Jmeter Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 24th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question

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JMeter has become quite popular in the Software Testing industry within a very short span of time. Jmeter is a java application that is built by Apache.

Experts consider Jmeter to be the best open source load testing tool that can be used to measure the performance of an application. This article concentrates more on all the prime concepts of JMeter which you need to be aware of.

1. What is JMeter?


JMeter is a Java Open source Performance Testing apparatus to stack test utilitarian conduct and measure execution. You can utilize JMeter to examine and gauge the execution of web applications or an assortment of administrations.

2. What are the distinctive kinds of Protocol we can use in JMeter?


HTTP, FTP, SOAP-XML, JDBC and so on are the distinctive conventions we use utilizing JMeter.

3. What is the skeletal structure of a JMeter Script?


  • Test Plan
  • Config Elements
  •  Pre Processors
  •  Thread Group
  •  Post Processors
  •  Listeners

4. How does JMeter function?


JMeter does not bolster the genuine program conduct. It doesn’t render the HTML site pages as the typical program does. The reaction will be seen in HTML arrange yet the genuine timings are absent in the produced tests.

5. What are the Benefits of Jmeter?


JMeter offers benefits on execution testing like

  • It can be utilized to test execution for both, static assets and also powerful assets
  • It can deal with a most extreme number of simultaneous clients then your site can deal with
  • It gives the graphical examinations of execution reports

6. What is a Pre-Processing Element?


Pre-processors are JMeter components that are utilized to execute activities before the sampler demands are executed in the test situation. Pre-processors can be utilized for various execution testing needs, such as getting information from a database, setting a timeout between sampler executions or before the test information age.

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7. What is a Post-Processing Element?


Post-Processors are JMeter components that are executed after the sampler demands are executed. Post-Processors can be utilized for some reasons like separating the information from the reaction.

8. What are Listeners?


Audience members will give you a chance to see the outcomes as arranged information, charts, JSON Responses, etc.

9. Notice distinctive sorts of Listeners.


  • Graph results
  • View results tree
  • Aggregate Report
  • Aggregate Graph
  • Assertion Results

10. What is the utilization of Regular Expression Extractor?


Standard Expression can be utilized for separating a few qualities powerfully from the reactions to use it in the resulting solicitation or spare it for revealing purposes. Ordinary Expression is utilized in both Pre-Processors and also Post-Processors.

11. What is the greatest number of strings that can be utilized in a string gathering?


 It relies upon the equipment arrangement of your framework which incorporates a processor, JVM, designated memory and so forth. Different variables which affect this are the quantity of segments in your test plan i.e. the quantity of config components or processors and it additionally relies upon whether you are utilizing GUI/Non-GUI Mode.

12. Can portable activities be recorded utilizing JMeter?


Indeed, JMeter can record HTTP or https requests for setting off to the server from your portable application. Portable and JMeter ought to be on a similar system.

  • Configure your intermediary server in JMeter to keep running at a predefined port.
  • Set up an intermediary on your versatile Wi-Fi settings and enter a similar port number that is utilized in the recorder.
  • Install the Root CA declaration on your versatile.
  • Hit the server asking for your portable and watch it getting caught by the predetermined controller.

13. Would we be able to utilize Selenium Automated Scripts in JMeter?


 Indeed, we can run selenium contents in JMeter to get a few thoughts on their execution. It very well may be done in 2 different ways.

You can utilize JUnit libraries to fabricate Selenium contents and spare as Jars and duplicate the equivalent in JMeter registry. And after that add a Junit sampler to your test plan and import the Jar record.

Something else, Web driver sampler module can be included the JMeter Ext organizer and after that restart the JMeter. Compose your selenium code in the Web driver sampler and afterward execute to see the execution.

14. How might we oversee sessions and treats in JMeter?


  • Sessions and treats can be overseen in JMeter by utilizing config components, for example, HTTP Cache Manager which gives an alternative to clear the treats in each emphasis and furthermore permits to include client characterized treats.
  • HTTP Cache administrator encourages you in clearing reserves after every cycle according to your necessity in the heap tests and furthermore restrains the quantity of components which can be put away in the store. Both of these config components can be appended to the HTTP sampler.

15. What is a Timer and what are the diverse kinds of Timers accessible in Jmeter?


 A JMeter string as a matter of course will send asks for persistently immediately. To get a delay between the demand, Timers are utilized. A portion of the Timers utilized are Constant Timer, Gaussian arbitrary Timer, Synchronizing Timer, and Uniform Random Timer, etc.

16. Clarify the job of the clock.


 With the assistance of a clock, JMeter can defer the time between each demand, which a string makes. It can take care of the overburden issue of the server.

17. Clarify the contrast among Gaussian and Poisson Timers.


 Both Gaussian and Poisson Timers chip away at a numerical recipe with some consistent Delay and extra balance. Contrast between the two lies in the reality of how the lambda esteem is determined on account of Poisson clock and how deviation is determined on account of Gaussian Timer.

18. What is the contrast between Constant Timer and Constant Throughput Timer?


Consistent Timer: If we need to have each string delay for a similar measure of length, we utilize Constant Timer.

Consistent Throughput Timer: A Constant Throughput Timer will give the set throughput through a string gathering or a specific string.

19. What is Beanshell Scripting?


 BeanShell is a lightweight Java scripting that is utilized in JMeter to play out some perplexing assignments. BeanShell sampler can perform different capacities with the utilization of coding. You can print the string number, get the present sampler executed, bring the treats and so on.

20. What is a root CA declaration?


 HTTPS association requires an endorsement to confirm the associations which get set up when the program hits the web server. JMeter produces it incidentally to catch the SSL traffic so as to record the activities. For account activities by means of versatile, you need this endorsement in your portable to record the activities.

21. What is the utilization of a CSV Data Set Config?


 It is a config component utilized amid the heap test to give outside emphasis contributions to Parameters.

22. Would we be able to do versatility testing in JMeter? Assuming this is the case, how?


Indeed, we can do adaptability testing in Jmeter. It should either be possible by running in numerous occurrences physically or in a similar occasion we can make the duplicate of the string gathering and utilize the scheduler highlight to begin the test according to plan.

23. Would we be able to run JMeter in GUI Mode?


 Indeed, it is conceivable to run the JMeter in GUI. For this, the accompanying direction is utilized

  • :jmeter – n – t test.jmx – l test.jtl

24. Would we be able to perform Spike Testing in JMeter?


 By synchronizing clock, JMeter Spike Testing can be accomplished. Synchronizing the clock suares string until an explicit measure of strings has been blocked and after that discharges them all together in this manner making a vast quick load.

25. What is Test Fragment?


Test piece is likewise a kind of component like the Thread Group component. The main distinction is that the test piece isn’t actualized except if it is referenced by either a Module controller or an Include controller.

26. Are the test designs worked in Jmeter are OS Dependant?


 Test designs are typically spared in XML arrange, thus they don’t have anything to do with any

27. What is a Listener?


 Audience comes vigorously when the content is executed. Itunes in to the solicitation and reaction and presents it in a visual way. It very well may be comprehended as a report of the trial. They are exceptionally valuable to investigate the trial and help to discover the main driver of the disappointments assuming any.

28. What are diverse kinds of Listeners in JMeter?


  • View Results in a Tree
  • View Results in a Table
  • Straightforward Data author
  • Total Graph

29. Is there some other method to open JMeter other than GUI mode?


 JMeter can be kept running in the non-GUI mode utilizing beneath order in Command brief

  • jmeter – n – t <scriptname.jmx>

30. What is the reason for a Timer?


 Clocks are otherwise called Think Time in JMeter. They add certain deferral to the solicitations to which they are included. Including Timer isn’t required yet as a rule, are added to specific demands that should hit the server after a specific interim. Diverse kinds of Timers are Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Uniform Random Timer, Synchronizing Timer and so forth.

31. What is a customary articulation?


 Standard articulation or Regex are articulations that are made to get information progressively among solicitations and reactions. This is finished utilizing programming that coordinates the example in JMeter. Images, for example, ., $, +, ? to make articulation and match string.

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32. What are the advantages of JMeter above different apparatuses in the market that are utilized for execution testing?


  • JMeter is open source and one need not pay for its permit.
  • It is stage autonomous.
  • Backings Multithreading
  • No programming abilities are required
  • Great Reporting

33. What is a preprocessor?


 Pre-Processors are a lot of activities that are executed before the example demand is executed. There are diverse sorts of preprocessors in JMeter like BeanShell Preprocessor, JDBC preprocessor, User Parameters preprocessor and so forth.

34. What is a post processor?


Postprocessors are a lot of activities that are executed after the example demand is executed. There are distinctive sorts of post processors in JMeter like JDBC post processor, Regular articulation extractor, XPath Extractor

35. What is circulated trying to utilize JMeter?


 As JMeter devours a great deal of memory and the utilization increments with the quantity of clients henceforth on the off chance that one needs to test with countless then the heap can be part between various machines. Each machine hits the server with some heap. For instance, in the event that one needs to mimic the heap of 900 clients then 3 machines of 300 burden each can be utilized. This is upheld by JMeter and that encourages us to utilize ‘n’ number of servers to create as much burden as we need.

36. By what method can we parameterize information?


 Factors in JMeter can be utilized to parametrize information. Include config component – > User Defined Variables (Right snap Thread Group > Add > Config Element > User Defined Variables.. The qualities in a variable are put away by ${}

  • Arrangement
  • Name: Var1
  • Esteem: ${variableValue}

37. What is the increased time frame?


 Toward the start of the heap trial of an application as opposed to putting every one of the clients live, we gradually increase the quantity of clients so as to think about their impact in the application’s execution. In JMeter, an increased period characterizes the timeframe inside which all the predefined clients get in running state.

38. What are samplers in JMeter?


 Samplers are utilized for sending distinctive kinds of solicitations to the server. A portion of the regularly utilized samplers are – HTTP Request, JDBC Request, SOAP-XML Request, JUnit demand, TCP Sampler and so forth.

39. What are Listeners in JMeter? Express a portion of the broadly utilized Listeners?


Audience members are utilized for review, sparing of test outcomes and furthermore help in a forbidden and graphical examination of the test outcomes. A portion of the broadly utilized Listeners are – Aggregate Report, Aggregate Graph, Graph Results, View Results Tree and so on.

40. What is dispersed burden testing? How might it be accomplished in JMeter?


 Circulated load testing is the procedure utilizing numerous frameworks that can be utilized for mimicking a heap of an expansive number of clients. The purpose behind utilizing more than one framework for burden testing is the impediment of a solitary framework to create a substantial number of strings (clients). In JMeter, we can convey load testing utilizing the ace slave design. [For complete strides to perform appropriated load testing allude to the post-Distributed burden testing in JMeter]

41. What are the diverse clocks in JMeter?


 Clocks are utilized for ending the test execution of a string for a certain predefined time. These clocks are utilized for recreating the genuine client’s time. The diverse kinds of clocks accessible in JMeter are – Constant Timer, Gaussian Random Timer, Uniform Random Timer, Constant Throughput Timer, Synchronizing Timer, Beanshell clock, BSF Timer and so on.

42. What is the utilization of Configuration components?


Arrangement components are utilized for modifying the sampler demands for example CSV Data Set Config can be utilized for parameterizing the sampler demands with qualities brought from the outside CSV document.

43. What are Preprocessors?


 Pre-processors are tried arrangement components that are executed before the sampler demands execution. Some ordinarily utilized pre-processor in JMeter are BeanShell PreProcessor, HTML Link Parser, HTTP URL Re-composing Modifier, RegEx User Parameters and so on.

44. What are Post-processors?


 Post-processors are the test plan components that are executed after the sampler demand execution. For the most part, post processors are utilized for bringing a few qualities from the sampler reaction.

45. How might we lessen the asset necessity in JMeter?


  • To make the best out of the accessible assets and by and large as a training, the accompanying practices ought to be fused in the tests-
  • Utilize the non-GUI mode: JMeter – n – t-test.JMX – l test.jtl
  • Use as couple of Listeners as could be allowed; if utilizing the – l banner as above they would all be able to be erased or crippled.
  • Try not to utilize “View Results Tree” or “View Results in Table” audience members amid the heap test, use them just amid the scripting stage to investigate your contents.
  • As opposed to utilizing heaps of comparative samplers, utilize a similar sampler in a circle, and use factors (CSV Data Set) to change the example. Or on the other hand maybe utilize the Access Log Sampler. [The Include Controller does not help here, as it includes all the test components in the record to the test plan.]

46. Try not to utilize JMeter’s useful mode amid the heap test executions.


  • Use CSV yield instead of XML.
  • Just spare the information that you need.
  • Use as couple of Assertions as could reasonably be expected

47. What Is The Execution Order Of Test Elements?


 Following is the execution request of the test plan components:

  • Arrangement components
  • Pre-Processors
  • Clocks
  • Sampler
  • Post-Processors (except if SampleResult is invalid)
  • Statements (except if SampleResult is invalid)
  • Audience members (except if SampleResult is invalid)

48. How Do You Ensure Re-ease of use In Your Jmeter Scripts?


 Utilizing config components like “CSV Data Set Config”, “Client Defined Variables”, and so on for more prominent information reuse.

Modularizing shared errands and conjuring them through a “Module Controller”.

Composing your own BeanShell capacities, and reusing them.

49. What Are The Monitor Tests?


 Employments of screen tests are:

  • Screens are helpful for stress testing and framework the board.
  • Utilized with pressure testing, the screen gives extra data about server execution.
  • Screens make it less demanding to see the connection between server execution and reaction time on the customer side.
  • As a framework organization instrument, the screen gives a simple method to screen different servers from one context.

50. What is the distinction among gauge and benchmark testing?


The contrasts among pattern and benchmark testing are:

  • Pattern testing is the way toward running a lot of tests to catch execution data. This data can be utilized as a point of reference when future changes are made to the application while Benchmarking is the way toward looking at your framework execution against an industry standard that is given by some other association.
  • Precedent: We can run a benchmark trial of an application, gather and investigate results, and afterward alter a few files on a SQL Server database and run a similar test once more, utilizing the past outcomes to decide if the new outcomes were better, more terrible, or about the equivalent.

51. Can you design a J-METER scenario, where you should plan the execution of launch and login only once, even when the submit transaction should be executed multiple times?


 I can make use of the below Logic controllers to design a scenario where Login and Launch should be executed once and submit transactions (rest others. can be executed multiple times:

  • We can use Once Only Controller and put Login and Launch under it
  • We can put in other transactions (here submit) into runtime controller which should be executed multiple times and assign the duration of test in seconds

52. Let us say you have got out of the Memory Exception while Executing the J-meter, what can you do?


 I will try to increase the heap memory size in the jmeter.bat file as per the system RAM.

To do this I Would have to open jmeter.bat file in notepad and change the heap memory as below:

  • Set HEAP=-Xms 2048m – Xmx
  • 2048m -XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize=2048m

53. How to do correlation in J-METER?


 Correlation in J-METER can be done using Regular expression post-processor. We need to put the regular expression in the place where the dynamic parameter is captured. we can find out RB and LB from the view result tree (response of the request.. We should also verify those in Regular expression tester after the correlation.

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54. How can we analyze test results of J-METER?


 Results in J-METER are generated in the form of .jtl file format, we can add different graphs to these results like aggregate report, response time graph and can analyse TPS and response time. Sometimes there would be a requirement to install J-METER plugins to generate some of additional graphs in the J-METER library(lib. folder.

55. How do we create scripts in J-METER?


 To create, debug and record the scripts in J-METER, we need to add below elements:

  • Manager=&gt;Constant Timer=&gt;View Results Tree=&gt;CSV Data Set Config=&gt;Response Assertion=&gt;Aggregate Report
  • Test Plan=&gt;Thread Group=&gt;HTTP Request =&gt;HTTP Header Manager=&gt;HTTP Cookies

56. How can you pass Unique values into J-METER’s CSV Data Set Config?


 Create a CSV format of unique values in the parameter file, J-METER always picks up the values from the parameter file in a sequential way by default. End-of-file options in CSV dataset config can also be controlled by us.

57. Do we have any limit on a number of users/threads that we can generate in J-METER?


 J-METER always creates threads on the application under testing. Since every thread created consumes part of RAM memory during execution, the number of threads that we can create would always depend on the system’s hardware config on which the J-METER is being run on.

58. How can we test J-METER’s web services?


 To test the web services on J-METER we need to get the XML file generated using SOAP UI and WSDL file from the developer.

  • Put the XML file from SOAP UI in body data of HTTP Request
  • Enter server IP and protocol as http/https, port number and method should be entered as POST

So that we can find out what parameters are needed for parameterization for that particular API.

59. Have you ever worked on the BeanShell Sampler of J-METER?


 Yes, I did get a few opportunities to work on it while working with some of projects(or one of projects. with my previous organization, we used it to write Java code. There was a scenario where I had to import packages, create objects and pass string messages in XML format and validate the creation of SR using J-METER.

60. What types of recording have you used in J-METER?


 In all types of performance tools, we will have two types of recordings to record scripts

  • Manual
  • Automatic.

In J-METER we can make use of a workbench for the automatic record of scripts and Network log(F12. or fiddler to do it manually.

61. What versions of J-METER are available in the market? And what are the features that are added into the latest version of J-METER?


 Latest version of J-METER that is released by Apache is 5.1.1,

The new features that are added into this version is

  • New Menu tools from which we can generate the HTML reports
  • Search in view results tree is implemented.
  • J-METER script from the different versions of it can be upgraded to latest version making use of New Plug-In managers

62. How can we configure load distribution on the Linux Platform using J-METER?


 Load-Distribution on Linux platform can be done in 2 ways

  • GUI
  • Non-GUI

For both configurations we need to make sure that both versions of Java and J-METER are in sync, the firewall should be disabled and we need to update IP addresses of different machines of J-METER to start the slave machine remotely.

For Non-GUI mode specifically, there is a need to make sure that the security group needs to be updated for allowing connections on both machines.

63. How do we configure Email Notifications in J-METER?


 By using SMTP sampler Email notifications can be configured in our scripts, we can also use google server and Gmail account for trial purpose. Once the implementation is done in a project-specific way, we can take the permission from the clients to use google account for security purposes.

64. How can we configure JTL files in J-METER?


 For using a simple data writer or view result tree to record the info of all requests that have been executed we can save JTL/CSV files. These files saved would be much helpful while executing the scripts in Non-GUI mode, and in this mode,  we have the option to save all requests/Only failed requests/only pass into JTL format.

65. How should we configure the HTML report in J-METER?


 We used to configure HTML reports in older versions of J-METER in user property files and system property files before starting the execution, but as in latest version we have got new items added in J-METER to generate the HTML reports along with the existing JTL and CSV files.

66. What is parameterization in J-METER, and what are different types of it?


 Passing the values in test cases like input data like username/password to test cases is called parameterization, we can make use of CSV data to pass the values either using CSV format or TXT format files.

Two ways of passing values into parameters are,

  • Pass values directly into body data
  • Data config using CSV

67. What exactly is the use of BeanShell script in J-METER?


 Beanshell sampler can be used to allow java bean shell scripts into J-METER, for example if there is need to store test case values and compare those then we can use Java beans heel code to handle the jobs, we can also implement bean shell preprocessor or post-processor based on our requirements.

68. What is the use of using Workbench and Test Plan in J-METER?


 The main use of Workbench is to record the scripts and also as a temporary place to store the requests or Test cases.

A test plan is used to build test cases using the necessary test cases. We can add in elements like a sampler, timers, listeners, test assertions, thread groups and processors as part of building the test plans.

69. How can we handle AJAX calls on the website that has a refresh rate of 5secs and data is updated for each refresh?


We can make use of a parallel controller for this. We can use IF Controller to check the 5 seconds condition and loop controller for looping the request for every 5 seconds.

70. What are the different Protocols Supported By J-Meter?


  • Web Protocol: for testing web applications, supports both HTTPS(secured) and HTTP protocols.
  • Web Services: for testing web services and web applications, it supports both REST and SOAP.
  • FTP: For testing FTP Applications and servers
  • Database via JDBC: for testing DB applications
  • LightWeight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP)
  • MOM: Message Oriented Middleware via JMS
  • Mail: Test mail servers like POP3(S), SMTP(S) and IMAP(S)
  • NOSL(MongoDB): most recent protocol supported by J-METER
  • Shell scripts and Native commands
  • TCP

71. What are different controller types in J-METER?


There are mainly two different types of controllers in J-METER

Sampler Controller: used by JMETER for posting the specific type of requests to the server, also simulates users’ requests for a webpage from the target servers.

Logical Controller: Used to control the order of execution of samplers in a thread.

72. Why can’t J-METER be considered as a browser?


There are two main reasons for this

  • J-METER doesn’t have javascript Execution engines like browsers, so it can’t execute java scripts.
  • It can’t render HTML pages as a browser does

73. How can we handle Correlation and Parameterization in J-METER?



Use Preprocessors: Regex User Parameter, User Parameters, Bean Shell Preprocessor etc.

Configuration Elements:

Counters, CSV Data Set Configs


Use Post-Processors: Boundary Extractor, Regular Expression Extractor, and JSON Extractor etc.

74. What are Listeners in J-METER? And please list a few listeners?


 Listeners enable us to view the results of samplers in the form of graphs, tables, simple text in some log files or trees.

Few listeners used in J-METER are

  • Spline visualizer
  • Aggregate Report
  • View Result Tree

75. How Actually Does a J-METER work?


 J-METER works on the network level, it always acts like a proxy and can record network traffic between server and client(browser). We can also modify the recorded traffic and send it with multiple users(threads) for load and performance testing.

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76. How can we do Percent Based Distribution in J-METER?


 We should do both browser and network distributions in J-METER

  • Browser Distribution (40% to Chrome, 30% to Firefox and 30% to IE)
  • Network Distribution (60% to LAN, 20% to 4G, 10% each to 3G and 2G)

There are multiple ways in achieving these scenarios, using

  • By using multiple Thread Groups
  • Using Parameterization Techniques
  • Using Throughput Controller
  • Using Beanshell /JSR223 sampler
  • Using Switch Controller

77. How can we perform Testing on J-METER from different Geo-Locations?


 We can make use of distributed testing using J-METER for testing on J-METER from different locations. There are two ways to do it

  •  On-Premise set up of JMeter on different locations
  • Using Blaze meter (Cloud-based)

78. What exactly is a thread group in JMeter?


Thread group is an element of a test plan in J-METER which represents a pool of virtual users performing a set of operations.

79. What test element should be added to perform recording in J-METER?


HTTP S. Script recorder

80. Does J-METER connect automatically to the internet without a proxy or do we need to set up a browser proxy for Mozilla or Chrome manually to record?


There is a need to set-up a browser proxy to record in J-METER manually, this can be done by providing the address of the port in proxy settings of any browser.

81. What is the difference between Pre_processer and Post_Processer in J-METER?


  •  Pre-Processor is always executed before running Sampler and can be used to generate some input.
  •  Post-Processor is executed after running Sampler, can be used for clean-up or recovery

82. How can we manage Sessions and cookies in J-METER?


 HTTP cache manager can be used to manage cookies and sessions in J-METER, which can allow to define user-defined cookies and also can clear the cookies after every iteration cycle. We can also regulate the clearing of the cache according to user requirements in load tests to restrict a number of elements stored in the cache and these elements can be attached to the Listener.

83. What are the Thread group’s main parts in J-METER?


  • Sampler: used for sending different types of requests to the server.
  • Listeners: To save and view the results of the run.
  • Timer: used to run more realistic scenarios by insertion of delays in between requests.
  • Controller: used to control the flow of thread groups
  • Config Element: Info of requests that need to be added with samplers.
  • Assertion: used to check whether the responses generated are within given time and has expected data

84. How are requests sent to the server in J-METER?


 Samplers are used to send requests to the server in J-METER. There are different samplers which are present in the J-METER and few of them are:

  • Junit request
  • JDBC request
  • HTTP request

85. How can we collect client-side metrics using J-METER?


 A component called WebDriver Sampler can be used to collect client-side metrics

86. What exactly do you mean by the term J-METER?


J-METER Java-based tool, open-source nature of it makes it very popular. We can use J-METER across different web-based apps or web services. Moreover, it is the capability to handle databases and also FTP servers.

87. Can I test run a script recorded on MAC on Windows?



88. Which Listener is the best one to keep during a Load test?


Sample Data Writer

89. How can we monitor server metrics of a load test in J-METER when it is being run on a Windows platform?


Perfmon plugin of J-METER can be used to capture the performance metrics of the server during the load test.

90. Can you explain the flow of the Test Script Recorder?


HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder can be used to record the requests from Application to server. There are some configurations to be done in JMETER to make that work.

Here are the steps needed to be followed for recording HTTP(S) traffic:

  • Do Add HTTP(S) recorder to workbench
  • Enter the port number from which you want to start proxy and start the proxy server.

Now configure proxy settings your browser manually on your Browser by giving the same port number used in the recorder of test Script.

91. Suppose if you have 5 users and you want to maintain their own counter for each user then how will you achieve it?


Using a ‘_Counter’ function, you can set a ‘True’ value for ‘TRUE, for each user to have own counter’  field

Suppose there are 5 users then in the first iteration counter of all 5 users will be 1.

In the second iteration it will be 2 for all users like that

92. If you want to hit your own machine’s ip then how will you achieve it ?


Using functions available in Jmeter we can achieve it.

Options->Function helper dialog->Choose a function-> select ‘_machineIP’->store in value example ‘IP’->Click on ‘Generate’->copy string->and paste in request->Server Name or IP field

93. What is the disadvantage of a ‘Simple Controller’?


 Simple controller does not provide the total time required to execute all transactions

94. Is it possible to restrict output within time boundaries and which parameter will be used for the same?


In the individual sampler connection time out can provide OR

In http request defaults we can provide response time. If child samplers have there owned timeout then the child will override HTTP request defaults connection timeout value

95. Will it help to define an FTP protocol while downloading a file?


No need to mention FTP explicitly..In FTP request we have to mention a remote file path, local file path and Server URL from where we want to download file

96. Which feature FTP request sampler provides to check downloaded files from the server is correct or not?


’Save File in response checkbox’-this saves file in a listener

97. How to extract the link from one http request sampler to other http requests?


HTML link parser is used

98. How will you make sure that ‘Xpath Extractor’ post-processor has captured the right variable?


We can use ‘Debug Sampler’ along with one listener

99. To parse a html response in view results tree listener which settings need to be done?


Select an ‘Xpath Tester’ from output dropdown available and

select checkbox of ‘Use Tidy <tolerant Parser>

Pass Xpath Expression ->click on ‘test’ button then you can find expected variable from Xpath Tester

100. Which Sampler is similar to Constant Timer in Jmeter?


’Test Action’ sampler is similar to Constant Timer in which you can select actions to ‘Pause’, ‘Stop’, ‘Stop Now’, and ‘Go to next loop iterations’ and can give time in ‘Duration(milliseconds.’ field as well

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