[BEST & NEW] SAP BPC Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 23rd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question
1. What is a BPC?
BPC stands for a Business Planning and Consolidation. BPC is used for both the Planning and Consolidations, unlike IP, which is used for only a planning.
2.When BPC 7.5 NW is be available?
The 7.5 version is currently in a ramp-up stage and should be available in few months.
3.What are the two versions available for a SAP BPC?
- SAP BPC NetWeaver
4. BPC for NW has aggregation level or not, Is BPC an application on top of SAP-IP?
BPC and IP has completely different architecture. BPC doesn’t use an aggregation levels or filters. BPC and IP have no relation and thus, cannot be a compared. BPC uses different script logics, business rules for doing planning. Manual planning can be done with the input schedules. The input schedules are on an excel platform and are quite versatile. Can use a BPC functionalities along with native excel functionalities for better design of a input schedules.
5. What about a BPC in consolidation part?
BPC comes with the pre-delivered components for consolidation, which can be a leveraged on. There are few business rules, which make the consolidation process simpler.
6. What is a concept of plan data from BPC?
The concept of planning is the same as have in any other tool. The functional side of a planning remains the same. However, a tool differs. The way configure a planning scenario will be much variant than any other planning tool. Unfortunately, it will not be a feasible to address this in the forum. can definitely go through a study materials for a better understanding.
7.BPC for a NW needs to install .NET application server and a Web server or not?
Yes, can have a look at the installation guide available on a marketplace for a detailed requirements.
8.What is a BPC client tool? And If planning on the BEx report, have to create an aggregation level for a planning data or not?
BPC client sits on a client machines, from where; will be doing the design. There are majorly 3 interfaces available – BPC Admin, BPC Office, and BPC Web. BPC Office, in turn, has a 3 interfaces – Excel, Word, PowerPoint. These interfaces can be used for a various requirements.
9. Can debug the data manager package?
UJD_TEST_PACKAGE. must specify a User ID. The DM package can be selected with the F4.
10.What are the scoping commands?
The following keywords can be used to modify a scope: *XDIM_MEMBERSET Overwrites a scope for that dimension *XDIM_ADDMEMBERSET Add members to scope of that dimension *XDIM_FILTER Filters a members of the scope of that dimension *XDIM_MAXMEMBERS Specifies a maximum number of members that should be included in an one query (per dimension).
11. What is an environment Shell in SAP BPC?
Environment Shell: Environment Shell was formally known as a Apshell in SAP BPC 7.5 NW. This is a baseline environment that SAP has provided as default when a new environment is to be set up. The Environment Shell has a standard dimensions as well as standard dimension members to get the user started with the using SAP BPC.
12. What are system variables?
%USER%: Returns current SAP Business of Objects Planning and Consolidation User
%APPSET%: Returns a current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and a Consolidation AppSet (Application Set)
%APPLICATION% : Returns a current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation Application
%YEAR% :Returns a current calendar year.
13. What is difference between a EVGTS and EVANS?
The EVGTS function retrieves the data value based on the specified members, and scales a value if the scale property is enabled on the dimension. The report templates offer in the sample application set have a scale reference in a Control Panel area of the template. | EVANS This Send function references to on another cell and sends its value to the database when select a Send and Refresh Schedules. The parameters specify a dimensions that identify where a data value is to be sent in database. |
EVSND returns the value from a database to the referenced cell.Do not need to add any EVGET functions to a sheet to return values to a cell. Since the values are returned to referenced cell, BPC sends only the cells that have changed since last send in the current session. By putting formula in the EVANS cell and not in the input cells, decrease a chances of the formulas getting overwritten or erased.To further protect the formulas, may want to hide the EVSND cells in the input schedule. This function takes members that not specified from a current view settings.
14.What is the difference between a DRILLDOWN and DRILL THROUGH
Drill down is different than a drill through. Drill down is used to drill down on a member data within dimensions. can drill down on members in the worksheet, or can drill down on a charts and graphs. Drill down is be conducted within one report in a Excel interface whereas drill through is ‘jump’ outside of an Excel Interface.
15.What are the options of a DRILL THROUGH?
Jump to a any website Jump to BW query Jump to ECC code.
16.What steps are in the processing a dimension?
- Validate a Hierarchy.
- Validate a Dimension member formulas.
- Update a member data into BW.
- BW Attribute change run.
17. What fields will be in a Distribution Template?
BOOK: The title of a distributed book.
SECTION: Denotes a beginning of a section.
RENAME: Report filename, location, and a title
FIXKEY: Sets a dimension members to the fixed values when generating a report. For example, can ensure that a report runs for 2008.TOTAL and ACTUAL.
VARKEYS: Lists a dimensions and dimension members that should vary for every report that will get created.
For example, if need to create a new offline report for every Entity/Cost Center/etc, would specify that dimension as Very Key.
18. What are the key components in a BPC architecture?
Requirement: SAP NetWeaver a ABAP 7.3 or 7.31.
Database: Any of tabove versions of a SAP NetWeaver support.
Operating System: Any supported version of a SAP NetWeaver system and database engine.
19. Which databases are supported by a SAP BPC with a NetWeaver version?
This layer is responsible to save all the data in a database. SAP NW back-end system is responsible to create objects and data stored for a BPC system. NetWeaver supports most of databases like SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, and many more.
20. What is a Model in SAP BPC?
To meet a Business Planning and Consolidation requirement of an organization, need to build a model in an environment, which is explained as a collection of a several dimensions.
21. What is a use of Logic Scripts in SAP BPC?
Logic Scripts is explained as a set of SQL or MDX programming structures to perform a some customized functions for flexibility and manage data models. When a some specific requirements are not be achieved using business rules, those can be met by use of a Logic Scripts.
22.While creating legal consolidation application, which of dimensions needs to be created in BPC?
C_Acct (A): For maintaining a charts of account.
C_Category (C): To explain the category.
Groups (R): Like a GROUP A (USD), a GROUP B (EUR), and a GROUP C (RMB).
Entity (E): It contains a business unit used to derive a process.
C_Datasrc (D): Data Source of Dimension.
IntCo (I): It finds the level of the entity hierarchy at which level to elimination needs to be performed.
Time (T): Time in all the dimensions.
Flow (S): To keep track of movements in a Consolidation.
23. What is use of dimension – R_Acct (A), while creating a Rate Application in BPC?
R_Acct (A) is used for maintaining a different types of Rate.
24. Which design models are available in a SAP BPC to fulfil a business requirements?
Standard Model, Embedded Model
25. How Standard model is different from an Embedded BPC design model?
Embedded model is different from a Standard model and includes data access to all community users. For an Embedded design model, the initial versions used are SAP BW Integrated Planning and Planning Application Kit i.e. BW-IP and PAK.In a Standard Model, the BPC environment contains a BPC applications or models and each model generates BW InfoCube which is hidden.
26.What is the use of a Transformation file? What are the different sections in the Transformation file?
The transformation file offers the mapping of fields from BW to BPC and is an excel file in a BPC. It contains a transaction data from InfoObjects in BW with BPC dimensions defined in a administration console. There are three sections explained for a mapping file.
Options: Contains a general settings.
Mapping: Used to assign a dimension in the BPC system with the source column in BW InfoObject.
Conversion: Contains a link of other Excel sheets to apply a conversion routine.
27.What is use of a conversion file? Name different sections in conversion file?
A conversion file is used to apply a conversion rules for the BPC dimension and is Excel file. It contains a three sections.
External: Contains a value from an external source.
Internal: Contains a value it should be having for a BPC dimension.
Formula: explains the conversion formula applied to every record.
28. What are the different methods that can be used to create a reports and input schedules in a Business Planning and Consolidation?
Using a Default Templates
- EvDRE Builder
- Drag and Drop Interface
- Blank workbook
29. Have used any default templates in a BPC for reporting purposes? Name a few of a default templates?
This custom report contains a any dimension in rows and categories comparison in a columns. It also features Variances calculation With both the YTD and Periodic boxes.Consolidating:This custom report contains a any dimension in rows and Entity type members across in the columns with hierarchy.
Comparative X:This custom report contains of any dimension in rows and categories comparison in the columns and also retrieves a Last Year same period data. With both the YTD and Periodic boxes.
Comparison with 3 –year:Year an over Year a comparison.
Drill in Place:This template performs a drill in place.
Nested:This allows any two-dimension to be nested in the row and the third dimension in a column.
Sort on value:This template performs a sort of total value.
Drill Dimension:This allows using a drill in a one dimension to others.
30.How can migrate an EvDRE reports created by a BPC 7.5 Excel to BPC 10.0?
Go to an EPM Ribbon → More → EvDRE Migration.
31. What is syntax for a Dimension logic? Which operators can be used in a Dimension logic?
To explain a member dimension formula, have to put the Square bracket around a dimension and there is dot between two.
- Standard an Arithmetic functions have to be used in a dimension formula – addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) – are used in SAP NetWeaver.
32. What are the requirements to perform a simple currency conversions and complex currency conversions?
Simple Conversion:
- There should be the Rate application where store the exchange rates.
- should have account dimension, which includes a RATETYPE.
- The entity dimension should include the property CURRENCY.
- FXTRANS logic should be available and DEFAULT logic should be include a call to FXTRANS logic.
- The entity dimension should be include a property TRANSALATE_TO.
Complex Conversion:
- There should be the Rate application where store the exchange rates.
- The application should contain CURRENCY type dimension.
- There should be property of REPORTING for the CURRENCY dimension.
- The entity dimension must include a property CURRENCY.
- Account dimension must be include a property RATETYPE.
- FXTRANS logic should available.
- DEFAULT logic should include a call to a FXTRANS logic.
33.What is the use of a work status? What are the key attributes in the defining work status?
Work status is used to lock the region of data in a model. This is used to override a user’s member access privilege to write to a specific region.
There are multiple dimensions explained for a region with one property called as a OWNER. While explaining the work status, the following are defined.
Work States: It belongs to a physical state of data.
Security: Can set a different levels of security on changing data in a system –All or Locked. can set who can change a work state − Manager or Owner.
Data Update: This explains how data will be updated by a customer.
Push: This option is used to push a same work state for all children of a member.
34. How is auditing done in a SAP BPC? What are different audit reports that can be pulled for an audit purposes?
Audit functions allow to create a reports that contain a history of user sessions and system information. can create an Audit reports on following topics:
Business Process Flows: Can create these reports in a BPF.
- Standard
- Step
- Audit
Security:Can create these reports in a Security.
- User
- Team
- Task Profiles
- Data Access Profiles
General:Can create these reports in a general.
- Work Status
- Administration Activities
- Comments
- Data Changes
35.What are the two sections in a Custom Menu Template?
Custom menu content is explained by a two sections in the custom menu template – The default section and the Menu item section.
36. Explain parameters that can be used with a Custom Menu Template?
NORMALSCREEN:Value is a True − It opens a custom menu in an Excel interface. Value is False − It opens a custom menu in Standard Excel.
IDEEVTOOLBARS:If Value is a True − It will hide a Planning and Consolidation Toolbar. If Value is a False − It will display a Planning and Consolidation Toolbar.
CVLIST:It is used to explain the dimensions that have to be displayed on the top of a custom menu page. These dimensions can be changed into a report mentioned in Custom menu.
37. What is the difference between a Reporting Model and Driver and Rate Model?
Use a reporting models for an analysis purposes. Non Reporting modules are include Driver and Rates model and are used for a currency rates, price, ownership data, etc.
Types of a Reporting Models:
- Consolidation
- Finance
- Generic
Types of a Non-Reporting Models:
- Rate
- Ownership
38. To perform an intercompany elimination, which dimensions should be defined, and what properties should be created for dimensions?
To perform a currency conversion and intercompany eliminations, need a dimension type – Intercompany dimension (I). To execute an intercompany elimination, an application should have following:
- Dimension Type “I” for an intercompany elimination.
- Dimension “I” should include the property ENTITY.
- The account dimension should be include a property ELIMACC.
- The entity dimension should include a property ELIM.
- should set an appropriate business tables.
- There should be DPT package to an execute intercompany logic that should be available.
39. What Steps Are In a Processing A Dimension?
- Validate Hierarchy.
- Validate Dimension member formulas.
- Update member data into BW.
- BW Attribute change run.
40. What Is Difference Between a Drilldown And Drillthrough?
Drilldown is different than a drillthrough. Drill down is used to drill down on member data within a dimensions. can drill down on members in a worksheet, or can drill down on charts and graphs. Drill down is conducted within an one report in a Excel interface whereas drill through is a ‘jump’ outside of Excel Interface.
41. What is Dimension SAP BPC?
The Entity dimension is one of the most important dimensions in a BPC. The SAP ECC has a four different objects that can act as Entity like a Cost Center, Profit Center, Business Area and Company Code. The planning can happen on any of above based on the company structure and planning requirements.
42. What Is an Epm?
SAP Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) allows an organization to improve its financial and operational performance management. SAP EPM supports different functionalities with SAP Business Planning and Consolidation BPC-NW or BPC-MS like a financial consolidation, financial information management, supply chain performance management, strategy management, and many other areas.
43. What Are Two Version Available For a Sap Bpc?
44. What Are The Key Benefits Of Using a Sap Bpc With Netweaver?
Star Schema for an Exceptional Reporting : SAP BPC uses a NW InfoCubes to store a data. The dimension model used is extended Star Schema so it makes a BPC with NW system an exceptional system for a reporting.No Database Dependence Version: BPC NW version is not dependent on a database version and can run common databases like a DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
.45.What Are The Key Advantages Of Using a Bpc Ms?
Dimension Logic: This can be configured in a BPC system using simple mathematical formulas.
Business Rules: This allows to create a rules in BPC system to perform specific functions.
K2 Script Logic: This is used to perform a some specific functions which can’t be achieved using an out-of-box functionality to meet a business requirements. can create a K2 script logics to perform certain functions, which can be performed in the standard system.
46. What Are The Key Components In a Bpc Architecture?
Requirement: SAP NetWeaver a ABAP 7.3 or 7.31 Database: Any of the above version of a SAP NetWeaver support.
Operating System: Any supported version of a SAP NetWeaver system and database engine.
47. Which Databases Are Supported By a Sap Bpc With Netweaver Version?
This layer is responsible to save all the data in a database. SAP NW back-end system is responsible to create a objects and data stored for BPC system. NetWeaver supports most of databases like SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, and many more.
48. What is a SAP BPC used for?
The SAP Business Planning and Consolidation application delivers a planning, budgeting, forecasting, and financial consolidation capabilities, so can easily adjust a plans and forecasts, speed up a budget and closing cycles, and ensure compliance with the financial reporting standards.
49. What is the difference between a BPC and BW?
BPC is meant for a planning, with the focus on Financial Planning. BW is meant for an integrating a data from multiple data sources, and to perform analysis on it be subsequently.
50. What are the two sections used in a Custom menu template?
- Default section
- Menu item section
51. Name the parameters which are used in a application?
52. How Standard Model Is Different From a Embedded Bpc Design Model?
Embedded model is different from a Standard model and included a data access to all the community users. For an Embedded design model, initial versions used were the SAP BW Integrated Planning and Planning Application for Kit i.e. BW-IP and PAK. In Standard model, BPC environment contains a BPC applications or models and every model generates a BW InfoCube which is hidden.
53. Is BPC part of a S 4 Hana?
SAP S/4HANA Finance comprises with the SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA, SAP Cash Management powered by a SAP HANA, and SAP BPC Optimized for SAP S/4HANA. This combination helps to SAP customers to get precise views of the past, immediate insight into the present and the clear perspective of the future.
54. How do create a BPC report?
Developing a Reports Using a SAP BPC Web Client.Go to a New Report and the following screen will be open. From the dropdown menu, select new report, input form. On the right side, have the list of available dimensions. can add dimension to a Row and Columns as per requirement.
55. what are the three types of data in a SAP?
Data types can be divided into an elementary, reference, and complex types.
56. Is BPC and EPM tool?
On the other hand, BPC is more of general and flexible an EPM tool. It is capable of supporting a requirements for vast major of listed companies. For example, it flexible enough to support an intercompany reconciliations in a transaction currency.
57. In SAP BPC, how can define a usefulness of Logic Scripts?
Logic Scripts are primarily defined as a set of a SQL or MDX programming structure meant for performing few customized functions for the purpose of a managing data models along with the flexibility. When few of the specific requirements are not attained by a virtue of using business rules, those can be achieved by using a Logic Scripts.
58. Please tell what are the two version available for a SAP BPC?
- SAP BPC NetWeaver
59. What is data action in Sac?
Data actions are a flexible planning tool for making a structured changes to model data in a SAP Analytics Cloud, including copying data from one model to another. Data actions are designed by a modelers and then run by planners in stories or analytic applications, or scheduled to run in a calendar.
60.In SAP BPC, what is a Model ?
For meeting the requirements within the organization, in an environment, the user is required to built a model and this stated as a collection of various dimensions.
61. Can use a vB script in a Netweaver BPC?
No, VB script cannot be used in a NetweaverBPC
62. What are the various SAP BPC built-in functionalities?
- Strategic Planning
- Budgeting
- Reporting
- Forecasting
63. What are the various components of a BPC security ?
- Member access profile
- Task profile
- Teams
- Users
64. Define a various pre-requisites used for installation in SAP BPC 10.1?
For installing a software, the user requires SAP NetWeaver BW 7.4 SP05 as a basis along with the SAP UI5 1.16. All the databases which are supported by a BW – i.e. few some traditional databases and also SAP HANA.
65. For BPC 10.1, what is a BW release required?
For both BPC 10.1, an embedded and standard the minimum BW release is a BW 7.40 SP5.
66.For a BPC 10.1, Is HANA DB a mandate?
BPC 10.1 Standard has provisions for supporting a both HANA DB and non-HANA DB. The Embedded BPC 10.1 only supports a HANA DB.
67. Which version of HANA SP is essential for the BPC 10.1?
HANA SP7 is required for a BPC 10.1 and BW 7.40 SP5 requires HANA SP7. Incase a customer is only utilizing BPC , then is software component CPMBPC required to installed.
68. Is SAP BPC a module?
SAP BPC application software allows management and user to take a better decisions which helps to increase their profit and decreases a chances of loss. It is an important module under a SAP EPM portfolio and is integrated on unified platform for the financial processes.
69. How do transport BPC objects?
- 1. Choose Environment then click “Transfer Selection”.
- 2. Choose a Objects that are about to transport.
- 3. You can set t a target global parameter to ensure automatic environment offline.
70. What are the SAP BPC controls?
Controls in BPC can be set up by a system administrator to ensure that when users finish a financial process, that transactional data submitted meets certain standards as set by an administrator of the system.
71.What is concept for plan data from a BPC?
The concept of planning is a same as have in any other tool. The functional side of a planning remains the same., the tool differs. The way configure a planning scenario will be much different than an any other planning tool. Unfortunately, it will not be feasible to the address this in the forum. can definitely go through a study materials for the better understanding.
72. BPC for NW needs to an install the .NET application server and a Web server or not?
Yes. can have a look at an installation guide available on a marketplace for detailed requirements.
73. Is SAP BPC on a premise?
Customers who want to support a business requirements on an existing on-premise installation of SAP BPC can rely on a fact that the product will continue to the exist and be supported.
74. Can debug the data manager package?
UJD_TEST_PACKAGE. must specify a User ID .The DM package can be selected with the F4.
75. Does SAP use a AWS?
SAP customers and partners are using an AWS for use cases ranging from the running a single SAP test system to hosting complete SAP production environment. To learn more about how to SAP customers and partners are using AWS, see Getting Started with the SAP on AWS.
76. Is a SAP BPC going away?
For a SAP BPC Microsoft version, this is slightly different. According to a new data, this version will be supported until an end of 2024.
77. Why is BPC embedded?
BPC Embedded model is based on a Business Warehouse-Integrated Planning (BW-IP) in which it used a BW objects directly. This model is different from a Standard model and includes data access to all the community users.
78 .What is sales planning in a SAP BPC?
SAP delivers a planning application Sales Planning for the sales planning tasks. Sales Planning allows to optimize the customer relationships by focusing sales efforts on the most profitable customers, customer groups, and products.
The technical name of a BADI.
80. Startroutine = C1 endroutine = C2 What is a C1 ?
Badi filters.
81. Process performed by setting up a two Excel files?
A Transformation file (required) .Conversion file (optional)
82. Where can use a Javascript?
Conversion File
83. Can the VB script be used in a Netweaver BPC?
No VB script in a NetweaverBPC.
84. The list of supported MDX functions is available from a function module?
85. Which are on-the-fly calculations?
A Dimension member formulas.
86. Which logic is stored in a database?
Script logic.
87. What do need to use a dimension member formulas?
Formula property in a dimension
88. What is a SAP BPC?
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) is SAP’s flagship product for the planning, budgeting, forecasting, and both legal and management consolidations. SAP BPC provides highly scalable, robust database combined with a business process and logic capabilities to provide a true Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) platform. SAP BPC is a unified solution that does not need an individual software components to perform a core set of business functions and tasks.
89. BPC’s capabilities with an overview of five core EPM business processes it is most commonly used to an address.?
Planning Planning is typically explained as long-range planning spanning multiple years, that can be entered in any combination of periodicity). Some companies use models with a strategic or long-range planning that span years or decades into a future. These plans are usually at a higher level than a budget or forecast. The planning cycle also combines the variety of financial and non-financial information to form complete view. BPC provides platform to integrate business planning, connecting strategy, operations and financial processes.
90. Is SAC replacing a BPC?
A Step dependencies can be configured. | Similar functionalities as a BPC, but dependencies between task is on a roadmap. |
91. Is SAP BPC a cloud solution?
All these factors are leading an organizations to move to a cloud-based planning solution from their traditional on-premise solutions and SAP BPC is no exception. The easiest and smoothest transition fora SAP BPC customers to cloud is SAP Analytics Cloud.
92. What is a use of Logic Scripts in SAP BPC?
Logic Scripts is defined as a set of SQL or MDX programming structure to a perform some customized functions for flexibility and manage data models. When some specific requirements are not be achieved using business rules, those can be met by a use of Logic Scripts.
93. What is an intercompany eliminations in BPC?
Intercompany Elimination refers to an excluding of / removing of transactions between the companies of a same consolidation group from the Consolidated Financial Statements. The reason for doing so is to reflect a financials that would appear as if all the legally separate a companies were a single company.
94. What is the role of SAP BPC Consultant?
SAP professionals design, implement and deploy a SAP solutions to achieve a defined business goals. Maintain skills in a SAP applications process design and configuration; SAP application design, development, integration, testing and deployment; and a SAP application technical architecture.
95. What are the two sections in a Custom Menu Template?
Custom menu content is explained by a two sections in custom menu template – Default section and a Menu item section.
96. Can do reporting on Non Reporting models and assign work status?
Can do reporting on a non-reporting models but cannot assign a work status to them.
97. Which cloud is used by a SAP?
SAP HANA Cloud is a database management foundation of SAP Business Technology Platform. This platforman encompasses database and data management, analytics, application development, and integration, as well as an intelligent technologies.
98. What are the disadvantages of SAP?
The use of SAP requires relatively more funds. In addition, the maintenance and upgrade costs are be quite large. This system requires qualified human resources to enter a data precisely and with timeliness. This makes a company have to spend more to pay for salaries of qualified human resources.
99. What are the challenges of SAP?
- Lack of skills in a market.
- Coordination of a resources.
- Time-consuming and slow operations.
- Complexity and high risk of an error.
- System downtime that affects a productivity.
- Increasing a costs.
- Long lead times.
- Rigid processes.
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