SAP WM Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 14th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question

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Vignesh (Sr SAP Warehouse Director )

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These SAP EWM Interview Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of SAP EWM. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer.

1.What is SAP WM?


The SAP Warehouse Management system (WM) provides flexible, automated support in processing all goods movements and in managing stocks in your warehouse complex.

2.What is Transfer Requirement?


An instruction to move materials from a source storage bin to a destination storage bin in a warehouse complex at a specified time.

3.Where can we find exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse?


Storage binsIn Warehouse Management, Storage bins are master data created either from the application menu or in Customizing. Based on this master data, the stock overview in Warehouse Management shows the exact whereabouts of a material quantity in the warehouse.

4.What are the transactions available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a warehouse number?


  • LT01
  • LT10

Two transactions are available to create a transfer order for moving partial stocks within a warehouse number:

  • Create Transfer Order without Source Object (transaction code LT01)
  • Create Transfer Order from Stock List (transaction code LT10)

5.What is the requirement for the Purchase order items that are included when the inbound delivery is created?


They should have confirmation control key

6.What happens when no storage location for picking is specified in the order item?


The system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the delivery item. The storage location entered in the order item is used in the outbound delivery.

7.What is Transfer Order?


A request to transfer of materials at a particular time from source storage bin to Destination storage bin in same warehouse complex.

8.Different stock types and storage types in WM?


Stock Types :

  • Unrestricted
  • Blocked

Quality Storage Types:

  • Rack
  • Open
  • Shelf
  • Damage.

Interim Storage types:

  • Goods Receipt area
  • Goods Issue area
  • Posting change
  • Difference.

9.Where you do the stock comparison between IM and WM?


T-code LX23

10.Different Types Of Picking And Put Away Strategies, Why?


  • FIFO: To sale the oldest material first
  • LIFO :To sale the latest material first
  • Put away: Next empty bin, addition to the existing stock, mixed storage, fixed storage, open storage.

11.Difference Between Storage Units And Handling Units


Storage unit is a container in which a material stored or transported where as Handling unit the combination of material and Packaging material.

12.Why One Should Create A Second To In Wm.


Second TO has to be created at delivery level to move the stock from intermediate storage type to Goods issue (delivery) area for loading the stock into vehicle.

13.Can You Configure The Automatic To Creation At All Document Level?



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14.Where Do You Configure The Strategies For Put Away And Picking?


SPRO->Logistics Execution->Warehouse Management ->Strategies ->Define Put away Strategies and Logistics Execution->Warehouse Management ->Strategies ->Define Stock Removal Strategies.

15.Explain Warehouse Structure


Warehouse structure contains a Warehouse number, Storage types, Storage sections, storage bins and finally quant.

16.Can A Single Warehouse Could Be Configured For More Than One Company Code?


Yes it can be.

17.Tell Me The Different Picking And Put Away Strategies Defined For Xyz Client For Different Storage Types.


For Rack, Open and shelf storage types the picking strategy is FIFO. Put way strategy for Rack, Open, Shelf, CRD and Fixed Bin is Next empty bin, Open storage, open storage, open storage and fixed bin respectively.

18.Can You Tell Me What All Documents Get Created During Gr Entry In Wm Process?


PO, Inbound Delivery, Transfer Requirement, Shipment and TO.

19.Where Is Control To Confirm To For Put Away And Picking?


Control to confirm TO for Put away and Picking can be configured at Warehouse, Storage types and Movement types levels.

20.Define Storage Bin in WMS?


Each and every storage type and storage section contains a row of storage spaces which are known as storage bins in WMS. The coordinates of the storage bins can tell us the position in the warehouse where goods are stored.

21.Define Quant?


Quant is the stock of any material with similiar features in one storage bin. Different batches of a material are managed by system into various different quants. Quant quantity can be increased by an addition to existing stock. The quants can only be created or deleted via goods movements.

22.Define Storage Unit?


A storage unit is a logical group of single or multiple amount of material like pallet or a container which can be managed within a warehouse as a unit that belongs together. Storage unit (SU) management in the Warehouse Management (WM) allow us to optimize warehouse capacity and control material flow with the help of storage units within the warehouse.

23.What are the different types of Storage units?


There are two types of Storage units :

  • Homogeneous Storage units which contains only one material item
  • Mixed or Heterogeneous Storage units which contains multiple material item.

24.What are the types of movements in SAP WMS?


In the Warehouse Management system (WMS), there are two types of goods movements:

  • Warehouse movements only affecting the warehouse
  • Stock transfers within a warehouse (warehouse number)
  • Posting changes
  • Warehouse movements also affecting the warehouse environment
  • Putaway
  • Picking
  • Stock transfers between different warehouse numbers

25.Difference between TR &TO?


TR is an instruction to move materials from a source storage bin to a destination storage bin in a warehouse complex at a specified time, but a TO is the confirmation to move the material.

26.What is the T-Code to move material by Storage Unit?



27.What is the T-Code to see the Handling Unit changelog?



28.Transaction to change a stock type from Quality to Unrestricted?



29.Storage location is IM or WM component?



30.What are different Movement Types?


  • 101 – GR Receipts
  • 102 – GR PO reverse
  • 601 – GI delivery
  • 602 – Cancel GI delivery
  • 651 – Sales return
  • 909 – GR Amendment Excess

31.You Must Always Specify A Batch Before Goods Are Issued. What Is The Solution If The Delivery Quantities Of An Item Are To Be Taken From Different Batches?


In Ware house Management :

  • Manually in the batch split screen of the delivery item
  • Using automatic batch determination when creating the outbound delivery

32.What Is The Goods Movement Status Of The Outbound Delivery After A Goods Issue Has Been Cancelled?


Not yet started.

33.The Outbound Delivery Plant For Each Item Is Defined In The Order. The System Can Automatically Determine The Outbound Delivery Plant. Identity The Highest Priority Outbound Delivery Plant In Descending Priority Order?


Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record, outbound delivery plant defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in material master.

34.What Is The Importance Of Quant Number?


when ever u do the GR system will generates one Quant number based on the combination of Material, Batch, and Bin.

35.Is Storage Unit Activation Mandatory?


Its not mandatory.

36.Stock Uploading Will Happen At Which Module Mm Or Wm At Rollout In Xyz Client?


First in IM(MM) then in WM.

37.What is Posting Change?


A posting change generally refers to a bookkeeping change – a change in information – about a particular material. For most posting changes, such as changing a batch number or releasing blocked stock, the goods themselves remain in the same physical location.

Reasons for Making Posting Changes Posting changes are made for several reasons.

These include:

  • Releasing stock from inspection into available stock
  • Converting blocked stock to inspection stock
  • Designating available material as inspection stock
  • Changing a Material Number
  • Splitting available materials into two or more batches
  • Converting special stock, such as consignment stock or returned stock, into the companys own stock
  • Changing ownership of stock in the same warehouse from one plant to another

38.What is the system Landscape at xyz client?


3 system landscape

39.Will the system create any dynamic storage bins during the GR? What do you mean by SAP Sales and Distribution? Why is it important?


Yes, it is in the Purchase Order. One of the primary ERP modules developed by SAP, SAP SD helps manage shipping, billing, selling, and transportation of products and services of an organization. This module is basically used to store customer and product data of an organization. SAP SD is important as it is responsible for managing 

customer relationships starting from raising a quotation to the sales order to the billing of a product or service. Also, when integrated with other SAP modules, SAP SD becomes a really handy module when it comes to managing sales and distribution holistically.

40.Define Sales Area, Distribution Channel, and Division in SAP SD.


  • Sales Area: An entity which is required to process an order, sales area is comprised of a distribution channel, a sales organization, and a division.
  • Distribution Channel: This channel contains information about which products and services are distributed by an organization to its end users.
  • Division: A division is basically an organization structure that represents product and service lines in a company.
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41.What is an Organization Structure under SAP SD?


The organization structure in SAP SD pertains to two major steps:

  • Creation of organization elements in the SAP system
  • Linking each element as per requirements

Sales organization appears at the highest level and is mostly used for distributing goods and services. It is advised to keep the number of sales organizations as minimum because that way the process of reporting can be streamlined.

42.Can you integrate SAP MM with SAP SD? Cite an example.


Yes, SAP MM (Material Management) module is integrated with SAP SD.If a sales order is to be created in SAP SD, it is necessary to copy the details of items from SAP MM. Availability check of items, pricing, creation of inbound and outbound delivery of goods, shipping details, loading point, etc. are also managed from data which is ingested from Material Management.

43.What are the link points of SAP SD with other SAP modules?


Link Point SAP Module Involved:

  • Availability Check   SAP MM
  • Credit Check   SAP FI
  • Costing   SAP CO/SAP MM
  • Tax Determination   SAP FI
  • Transfer of Requirements   SAP PP/SAP MM

44.Define Partner Function in SAP SD. What are the different types of Partner Functions?


Partner functions allow users to identify which partners perform what actions to a connected customer. These functions give a detailed account of people with whom business processes are carried out. There are several partner functions based on partner types.

  • Partner Type  
  • Partner Function  
  • Entry from System  
  • Master Record
  • Customer  
  • Sold to party
  • Ship to party
  • Bill to party
  • Payer
  • Customer number  
  • Customer Master Record
  • Vendor  
  • Forwarding agent  
  • Vendor number  
  • Vendor Master Record
  • Human Resources
  • Employee responsible
  • Sales personnel
  • Personnel number
  • Personnel Master Record
  • Contact Person  
  • Contact person  
  • Contact partner number
  • Created in Customer Master Record

45.Define Sales Activity. What are the different Sales Activities that can be performed in SAP SD?


Sales activities are those tasks that salespeople undertake to improve sales. All sales activities can be classified into two types:

  • Pre-sales Activities: These activities, which include inquiry and quotation, occur before a product is sold to customers.
  • Post-sales Activities: These activities, which include support and relationship management, occur after a product is sold to customers.

46.Define Sales Order Processing under SAP SD.


  • Sales order processing pertains to functions that are related to the complete sales pipeline of an organization or business. These functions include:
  • Checking the availability of products to be purchased
  • Finding incomplete data and the status of the sales transaction
  • Calculating pricing and taxes
  • Scheduling deliveries and printing purchase documents

47.Describe the structure of a Sales Order.


Inquiries from customers consist of one or more items that contain the quantity of products in the order.Quantity is divided into business lines, and they further contain various sales parameters. Items are combined in a hierarchy, and therefore it becomes possible to differentiate between batches. All valid conditions on items are mentioned in item conditions. These conditions can be valid for the entire sales order.

T-codes for creating, editing, or displaying existing sales orders are given below:

  • VA02: To edit a sales order
  • VA03 : To display a sales order
  • VA01: To create a sales order

48.Which T-Code are Using for Customer master?



49.How many tabs are showing Customers master initial screen?


3 Tabs. General Data, Company Code and Sales data.

50.What is the difference between transaction data and master data?


Master Data refers to the characteristics of an object whereas transaction data refers to all the transactions that are carried out using the object. Any data which does not change so frequently in master data like configuration settings like company data, personal area etc. Any data which keeps changing so often in transactional data, like employee data.

51.A is your client; B is your clients customer. B need X material, but X material is now out of stock, then you can solve this problem?


In this case, we are using third party process. This process uses a purchase order (Which is sent to you by vendor). Also, invoice verification is used further along the process to check that the invoices you send to your customer are the same material and quantity as that which the vendor sent to the customer (But obviously shipped directly to your customer).

52.How many company codes can you assign to a business?


One or more company code.

53.How many sales organization assign to a Company Code?


One or more.

54.How many plants are assign in a company code?


One or More.

55.Why are we creating Z reports?


SAP have provided a lot of reports in each module. However, if the standard reports do not meet the business requirement, we can develop our own reports. ABAP custom reports are called z reports because any program developed have to start with Z.

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56.Who is creating Company Code?


FICO Consultant.

57.Which T-Code are using for Account Determination?



58.How to maintain Pricing Procedures?


In Pricing Procedures 16 steps are needed to maintain. These are Step, Counter, Condition Type, Description, From, To, Manually, Mandatory, Statistically, Print, Sub 

Total, Requirement, Alternative Condition Type, Alternative condition base value, Account Key, Accruals Key.

59.Can you explain the organisational structure used in sales and distribution?


The organisational structure in sales and distribution can be described as below:

  • Sales Organisation
  • Distribution Channel
  • Division
  • Sales Office
  • Sales Group

60.Explain the process of creating a scheduling agreement.


For creating schedule management, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Logistics
  • Material Management
  • Purchasing
  • Outline Agreement
  • Schedule Agreement
  • Create
  • Vendor.

61.Can you point out how many types of sales document exist?


There are three distinct types of sales documents which are as under:

  • Sales Document Header (VBAK)
  • Sales Document Item (VBAP)
  • Sales Document Schedule line (VBEP)

62.Can you explain the five features which can be used to control the sale document type?


The features you can use to control a sale document type are listed below:

  • Partner
  • Delivery
  • Text
  • Pricing
  • Taxes
  • Output

63.Can you explain the primary purpose for maintaining the master data?


The main purpose of master data is for maintaining total customer data and records such as order, delivery, and billing along with customer payments. Master data is essential for ensuring the entire process goes well. For instance, its not possible to create a sales order without information such as customer master data, material master data, and condition master data.  

64.Can you list out some of the various partner functions a customer master record can be used to serve?


A customer master record can be used to serve the following four functions:

  • Sold to party
  • Ship to party
  • Payer
  • Bill to party

65.Can you describe what a Proforma Invoice is and list out its various types?


A proforma invoice is a reference document which is used for import and export negotiations.

The standard proforma invoice document types are listed as under:

  • With reference to order – F5
  • With reference to delivery – F8

66.Can you touch upon the concept of intercompany customers?


Intercompany customers are those customers who represent the sales customers of the same client but have been assigned different company codes.

67.Can you point out the T-Codes which are used for SD and MM Integration and for SD and FICO Integration?


For SD and MM Integration, the T-code used is OBYC while in the case of SD and FICO Integration, the T-Code used is VKOA.

68.Can you explain the differences between rush order and cash sales?


In the case of rush orders, delivery of the order will be done on the same day while billing will be done on a later date whereas, in the case of cash sales, both billing, as well as delivery or order, will be carried out on the same day itself.

69.What is the use of SAP FI in SAP Sales and Distribution?


In case of standard sales order, you create an outbound goods delivery to the customer. Here movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured in MM and movement of goods hit some G/L account in FI.

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