Soapui Interview Questions and Answers

SoapUI Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 24th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question

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Searching for jobs know a day has turned out to be very difficult that searching itself becomes a job. Not only preparing for the interview one must know where to apply for appropriate job. Here in to avoid such difficulty and save your precious time we have provided a complete details of interview question and answers in our site. To clear the interview, one must prepare well for the interview. There are many leading companies that offer jobs roles in Soap UI position like Soapui Testing Engineer, QA Engineer Experienced in Soap UI, QA Analyst-soapui, Manual Testing (API Testing, Soapui), API Testing + Automation, Testing Engineer – Web Services Testing + Unix + SQLmany other roles too.

1.What is SOAP UI automation?


SOAP UI automation refers to using SOAP UI for automation testing and applying automation using SoapUI software. SoapUI is used for testing of web service.

2.How to test restful web services using soapui?


To test restful web services using soapui –

Testing restful web services using SoapUI involves creating test cases after which, following steps can be taken

1. Next you need to REST Request TestStep needs to be added wither to a new or existing TestCase by

  • press “Add to TestCase” button (located on top left of message editor) or
  • press the “Add to TestCase” action from the Request Popup Menu.

2. Next you need to add Assertions so that  the response message can be validated

3.How to test asmx web service in soapui?


To test asmx web service in soapui –

ASMX enables Simple Object Access Protocol or SOAP, based messaging facility to web services. WSDL files are the core files needed for testing SOAP-based web services. Hence, SoapUI makes use of WSDL files for test requests, mock services and assertions generation. Steps to test asmx web service in soapui which needs WSDL, are

  • In SoapUI, click the option Create SOAP Project or create a new one as File > New SOAP Project
  • Mention the URL in the Initial WSDL field, in the dialog box which appears
  • Leave the default settings and click OK

4.How to test sap web service using soapui?


To test sap web service using soapui –

Web service refers to a function or service being provided over HTTP which is modular and self-describing. Web service makes use of XML and other standards, for service description and availability using various internet or HTTP protocols. WSDL files are crucial files needed for testing SOAP-based services. WSDL files helps in description of test assertions, test requests, and mock services.

Steps to test sap web service using soapui , needs WSDL, and steps are

  • In SoapUI, click the option Create SOAP Project or create a new one as File > New SOAP Project
  • Mention the URL in the Initial WSDL field, in the dialog box which appears
  • Leave the default settings and click OK

5.How to test wcf rest service using soapui?


To test wcf rest service using soapui –

WCF provides facility of asynchronous messages transfer between service endpoints for a continuously available service on IIS web server, or just a service in an application. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the foundational framework which provides service creation with a web endpoint for sending data by XML or JSON, without any SOAP envelope.

Steps to test wcf rest service using soapui

  • create a new project by File -> New soapui Project . Provide details in the dialog and remember to add the ?wsdl
  • After clicking Ok; a new soapui project is made.
  • Next execute the same request as the WCF Test Client did

6.How to use soapui for api testing?


To use soapui for api testing –

API testing involves testing of APIs as unit and  integration testing. API testing is a type of software testing but of APIs. It measures the API for the required functionality, reliability, performance and security.

SoapUI software provides the facility to test SOAP and REST web services.

Testing restful web services using SoapUI involves creating test cases after which, following steps can be taken

Next you need to REST Request TestStep needs to be added wither to a new or existing TestCase by

press “Add to TestCase” button (located on top left of message editor) or

press the “Add to TestCase” action from the Request Popup Menu.

Next you need to add Assertions so that  the response message can be validated

7.How to use soapui for web services testing?


To use soapui for web services testing –

Web Service is a service available on a network, that will allow other systems to communicate with it, using a defined protocol.

Testing restful web services using SoapUI involves creating test cases after which, following steps can be taken

1. Next you need to REST Request TestStep needs to be added wither to a new or existing TestCase by

  • press “Add to TestCase” button (located on top left of message editor) or
  • press the “Add to TestCase” action from the Request Popup Menu.

2. Next you need to add Assertions so that  the response message can be validated

8.How to write test scripts in soapui?


To write test scripts in soapui –

SoapUI provides extensive options for scripting, using either Groovy or Javascript (since SoapUI 3.0) as its scripting language, which to use is set at the project level in the project details tab at the bottom left.

9.How to automate test cases in soapui?


To automate test cases in soapui, use scripting. SoapUI makes use of scripts as

  • By Groovy Script TestStep in a TestCase
  • Pre or post execution of TestCase or TestSuite for doing repetitive tasks like initialization or memory clean up.
  • Initialization or stopping of a MockService for initialization or memory clean up
  • Project opening or closing
  • And many other related repetitive tasks

SoapUI Pro provides scripting support with single click capability addition for REST and SOAP tests.

10.How to create test suite in soapui?


To create test suite in soapui –

  • either from project popup menu (“New TestSuite”) or
  • with specific button on top of the list of TestSuites

11.How to import test suite in soapui?


Following options are present in SoapUI to import test suite in soapui –

  • In File Menu – Import Project option – Adds an existing project into this workspace
  • In File Menu  – Import Remote Project option – Imports a remote project into this workspace
  • In File Menu – Import Preferences option – Imports soapUI settings from another settings -file
  • In Icons Toolbar – Import option – Imports an existing soapUI project into the current workspace

12.How to run multiple test cases in soapui?


To run multiple test cases in soapui, options are as –

1.Option 1 – skip the -c argument to execute all test cases in the suite

  • -c: Specifies the test case to be run.

2.Option 2 – run testrunner.bat as a separate command for each test case

  • testrunner.bat -sTESTSUITE -cTESTCASE2

13.How to automate rest web services using soapui?


To automate rest web services using soapui, steps are as

SOAPUI tool –, is used for suites and test cases execution and report generation. Open testrunner dialog in your project and then select Launch TestRunner by right click menu.

After which, configure TestRunner path in Basic tab and the outputs in Reports tab, the next step click on Launch button and the tests will be executed by testrunner.

Next, integrate your project with jenkins, by an xml file (build.xml) that will be used in an ant call.

Lastly, create a job in jenkins, providing the Name and Description for the project.

14.How to generate html report using soapui free version?


To generate html report using soapui free version –

SoapUI supports output of basic HTML reports by the Command Line.

JUnit-Style HTML Report can be generated by selecting  JUnit-Style HTML Report option in report format drop-down in SoapUI.

If you need a detailed HTML report, enabvle a checkbox for Junit style report which output an XML report which can be used along with XSLT for conversion to HTML.

15.What is the difference between soapui and postman?


The difference between soapui and postman –

1.SoapUI – Can test REST and SOAP APIs. It is built for API testing. Java based API testing tool

2.Postman – It is a Google Chrome plugin. used for API testing. Can test web services.

16.How to read data from excel using groovy script in soapui?


To read data from excel using groovy script in soapui –

DataSource and DataSource Loop functionality is not available in free version of soap ui.

You can use Ready API licensed version for these functionalities.

Another method to read data from excel using groovy script in soapui –

1. import a library to SOAPUI for managing excel file – JXL.jar and it can be downloaded from –

2. Unzip the JAR file, and copy JXL.jar to SOAPUI installation folder

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17.How to save request and response in soapui using groovy?


To save request and response in soapui using groovy –

A groovy event handler does saving request and response by a script below which records the request and response for each test step. The event handler is ‘TestRunListener.AfterStep’

The script is as

  • def pName = //get project name
  • def pDate = new Date().format( ‘yyyyMMdd’ )//get current date
  • def sDate = pDate.toString()//convert date to string
  • def pTestSuite = TestSuite name
  • def pTestCase = TestCase name
  • def filePath = ‘C:/SoapUI Projects/TS0.1/TestEvidence/’+pName+’_’+sDate+’/’+pTestSuite+’/’+pTestCase+’/’//compose the folder path
  • File file = new File(filePath)
  • if (!file.exists()) file.mkdirs()//create the destination folder
  • fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath+ testStepResult.testStep.label + ‘.txt’, true)
  • pw = new PrintWriter( fos )
  • testStepResult.writeTo( pw )
  • pw.close()
  • fos.close()

18.How to stop groovy script in soapui?


To stop groovy script in soapui –

1.The testRunner.cancel() with stop the execution for the run.

2.If you want to fail it use use

3.Also try, pressing Ctrl+Z or Escape key etc.

19.How to set property value in soapui using groovy script?


To set property value in soapui using groovy script –

1.Right-click on the Test steps node

2.Click the Add Step option and Properties option from context menu

3.Enter the property name as desired and click OK

4.In the properties screen, click  properties with groovy Script(1)  icon to add property

5.Enter your desired property name and click OK button.

6.Type any default value for the property if you wish.

7.After which, Groovy Script test step is to be added next to property step.

20.How to get test case name in soapui using groovy?


option 1 – In Grrovy code, puts the name of the testCase being ran by Run Test Case (The one it directs to) into a testCase level property variable in it.

  • testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue(“Here”,testRunner.testCase.getName());

option 2 –

  • ${}

21.How to debug groovy script in soapui?


To debug groovy script in soapui –

Option 1 –

To enable the debugger when you run ReadyAPI via shell script (.bat or .sh file), use the groovy parameter:

  • readyapi.bat groovy

Option 2 –

If you want to make the debugger enabled by default, do the following in Windows:

Open the vmoptions file.Add the following line:

  • -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_shmem,suspend=n,server=y

 Save the file.

Requirements for debugging –

SoapUI Pro license is needed for Groovy script debugging .You can debug scripts only in the SoapUI Groovy Script test step. Debugging of event handler scripts, setup, teardown and report scripts, Script assertions, data source and data sink scripts, and virtual service scripts is not supported. Only Groovy scripts can be debugged.Only a single script is debugged at a time.

For binary package installations only: Unlike the ReadyAPI installation package, the binary package does not include the required Java files. ReadyAPI uses the tools.jar and attach.dll files from Java JDK for debugging. These files are not included in the default JRE installation, and you cannot run the debugger without it. To enable Groovy debugging in a binary installation:

Install JDK locally or on a different computer you have access to.

Get the tools.jar file from a Java JDK. This file is located in the <JDK installation folder>\lib folder. Copy this file to the <ReadyAPI installation folder>\lib folder.

Get the attach.dll file from a Java JDK. This file is located in the <JDK installation folder>\jre\bin folder. Copy this file to the <ReadyAPI installation folder>\bin folder.

22.How to write groovy script in soapui?


To write groovy script in soapui –

Groovy has all Java libraries and is a scripting language. Hence, groovy supports java functions.

23.How to import xsd file in soapui?


To import xsd file in soapui –

If integrating WSDL from a remote system, XSD should be loaded automatically. If you’re loading the WSDL from a local file just make sure that you put the .xsd file in the correct directory as referenced in the WSDL.

WSDL’s import statement, imports XML namespace from a listed file. Namespace is imported and not declarations in the namespace. The element includes the optional “schemaLocation” attribute. The attribute is optional because a namespace can be imported from the same file or be registered in another way.

24.How to call soapui mock service from java?


To call soapui mock service from java –

Use the SOAP Service Mocking facility in SoapUI by either using Groovy or configuring SOAP service mocking in SoapUI pro.

25.Can rest use soap?

REST is based on resources, and suggest to use the HTTP verbs to get, put, etc resources on and from the server, while in SOAP everything is a POST, ad requests/responses are xml. Maybe you can use SOAP to get/put resources on the server as well, but with no advantage.

While REST should be able to coop with SOAP in general, certain work has yet to be done in order to support clients in dynamically assembling the required information needed to issue valid requests to the service IMO. When such support is available I don’t see a major issue of sending SOAP messages via RESTful clients. Though, I haven’t seen any real-world attempts to invoke SOAP from a (real) RESTful API (though they are actually sparse yet). Usually both are separated. And while there have been attempts to describe REST services similar to SOAP

26.Is REST API a Web service?


Yes, REST API a Web service or rather, a type of Web Service APIs.

REST API uses HTTP methods  and has a standardized architecture style for development of Web Service API.

27.Is soap an RPC?


Yes, soap is an RPC.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that one program can use to request a service from a program located in another computer on a network without having to understand the network’s details.

Remote procedure calls in SOAP are essentially client-server interactions over HTTP where the request and response comply with SOAP encoding rules.

XML-RPC and SOAP are very similar protocols from a high-level perspective.  Both utilize XML for web service method request/response encapsulation.  However, XML-RPC could be described as a subset of SOAP functionality.  For protocol, XML-RPC can only make requests using an HTTP/S connection; meanwhile, SOAP commonly uses HTTP/S but it can be run over a variety of other protocols.

28.Is soap stateless or stateful?


1.SOAP Web services are stateless.

2.But we can have SOAP API stateful as well.

29.Webservice is Stateful or Stateless – REST, SOAP?


Webservice is Stateless but can be Stateful

Stateful is, storing client information on server and apply it in future client requests. resulting in dependency of present request on to previous request, which can be put in practice with http protocols.

SOAP can be Stateless and Stateful and REST is Stateless.

30.What exactly is REST API?


1.RESTful API is an application program interface (API) using HTTP requests like GET, PUT, etc.

2.REST is a software architectural style which defines constraints for developing Web services.

3.REST uses less bandwidth in comparison to SOAP.

31.How do you test an API?


To test an API, is similar to software testing but usually there is no GUI involved.

To test an API, it involves

  • unit testing
  • integration testing
  • functional testing
  • and other types of testing

32.What is API Testing?


API testing is a type of software testing that involves testing APIs directly and also as a part of integration testing to check whether the API meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an application. In API Testing our main focus will be on a Business logic layer of the software architecture. API testing can be performed on any software system which contains multiple APIs. API testing won’t concentrate on look and feel of the application. API testing is entirely different from GUI Testing.

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33.Why do we need API testing?


We need API testing to check whether the API meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an API

34.What is SoapUI pro?


SoapUI pro is paid version of SoapUI. It has nore functions and facilities for API testing as compared to bare minimum SoapUI.

35.What is the difference between UI and API?


UI is User Interface or software, through which user interacts with the application.

API expands to Application Programming Interface or it is an interface for communication amongst separate software systems

36.What is REST API vs SOAP?



SOAP – It is a protocol. Applies a service interface. Can be stateful and stateless

REST – It is an architectural style. It applies URIs. Is usually stateless.

37.Is rest a protocol?


REST is not a protocol. REST is an architecture style for a stateless, caching client-server distributed-media platform. REST can be implemented by any protocol but has been implemented by HTTP.

38.Why soap is more secure?


Soap is more secure due to inherent security related features. SOAP supports WS-Security for enterprise-level protection.

Soap can be less secure if not properly designed and implemented.

39.Can soap use JSON?


Soap can use JSON but it will be overkill as SOAP strictly uses XML so by default cannot use JSON.

40.What is the difference between SOAP and HTTP?


The difference between SOAP and HTTP – SOAP is an XML-based encoding of messages which can be sent over HTTP/SMTP/FTP. HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a protocol and can transfer different data types like images/text etc

41.What is meant by WSDL?


WSDL means Web Services Description Language, provides a definition of how the Web service works for SOAP

42.What is REST API example?


REST API example – The World Wide Web (WWW) is an example of a distributed system that uses REST protocol architecture to provide a hypermedia driven interface for websites.

43.What are the types of Web services?


The types of Web services – UDDI, SOAP, REST and XML-RPC

44.What is RPC in soap?


RPC in soap is XML-RPC as SOAP uses strictly XML only.

45.What is RPC method in soap?


RPC method in soap – Remote procedure calls in SOAP are essentially client-server interactions over HTTP where the request and response comply with SOAP encoding rules. The Request-URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in HTTP is typically used at the server end to map to a class or an object, but this is not mandated by SOAP.

SOAP defines a uniform model for representing an RPC and its return value or values.

46.What is the purpose of soap in a Web service?


The purpose of soap in a Web service – to provide standardization by using XML, defined security as per WS-security, defined data exchange, extensibility, neutrality and independence.

47.What is 3rd Party API?


3rd Party API is developed by 3rd Party for use by others or by public. It is provided for data access or data update from others.

48.Is RPC an API?


RPC is an API or similar to it as it provides interface to call procedure on remote machines or by remote machines.

49.What exactly is an API?


API is an acronym and it stands for Application Programming Interface. API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building Software Applications. APIs specify how one software program should interact with other software programs.

50.Is REST API stateless?


Yes, REST API is stateless. As per REST architecture definition, a RESTful Web Service should not keep a client state on the server hence, it is by design Stateless.

51.Are SOAP Web services stateless?


SOAP Web services can be stateless and stateful as per design and implementation.

52.Why RESTful web services are stateless?


As per REST architecture definition, a RESTful Web Service should not keep a client state on the server hence, it is by design Stateless.

53.Why is REST API called REST?


REST API can be called REST as REST API is also called as RESTful web service. REST API implements REST which is an architectural style. A “REST-ful” web service generally infers much less emphasis on strict formatting, and typically uses JSON.

54.What is REST API and how it works?


REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architectural style that has become increasingly popular in scalable web applications. A “REST-ful” web service generally infers much less emphasis on strict formatting, and typically uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatted data in message bodies instead of XML, though much in a RESTful web service is left up to the designers to decide.

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55.Why is REST API popular?


REST API is popular due to less emphasis on strict formatting unlike SOAP as it uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which gives flexibility of data format to use like TXT/CSV/etc. Hence, ease of development.

56.What is the difference between WSDL and Wadl?


The difference between WSDL and Wadl –

WSDL – Describe SOAP and REST web service. For more details –

WADL – Describe REST web service. For more details –

57.What is a WSDL URL?


WSDL URL – is the endpoint of WSDL.

If the web service already deployed and exposed to external world, then you should request the web service developer for WSDL URL

Otherwise, if developer shared the WSDL file directly, then you need to check the element <soap:address location = “wsdl_url_here”>

58.What are the types of API?


The common types of API are – SOAP, REST and XML-RPC

59.How do I access API?


Access API is done by API request with common shared API key. Requestor sends API key and its request. Receiver validates as per API key and responds to the request.

Other types of encryption can also be used as in SOAP by WS-security.

60.Which tool is used for API testing?


The tool used for API testing are many like soapui, postman, jmeter. It depends upon testing requirement for selection of appropriate tool for API testing.

61.What is API manual testing?


API manual testing is manual testing of API.

62.How does an API work?


An API work as – An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates their interaction, similar to the way the user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers.

63.What is REST API testing?


REST API testing is testing of REST API. You can use API testing tools like soapui for REST API testing.

64.What is difference between postman and SoapUI?


Difference between postman and SoapUI –

SoapUI – Can test REST and SOAP APIs. It is built for API testing. Java based API testing tool

Postman – It is a Google Chrome plugin. used for API testing. Can test web services.

65.Why is SoapUI used?


Soap UI is used for web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and representational state transfers (REST). Its functionality covers web service inspection, invoking, development, simulation and mocking, functional testing, load and compliance testing.

66.Is SoapUI open source?


SoapUI is open source web service testing application.

67.What is SOAP UI?


SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and representational state transfers (REST). Its functionality covers web service inspection, invoking, development, simulation and mocking, functional testing, load and compliance testing.

68.Is SoapUI automation tool?


SOAPUI is an API testing tool and has automation related features like Groovy thus it is also an automation tool.

69.Does postman support SOAP?


Postman supports SOAP, we can make any HTTP SOAP request using Postman by giving the SOAP endpoint as the URL

70.How do I start SOAP UI?


To start SOAP UI, first install SoapUI and click File menu and as per requirement you can create SOAP/REST/empty project

71.What is SoapUI API testing?


SoapUI API testing refers to testing API by SoapUI. SoapUI can test SOAP and REST web services.

SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA), SOAP and REST.

72.What is SoapUI?


SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA), SOAP and representational state transfers (REST). Its functionality covers web service inspection, invoking, development, simulation and mocking, functional testing, load and compliance testing.

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73.How does SoapUI check REST API?


SoapUI check REST API by importing REST service in SoapUI by using WADL files. Besides, SoapUI Pro supports the OpenAPI, Swagger and RAML formats.

74.What is the difference between postman and SoapUI?


The difference between postman and SoapUI –

SoapUI – Can test REST and SOAP APIs. It is built for API testing. Java based API testing tool

Postman – It is a Google Chrome plugin. used for API testing. Can test web services.

75.What is API used for?


API is used for access and makes use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates their interaction, similar to the way the user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers.

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