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SEO Strategies to Avoid Major Google Penalties In 2022 | Everything You Need to Know to Become an Expert

Last updated on 04th Nov 2022, Artciles, Blog

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Rohan Reddy (SEO Manager )

Rohan Reddy is an SEO manager and an expert in Black-Hat SEO, Gray-Hat SEO, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, SEMRush, KWFinder, Moz Pro, Ubersuggest, and SpyFu. He is a certified professional with more than 7 years of professional expertise.

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    • In this article you will learn:
    • 1.Shaping a SEO Strategy In-Tune with a Google’s Algorithm Updates.
    • 2.What’s The Catch?
    • 3.Google Panda.
    • 4.Panda Update a Quality Criteria and How to Avoid Panda Punishment/Penalties.
    • 5.Google Penguin Update.
    • 6.Google Hummingbird Update.
    • 7.Google Pigeon Update.
    • 8.Google Mobilegeddon Update.
    • 9.Conclusion.

Shaping a SEO Strategy In-Tune with a Google’s Algorithm Updates:

Google’s search engine ethos is majorly explained by a fact that they want search engine users to receive most relevant results for searches submitted in fastest time possible. Websites that a fulfill this need in the best possible way rank higher and are be prioritized in search engine results.

What’s The Catch?

Everything that have mentioned so far sounds more straightforward and almost automatic but the truth is that if it were as simple as it sounds everybody would be a number one on Google’s SERP and all know that this is an impossible because not everyone can be a number one!The fact of a matter is that webmasters and most a Google employees for that matter don’t know what factors are used to find how high a website ranks. What is however clear is that a some 200 ranking factors are used in a algorithm and Google gives as some guidelines of where their priorities lie with these ranking factors.Where as a Google is continually refining its a algorithm there have been a five major algorithm changes that have affected how a webmasters and users experience a search engine. These algorithm updates are have been named as below :






  • A growing commitment and focus on a better user experience for a search engine users.
  • A higher priority and preference for a more productive and more in-depth content.
  • A focus and preference for the websites that regularly update and refresh content.
  • A stronger emphasis on a brand awareness.
  • An emphasis on a search optimized for local ranking and More and more prominence given to a websites that adhere to a mobile SEO strategy.

Google Panda:

  • The Panda update was a first major update to a Google algorithm since its inception. Its primary impetus was to a fine-tune the quality of relevant search results by a prioritizing high-quality search results and pushing further a back lower quality search results.
  • In essence this an update was a move by Google to a produce better high-quality results with relevant content that a search engine user desires.
  • This was done by a filtering out or giving much less prominence to the lower quality content or spam content that a search engine user didn’t want to spend a time looking at and giving more priority to the websites that users prefer to look at.
  • Through this update SEO’s job was an elevated to become more robust than a only producing good content putting in a keywords and adding backlinks to thinking more about an experience that the website offered.
  • Google forced a webmasters to shift their focus to creating the website and brand that people will love, trust, reward and share with others.
SEO Strategies

Panda Update a Quality Criteria and How to Avoid a Panda Punishment/Penalties:

1. Duplicate Content:

Issues that can cause a penalties due to duplicate content include:

  • A Default information added by a content management systems.
  • Information automatically added to the printer-friendly pages and.Web page addresses are getting appended with session IDs.
  • The quality of an inbound links.

2. Bounce Rate:

  • A bounce rate that is higher than a 60% is too high and implies that are need to put in some work on a website to make it more user-friendly. To find out a website bounce rate sign up for a Google Analytics account and make use of an informative guides on Google Analytics.
  • With that said sometimes a website’s bounce rate can vary an abnormally. For instance if happen to have redesigned a website to make it better for your audience bounce rate is likely to vary as an audience gets accustomed to a new layout of the website’s user interface.

3. Repeat Site Visits:

Some of the various ways to get visitors to come back to the website include:

  • Using a more guides and visual content to be a more helpful to audience.
  • Using a ‘Calls to Action’.
  • Improving a website load time.

How to Better Plan a Website by an Adhering to Panda Update Guidelines To better plan a website three important factors need to be an addressed. These include:

  • Improving a quality of, or optimizing ‘Static Elements’ including static pages like a Privacy Policy, Contact About Us and TOS.
  • A Consistent Quality Checks and also improvements e.g. improving a websites meta tags and upgrading to a HTML5.
  • Improving a website’s User Experience.
SEO Process

Google Penguin Update:

The Penguin Update’s primary motivation has been to limit and discourage a unethical use of the links .The unethical use of links involves a trying to gain favor with a Google by tricking the search engine that a website is an authority website or that the website has a rich content.Through this algorithm update problems not favorably looked upon including a use of:

  • Unnatural links are including.
  • Large numbers of a links pointing to a website from a low quality or irrelevant sources.
  • Purchasing of a links and The random use of a links on a website while totally ignoring proper context.
  • A Link Schemes
  • Keyword stuffing and Too much use of a SEO for example if have too many links to pages within a website or if have too many H1 tags on a page.

Google Hummingbird Update:

The Hummingbird update has been one of the Google’s most significant search engine algorithm updates so far. In a September 2013 Google made substantial changes not only to an algorithm but also to indexing methods as well.The main motivation behind a Hummingbird update is for a Google to understand user queries better and therefore be able to return a better and more useful results.In essence search query intent by a user became more important than mere use of the keyword itself. Therefore, content that are best answers the intent of a user’s query is much likely to rank higher and a more favorably than content, which includes a same keywords used by the user.

Google Pigeon Update:

The Pigeon algorithm update was launched in a July 2014 and its primary goal is to offer useful, relevant and fast query results to a web users looking for a local search results.

Google Mobilegeddon Update:

In February 2015 consistent with a Google’s intention to make a user experience through the search engine more pleasant one the focus through this update was to give a priority to websites that were an optimized for a mobile devices. This focus on a mobile devices comes from a fact that more and more people do searches through a mobile devices than through desktop computer.


Avoiding the Google penalty may seem a more difficult task. But if play by a rules and don’t get involved in black hat a SEO techniques should be fine.A lot of websites and blogs get penalized because of a link-farming thin content or irrelevant backlinks.

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