SAP BI/BW Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 05th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question

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Are you good at SAP BW topics? Looking for a great career opportunity in SAP BW? Then we have provided you the complete set of SAP BW Interview Question and Answers along with the various SAP BW jobs role. To clear any job in the first attempt one should prepare well on all topics of SAP BW. For more details visit our site SAP BW page.

1. What Is Table Partition?


SAP is using fact table partitioning to improve the performance. you can partition only on 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER.

2. What Are The Options Available In Transfer Rule And When Abap Code Is Required During The Transfer Rule What Important Variables You Can Use?


Assign info object, Assign a Constant , ABAP routine or a Formula.

3. How Would You Optimize The Dimensions?


Use as many as possible for performance improvement; Ex: Assume that u have 100 products and 200 customers; if you make one dimension for both ,the size of the dimension will be 20000; if you make individual dimensions then the total number of rows will be 300. Even if you put more than one characterstic per dimension, do the math considering worst case senerio and decide which characterstics may be combined in a dimension.

4. What Are The Conversion Routines For Units And Currencies In The Update Rule?


Time dimensions are automatically converted; Ex: if the cube contains calender month and your transfer structure contains date, the date to calender month is converted automatically.

5. Can You Make An Info Object As Info Provider And Why?


Yes, When you want to report on characterstics or master data, you can make them as info provider. Ex: you can make 0CUSTMER as info provider and do Bex reporting on 0 CUSTOMER;right click on the info area and select Insert characterstic as data target.

6. What Are The Steps To Unload Non Cumulative Cubes?


  • Initialize openig balance in R/3(S278)
  • Activate extract structure MC03BF0 for data source 2LIS_03_BF
  • setup historical material docus in R/3.
  • load opening balance using data source 2LIS_40_s278
  • load historical movements and compress without marker update.
  • setup V3 Update
  • load deltas using 2LIS_03_BF

7. Give Step To Step Approach To Archiving Cubex?


  • double click on the cube (or right click and select change)
  • Extras -> Select archival
  • Choose fields for selection(like 0CALDAY, 0CUSTOMER..etc)
  • Define the file structure(max file size and max no of data objects)
  • Select the folder(logical file name)
  • Select the delete options (not scheduled, start automatically or after event)
  • activate the cube.
  • cube is ready for archival.

8. What Are The Load Process And Post Processing?


Info packake, Read PSA and update data target, Save Hierarchy, Update ODS data object, Data export(open hub), delete overlapping requests.

9. What Are The Data Target Administration Task?


delete index, generate index, construct database statistics, initial fill of new aggregates, roll up of filled aggregates, compression of the infocube,activate ODS, complete deletion of data target.

10. What Are The Parallel Process That Could Have Locking Problems ?


  • heirachy attribute change run
  • loading master data from same infoobject; for ex: avoid master data from different source systems at the same time.
  • rolling up for the same info cube.
  • selecting deletion of info cube/ ODS and parallel loading.
  • activation or delection of ODS object when loading parallel.

11. How Would You Convert A Info Package Group Into A Process Chain?


Double Click on the info package grp, click on the ‘Process Chain Maint’ button and type in the name and descrition ; the individual info packages are inserted automatically.

12. How Do You Transform Open Hub Data?


Using BADI.

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13. What Are The Data Loading Tuning One Can Do?


  • watch the ABAP code in transfer and update rules;
  • load balance on different servers
  • indexes on source tables
  • use fixed length files if u load data from flat files and put the file on the application server.
  • use content extractor
  • use PSA and data target inparallel option in the info package
  • start several info packagers parallel with different selection options
  • buffer the SID number ranges if u load lot of data at once
  • load master data before loading transaction data.

14. What Is Ods?


Operations data Source you can overwrite the existing data in ODS.

15. What Is The Use Of Bw Statistics?


The sets of cubes delivered by SAP is used to measure performance for query, loading data etc., It also shoes the usage of aggregates and the cost associated with then.

16. What Are The Options When Defining Aggregates?


* – groups according to characterstics.

  • H – Hierarchy.
  • F – fixed value.
  • Blank — none.

17. How Will You Debug Errors With Sap Gui (like Active X Error Etc)?


Run Bex analyzer -> Business Explorer menu item -> Installation check; this shows an excel sheet with a start button; click on it; this verifies the GUI installation ;if u find any errors either reinstall or fix it.

18. When You Write User Exit For Variables What Does I_step Do?


I_Step is used in ABAP code as a conditional check.

19. How Do You Replace A Query Result From A Master Query To A Child Query?


If you select characterstic value with replacement path then it used the results from previuos query; for ex: let us assume that u have query Q1 which displays the top 10 customers, we have query Q2 which gets the top 10 customers for info object 0 customer with as a vairable with replacement path and display detailed report on the customers list passed from Q1.

20. How Do You Define Exception Reporting In The Background?


Use the reporting agent for this from the AWB. Click on the exception icon on the left;give a name and description. Select the exception from query for reporting(drag and drop).

21. How You’ll Write Date In Bw?



22. What Are The Data Types For The Characteristic Info Object?


There are 4types:

  • CHAR
  • NUMC
  • DATS
  • TIMS

23. What Is The Model Of The Info Cube?


Info cube model is extended star schema.

24. What Is The Maximum No. Of Characteristics?



25. What Is The Maximum No. Of Key Figures?



26. What Are The 3sap Defined Dimensions?


The 3 SAP defined dimensions are…..

  • Data packet dimension (P)… contains 3characteristics.a) request Id (b) Record type (c) Change run id
  • Time dimension (T)….it contains time characteristics such as 0calmonth, 0calday etc
  • Unit Dimension (U)…it contains basically amount and quantity related units.

27. What Are The Minimum No Of Dimensions In Info Cube?


4(3 Sap defined and 1 customer defined).

28. What Is The Maximum No. Of Dimensions In Info Cube?


16(3 are sap defines and 13 are customer defined).

29. How Many Tables Does Info Cube Contain?


Actually info cube contains two table’s E table and F (fact) table.

30. Why Co-pa Is A Generic Extraction And Not A Business Content Extraction?


CO-PA is highly customizable and value fields and characteristics are defined differently between customers, SAP has given CO-PA as a generic extraction which can be customized.

31. What Is Fact Table?


Fact table is the collection if facts and relations that means foreign keys with the dimension. Actually fact table holds transactional data.

32. What Is Slowly Changing Dimension?


Dimensions those changes with time are called slowly changing dimension.

33. What Is Star Schema?


In Star Schema model, Fact table is surrounded by dimensional tables. Fact table is usually very large, that means it contains millions to billions of records. On the other hand dimensional tables are very small. Hence they contain a few thousands to few million records. In practice, Fact table holds transactional data and dimensional table holdsmaster data.
The dimensional tables are specific to a fact table. This means that dimensional tables are not shared to across other fact tables. When other fact table such as a product needs the same product dimension data another dimension table that is specific to a new fact table is needed.
This situation creates data management problems such as master data redundancy because the very same product is duplicated in several dimensional tables instead of sharing from one single master data table. This problem can be solved in extended star schema.

34. What Is The Difference Between Start Routine And Update Routine, When, How And Why Are They Called?


Start routine can be used to access InfoPackage while update routines are used while updating the Data Targets.

35. How To Create A Connection With Lis Infostructures?


LBW0 Connecting LIS InfoStructures to BW.

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36. What Is The Difference Between Ods And Infocube And Multiprovider?


  • ODS: Provides granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.
  • CUBE: Follows the star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.
  • MultiProvider: Does not have physical data. It allows to access data from different InfoProviders (Cube, ODS, InfoObject). It is also preferred for reporting.

37. What Are Start Routines, Transfer Routines And Update Routines?


  • Start Routines: The start routine is run for each DataPackage after the data has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed. It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in global DataStructures. This structure or table can be accessed in the other routines. The entire DataPackage in the transfer structure format is used as a parameter for the routine.
  • Transfer / Update Routines: They are defined at the InfoObject level. It is like the Start Routine. It is independent of the DataSource. We can use this to define Global Data and Global Checks.

38. What Are The Steps Involved In Lo Extraction?


The steps are:

  • RSA5 Select the DataSources
  • LBWE Maintain DataSources and Activate Extract Structures
  • LBWG Delete Setup Tables
  • 0LI*BW Setup tables
  • RSA3 Check extraction and the data in Setup tables
  • LBWQ Check the extraction queue
  • LBWF Log for LO Extract Structures
  • RSA7 BW Delta Queue Monitor

39. What Are The Extractor Types?


Application Specific

  • Customer-Generated Extractors LIS, FI-SL, CO-PA
  • BW Content FI, HR, CO, SAP CRM, LO Cockpit

Cross Application (Generic Extractors)

  • DB View, InfoSet, Function Module

40. What Are The Delta Options Available When You Load From Flat File?


The 3 options for Delta Management with Flat Files:

  • Full Upload
  • New Status for Changed records (ODS Object only)
  • Additive Delta (ODS Object & InfoCube)

41. What Are The Steps To Extract Data From R/3?


  • Replicate DataSources
  • Assign InfoSources
  • Maintain Communication Structure and Transfer rules
  • Create and InfoPackage
  • Load Data

42. What Are Bw Statistics And What Is Its Use?


They are group of Business Content InfoCubes which are used to measure performance for Query and Load Monitoring. It also shows the usage of aggregates, OLAP and Warehouse management.

43. What Is A Controlling Area?


This is to group companies.

44. What Is Open Hub Service?


The Open Hub Service enables us to distribute data from an SAP BW system into external Data Marts, analytical applications, and other applications. We can ensure controlled distribution using several systems. The central object for exporting data is the InfoSpoke. We can define the source and the target object for the data. BW becomes a hub of an enterprise data warehouse. The distribution of data becomes clear through central monitoring from the distribution status in the BW system.

45. Can An Infoobject Be An Infoprovider, How And Why?


Yes, when we want to report on Characteristics or Master Data. We have to right click on the InfoArea and select “Insert characteristic as data target”. For example, we can make 0CUSTOMER as an InfoProvider and report on it.

46. What Is A Operating Concern?


This is a organizational structure which groups controlling areas.

47. What Is Compression?


It is a process used to delete the Request IDs and this saves space.

48. How To Create Condition And Exceptions In Bi.7.0? But I Know In Bw3.5 Version.?


From a query name or description, you would not be able to judge whether the query is having any exception.There are two ways of finding exception against a query:1. Execute queries one by one, the one which is having background colour as exception reporting are with exceptions.2. Open queries in the BEX Query Designer. If you are finding exception tab at the right side of filter and rows/column tab, the query is having exception.

49. What Is 0recordmode?


It is an info object , 0Record mode is used to identify the delta images in BW which is used in DSO .it is automatically activated when u activate DSO in BW. Like that in R/3 also have field 0cancel. It holds delta images in R/3. When ever u extracting data from R/3 using LO or Generic.. Etc. this field 0Cancel is mapping with 0Record mode in BW. Like this BW identify the Delta images.

50. Development Tasks For Rms Release Work?


The main task is Complete life cycle development of SAP Authorization Roles. This includes participating in the high level, low level, RMS’s and technical development of the roles.

51. What Is The Rms Application?


SAP Records Management is a component of the SAP Web Application Server for the electronic management of records and even paper-based information can be part of the electronic record in the SAP RMS. Other advantages of using SAP Records Management compared to other providers of record-based solutions: Records Management is a solution for the electronic management of records. The RMS divides various business units logically thereby making it possible to provide particular groups of users with access to particular records, as needed within their business processes.
Quick access to information is a key factor for performing business successfully. Records Management guarantees this quick access. In one record, all information objects of a business transaction are grouped together in a transparent hierarchical structure. By converting paper records to electronic records, an organisation can enjoy all the advantages of a paper-free office: No storage costs for records, no cost-intensive copying procedures, and optimal retrieval of information.
However, SAP Records Management not only provides an electronic representation of the conventional paper record.

52. What Is The Use Of Define Cell In Bex & Where It Is Useful?


Cell in BEX:::Use * When you define selection criteria and formulas for structural components and there are two structural components of a query, generic cell definitions are created at the intersection of the structural components that determine the values to be presented in the cell. Cell-specific definitions allow you to define explicit formulas, along with implicit cell definition, and selection conditions for cells and in this way, to override implicitly created cell values. This function allows you to design much more detailed queries. In addition, you can define cells that have no direct relationship to the structural components. These cells are not displayed and serve as containers for help selections or help formulas. you need two structures to enable cell editor in bex. In every query you have one structure for key figures, then you have to do another structure with selections or formulas inside. Then having two structures, the cross among them results in a fix reporting area of n rows * m columns. The cross of any row with any column can be defined as formula in cell editor. This is useful when you want to any cell had a different behaviour that the general one described in your query definition. For example imagine you have the following where % is a formula kfB/KfA *100.kfA kfB %chA 6 4 66%chB 10 2 20%chC 8 4 50%Then you want that % for row chC was the sum of % for chA and % chB. Then in cell editor you are enable to write a formula specifically for that cell as sum of the two cell before. chC/% = chA/% + chB/% then:kfA kfB %chA 6 4 66%chB 10 2 20%chC 8 4 86% Manager Round Review Questions.

53. How To Convert A Bex Query Global Structure To Local Structure (steps Involved)?


BeX query Global structure to local structure Steps a local structure when you want to add structure elements that are unique to the specific query. Changing the global structure changes the structure for all the queries that use the global structure. That is reason you go for a local structure. Coming to the navigation part–In the BEx Analyzer, from the SAP Business Explorer toolbar, choose the open query icon (icon tht looks like a folder) On the SAP BEx Open dialog box:Choose Queries. Select the desired InfoCubeChoose New.On the Define the query screen:In the left frame, expand the Structure node. Drag and drop the desired structure into either the Rows or Columnsframe. Select the global structure. Right-click and choose Remove reference. A local structure is created. Remember that you cannot revert back the changes made to global structure in this regard. You will have to delete the local structure and then drag ndrop global structure into query definition. When you try to save a global structure, a dialogue box prompts you to confirm changes to all queries. that is how you identify a global structure.

54. An Sap Bw Functional Consultant Is Responsible For The Following: Key Responsibilities Include?


Maintain project plans Manage all project activities, many of which are executed by resources not directly managed by the project leader (central BW development team, source system developer, business key users) Lease with key users to agree reporting requirements, report designs Translate requirements into design specifications( report specs, data mapping / translation, functional specs) Write and execute test plans and scripts . Coordinate and manage business / user testing Deliver training to key users Coordinate and manage product ionization and rollout activities Track CIP (continuous improvement) requests, work with users to prioritize, plan and manage CIP An SAP BW technical consultant is responsible for:SAP BW extraction using standard data extractor and available development tools for SAP and non-SAP data sources. -SAP ABAP programming with BWData modeling, star schema, master data, ODS and cube design in BWData loading process and procedures (performance tuning)Query and report development using Bex Analyzer and Query Designer Web report development using Web Application.

55. When We Use Maintain Data Source, What We Do? What We Will Maintain?


Go to BW system and create a new info package for delta loads. Double click on new info package. Under update tab you can see the delta update radio button.

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56. Who Used To Make The Technical And Functional Specifications?


Technical Specification:Here we will mention all the BW objects (info objects, data sources, info sources and info providers). Then we are going to say the data flow and behaviour of the data load (either delta or full) also we can tell the duration of the cube activation or creation. Pure BW technical things are available in this document. This is not for End users document. Functional Specification:Here we will describe the business requirements. That means here we are going to say which are all business we are implementing like SD, MM and FI etc., then we are going to tell the KPI and deliverable reports detail to the users. This document is going to mingle with both Function Consultants and Business Users. This document is applicable for end users also.

57. How Do We Decide What Cubes Has To Be Created?


It depends on your project requirement. Customized cubes are not mandatory for all the projects. If your business requirement is differs from given scenario ( BI content cubes ) then only we will opt for customized cubes. Normally your BW customization or creation of new info providers all are depending on your source system. If your source system other that R3 then you should go with customization of your all objects. If your source system is R3 and your users are using only R3 standard business scenarios like SD, MM or FI… etc., then you dont want to create any info providers or you dont want to enhance any thing in the existing BW Business Content. But 99% this is not possible. Because surely they should have included their new business scenario or new enhancements. For example, In my first project we implemented for Solution Manager BW implementation. There we have activated all the business content in CRM. But the source system have new scenarios for message escalation, ageing calculation etc., According their business scenario we couldn’t use standard business content. For that we have taken only existing info objects and created new info objects which are not there in the business content. After that we have created custom data source to info providers as well as reports.

58. How Do We Gather The Requirements For An Implementation Project?


One of the biggest and most important challenges in any implementation is gathering and understanding the end user and process team functional requirements. These functional requirements represent the scope of analysis needs and expectations (both now and in the future) of the end user. These typically involve all of the following:- Business reasons for the project and business questions answered by the implementation- Critical success factors for the implementation- Source systems that are involved and the scope of information needed from each- Intended audience and stakeholders and their analysis needs- Any major transformation that is needed in order to provide the information- Security requirements to prevent unauthorized use This process involves one seemingly simple task: Find out exactly what the end users’ analysis requirements are, both now and in the future, and build the BW system to these requirements. Although simple in concept, in practice gathering and reaching a clear understanding and agreement on a complete set of BW functional requirements is not always so simple.

59. How Can You Solve The Data Mismatch Tickets Between R/3 And Bw?


Check the mapping at BW side for 0STREET in transfer rules. Check the data in PSA for the same field. If the PSA is also doesn’t have complete data then check the field in RSA3 in source system.

60. Difference Between V1, V2, V3 Jobs In Extraction?


  • V1 Update: when ever we create a transaction in R/3(e.g.,Sales Order) then the entries get into the R/3 Tables(VBAK, VBAP..) and this takes place in V1 Update.
  • V2 Update: V2 Update starts a few seconds after V1 Update and in this update the values get into Statistical Tables, from where we do the extraction into BW.
  • V3 Update: Its purely for BW extraction.

61. What Is A Star Schema?


A fact table at the center and surrounded (linked) by dimension tables.

62. What Is A Slowly Changing Dimension?


A dimension containing a characteristics which changes over a time; for example take employee job title; this changes over a period of time with different job titles.

63. What Is Business Content?


The pre configured objects delivered by SAP is business content; it is roles, queries, info providers, info source, data source, info objects, info package, etc; for example OMATERIAL is a business content delivered by sap.

64. What Is The 90 Day Rule?


Finish within 90 days and prove using delivered business content.

65. What Is A Typical Set Up Of Bw Team?


Usually the team has a project manager, one or more Functional consultants, one or more developers and one or more QA testers and the usual basis team

66. What Are The Project Phases Within Asap?


  • Project preparation – initial stuff; do a conceptual review after this phase
  • Business blue print – Functional spec; do a design review after this phase
  • Realization – develop; do a configuration review after this phase
  • Final preparation – QA and other final stuff before moving to production; do a performance review after this phase
  • Go live and support – to production and support

67. What Is Asap?


Accelerated SAP.

68. How Do You Do Euro Conversion At The Database Level?


Use the program RSEURO.

69. What Is The Function Module To Convert Currency?



70. Which Table Contains The Exchange Rate?



71. What Is Translation Key?


Defines how the exchange rate is calculated; the target currency can be fixed or can be determined at the time of translation.

72. What Are The Options To Convert Currency?


In the update rule or in Bex; if you do it in the update rule then you lose the information on the original currency.

73. What Are The Steps To Create Db Connect?


  • first verify that the DB connection works from the server
  • AWB -> Source systems -> create
  • Select Database source system
  • Enter the database user name, password and connect string; for example Oracle enter the TNS name
  • Generate the data source using transaction RSDBC
  • Assign data source to info source
  • Maintain and activate communication structure and transfer rules
  • Create info package and load data

74. What Are The Pre-requisites For Db Connect?


  • DBSL must be installed on SAP server
  • Database specific DB Client must be installed
  • Table and field names must be in capital letters

75. What Is Db Connect?


SAP has given a utility to load data from external databases directly like Oracle; this is called DB connect.

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76. What Are The Sap Enhancements To Enhance Fir Data?


HRPTDWO1 – for HR time related data.

77. What Are The Parameters Available In User Exit For Enhancing Master Data?


  • I_T_FIELDS – list of transfer structure fields
  • I_T_DATA – internal table containing data for the master attributes; remember this contains all data
  • LUPDMODE – update mode
  • I_CHABASNM – basic characteristics
  • I_SOURCE – name of the info source

78. Can You Add Data Records In The User Exit?


No; user exit is only to append data to the record.

79. How Do You Debug User Exit?


  • create an infinite loop on a value example x = 3. do while x> 1.
  • Start the extraction on BW
  • Now the process on R/3 goes on infinite loop
  • Look for process in SM5O
  • Debug the process
  • With in debugger change value of x to 1.
  • Now you can see and debug your code.

80. Is The User Exit Common For All Data Sources?


Yes; that is why you should use case statement to check the data source name to code.

81. What Are The User Exits With In The Enhancement?


  • EX1T_SAPLRSAP_001 transaction data
  • EXIT_SAPLRSAPJ)02- master data
  • EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003- text
  • EXIT_SAPLRSAPJ)04- hierarchy

82. What Is The Sap Enhancement Of Data Sources



83. What Is The Name Restriction On Field When You Append Structure?


All new fields in the appended structure should start with ZZ.

84. What Are The Steps In General To Enhance Data?


  • append the standard data structure
  • add the custom fields
  • edit the right user exit and populate the extra fields
  • don’t forget to activate the user exit
  • create info objects corresponding to the new fields
  • replicate the datasources
  • map the new fields to the info objects
  • activate communication structure and transfer rules
  • create info package and load data

85. What Are The Query Restrictions?


  • enable the query for OLE DB
  • only one structure allowed for query and should include company code and a time dimension
  • user for RFC connection should have dialog or service type.
  • The query is run one time and sent to R13 in one packet; because of this queries with large amount of data should be divided and run as several queries (with different selection criteria using variables)

86. What Are The General Restrictions?


  • allowed only for cost based CO-PA
  • no delta functionality; but runs can be cancelled
  • retractor uses RSCRM_BAPI to run query
  • actual data is always updated using record type H and planning data, record type and version can be specified.
  • Use the valuation option if you want CO-PA valuation.

87. How The Query From Bw Is Used?


The query on BW is the source for the retraction; data is retracted after drill down using all free characteristics (drill down is performed internally).

88. Define The Steps Necessary To Set Up Co-pa For Bw?


  • CO-PA datasource must be defined at Operating Concern I Client Level
  • Define data source for full updates (summarization level, segment level and line item)
  • Select SBIW transaction to get into CO-PA setup
  • Select the characteristics
  • Select the value fields
  • Generate the data source.

89. Give Me An Example Of Co-pa Fields At The Operating Concern That Are Not Replicated?


Not all the fields are replicated; some fields are converted into BW fields; the week ALTPERIO is converted into OCALWEEK.

90. What Is The Standard Naming Convention Of The Co-pa Data Source?


  • CO_PA_<SYS>_<CLIENT>_<OPC0N> – where sys — system ID, client – client number and opcon — operating concern name.

91. What Is The Safety Delta For Co-pa?


BW updates records only at least 30 minutes old.

92. What Are Value Fields?


Key figures like quantity sold, costs, etc are called value fields.

93. What Is The Maximum Number Of Customer Defined Characteristics Allowed?



94. What Is “predefined Characteristics”?


Some characteristics like company code, material and customer are predefined.

95. What Is A Profitability Segment?


This is defined as a combination of characteristics values and it is fixed example Over the counter medicines, National chains.

96. What Are Characteristics Values?


These are the values in the characteristics; for example if you take customer groups it could be national chains, retailers, etc.

97. What Is A Characteristic In Co-pa?


These are defined as levels where information is maintained; example customer groups, divisions, etc.

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