product terrain so inventors need to ensure that each new update is compatible with the former terrain. For illustration, if a software update requires changes to a database( adding a new field or column for illustration,) the Blue Green strategy is delicate to apply because at times business is switched back and forth between the blue and green case. It should be an accreditation to use a database that’s compatible across all software updates( as some NoSQL databases are).


Blue- Green Strategy involves cost but is one of the most extensively used advanced deployment strategies. Blue-green deployment is great particularly when you anticipate surroundings to remain harmonious between releases, and trustability in stoner sessions across new releases.

OpsMx Intelligent nonstop Delivery( ISD) platform offers out- of- the- box support for blue-green deployments. Learn further about how OpsMx ISD addresses some of the real world challenges around software delivery and deployment and can help address your requirements.

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