[ STEP-IN ] IBM Cast Iron Interview Question and Answers
Last updated on 23rd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question
1. What is cast iron tool?
Cast Iron® Studio is a development tool that is used to design, test, and publish integration projects to the IBM Cast Iron Integration Appliance. For the conceptual overview of Studio, including the step-by-step sample of how to create, test, and publish a project.
2. What is a carbon content in cast iron?
Cast iron is the ferrous alloy which has more than a 2% carbon in it.
3. What is name of a furnace obtained from a cast iron?
A cupola or cupola furnace is the melting device used in foundries that can be used to melt a cast iron, Ni-resist iron and some bronzes.
4. What is defining a property of wrought iron?
Wrought iron is an iron alloy with the very low carbon content with respect to a cast iron. It is a soft, ductile, magnetic, and has high elasticity and tensile strength. It can be heated and reheated and worked into a different shapes.
5. How much iron does a cementite contain?
Cementite is an intermetallic compound of a iron-carbon (Fe3C). It has a solubility that is negligible with the composition of 6.67% C and 93.3% Fe.
6. What is a crystal structure of ϒ iron?
Pure iron exists in a three allotropic phases of α iron, ϒ iron, and δ iron. α iron and δ iron appear as a body-centered cubic, whereas ϒ iron is a face-centered cubic that is a stable between the 908oC and 1535oC.
7. Is Cast Iron BCC?
Between room temperature and 912oC, iron has a BCC structure, and is a tough, hard metal .Above as 912oC, pure iron switches over to a FCC (austenite) structure, which is a much more ductile.
8. Why do think IBM is doing it now?
The applications provided by a Cast Iron will turn out to be very useful and hence integration of IBM with a Cast iron. This will help IBM to add this to software portfolio. This is a logical and excellent step towards expanding for capabilities.
9. What is a SaaS?
It is a model in which a third person offers a applications and these applications are opened and made available to other customers through the Internet. SaaS is known to be one of important categories of infrastructure as service, cloud computing, and platform as a service.
10. How is it beneficial for a companies to meet a business needs?
It makes possible certain needs like working from anywhere in the world and the person is able to obtain access to a files from any part of world and at any time.
It also helps in reduction of a resources provided by the IT sector for maintaining a servers and maintenance of the infrastructure. SaaS can be run within a days rather than months.
11. What is the IBM culture?
At present, the following elements are most notable in a IBM’s corporate culture: Radical thinking. Dedication to an every client’s success. Innovation that the matters.
12. What do know about a Cast Iron Systems?
It is a company of software as a service also known as the SaaS and was established in year 2001. It has finished integrating millions of customers from the around world. Some of their clients include a Sports Authority, ShoreTel, Dow Jones, etc. It was a number 1 company in the application of SaaS and cloud integration. They have an approach of a configuration and no coding. They have excellent flexibility as far as deployment is to be concerned. This is helpful for companies to reduce the costs by 80 percent. They are also helpful in providing the accelerated integration with customers.
13. What are certain capabilities that are provided by a Cast Iron Systems?
Cast Iron System provides a client with cloud application integration and SaaS. They are extremely efficient and useful in a world with the growing importance of an internet and the companies expanding and competing with the one another. These applications are therefore essential to be at a forefront and develop.
14. How secure is integration in a cloud?
The infrastructure on which a WebSphere Cast Iron Live runs has been certified to be compliant with the SAS-70 Type II according to the stringent audit requirements of a American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
This audit ensures following aspects:
- Physical infrastructure is equipped with the security and access controls.
- Network infrastructure is equipped with a mitigation techniques for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, prevention of unauthorized port-scans, IP spoofing, and more.
- Redundancy is provided at a several levels including network, power, and storage.
15. How are these useful?
They are flexible and the fast. They can be completed in matter of a few days as opposed to the other applications taking weeks or even months. Clients who have their hands on this with a more uncomplicated integration in already present processes and applications. Another plus point is that it has returns that are more and costs low on a SaaS and cloud models if the client has invested in it.
16. What are services that are provided by them?
Certain services which are provided by a Cast Iron Systems are as follows: the education services which means it offers a hands-on experience and teaches them how to deploy for a desired results. Others are consulting services which included a detailed knowledge about the products and their implementations. There are the other technical services that are more responsive and have high reliability which are supported globally through the support system by telephone and any support by an online portal.
17. And how are these provided?
Certain capabilities provided by a Cast Iron Systems are through Cast Iron Physical Appliances, Virtual Appliances, and the cloud2.
18. Elaborate on a history of IBM?
The first product was developed in a year 1988 in the month of a June. There are many components that form the part of this company. IBM classifies the software with respect to a capabilities which are offered based on industries.
19. What is a IBM WebSphere?
It is a brand of the computer software. This software is used to generate the applications and merge two or more applications and it has been present in a market since the year 1998.
20. How to deploy an application in a WebSphere?
1. Hot deployment : Copy application file into the application directory. This is good for a non-production environment and not recommended for production.
2. DMGR :Can deploy an application through a DMGR by going to Applications >> New application
3. Scripts :Can develop wsadmin scripts or ant tasks for the application deployment.
21. Tell more about IBM Cast Iron?
The IBM Cast Iron is provided by IBM which can offer to its customers a space for combining applications based on a cloud from the providers who are foremost in a SaaS. The WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud Integration was debuted by an IBM after they acquired a Cast Iron Systems.
22. Where can IBM Cast Iron be deployed?
They can be deployed in the appliances that are physical and virtual. These included a WebSphere Cast Iron Appliance XH420, WebSphere Cast Iron Hypervisor Edition. It can also be used in the IBM Cast Iron Cloud which is a complete cloud service.
23. Can these assets be used as a leverage by IBM?
The applications provided bya Cast Iron Systems can be used by an IBM with regards to a business clients and also the enterprise.
24. What are the certain benefits that IBM would gain out of this?
The business partners of an IBM would have with them the cloud of a Cast Iron System and the application of SaaS. They are also backed by an immense capability, global reach, and strength of IBM. The partners would have an increased opportunity to start integration of the application.
25. Elaborate on benefits that the business partners of Cast Iron System would incur?
There are many benefits that these are business partners would be acquire. The universal IBM team of sales and marketing can help them for opening accounts. They can also gain the resources that are skilled with help of IBM.
26. What is the App Connect designer?
Can easily use an IBM App Connect Designer to connect the apps like Salesforce, Marketo, and SAP, so that when an event occurs in a one app, or a request is made to an API, other connected apps are updated automatically.
27. Why do think that Cast Iron Systems was acquired by an IBM?
IBM provides a lot of capabilities for a business and on-premise applications. Cast Iron Systems would only help them in a providing the clients with a holistic platform to merge applications through the cloud from providers like Amazon, SAP, Salesforce, etc.
28. Why is there such an urgent need for these capabilities which are provided by a Cast Iron Systems?
Because this helps in a reduction of any complex methods and helps in increasing agility in this competitive world of business. Applications such as SaaS helps in integration through a cloud. The applications which are cloud-based help reaping full benefits and it is also essential to link these new applications with a systems which are running in centers.
29. Mention what is difference between a Websphere and Weblogic?
Webspheres | Weblogic |
Websphere is a focused more on connectivity, integration, and web services. | Weblogic has a default transaction attributes as supports. |
It has a better performance, rich implementation of J2EE, more extensive integration and transaction management compared to the Weblogic | While websphere does not have a such type of the default transaction attribute |
30. What is a WebSphere Cast Iron?
The WebSphere Cast Iron Integration product portfolio is the platform that can enable rapid, no-coding construction of integration among SaaS applications, on-premise packaged applications, custom applications, and generic systems like databases, files, and web services.
31. What do an IBM further plans to do?
IBM wishes to the further extend the offerings of a Cast Iron System and continue with providing the services and support for customers of the Cast Iron Systems. They also intend to promote and support other offering of the Cast Iron Systems.
32. Today the solution for appliances is a Cast Iron System. Do think it will be delivered as WebSphere Data Power?
The WebSphere Data Power has turned out to be an important element for all-inclusive approach of a Service-Oriented Architecture of IBM. It has also been important in a center of the excellence appliances. So these appliances have so far turned out to be a beneficial and IBM now intends to use technology for enhancement of the appliances of the Cast Iron System and this would enhance an IBM’s overall portfolio for their appliances.
33. Mention Certain Cons Of a Cloud Computing?
One essential subject is that of security because offerings supplied are with the aid of the third birthday party. Paying is be ongoing, which means the more use the more pay. It has a restricted flexibility because a owner is a 3rd man or woman there is a constrained flexibility. There is a prime requirement of a net velocity and bandwidth. This is an essential to get admission to the offerings.
34. What is the IBM Data Server Driver Package?
On Windows operating systems, a IBM® Data Server Driver Package software simplifies the application deployment. This driver, which has a small footprint, is designed to be used by an independent software vendors (ISVs) for mass application deployment scenarios that are typical of a large enterprises.
35. What is a CLI driver?
In environments without the Db2 ODBC driver manager, CLI is the self-sufficient driver that supports a subset of the functions that are provided by a Db2 ODBC driver.
36. What is IBM cloud function?
IBM Cloud Functions is a software platform that offers an identity and access management (IAM) capabilities for the serverless apps running in the IBM Cloud. Cloud Functions software is based off of an Apache OpenWhisk.
37. What are two benefits of using an IBM analytics engine?
- Simplifying a data governance. Traditional data lakes built on the Hadoop often suffer from data governance issues.
- Reducing a cost of disaster recovery.
- Streamlining a data science and machines.
38. What is a Bungee Connect in cloud computing?
BungeeConnect is a new Eclipse-based application development framework for the Java programmers who want to build a mobile applications for the leading (iOS, Android, Windows 8, etc.) mobile platforms.
39. What is a skytap solution?
Independent software vendors (ISVs) use a Skytap to streamline the entire lifecycle of the application development and delivery by enabling a self-service provisioning of application environments for end users in a development, test, sales and training departments.
40. What is a cast iron used for?
As a result of its a good tensile strength and ductility, malleable cast iron is used for the electrical fittings and equipment, hand tools, pipe fittings, washers, brackets, farm equipment, mining hardware, and machine parts.
41. What do you mean by a combiner?
Combiner is an optional class that accepts a input from the Map class and passes the output key-value pairs to Reducer class. It is used to increase efficiency of the MapReduce program. However, the execution of a combiner is not guaranteed.
42. What are services that are provided by them?
Certain services which are provided by a cast Iron Systems are as follows: the education services which means it offers hands-on experience and teaches them how to deploy for a desired results. Others are consulting services which included a detailed knowledge about a products and their implementations. There are other technical services that are very responsive and have more reliability which are supported globally through the support system by telephone and any support by an online portal.
43. And how are these provided?
Certain capabilities provided by a Cast Iron Systems are through a Cast Iron Physical Appliances, Virtual Appliances, and the cloud2.
44. What is an IBM WebSphere?
It is a brand of a computer software. This software is used to create applications and merge two or more applications and it is present in a market since the year 1998.
45. Define shuffling in a MapReduce?
Shuffling is a process of transferring data from Mapper to Reducer. It is part of a first phase of the framework.
46. When did IBM acquire a Cast Iron?
IBM acquired a Cast Iron Systems in a year 2010.
47. What is meant by a HDFS?
HDFS stands for a Hadoop Distributed File System. It is one of most critical components in Hadoop architecture and is responsible for a data storage.
48. Where can IBM Cast Iron be deployed?
They can be deployed in appliances that are the physical and virtual. These are included a WebSphere Cast Iron Appliance XH420, WebSphere Cast Iron Hypervisor Edition. It can also be used in a IBM Cast Iron Cloud which is the complete cloud service.
49. Can these assets be used as a leverage by IBM?
The applications provided by a Cast Iron Systems can be used by an IBM with regards to a business clients and also the enterprise.
50. What are the certain benefits that IBM would gain out of this?
The business partners of IBM would have with them cloud of the Cast Iron System and application of SaaS. They are also backed by an immense capability, global reach, and strength of IBM. The partners would have increased opportunity to start integration of the application.
51. Elaborate on the benefits that the business partners of a Cast Iron System would incur?
There are many benefits that these business partners would be acquire. The universal IBM team of sales and marketing can help them in the opening accounts. They can also gain resources that are skilled with help of IBM. They can also make use of an international existence that IBM has. This international existence and product integration can be used for a performance and scalability.
52.What position will Cast Iron System have within an IBM?
IBM is well known for its leading capabilities and reports to have it that it is one of tops in an appliances sector. So integrating the applications from a Cast Iron Systems would only be strategic within a WebSphere portfolio integration.
53. Why do think that Cast Iron Systems was acquired by a IBM?
IBM offers a lot of capabilities for the business and on-premise applications. Cast Iron Systems would only help them in offering the clients with a holistic platform to a merge the applications through the cloud from providers like Amazon, SAP, Salesforce, etc.
So the templates which have already been built by a Cast Iron would help in completing these integrations within a few days rather than months.
54. Why is there such an urgent need for these capabilities which are provided by a Cast Iron Systems?
Because this helps in a reduction of any complex methods and helps in increasing the agility in this competitive world of a business. Applications such as SaaS helps in the integration through the cloud. The applications which are cloud-based help reaping a full benefits and it is also essential to link these new applications with a systems which are running in the centers.
55. Why do think IBM is doing it now?
The applications provided by a Cast Iron will turn out to be very useful and hence an integration of IBM with the Cast iron. This will help IBM to add this to the software portfolio. This is a logical and excellent step towards an expanding their capabilities.
56. What are the configuration parameters required to be specified in a MapReduce?
- The job’s input and output location in a HDFS
- The input and output format
- The classes containing map and reduce a functions
- The .JAR file for a driver, mapper, and reducer classes.
57.Today solution for appliances is the Cast Iron System. Do think it will be delivered as the WebSphere Data Power?
The WebSphere Data Power has turned out to be the important element for the all-inclusive approach of a Service-Oriented Architecture of IBM. It has also been important in a center of excellence appliances. So these appliances have so far turned out to be the beneficial and IBM now intends to use the technology for an enhancement of the appliances of the Cast Iron System and this would enhance an IBM’s overall portfolio for their appliances.
58. How do think this would be beneficial for a cloud ISVs and SaaS?
This would be beneficial in terms of an integration of the application. The blockage of integration can be detached because Cast Iron Systems is a part of a IBM. This will be useful in acceleration of deployments of these applications. This would be a great way to reduce the any costs required for services and would also increase overall efficiency.
59. What is a cloud computing?
It is a server on a internet that contains, manages, and processes a data rather than a person on their own computers or any other server which isa local.
60. What is mean by a heartbeat in HDFS?
Heartbeat is a signal sent by the datanode to the namenode to indicate that it’s alive. It is used to detect a failures and ensure that the link between two nodes is intact.
61. How does integration help?
Integration helps in transferring information to a SaaS, it provides a single and concise view of information of customers on the cloud, connecting the partners with a cloud systems which are private.
62. Give a some pros of SaaS?
It is well suited for a businesses that are small. These small firms can be subscribe monthly instead of investing in a various server. It gives a breather to a IT staff within the organization. In case of any disruption, the organization can almost immediately become functional because of a SaaS.
63. Are there any disadvantages of a SaaS?
SaaS, even though all benefits have certain flaws. Companies which adopt a several applications of SaaS might hit problems with an integration in the process. Another major concern is that of security since a process is in the hands of an outsider. The regulations by the government should be accepted and complied with by a companies.
64. Mention a certain SaaS applications?
Some of SaaS applications are as follows:
Salesforce.com, Box, Microsoft Office 365, Google Apps, Concur, an Amazon Web Services, Zendesk, DocuSign, Slack, Dropbox.
65. Everyone is talking about a Cloud computing these days. What are a certain benefits?
Certain advantages of cloud computing are as follows:
- There is zero cost for the infrastructure. Cloud computing is the overall separated into three important categories of a SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS.
- These don’t require any investment in a hardware of manufacture. All one needs to do is contact a provider of the cloud service and buy the services.
- This helps minimal cost and management. There are more less management or administrative hassles. One can compare a plans of the provider and buy according to requirements. It is also more reliable.
66. Mention certain cons of cloud computing?
One major concern is that of security since services provided are by a third party. Paying is ongoing, meaning the more use the more pay. It has restricted flexibility because of owner is a third person and there is a limited flexibility. There is a main requirement of net speed and bandwidth. This is essential to access a services.
67. What are key components of a Cast Iron System?
It has a built-in recovery option and tolerance for the faults, it stores and manages the data which is similar to an integrations and it manages the load based on a runtimes.
68. What is the IBM Cast Iron?
Short for an IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud Integration, IBM Cast Iron is an offering from a IBM that provides clients with a platform for integrating cloud-based applications from the leading SaaS providers with on-premise applications from a IBM and other companies.
69. What is the IBM App Connect Professional?
IBM App Connect Professional provides a built-in connectivity to hundreds of cloud, packaged, and proprietary on-premises applications, which included an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), databases, web services, and flat files
70.Discuss the main components of a MapReduce job?
Map Driver Class: It provides a necessary parameters for job configuration.
Mapper Class: The mapper class provides a map() method. It extends the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper class.
Reducer Class: The reducer class provides a reduce() method. It extents a org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer class.
71. What is IBM API gateway?
IBM® Cloud API Gateway is the free service that can use to create, secure, share, and manage APIs that access IBM Cloud resources. … The gateway intercepts an incoming a API call and executes security policies, and then routes the call to back-end application.
72. Why use an IBM API connect?
IBM® API Connect® is the complete, intuitive and scalable API platform that lets create, expose, manage and monetize APIs across clouds. This means customers can power a digital applications and spur innovation.
73. What is cast iron in a Salesforce?
WebSphere Cast Iron allows us to integrate a Salesforce with the other cloud and on-premise systems quickly and efficiently. Templated Integrations and connectors for Salesforce and other systems allow us to an integrate with the confidence and speed.
74. What is the App Connect?
App-Connect is a name for the services that included Android Auto, Apple CarPlay and MirrorLink, meaning improved smartphone connectivity. can access the music, navigation, weather and many more apps with the system that mirrors what likely already accustomed to from the phone.
75. What is IBM Cloud Pak for the integration?
IBM Cloud Pak for the Integration is a complete hybrid integration platform, including a optimal mix of traditional and modern integration styles and embeds AI and automation. Unlock business data and assets as a APIs. Connect a cloud and on-premises applications.
76. How does a IBM Cloud Pak work?
IBM Cloud Pak for Security is containerized software platform pre-integrated with the Red Hat OpenShift. It connects to an existing security data sources, enabling teams to search for the indicators of compromise (IOC) across any cloud or on-premises location and uncover a new threats.
77. What are the IBM cloud packs?
IBM Cloud® Paks are AI-powered software that can help to organizations build, modernize, and manage the applications securely across any cloud. They include a pre-certified containerized software and foundational services that provide a customers with a common operations and integration framework.
78. What does a IBM cloud satellite do?
Anywhere. Deploy and run apps consistently across on-premises, edge computing and public cloud environments from the any cloud vendor. … The IBM Cloud Satellite managed distributed a cloud solution delivers cloud services, APIs, access policies, security controls and compliance.
79. What is IBM AI ladder?
The AI Ladder methodology allows the companies to simplify the modernization process towards introduction of AI within their solutions.
80.What does IBM Secure Gateway do?
IBM Secure Gateway for IBM Cloud maintains the single persistent encrypted (TLS v1. 2) connection between a Secure Gateway Client and the Secure Gateway Servers. With this bidirectional connection, e able to securely transmit data between the cloud resources and on-prem resources.
81. Why is the IBM not popular?
Another reason for it not being so famous among the public is that it has its own set of an engineers, technology experts who do implementations for their clients. Though IBM has the business model which allows the other business partners to do its implementation.
82. What does the IBM mean?
International Business Machines. The company forced out of its own PC market by a shitty computer manufacturers like a Packard Bell and eMachines.
83. Who created an IBM?
The company began in a 1911, founded in Endicott, New York by trust businessman Charles Ranlett Flint, as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) and was renamed “International Business Machines” in a 1924. IBM is incorporated in the New York.
84. Why is the IBM successful?
However, IBM’s success was also the result of devoted labor base and progressive corporate culture well ahead of its time. Fostered by a late chairman and CEO Thomas J. Watson, Sr., this culture emphasized “family” atmosphere at IBM with Watson as father figure and provider for the employees.
85. What are the main configuration parameters specified in a MapReduce?
- Job’s input location in a HDFS.
- Job’s output location in a HDFS.
- Input and Output format.
- Classes that contain a map and reduce functions.
- Last, but not the least, .jar file for a reducer, mapper and driver classes.
86. What is the IBM’s iconic motto?
THINK: “THINK” is a slogan associated with an American multinational technology company IBM.
87. What are the IBM’s core values?
IBM’s core values comprise “diversity and inclusion, innovation, being yourself, and focusing on a change.” Although company has not clearly explained its core values, these can be drawn from a culture created at IBM.
88. What makes a IBM unique?
What makes a IBM unique is its ability to continually renew itself and create a new markets. That’s key to understanding how an IBM approaches innovation. While the other companies think in terms of quarters or years, IBM thinks in terms of a decades—or longer.
89. Is IBM still be innovative?
Over a Century of an Innovation:
Yet each time IBM has emerged a once again and, today, it remains profitable and on cutting edge. It has pioneered technologies of future, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing and neuromorphic chips and vies for a leadership in each of those areas.
90. What is an IBM and why is it important?
IBM (International Business Machines) ranks among a world’s largest information technology companies, providing a wide spectrum of a hardware, software and services offerings.
91. Why does an IBM explain about IBM?
International Business Machines (IBM), is a global technology company that offers a hardware, software, cloud-based services and cognitive computing. Founded in a 1911 following the merger of four companies in New York State by a Charles Ranlett Flint, it was originally called Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company.
92.Splitting a 100 lines of input in the form of a single split in a MapReduce. Is this possible?
Splitting such a huge data worth of a input possible in the form of a single split is only possible by using a Class NLine Input Format.
93.Why is gray cast iron be annealed?
The annealing of gray iron at a temperature more enough to minimize or eliminate big eutectic carbides softens it to improve machinability, but reduces the grade level approximately to the next lower grade; for example, properties of a class 40 gray iron (minimum 275 MPa, or 40 ksi, tensile) will be diminished
94. Which type of the company is IBM?
U.S. International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is the multinational technology company from a United States that makes and sells software, computer hardware, infrastructure services, and consulting services.
95.How are separate a staging environments managed in cloud?
Can set up a separate staging environments in the cloud environment. A web management console is provided for an every stage. This approach enables dedicated for user management, security profiles, and configuration for each stage.
96. How secure is integration in a cloud?
The infrastructure on which a WebSphere Cast Iron Live runs has been certified to be a compliant with SAS-70 Type II according to the stringent audit requirements of the American Institute of a Certified Public Accountants. This audit ensures a following aspects:
- Physical infrastructure is equipped with the security and access controls.
- Network infrastructure is equipped with a mitigation techniques for Distributed Denial of a Service (DDoS) attacks, prevention of unauthorized port-scans, IP spoofing, and more.
- Redundancy is provided at a several levels including a network, power, and storage. Further security information is available in following IBM white paper: “WebSphere Cast Iron Live Security”
97. Can connect on-premises applications, if integration is running in a cloud?
Applications that are deployed on-premises can be integrated in secure way by using a WebSphere Cast Iron Secure Connector. The WebSphere Cast Iron Secure Connector is the light-weight piece of software that resides behind a firewall and connects databases, enterprise applications, and message queues behind firewall in secure manner with the cloud.
98. Can used a WebSphere Cast Iron Live for a business-critical functions?
Provide an uptime service level agreement (SLA) with the service. The SLA can be signed for a 99.5 percent uptime of the web management console for the each calendar month.
99. How do design integrations in a cloud?
Can start by using template or start from scratch. Either way, an online development editor will be start. This editor provides the same capabilities as a Cast Iron Studio, but it is running in a cloud. Projects that have been developed with the Cast Iron Studio can also be imported.
100. How are the separate staging environments managed in a cloud?
Can set up a separate staging environments in a cloud environment. A web management console is provided for the every stage. This approach enables dedicated for user management, security profiles, and configuration for each stage.
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