Convert Decimal To Binary In Python
Last updated on 25th Sep 2020, Artciles, Blog
In this post, we will see programs to convert decimal numbers to an equivalent binary number. We will see two Python programs, the first program does the conversion using a user defined function and in the second program we are using a in-built function bin() for the decimal to binary conversion.
1. Decimal to Binary conversion using recursive function
In this program we have defined a function decimalToBinary() for the conversion. This function takes the decimal number as an input parameter and converts it into an equivalent binary number.
- def decimalToBinary(num):
- “””This function converts decimal number
- to binary and prints it”””
- if num > 1:
- decimal To Binary(num // 2)
- print(num % 2, end=”)
- # decimal number
- number = int(input(“Enter any decimal number: “))
- decimalToBinary(number)
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Introduction of Floating Point Representation
1. To convert the floating point into decimal, we have 3 elements in a 32-bit floating point representation:
i) Sign
ii) Exponent
iii) Mantissa
- Sign bit is the first bit of the binary representation. ‘1’ implies negative number and ‘0’ implies positive numbers.
Example: 11000001110100000000000000000000 This is negative number. - Exponent is decided by the next 8 bits of binary representation. 127 is the unique number for 32 bit floating point representation. It is known as bias. It is determined by 2k-1 -1 where ‘k’ is the number of bits in the exponent field.
There are 3 exponent bits in 8-bit representation and 8 exponent bits in 32-bit representation.
bias = 3 for 8 bit conversion (23-1 -1 = 4-1 = 3)
bias = 127 for 32 bit conversion. (28-1 -1 = 128-1 = 127)
Python Program to Convert the given number from Decimal to Binary
In this article, let us discuss how to convert the given input number from decimal to binary using two different methods.
To find a binary equivalent, the decimal number has to be recursively divided by the value 2 until the decimal number reaches the value zero. After each and every division, the remainder has to be noted. The reverse of the remainder values gives the binary equivalent of the decimal number.
For example, the binary conversion of the decimal number 15 is shown in the below image.

Input consists of an integer
Binary equivalent of the given input decimal number
Algorithm for converting Decimal to Binary
Step 1: Get an input value from the user
Step 2: If the input is greater than zero, divide the number by the value 2 and note the remainder
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until the decimal number reaches zero
Step 4: Print the remainder values
Step 5: End
Method1: Using user-defined function
Python program to convert the given decimal number to binary using a user-defined function
- def decimalToBinary(num):if num > 1:
- decimal To Binary(num // 2)
- print(num % 2, end = ”)
- number = int(input(“Enter the decimal number: “))
- #main() function
- decimalToBinary(number)
Enter the decimal number: 25
Built-In Functions in PythonMethod 2: Using built-in function
When we use the built-in function, the output will be obtained with the prefix ‘ob’.
Python program to convert the given decimal number to binary using a built-in function
- number = int(input(“Enter the decimal number: “))
- print(bin(number))
Enter the decimal number: 56
Binary Number: 0b111000
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