STATA Interview Questions And Answers [ FRESHERS ]

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1. List down a standard methods and advanced techniques provided by a STATA program?


    Standard methodsAdvanced
    Basic tabulations and the summaries A Time-series smoothers
    Multilevel models Binary, count, and censored outcomes
    Case-control analysis Contrasts and comparisons
    Dynamic panel-data (DPD) regressions Multiple imputations

2. What is a Stata file?


The Stata_dta format (with extension . dta) is proprietary binary format designed for use as a native format for datasets with the Stata, a system for a statistics and data analysis. Stata 1.0 was released in a 1985 for the IBM PC. Stata is now available for a Windows, Mac OS, and Unix.

3. Explain and codebook commands?


    Describe command is a most basic form of a command. Codebook drafts detailed description of a each variable.
    It projects a short description of file and also lists variables and their required information in a datasets. By default, codebook command will list variables that have a nine or fewer discrete values and means for those which are more than nine.

4. Does Stata use a data analysis?


Yes, Data Analysis Using a Stata.

5. Which is a easier, Stata or R?


The Stata is easier to learn than R. It is because learning software is a simple as compared to learning a programming language. For users, Stata also offers a community. And in the Stata community, can learn Stata with the help of a some experts.

6. How do export a Stata to a CSV?


In Excel, would choose a file then open and then for files of type select comma separated file (Excel expects those files to have a . csv extension). can then click a file and open it in Excel. can learn more about this by seeing a Stata help file for outsheet.

7. Is Stata paid software?


Single user:A single-user license for a Stata is an identified-user license. … Single user licenses may be either a annual or perpetual. Annual licenses. An annual license entitles to receive a updates and new releases to Stata software throughout a license term, all at no additional cost.

8. What does a CD mean in Stata?


Current working directory:Stata for a Windows: cd changes the current working directory to a specified drive and directory. pwd is equivalent to a typing cd without arguments; both display name of the current working directory.

9. What does float mean in a Stata?


Float is a storage format used by a Stata, not a computation format. When have a number stored as a float and make a calculation, such as . gen newvar = sqrt(oldvar)/sqrt(2) oldvar is retrieved and is promoted to double.

10. What is a storage type double Stata?


  • Storage Types in a Stat
  • Float and double are two that can hold non-integer numbers (decimals) and are most common

11. What is _N and _n in Stata?


Stata has a two built-in variables called _n and _N. _n is Stata notation for a current observation number. _N is Stata notation for total number of observations.

12. Is it hard to use a Stata?


Stata is simple to learn in two ways. First, it offers a point-and-click interface that can use if do not know the name of a command, or the particulars of a using it. Second, it also offers commands that have a easy and consistent structure, making them easy to learn.

13. What does != Mean in Stata?


These expressions may make use of several distinct Stata relational and logical operators. The operators ==, ~=, != , >, >=, <, and <= are used to test equality or an inequality. The operators & | ~ and ! are used to indicate "and", "or", and "not". It is a matter of taste whether use ~ or ! to indicate negation.

14. What does a IB mean in Stata?


By default the first (smallest) value will be used as the reference category; there is an ib operator to indicate the other base values. regress inform urb i.continent. 5 indicator variables, a first continent is the base category. regress inform urb ib2.continent. continent 2 is a base.

15. What does a obs mean in Stata?


  • Increase the number of the observations.
  • obs — Increase a number of observations in the dataset. Syntax.

16. What does a SS stand for in Stata?


SS : These are the Sum of Squares associated with a three sources of variance, Total, Model and Residual. These can be computed in many ways. Conceptually, these formulas can be expressed as: SSTotal a total variability around the mean.

17. What are functions of Stata?


Stata provides a mathematical functions, probability and density functions, matrix functions, string functions, functions for dealing with dates and time series, and a set of special functions for a programmers. can find all of these documented in a Stata Functions Reference Manual.

18. What is a Stata used for?


Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables a users to analyse, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of a data. It is primarily used by a researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to an examine data patterns.

19. What is the difference between a Stata and SPSS?


Unlike Stata, SPSS is ideal for the modeling very complex data. Stata allows for a normal analysis procedures, while SPSS is ideal for large amounts of data and multivariate analysis. SPSS is a better choice for social and medical science fields, as opposed to econometrics. Stata is more suited for the research and analysis.

20. What does a Stata stand for?


The name Stata is a syllabic abbreviation of a words statistics and data.

21. Is python similar to a Stata?


Coding in Python is little different than coding in a Stata. In Stata, have one dataset in memory. Everything in a Stata is built around this paradigm. Python is the general purpose programming language where a “variable” is not column of data.

22. Is Stata better than a R?


Stata is well-designed and it makes it simple to perform simple analyses but Stata becomes more cumbersome when want to program a non-standard task. R on other hand requires a lot of basic skills before can do even the simplest analysis but comes into its own for more difficult tasks.

23. What programming language is a Stata?


Stata even lets incorporate C, C++, and Java plugins in a Stata programs by a native API for every language.

24. Is a Stata harder than SPSS?


SPSS is majorly researchers. SPSS is bit stronger in this area. Stata is a relatively weak in this area.

25. Is a Stata coding?


Programming Stata is simple . Stata has a two programming languages. One, known informally as “ado”, is based on a Stata’s commands. can write scripts and programs to create a reproducible analyses.

26. What are types of data in Stata?


The default data storage type for a Stata is “float.” Also note that byte, int, and long storage types can only hold the integers, whereas float and double are floating point a data storage types. Another difference between a various numerical data storage types is their levels of precision

27. What does a Minitab stand for?


Statistical analysis software:Minitab is a statistical analysis software. It can be used for a learning about statistics as well as statistical research. Statistical analysis computer applications have advantage of being accurate, reliable, and generally faster than computing statistics and drawing graphs by a hand.

28. Do economists use a Stata or R?


In academia for a economics, Stata is a standard. Most economists trust a results of the program and never justify their results; that’s Stata’s job is a general mindset have observed.

29. What are the macros in Stata?


A Stata macro is a box put text in. then use what’s in the box in a subsequent commands. The macros will use are “local” macros.

30. Is Stata open source?


Stata is famous in the social sciences, particularly economics and a political science. Stata is not free to have on a personal computer. Unlike an open-source program, cannot program a own functions into a Stata, so limited to a functions it already supports.

31. Is Stata used in a industry?


The companies using a Stata are most often found in a United States and in the Higher Education industry. Stata is most often used by a companies with the 1000-5000 employees and >1000M dollars in revenue. Our data for a Stata usage goes back as far as 1 years and 8 months.

32. What can a Stata be used for?


Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables a users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by a researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to find data patterns.

33. How long does it take to get a Stata?


Software is delivered electronically when a possible. Download instructions and license information are sent after order is processed, typically within one day of a order receipt.

34. Can Stata open csv file?


Stata can read data in a several other formats. A standard format is the comma-separated values file with extension . csv This is similar to using the Excel.

35. Is Stata good for a big data?


Stata allows to process datasets containing a more than 2 billion observations if have a big computer, and by big, mean 512 GB or more of memory. Stata stores a data in memory. That makes a Stata fast. It also means that datasets wish to process must fit in a memory.

36. Does a Stata use SQL?


Stata can be hooked up to SQL database. Look at a stata command odbc for more information. It will accept the SQL commands

37. Which is a better: Stata or eviews?


Both EVIEWS and STATA are useful in the estimating panel data analysis. However, eviews is easier to the use, while STATA gives a diversified modeling options. STATA is better relative to the Eviews since the software allows to use the majority of second-generation panel approaches.

38. What is a global in Stata?


A macro in a Stata begins with a word “global” or “local”. The command global tells Stata to save everything in the command line in its memory until exit Stata. If open another data set before exiting, a global macro will still be in the memory.

39. What are the various reasons for using Stata explain answer?


  • Master data.
  • Broad suite of statistical features.
  • Publication-quality graphics.
  • Automated reporting.
  • Truly reproducible research.
  • PyStata – Python integration.

40. What is scalar in Stata?


Stata scalars are named for entities that store a single numbers or strings, which may include missing values.

41. What is a global macro in Stata?


In Stata, a global macro is something that is saved in memory and can be used anytime during the Stata session by reference to its name (a local macro differs basically inasmuch it can be used only for within a circumscribed piece of a program or do-file).

42. What is a Stata good for?


Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables a users to analyse, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers in a fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine a data patterns.

43. Is Stata faster than a R?


While Stata took a 67.25 seconds to write a file of 458MB of raw text, R needed 5.7 seconds more to do a same (72.93 seconds). Therefore, Stata data 8% faster than R did. While Stata took a 118.35 seconds, R took only 42.53 seconds.

44. Is Stata better than a SPSS?


Stata allows for a normal analysis procedures, while SPSS is ideal for huge amounts of data and multivariate analysis. SPSS is a better choice for social and medical science fields, as opposed to the econometrics. … In other words, SPSS is best for difficult data management. Stata is more suited for the research and analysis.

45. Can upgrade a Stata?


  • Start the installer by a double-clicking on the Stata17.
  • Check edition of Stata that are upgrading to.
  • Confirm the edition check matches the edition on License and Activation Key.
  • Click on Continue.
  • During installation of a new edition, Stata’s license file, stata.

46. How do import Excel into Stata?


Stata can directly import data from a Excel (both . xls and . xlsx) files. Select File > Import > Excel Spreadsheet from a Stata’s menus.

47. Is Stata a data visualization tool?


Simple to use. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all the data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.

48. What file format does a Stata use?


The Stata_dta format (with extension . dta) is the proprietary binary format designed for use as a native format for datasets with Stata, a system for statistics and data analysis. Stata 1.0 was released in the 1985 for the IBM PC. Stata is now available for the Windows, Mac OS, and Unix.

49. How do open a Stata file in Excel?


The simple solution is to open a . dta file in Stata and then export it as Excel sheet or CSV file (File >> Export >> Excel spreadsheet).

50. How much RAM does a Stata use?


Need at least 1 GB of a RAM for Stata to run smoothly. Stata loads all of the data into RAM to perform its calculations. must have a enough physical RAM to load Stata and allocate a enough memory to it to load and analyze a data sets.

51. Is Python better than a Stata?


Python and R are superior to each aspect of Stata – but it’s a very good starting program for the students. on a) There are many econometric approaches specific to a certain field for which packages have been developed for a R and Stata, but not (yet) for Python.

52. Is Stata for a quantitative analysis?


Using Stata for a Quantitative Analysis offers a brief but thorough introduction to analysing a data in undergraduate and graduate level research methods, statistics, and data analysis courses using a Stata software.

53. What does r mean in a Stata?


Notice that instead of using a actual value of the mean of read in this command, used the name of the returned result (i.e. r(mean)), Stata knows when it sees r(mean) that can actually mean the value stored in that system variable. This is a because Stata uses the r(…) as a placeholder for the real value.

54. What does the scalar command in a Stata do?


Scalar define the contents of a scalar variable scalar name. The expression may be either numeric or string expression. String scalars can hold arbitrarily for a long strings, even longer than a macros, and unlike macros, can also hold a binary data. scalar dir and scalar list both list contents of a scalars.

55. What is a Tokenize Stata?


Description. tokenize divides a string into tokens, storing a result in ‘1’, ‘2’, (the positional local macros). Tokens are find based on the parsing characters pchars, which default to space if not specified.

56. What is a Stata Varlist?


The by varlist: prefix causes a Stata to repeat a command for every subset of the data for which the values of variables in varlist are equal.

57. Is Stata easier or a SPSS?


For doing a simple statistical comparison tests as well as a appropriate test, the SPSS is a best statistics software choice. As compared it to Stata. Stata supports a multiple-level regression. And for an interval measured outcomes, this multilevel regression is used.

58. What is Durbin Watson test in a Stata?

Ans: The Durbin–Watson test is used to find whether the error term in linear regression model.

59. What is exp in a Stata?


Description. exp(Z) returns a element wise exponentiation of Z. exp() returns real if a Z is real and complex if Z is complex. ln(Z) and log(Z) return an element wise natural logarithm of a Z. The functions are be synonyms.

60. Where does a Stata export to?


Stata: Data Analysis and a Statistical Software.

Stata fora Windows, Mac, and Linux can directly import data and export data and results to the Microsoft Excel files. Both Excel . xls and . xlsx files are be supported.

61. How do export from a Stata to Word?


Highlight the output that want to save, then use a pulldown menu to choose Edit and then Copy as Picture. u can then go to the Microsoft Word and from its pulldown menu choose Edit then Paste.

62. Why is data red in a Stata?


It’s a common mistake when importing a data to accidentally make Stata think a numeric variable is be string. The values of string variables are red in a data browser so if start seeing a red where shouldn’t know got a problem.

63. How do make a file in a Stata?


To create a do file on the Mac, click on File, then on New, then on Do File in a Stata window. Alternatively, can click on the “Do-file Editor” icon in a Stata window. A new window will be appear: This blank text document is for do file.

64. What are the string variables in a Stata?


String variables, simply speaking, are variables that contain not a just numbers, but also other characters (possibly mixed with the numbers). … But actually a string variable may be contain characters such as “\” or “-” or “:” and so on — anything a keyboard may be produce

65. Does Stata count as programming language?


Programming Stata is simple . Stata has two programming languages. One, known informally as “ado”, is based on a Stata’s commands. can write a scripts and programs to create a reproducible analyses

66. What are the DTA files?


A DTA file is the database file used by IWIS Chain Engineering, an automobile drive chain calculation program. It contains a data, which may include engine torque, chain load, and friction supported by a drive chain dta, which system database, and IW. dta, which is the chain database.

67. What is a syntax in a Stata?


As is the case with the every statistical software, Stata has a specific syntax that needs to conformed to when writing a commands. Stata command syntax refers to a rules that need to be followed when want to interact with the software, just like follow a grammar rules when speaking in a language.

68. Why is a Stata so slow?


Stata is using a more memory than is physically available on a computer. A clear indicator is a constant, prolonged disk access during the execution of the command. Possible solutions included a adding more memory to the computer or moving to the 64-bit machine.

69. What does * do in a Stata?


* is used to duplicate the string 0 or more times. Stata determines by a context whether * means multiplication or string duplication. If * appears between the two numeric values, Stata multiplies them.

70. What does a Ln mean in Stata?


In Stata, ln(x)=log(x), in the other words, log(x) defaults to a natural log instead of the log base 10. If want a log base 10, use log10(x).

71. What does D mean in a Stata?


For panel data, if use “d. variable” in Stata, it will create a missing value at start of an every cross-section (As N=26, so it will create 26 missing values). But if take a first difference in excel, of course, it will only generate a missing value only at the start.

72. Do files in a Stata?


The do-file contains a Stata commands that to execute. Executing a do-file is the same as a executing a series of commands interactively, only have a permanent record of the commands. This allows to quickly reproduce work have already done and go from there.

73. What is #delimit in a Stata?


The #delimit command resets a character that marks the end of the command. It can be used only in the do-files or ado-files. Remarks and examples. #delimit (pronounced pound-delimit) is the Stata preprocessor command.

74. What is byte in Stata?


The storage type is a listed as “byte.” Byte indicates that variable is stored as integer between a -127 and 100. The default data storage type for Stata is a “float.” By inquiring with the Stata using the help command, see that the float variable type is much larger relative to.the byte:

75. What is a blue data in Stata?


Almost all the variables in this data set are in a blue, meaning they have a value labels.

76. What does the encode mean in Stata?


Description. encode creates the new variable named newvar based on a string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name.

77. Is Stata like a Excel?


Stata is a more powerful program and can handle far more data in a terms of observations and variables. Excel comes in the handy for data management and sometimes data conversion.

78. How do fix a autocorrelation in Stata?


    1. 1.Set a data set to be a time-series data set.
    2. 2.Run a regression.
    3. 3.Examine for a serial correlation.
    4. 4.Correct the regression for serial correlation

79. What does == in a Stata mean?


Double equal: Test for an equality

The double equals, ==, is used to test for an equality. It is sometimes called a logical equals because it is part of a logical test that returns either a one (true) or a zero (false).

80. What is the exp required in Stata?


Varlist required = exp required using a required by() option required Certain commands require the varlist or another element of a language. The message specifies a required item that was missing from the command to gave. The message specifies which item in a command is not allowed.

81. How do write square roots in Stata?


  • sqrt(a)—see [M-5] sqrt( )—calculates a (element-by-element) square root of a and returns the. Result:
  • Most of functions work like sqrt(), although many take more than one a argument
  • As a another example, st view(V, i, j)—see [M-5] st view( )—creates view onto a Stata dataset.

82. What is a Numlist Stata?


Description. The numlist command expands a numeric list supplied as a string argument and performs an error checking based on the options specified. Any numeric sequence operators in a numlist string are evaluated, and the expanded list of numbers is returned in a r(numlist).

83. Do shortcuts a Stata?


Go to the start of a line (with the Home key) and then Shift + Up / Down . Above is assigned to a Ctrl + Shift + Enter , but it could be any keyboard combination. I usually use a Ctrl + Ö or Ctrl + Ä since can use a scandinavian keyboard.

84. What does != Mean in a Stata?


In Stata, these expressions used one or more differentt relational and logical operators. The operators ==, ~=, != , >, >=, <, and <= are used to test equality or an inequality. The operators & | ~ and ! are used to indicate "and", "or", and "not". It is matter of taste whether use ~ or ! to indicate negation.

85. What is command in Stata?


Stata command syntax refers to a rules that need to be followed when need to interact with a software, just like a follow grammar rules when speaking in a language.

86. What is a Insheet Stata?


The insheet command works equally well on files which use a tabs as separators. Stata examines a file and determines whether commas or tabs are being used as z separators and reads the file appropriately. Now file has been read into a Stata, can save it with the save command .

87. Does a Stata need coding?


Many researchers use a Stata without ever writing the program even though programming could make them high efficient in their data analysis projects. Stata programming is not be difficult since it mainly involves the used of Stata commands that are already use.

88. Where can find Stata data?


The data is available from a INEGI website. The National Council for an Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) provides the Stata programs for a computations corresponding to reports on the rural and urban poverty estimation on their website.

89. What does a group do in a Stata?


The group’s command for tabulation is built around the call to list. It has no specific limits on the number of identifiers (row, column, or other variables explaining cells).

90. What files can be Stata open?


Stata can be directly import a data from Excel (both . xls and . xlsx) files.

91. What does a Bysort in a Stata do?


By and bysort are really the same command; bysort is just by with sort option. performs the generate by values of pid but first verifies that the data are sorted by a pid and time within pid. sort specifies that if a data are not already sorted by a varlist, by should sort them.

92. What are the most advisable functions performed with help of STATA?


The program is best suited for a processing time? the series, panel, and cross? sectional data.

93. What makes a tool more intuitive?


The availability of both command line and graphical user interface makes a usage of the software more spontaneous.

94. What are the competencies of using a STATA software?


The incorporation of the data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression, and custom programming and at the same time it also accommodates the system to disseminate user-written programs that lets it grow continuously, making it integral statistical tool.

95. List major builds of a STATA and state their purposes?


STATA MP : Multiprocessor computer which includes a dual-core and multicore processors.

STATA SE : Majorly used for an analyzing larger databases

STATA IC : The standard version of a software

96. List down a few highlights of new STATA 15?


  • Extended regression modules can address a problems such as Endogenous covariates, Nonrandom treatment assignment,s, etc in any combination, unlike a previous Heckman and regress modules.
  • STATA’S Latin Class Analysis helps to identify a unobserved categories in a latent classes.
  • STATA now supports a Markdown – A standard markup language that allows a text formatting from plain text input.
  • Program’s Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium command the estimates the parameters of DSGE models that are linear in a variables but potentially nonlinear in a parameters.

97. List various graph styles provided by STATA?


  • Bar charts
  • Box plots
  • Histograms
  • Spike plots
  • Pie charts
  • Scatterplot matrices
  • Dot charts
  • Line charts
  • Area charts etc.

98. What are the advantages of using a STATA program?


  • STATA is ,more fast, accurate, and easy-to-use interface, with additional feature of intuitive command syntax making it a powerful statistical data analytical tool.
  • STATA provides a wide range of a statistical tools from standard methods such as a Basic tabulations and summaries, Case-control analysis, Linear regression to the advanced techniques for example Multilevel models,
  • Dynamic panel data regressions, SEM, etc.

99. Explain the role of a MATA programming language?


MATA is full-fledged programming language that compiles a data typed into bytecode, optimizes it, and executes it fast. Although it is not a requirement in order to used a STATA a fast and complex matrix programming language is the essential part of STATA.

100. what does F mean in a Stata?


F and Prob > F – The F-value is a Mean Square Model (2385.93019) divided by a Mean Square Residual (51.0963039), yielding F=46.69. The p-value associated with this F value is small (0.0000).

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