Online Classroom Batches Preferred
Weekdays Regular
(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekdays Regular
(Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekend Regular
(Class 3hr - 3:30Hrs) / Per Session
Weekend Fasttrack
(Class 4:30Hr - 5:00Hrs) / Per Session
No Interest Financing start at ₹ 5000 / month
Top Skills You Will Gain
- Abstract data types
- Basic data Structures
- Binary trees&applications
- Sorting
- Hashing
- Graphs & Trees
- Algorithm Efficiency & design strategies
- Algorithm and problem classification
Data Structures and Algorithms Course Key Features 100% Money Back Guarantee
5 Weeks Training
For Become a Expert -
Certificate of Training
From Industry Data Structures and Algorithms Experts -
Beginner Friendly
No Prior Knowledge Required -
Build 3+ Projects
For Hands-on Practices -
Lifetime Access
To Self-placed Learning -
Placement Assistance
To Build Your Career
Top Companies Placement
The Back-End Engineers participate in the entire application lifecycle, focusing on coding and debugging to write a clean code for develop the functional web applications. They collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic and build a reusable code library are often rewarded with substantial pay raises shown below.
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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Curriculam
Trainers Profile
Trainers are certified professionals with 12+ years of experience in their respective domains as well as they are currently working with Top MNCs. As all Trainers from Data Structures and Algorithms Online Training course are respective domain working professionals so they are having many live projects, trainers will use these projects during training sessions.
Syllabus of Data Structures and Algorithms Online Course Download syllabus
- Analysis of Algorithm
- Background analysis through a Program and its functions.
- Order of Growth
- A mathematical explanation of the growth analysis through limits and functions.
- A direct way of calculating the order of growth
- Asymptotic Notations
- Best, Average and Worst case explanation through a program.
- Big O Notation
- Graphical and mathematical explanation.
- Calculation
- Applications at Linear Search
- Omega Notation
- Graphical and mathematical explanation.
- Calculation.
- Theta Notation
- Graphical and mathematical explanation.
- Calculation.
- Analysis of common loops
- Single, multiple and nested loops
- Analysis of Recursion
- Various calculations through Recursion Tree method
- Space Complexity
- 2Basic Programs
- Auxiliary Space
- Space Analysis of Recursion
- Space Analysis of Fibonacci number
- Finding the number of digits in a number.
- Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions.
- Quadratic Equations.
- Mean and Median.
- Prime Numbers.
- LCM and HCF
- Factorials
- Permutations and Combinations
- Modular Arithmetic
- Practice Problems
- Bitwise Operators in C++
- Operation of AND, OR, XOR operators
- Operation of Left Shift, Right Shift and Bitwise Not
- Bitwise Operators in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operation of AND, OR
- Operation of Bitwise Not, Left Shift
- Operation of Right Shift and unsigned Right Shift
- Problem(With Video Solutions): Check Kth bit is set or not
- Using the left Shift.
- Using the right shift
- Problem(With Video Solutions): Count Set Bits
- Simple method
- Brian and Kerningham Algorithm
- Using Lookup Table
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- To check whether a number is a power of 2 or not
- Odd occurrences in an array.
- Two numbers having odd occurrences in an array.
- Generate power set using bitwise operators.
- Practice Problems
- Writing base cases in Recursion
- Factorial
- N-th Fibonacci number
- Various problems on Recursion(With Video Solutions)
- Print n to 1
- Tail Recursion
- Checking Palindrome
- Sum of digits
- Rod cutting
- Subsets of a set
- Tower of Hanoi Problem
- Josephus Problem
- Introduction and Advantages
- Types of Arrays
- Fixed-sized array
- Dynamic-sized array
- Operations on Arrays
- Searching
- Insertions
- Deletion
- Arrays vs other DS
- Reversing - Explanation with complexity
- Left Rotation of the array by 1
- Left Rotation of the array by D places
- Leaders in an Array
- Maximum Difference Problem
- Stock Buy and Sell Problem
- Trapping Rainwater Problem
- Maximum subarray sum
- Longest even-odd subarray
- Maximum Circular sum subarray.
- Majority Element
- Minimum Consecutive Flips
- Sliding Window Technique
- Prefix sum technique
- Practice Problems
- Binary Search and various associated problems(With Video Solutions)
- Leftmost index of an element in an array
- Count of occurrences of x in sorted element
- Count of 1s in a binary sorted array
- Find an element in sorted and rotated array
- Peak element
- Find an element in an infinite sized sorted array
- The square root of an integer
- Two Pointer Approach Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Find pair in an unsorted array which gives sum X
- Find pair in a sorted array which gives sum X
- Find triplet in an array which gives sum X
- Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Median of two sorted arrays
- Majority Element
- Implementation of C++ STL sort() function in Arrays and Vector
- Time Complexities
- Sorting in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Arrays.sort() in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Collection.sort() in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Stability in Sorting Algorithms
- Examples of Stable and Unstable Algos
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Intersection of 2 sorted arrays
- Union of 2 sorted arrays
- Count Inversions in arrays
- Partitions(With Video Solutions)
- Naive
- Lomuto
- Hoare
- Quick Sort
- Using Lomuto and Hoare
- Time and Space analysis
- Choice of Pivot and Worst case
- Tail call elimination
- Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Kth Smallest element
- Chocolate Distribution Problem
- Sorting arrays with 2 and3 types of elements
- Merge Overlapping Intervals
- Meeting the Maximum Guests
- Cycle Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Gather
- Introduction to Matrix in C++ and Data Structures and Algorithms
- Printing matrix in a snake pattern
- Transposing a matrix
- Rotating a Matrix
- Check if the element is present in a row and column-wise sorted matrix.
- Boundary Traversal
- Spiral Traversal
- Matrix Multiplication
- Introduction and Time complexity analysis
- Application of Hashing
- Discussion on Direct Address Table
- Working and examples on various Hash Functions
- Introduction and Various techniques on Collision Handling
- Chaining and its implementation
- Open Addressing and its Implementation
- Chaining V/S Open Addressing
- Double Hashing
- C++
- Unordered Set
- Unordered Map
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- HashSet
- HashMap
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Count Distinct Elements
- Count of the frequency of array elements
- The intersection of two arrays
- Union of two unsorted arrays
- Pair with given sum in an unsorted array
- Subarray with zero-sum
- Subarray with given sum Longest subarray with a given sum
- Longest subarray with an equal number of 0’s and 1’s
- Longest common span with the same sum in a binary array
- Longest Consecutive Subsequence
- Count Distinct elements in every window
- Discussion of String DS
- Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Given a string, check if they are an anagram of each other.
- Given a string, find the leftmost charLearnoVitar that repeats.
- Given a string, find the leftmost charLearnoVitar that does not repeat.
- Given a string, find the lexicographic rank of it in O(n) time.
- Implementation of the previously discussed lexicographic rank problem.
- Given a text string and a pattern string, find if a permutation of the pattern exists in the text.
- Given two strings, check if they are rotations of each other or not.
- Various Pattern Searching Algorithms.
- Rabin Karp Algorithm
- KMP Algorithm
- Introduction
- Implementation in CPP
- Implementation in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Comparison with Array DS
- Doubly Linked List
- Circular Linked List
- Loop Problems
- Detecting Loops
- Detecting loops using Floyd cycle detection
- Detecting and Removing Loops in Linked List
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Middle of Linked List
- Nth node from the end of linked list
- Deleting a Node without accessing Head pointer of Linked List
- An iterative method to Reverse a linked list
- Recursive method to reverse a linked list
- Segregating even-odd nodes of linked list
- The intersection of two linked list
- Pairwise swap nodes of linked list
- Clone a linked list using a random pointer
- LRU Cache Design
- Understanding the Stack data structure /li>
- Applications of Stack
- Implementation of Stack in Array and Linked List
- In C++
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Balanced Parenthesis
- Two stacks in an array
- K Stacks in an array
- Stock span problem with variations
- Previous Greater Element
- Next Greater Element
- Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram
- Understanding getMin() in Stack with O(1)
- Tagging
- Introduction and Application
- Implementation of the queue using array and LinkedList
- In C++ STL
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Stack using queue
- Problems(With Video Solutions)
- Reversing a Queue
- Generate numbers with given digits
- Maximums of all subarrays of size k
- Introduction
- Tree
- Application
- Binary Tree
- Tree Traversal
- Implementation of:
- Inorder Traversal
- Preorder Traversal
- Postorder Traversal
- Level Order Traversal (Line by Line)
- Tree Traversal in Spiral Form
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Size of Binary Tree
- Maximum in Binary Tree
- Height of Binary Tree
- Print Nodes at K distance
- Print Left View of Binary Tree
- Children Sum Property
- Check for Balanced Binary Tree
- Maximum Width of Binary Tree
- Convert Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List
- Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder
- The diameter of a Binary Tree
- LCA problem with an efficient solution
- Background, Introduction and Application
- Implementation of Search in BST
- In CPP
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Insertion in BST
- In CPP
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Deletion in BST
- In CPP
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Floor in BST
- In CPP
- In Data Structures and Algorithms
- Self Balancing BST
- AVL Tree
- Red Black Tree
- Set in C++ STL
- Map in C++ STL
- TreeSet in Data Structures and Algorithms
- TreeMap in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- The ceiling of a key in BST
- Ceiling on the left side in an array
- Find Kth Smallest in BST
- Check for BST
- Fix BST with Two Nodes Swapped
- Pair Sum with given BST
- Vertical Sum in a Binary Tree
- Vertical Traversal of Binary Tree
- Top View of Binary Tree
- Bottom View of Binary Tree
- Introduction & Implementation
- Binary Heap
- Insertion
- Heapify and Extract
- Decrease Key, Delete and Build Heap
- Heap Sort
- Priority Queue in C++
- PriorityQueue in Data Structures and Algorithms
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Sort K-Sorted Array
- Buy Maximum Items with Given Sum
- K Largest Elements
- Merge K Sorted Arrays
- Median of a Stream
- Introduction to Graph
- Graph Representation
- Adjacency Matrix
- Adjacency List in CPP and Data Structures and Algorithms
- Adjacency Matrix VS List
- Breadth-First Search
- Applications
- Depth First Search
- Applications
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Shortest Path in an Unweighted Graph
- Detecting Cycle
- In the Undirected Graph
- In the Directed Graph
- Topological Sorting
- Kahn's BFS Based Algorithm
- DFS Based Algorithm
- Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph
- Introduction
- Activity Selection Problem
- Fractional Knapsack
- Job Sequencing Problem
- Concepts of Backtracking
- Rat In a Maze
- N Queen Problem
- Sudoku Problem
- Introduction
- Dynamic Programming
- Memoization
- Tabulation
- Problems(With Video Solutions):
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Coin Change Count Combinations
- Edit Distance Problem
- Naive Approach
- DP Approach
- Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem
- Naive Approach
- Efficient Approach
- Maximum Cutss to make a value
- Minimum Jumps to reach at the end
- 0-1 knapsack problem
- Naive Approach
- Efficient Approach
- Optimal Strategy for a Game
- Variation of Longest Common Subsequence
- Variation of Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Egg Dropping Problem
- Prim's Algorithm/Minimum Spanning Tree
- Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
- Bellman-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm
- Kosaraju's Algorithm
- Articulation Point
- Bridges in Graph
- Tarjan’s Algorithm
- Introduction
- Representation
- Search
- Insert
- Delete
- Count Distinct Rows in a Binary Matrix
- Introduction
- Construction
- Range Query
- Update Query
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Industry Projects
Mock Interviews
- Mock interviews by Learnovita give you the platform to prepare, practice and experience the real-life job interview. Familiarizing yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a relaxed and stress-free environment gives you an edge over your peers.
- Our mock interviews will be conducted by industry experts with an average experience of 7+ years. So you’re sure to improve your chances of getting hired!
How Learnovita Mock Interview Works?
Data Structures and Algorithms Training Objectives
- The data structure and algorithm provide a set of techniques to the programmer for handling the data efficiently. The programmer should understand the core concepts of data handling. ... If the programmer does not know about data structure and algorithm, they may not be able to write efficient code to handle the data
- Data structures and algorithms are some of the most essential topics for programmers, both to get a job and to do well on a job. Good knowledge of data structures and algorithms is the foundation of writing good code.
- Data structures allow information storage on hard disks.provides means for management of large dataset such as databases or internet indexing services.Are necessary for design of efficient algorithms.allows safe storage of information on a computer.
Our course is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Data Structures and Algorithms. The course is made up of Both theoretical & Practical classes that teach the basics of each module followed by high-intensity practical sessions of Completing Each Module that Related current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
- Deep practical knowledge & Hands-on lab.
- Real-time project use cases & scenarios from the various Industries.
- Mock Tests and discussing various questions.
- LearnoVita has been actively involved in 100% Job Placement Assistance as a value-added service in the Technical Program. With the backup of an advanced training curriculum and real-time business projects, we have a very consistent and growing Job Placement and Track Record.
- Market entry to various countries and jobs in major corporate.
- Immediate job opportunities after Completion of training.
- Active Coordination with students from the stage of preparing a professional CV/Resume to attend Interviews and securing a Job.
- Preliminary Preparation ensures that our students are able to perform confidently in Interviews even it was their First Interview.
- Data structure provides effective and efficient processing of small as well as large amount of data. Usage of proper data structure, can help programmer save lots of time or processing time while operations such as storage, retrieval or processing of data
- C++ is the best language for not only competitive but also using to solve the algorithm and data structure problems . C++ use increases the computational level of thinking in memory , time complexity and data flow level.
After this training, the significant areas where you excel are as follows:
- To understand the abstract data types stack, queue, deque, and list. To be able to implement the ADTs stack, queue, and deque using Python lists. To understand the performance of the implementations of basic linear data structures. To understand prefix, infix, and postfix expression formats.
The training is perfect for the below job positions:
- This year, for the first time since 2016, data scientist is not the number one job in America, according to Glassdoor's annual ranking. ... After growing quickly from 1,700 job postings in 2016 to 4,500 in 2018, growth in data scientist job postings were flat from 2019 to 2020 at around 6,500, according to Glassdoor
- Learning data structures and algorithms is also beneficial for a better understanding of new frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, Spring MVC, etc. When you get an exposure to a different range of problem-solving techniques, it helps you take up the next challenging problem easily.
Exam & Certification
At LearnoVita, You Can Enroll in Either the instructor-led Online Classroom Training or Online Self-Paced Training.
Online Classroom:
- Participate and Complete One batch of Data Structures and Algorithms Training Course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
Online Self-learning:
- Complete 85% of the Data Structures and Algorithms Certification course
- Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the given projects
This is the Certification that was Structured under the Data Structures and Algorithms Certification Path.
- LearnoVita Data Structures and Algorithms Certification
- Learn About the Certification Paths.
- Write Code Daily This will help you develop Coding Reading and Writing ability.
- Refer and Read Recommended Books Depending on Which Exam you are Going to Take up.
- Join LearnoVita Online Training Course That Gives you a High Chance to interact with your Subject Expert Instructors and fellow Aspirants Preparing for Certifications.
- Solve Sample Tests that would help you to Increase the Speed needed for attempting the exam and also helps for Agile Thinking.
Recently Placed Students
Pranav Srinivas
Software Testing, CapgeminiData Structures and Algorithms Course FAQ's
- LearnoVita will assist the job seekers to Seek, Connect & Succeed and delight the employers with the perfect candidates.
- On Successfully Completing a Career Course with LearnoVita, you Could be Eligible for Job Placement Assistance.
- 100% Placement Assistance* - We have strong relationship with over 650+ Top MNCs, When a student completes his/ her course successfully, LearnoVita Placement Cell helps him/ her interview with Major Companies like Oracle, HP, Wipro, Accenture, Google, IBM, Tech Mahindra, Amazon, CTS, TCS, HCL, Infosys, MindTree and MPhasis etc...
- LearnoVita is the Legend in offering placement to the students. Please visit our Placed Students's List on our website.
- More than 5400+ students placed in last year in India & Globally.
- LearnoVita Conducts development sessions including mock interviews, presentation skills to prepare students to face a challenging interview situation with ease.
- 85% percent placement record
- Our Placement Cell support you till you get placed in better MNC
- Please Visit Your Student's Portal | Here FREE Lifetime Online Student Portal help you to access the Job Openings, Study Materials, Videos, Recorded Section & Top MNC interview Questions
- LearnoVita Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the World.
- LearnoVita is the unique Authorized Oracle Partner, Authorized Microsoft Partner, Authorized Pearson Vue Exam Center, Authorized PSI Exam Center, Authorized Partner Of AWS.
- Also, LearnoVita Technical Experts Help's People Who Want to Clear the National Authorized Certificate in Specialized IT Domain.
- LearnoVita is offering you the most updated, relevant, and high-value real-world projects as part of the training program.
- All training comes with multiple projects that thoroughly test your skills, learning, and practical knowledge, making you completely industry-ready.
- You will work on highly exciting projects in the domains of high technology, ecommerce, marketing, sales, networking, banking, insurance, etc.
- After completing the projects successfully, your skills will be equal to 6 months of rigorous industry experience.
- We will reschedule the classes as per your convenience within the stipulated course duration with all such possibilities.
- View the class presentation and recordings that are available for online viewing.
- You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch.