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Must-Know [LATEST] SIEBEL Business Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 26th Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question

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Sanjay (Sr Big Data DevOps Engineer )

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1. What is Siebel business analyst?


Teaches a business analysts technical skills and also Siebel application knowledge.

2. What does business analyst do?


Overall, business analysts bridge a gap in understanding between management of an organization, and complex data and technical systems businesses use in hopes of an improving processes and helping the impact decision-making.

3. What is maximum number of applets can be there in a view using vanilla web template?


There can be a eight applets at most.

4. What is a view web template Siebel?


A view web template item maps an applet controls to a placeholder IDs in a web template. Used by Siebel Web Engine to map swe:applet tag to applets.

5. What are the differences between the VBC and EBC in Siebel?


    VBC stands for a Virtual Business Component. EBC stands for an external business components.
    Virtual Business Component allows data to provide an external system that can be viewed using a Siebel application without replicating fields and dataset that have given already. External business components are used to provide the way to add the resources that are accessed by a data and This data is not shown from an end.
    VBC provides detailed description of account that is stored in an external database. An EBC doesn’t provide.

6. What makes a successful analyst?


A good analyst should be the curious sort and have a hunger to understand what makes a things tick. They need to move between a abstract and concrete fluidly and make a connections between a two that are understandable and pertinent to their clients.

7.How do a business analysts grow?


The best-qualified, top-performing business analysts can move into a high-level management positions in the companies and other organizations. High-performing consultants may rise into a leadership positions in their firms or strike out on their own to start a new consultancies.

8. A Step by Step Guide on a Pursuing a Business Analyst Career Path?


Earn degree and Gain an entry-level job as a developer, industry expert, or quality assurance engineer. Become subject matter expert (SME) within the few years of employment.

9. What is a hierarchy of business analyst?


The traditional business analyst may go from a BA to senior business analyst, to architect, to senior business architect and so on. Similarly, in an agile environment may go from a business analyst to product owner and possibly branch off to the managing a team and then PMO director.

10. What is complex join? Mention a difference between primary key and foreign key value?


  • The complex joins are joins that hold a conditional mapping like <, >, =, AND, NOT. and can also use ‘=’ to represent a primary and foreign key values.
  • Primary key and foreign key value are be always starting from (1-N).
  • The Complex join uses a (1 -0, 1) and (0, 1 –N) kind of relationships.

11.What is a Siebel Gateway?


Siebel Gateway is a name of the server that controls an Enterprise Server.

12. What is mean by Siebel Admin Mode View and How to create it?


If Admin Mode Property is set to a true then it is called as Admin mode view. It is used to override all visibility rules.

13. Describe what is mean by a flowchart and why it is important?


A Flowchart is used to show a complete flow of a system through diagrams and symbols. A flowchart is important as it makes developers and non-technical stakeholders understand a system easily.

14. Describe what is mean by link specification?


Link specification is explained as a field object type property. The link specification can be retrieved in a child business component at a time of setting its value to true for the certain field.

15. Is Siebel a tool?


Siebel Tools is not programming environment; it is declarative application configuration tool. Standard Siebel applications offer a core set of object definitions that can use as a basis for the tailored application. Navigation in a Siebel Tools is done mainly in a two windows: Object Explorer window.

16. Differentiate between a MVG applet and a pick Applet?


    MVG appletPICK Applet
    MVG applet is used to display a child records for a parent table. Pick applet is used to update a join fields.

17. What does an UML stand for?


UML stands for the Unified Modeling Language.

18. Tell any two types of a diagrams that are heavily used in a field?


  • Use Case Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram

19. As a business analyst, what are all tools that are more helpful?


There are many tools that are be more helpful. Out of those, tools that mostly used are Rational Tools, MS Visio, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, and MS Project.

20. How to call external webpage from a Siebel application?


This is possible with a help of scripting For example:

  • Go to a preinvoked method -> then click on a button option.
  • Window. Open (URL NAME).
  • Now open a webpage for the respective URL using a URL NAME variables.

21. What are all the documents that are prepared by the Business Analyst?


Business Analyst prepared so many documents and out of those some of documents prepared by a business analyst are RACI, Gap Analysis Document, RTM, BRD, SRS, FRS, Use Cases, BPM.

22. In view what is the maximum number of a applets that can be there?


A maximum number of applets in the view Depends on a web template that use, but in a general, eight ( 8 ) is the maximum.

23. Describe how to do data cleansing in EIM?


In an EIM, data cleansing is not be supported.

24. What are steps that are required to develop the product from an idea?


The steps that have to perform are Market Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Competitor Analysis, Personas, Feature set and a Strategic Vision, Prioritize Features, Use Cases, Scalability, Monitoring.

25. What does a BPMN stand for?


BPMN stands for a Business Process Model and Notation and is explained as a graphical representation of business processes.

26. Can name a five basic elements’ categories in BPMN?


  • Flow Objects
  • Data
  • Connecting Objects
  • Swimlanes
  • Artifacts

27. Differentiate between the Inbound and Outbound in Picklist?


    Inbounded picklist has explained the process in which users cannot enter a values, other than specified in a dropdown. An abounded picklist can be explained as the process in which values are entered by a users outside the dropdown.

28. Define a KANO analysis and have ever used it?


Kano Analysis is a process in which are analyze a system in terms of its requirements to identify its impact on the customers’ satisfaction.

29. Name a three key areas in a Kano Analysis?


  • Performance Attributes
  • Unexpected Delighters
  • Must-Have Attributes.

30. What is difference between s_copy_x and s_opty_xm tables?


  • S_opty is the base table used to store a parent data.
  • S_opty_x is extension table used in a Siebel CRM to explain 1:1 relationship.
  • S_opty_xm is the extension table used in Siebel CRM to explain 1.m relationship

31. What is difference between a Fish Model and V Model?


Fish model is used when there are no ambiguities in a customers’ requirements and it is very costly and time-consuming comparatively, on a other hand, a V model requires costly and need less time it is used when there are ambiguities in a customers’ requirements.

32. What is a Siebel called now?


“Siebel” is now a brand name owned by an Oracle Corporation. Siebel Systems is a Oracle’s on-premises CRM system, and Oracle’s cloud applications for the CRM are Oracle Advertising and Customer Experience (CX).

33. What is flowchart? Why is it important?


A Flowchart shows a complete flow of a system through symbols and diagrams. It is important as it makes a system simple to understand for developers as well as a nontechnical stakeholders.

34. Define Use Case Model?


Use case model shows the sequence of events and a stream of actions regarding any process performed by actor.

35. What is requirement elicitation?


Requirement elicitation helps to collect an information from users and stakeholders. It helps to understand what they want to from a system. It also comprises different strategies which directly collaborate with users or clients.

36. Do think Activity Diagram is important?


As a name implies, an activity diagram is all about the system activities. The main purpose of an activity diagram is to show different events taking place in an organization in a different departments.

37. Name a 5 Main Building Blocks Of a Siebel Architecture?


  • Gateway Server
  • Enterprise Server
  • Siebel Server
  • File Server
  • Siebel Database Server

38. What is meant by alternate flow in a use case?


It is an alternative solution or activity in a use case that should be a followed in case of any failure in system.

39. What are the exceptions?


These are unexpected situations or results in the application.

40. Describe Types Of a Siebel Database Extensions?


Standard extension tables – Predefined a tables which support 1:1 or M:1 relationships. Part of an existing physical database. Custom extension tables and a custom extension columns – New 1:1 table, New columns that are added to a new and existing tables.

41. What are the extends?


Extends is a relationship that is shown by the dotted line. It is usually used to specify the optional behavior which has no independent meaning. Example: Help on a “Sign on” extends to use case “Sign on”.

42. Name a two documents related to a use case?


  • FRD (Functional Requirement Document)
  • SDD (System Design Document)

43. What is difference between the Business Analyst and Business Analysis?


Business Analysis is a process performed by a Business Analyst.

44. As a business analyst, what are tools which are more helpful?


  • MS Visio
  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • MS Project

45. In a previous experience, what kind of documents have created?


Have worked on, a Functional Specification Documents, a Technical Specification Documents, a Business Requirements Documents, Use Case Diagram, etc.

46. Explain a term INVEST?


INVEST means the Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized Appropriately, Testable. It can assist a project managers and technical teams in delivering a quality products/services.

47. What is a Siebel Admin Mode View? How to Create this?


    Admin modeAdmin view
    Admin Mode property set to a TRUE in a View object definition. Admin Mode view overrides a property of the Business component. This view allows user to do the update, insert and delete, etc. which may not be available in the other views of the same BC.

48. How to run a Genbscript.exe?


When run genbscript.exe, all browser scripts in a repository are generated. They are placed in the directory that are specify using the destination directory parameter (dest_dir). The genbscript.exe utility is be located in:

  • siebsrv_root/bin or client_root/bin
  • genbscript config_file dest_dir [language]

49. Explain how to create the Event Handler?


  • Click on an Administration->Communications->All Event Handler.
  • Click on add new record from an Event Handler list.
  • Enter a details in a event handler –
  • name
  • specify a configuration to associate this an event handler
  • specify a event response to associate an event handler
  • specify a profile for associating an event handler
  • name of a device event,
  • Order of an event handler checking and comments, if any

50 How Is Tools Architecture Constructed Ina Siebel?


An Explorer & List Editor.

51. Explain the elements used in following given statements with an example?


ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None The string that is used to allows the updation to be performed in a configuration file and it points to a Virtual IP and the port that is getting used:

“VirtualIP” : allows an IP address to be associated with a virtual server that is explained in the Netscaler. This allows it to be mentioned in a Siebel Application server.

“VirtualPort” : allows a port number or the service to be explained using the virtual server. The default port of that virtual server is given as a 2321.

“Siebel Enterprise Name”: represent a name of Siebel Enterprise that consists of a load-balanced Siebel Servers that are used to provide an objects which can be reused be again and again.

“Alternate of the Object Manager” : it is an alias that is given to a Load Balanced Object.The view of an eapps.cfg configuration file is .

  • #### Original eapps.cfg ?le ####
  • EnableVirtualHosts = true
  • [/callcenter_enu]
  • ConnectString =
  • siebel.TCPIP.None.None://VirtualServer/SBA_80/SCCObjMgr_enu
  • ### Updated changes to the eapps.cfg ###
  • EnableVirtualHosts = false
  • [/callcenter_enu]
  • ConnectString =
  • siebel.TCPIP.None.None://IP_Address/SBA_80/SCCObjMgr_enu

52. Define a SaaS?


SaaS means a Software as a Service. It is related to the cloud computing. It is various from the other software bundles as don’t need this type of software to be installed on a machine. All need is an Internet connection and a Web Browser to use it.

53. What is an Oracle Siebel used for?


Siebel CRM Communications lets a service providers are manage, synchronize, and coordinate sales, marketing, and customer service across all contact points—including web, call center, field service, and partner channels.

54. What is think is better, a Waterfall Model or Spiral Model?


It all depends on a type and scope of a project. A life cycle model is selected based on an organizational culture and various other scenarios to develop a system.

55. How can explain a user-centered design methodology?


It all depends on a end-users. In such a scenario, and develop the system with the user’s point of view. Who are end-users, what they require etc. Personas are the helpful in this process.

56. How do define Personas?


Personas are used an instead of real users that assist a developers and technical teams in judging a user behavior in different scenarios. Personas are the social roles, performed by any actor or be character. It is derived from the Latin word meaning “character.” In marketing terminology, it represents the group of customers/end users.

57. Define a term Application Usability?


Application usability is a quality of the system that makes a system useful for its end users. System’s usability is good if it is capable of an achieving users’ goals.

58. What is database transaction?


When perform of any activity in a database, like addition, deletion, modification, searching, etc. is said to be database transaction.

59. Give a full form of the OLTP?


OLTP stands for a On-Line Transaction Processing. Such systems are capable of performing a database transactions and are meant to provide a good speed for the database transactions. These systems are mainly used for the data entry and retrieving data from database.

60. What Are Steps For Creating A Dynamic Pick List?


Create the Pick list using a BC representing a joined table. Associate a Pick list with a BC field. Map the BC fields to a Pick list BC fields. Create the Pick list applet. Specify which control or list column will invoked the Pick list applet.

61. What is Pugh Matrix?


Pugh Matrix is used to decide about most optimal and an alternate solutions. This technique is now standard part of a Six Sigma technique.

62. What does a FMEA stand for?


It means the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. It is the failure analysis that is used mainly in a product development, system engineering, and operations management. This analysis is performed to figure out different failure modes and their severity in any system.

63. What is 100-point method?


This method is used to assign a priority to various steps in a process. Every group member is supposed to assign points to a different steps. In the end, all points for each step are be calculated. The step having the highest points has a highest priority.

64. What is a 8-omega?


It is the business framework that is mainly being adopted by a firms and organizations for betterment of their business. Its a key factors are Strategy, People, Process, and Technology.

65. How can differentiate between the pool and swimlane?


    A swimlane is related to a group activities on the activity diagram. A pool is the dedicated activity to a single person.

66. What is misuse case?


It is a term derived from the use-case. Unlike a use cases, a misuse case is something that shows -what kind of the malicious activities can be performed by an actor that may be result in system failure.

67. What does a SQUARE stand for?


SQUARE stands for a Security Quality Requirements Engineering. It is one of software engineering steps that mainly focus on a documenting the security requirements of a system.

68. What is a Pareto Analysis?


Pareto Analysis is a decision-making technique, also known as a 80/20 rule. It is used for the quality control and defect resolution. It explains the few factors that can be responsible for the big problems. It is named as a 80/20 rule, because as per this rule, 80 % effects in a system arise from 20 % causes.

69. What is Agile Manifesto?


Agile Manifesto is the guide for a software developers about Agile development principles to an ensure iterative solutions.

70. What Are Steps For Creating A Static Pick List?


Create the new static pick list. Add BC field that will be populated. Map a BC field to the pick list BC field. Specify which control or list column will invoke a pick list applet. Picklist will be an empty until values are put in a S_LST_OF_VAL table.

71. What BPMN stand for?


BPMN is a Business Process Model and Notation. It is a graphical representation of a business processes.

72. Define a BPMN Gateway?


BPMN Gateway is the processing modeling component that is used to control a flow of interaction, a sequence of processes.

73. What is application data in a database?


A database application is the computer program whose primary purpose is a retrieving information from a computerized database. From here, information can be inserted, modified or deleted which is a subsequently conveyed back into a database.

74. What Is Different Between a Bounded And Unbounded Picklist?


Can enter a free text incase of Unbounded Picklist. But, incase of a Bounded Picklist, and can not enter a free text .

75. Have ever used a Kano Analysis in previous jobs, and how do define it?


Yes, have used Kano Analysis in one of the previous jobs. Kano Analysis is used to analyse a system in terms of its requirements to identify its impact on a customers’ satisfaction.

76. What Are Different Layers In Siebel?


Data Storage layer, Business Layer & Data Presentation Layer.

77.Define a Pair-Choice Technique?


The pair-Choice Technique is used to give a priority todifferent items in a process. It is mainly used when a distinctive stakeholders are involved in a project. This technique asks a group to compare each item with the others and select the one having a highest priority.

78. Do have suggestions to make a effective use-case model?


Yes, would suggest making a two separate diagrams. One serves as the use-case, and the other serves as an actor diagram. So that can highlight all the possible activities in a use case & in actor diagram and then can merge both diagrams to get an effective use-case diagram.

79. How many types of actor can be depicted in use-case?


Two types of actors can be depicted in the use-case, viz. primary and a secondary actors. Primary actors start a process, and secondary actors assist them. Moreover, actors can be of a four types like Human, System, Hardware, and Timer.

80. What is object manager?


An Object manager is the procedure that facilitates access to a Siebel Object Model, maintains security and manages transactions. Other functions that are offered by an object managers include a processing workflow and managing the user interface.

81. Define a BCG Matrix?


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix is developed to analyse the several business processes and new product offerings from the companies. It is a useful tool that can be used in a portfolio analysis, strategic management, product management, and brand marketing.

82. What is a Siebel Telstra?


That number is a Billing Account Number for service. It is exactly the same as a Account number that customers who receive the bill have, as one is assigned to all the Telstra services. For a Pre-Paid service, only way to get this number is through one of staff.

83. How do manage frequently changing a customers’ requirements while developing any system?


As business analyst, would developed a document stating clearly that no change will be are accepted after a certain period of time and get it signed by a user.

84. Define a use-case points?


Use-case points are used to an evaluate a cost of work done to develop a system.

85. What is major difference between risk and issue?


    A risk is the future event which negatively impacts business objective. The issue is the result of events currently happening.

86. What does a PEST stand for?


It means a Political, Economic, Social, and Technological. It is used to analyse a business environment, in which it has to be an operated.

87. Name a four key phases of business development?


They are be Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.

88. Define a Benchmarking?


Benchmarking is about measuring a performance of an organization to compete in an industry. In process, a company may measure its policies, performance, rules, and the other measures.

89. What do mean by SWEBOK?


It means a Software Engineering Body of Knowledge.

90. What is a Siebel File System?


The Siebel File system is a shared directory. It includes a compressed files that are used by a Siebel servers and Siebel Clients. It is accessible to all servers in a Siebel Enterprise server.

91. What is know about a GAP Analysis?


It is a process of comparing and finding a difference between two things or processes.

92.Define an Agile?


Agile isthe technique that uses a several light-weight methodologies like Rapid Application Development (RAD), Extreme Programming (XP) and SCRUM. All these methodologies focus on a development of iterative solutions.

93. State a important differences between BRD and SRS?


    It is the high-level functional specification of a software. It is the high level functional and technical specification document of a software.
    BA creates it after their direct interaction with clients. The System Architect creates it according to their need and also technical expertise.

94. What Is a Resonate?


Resonate is the third party software development tool, which is used for a distributing the client request to least laden Siebel server.

95.Optimization techniques in an EIM?


  • Limit base tables and columns to be a processed by using: only base Tables, ignore base Tables, only base Columns, ignore base Columns.
  • Always delete a batches from an EIM tables upon completion. Leaving old batches in a EIM table wastes space and can adversely affect performance. For the other suggestions on working with the batches.
  • 96 List out a portion of an inquiries that assistance choose whether require a CRM framework?


    • Do notice what number of a client benefit issues each client has include, and proof?
    • It is safe to say that are guaranteed that every one of margins in a business course is being followed up?
    • Stay a group discussing admirably with the potential customers?
  • 97. What Is a Localisation?


    Modify a object definitions in a local repository.

    98. What does a business module components user mode indicate?


    Usually, a business component in user mode explains the visibility in BC For example:

    • “All”
    • “Personal”
    • “Manager”
    • “Organization”

    99. What is the difference between the organization and a division in Siebel?


    • Can see a hierarchical level in a Siebel CRM architecture, under organization section the division will come.
    • The major purpose of using organization is to control the data visibility and where this cannot be possible with a division.

    100. What is mean by EIM and EAI?


    EIM: is used to import the large amount of data or delete a large amount of a data.

    EAI: is used to an integrate any application.

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