Mobile Application Testing Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 19th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question
If you have knowledge JMeter for Performance Test Automation and able to Develop Software Test Automation Framework for Functional Testing Using Selenium then mobile testing career is the best opportunity for software testing professionals. Mobile testing jobs including automation test engineer, mobile test engineer, and mobile automation test engineers. QA testing, quality assurance lead, security test engineer, mobile testing engineer, senior test engineer etc. Have a look at ACTE Mobile Testing job interview questions and answers for better interview preparation.
1.What is the difference between mobile application testing and mobile device testing?
Mobile application testing checks the functionality, efficiency, and consistency of mobile applications.
Mobile device testing is done to test mobile devices to ensure smooth and glitch-free working to provide a seamless user experience.
2.What are the types of mobile testing?
There are 2 types of mobile testing:
- Automate testing
- Manual testing
3.When is manual testing and automation testing done?
Manual testing is done when a new functionality is developed for an application and requires testing only a couple of times.
Automate testing is used on applications in critical scenarios where regression tests are to be repeated.
4.What are the 2 types of automation tools?
The 2 types of automation tools are Image-recognition based automation tools and Object-recognition based automation tools.
5.Can you name some common automated mobile testing tools that you use?
This is a basic yet crucial mobile testing interview question.
It is very important for those working on automated mobile testing to stay updated on all new tools.
Discuss in detail, the tools that you think are efficient and can help you run tests effectively.
Sample Answer:
The 5 most common automated mobile testing tools that I use are T-Plan robot, RoutineBot, Egg Plant, Jama Solutions, and Ranorex.
6.What are different types of mobile applications?
Mobile applications are of 3 types:
- Native Applications.
- Web Applications.
- Hybrid Applications.
7.How would you differentiate between Native Apps, Web Apps, and Hybrid Apps?
Native Applications are apps that run directly on mobile devices. These apps are easily available on the Google Play Store or Apple app store and can also be installed using a direct download link.
Web Applications run on web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc. These apps can run on any mobile browser and need not be installed.
Hybrid Applications are the combination of native and web apps and can run on both devices and browsers.
8.Can you name some defect-tracking tools for mobile testing?
10 commonly used defect tracking tools used for mobile testing are:
- Bugzilla.
- YouTrack.
- Mantis.
- Redmine.
- FogBugz.
- Trac.
- Trello.
- Rally.
9.How would you test CPU usage on mobile?
To test CPU Usage on mobile, I would use advanced apps like CPU Monitor, CPU-Z, CPU Stats, etc. as they can record all details about the processes running on mobile devices.
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10.Can you name a few automation tools that are compatible with both Android and iOS mobiles?
Appium, Calabash, and MonkeyTalk are the most effective automation tools compatible with both Android and iOS mobile devices.
11.What is an Android testing framework?
The Android testing framework is an open-source framework used by developers to record Unit tests and User Interface (UI) tests for Android devices.
The 5 commonly used Android testing frameworks are:
- Appium
- Detox
- Espresso
- Calabash
- UI Automator
12.What are iOS testing frameworks?
IOS testing frameworks assess the performance of iOS applications on the Apple device to record and trigger user actions based on the interaction with the user interface.
The 5 commonly used iOS testing frameworks are:
- Appium
- XCTest/XCUITest
- Detox
- Calabash
- Earlgrey
13.What is Detox? What are the characteristics that make it stand out?
Detox is a Javascript-based mobile testing framework that enables a robust and quick test execution without any external tools.
It is in-built in the application and starts with the app launch.
The characteristics that make it stand out are:
- Easy debugging compared to other automation frameworks.
- Quicker test execution.
- Easy integration into apps with react native.
14.What is the use of the Robo-electric testing framework?
Robo-electric frameworks enable Android tests to run directly on JVM without requiring an emulator or device.
15.How can you perform A/B testing on iOS applications?
A/B testing on iOS apps can be done using the following 4 steps:
Configuration: Prepare 2 versions of the iOS app, namely A and B.
Define Success Metrics: Identify the objective and the metrics against which the success of the app will be measured.
Execution: Test both the versions simultaneously.
Analysis: Evaluate and identify the better version to release.
16.Which network environments do you consider when testing an application and why?
Testing applications in different network environments helps analyze its performance in different situations.
I test applications on 2G, 3G, 4G, and WIFI networks to ensure effective and seamless performance in all kinds of networks.
17.What are the uses of monkey tool in mobile testing?
Monkey tool helps mobile testing by providing:
- Debugging options.
- Types of events.
- Frequencies.
- Operational constraints.
- Configuration options.
18.What are the different ways of mobile application testing?
Here are 10 different ways of testing mobile applications:
Functional Testing– Tests the functioning and flow of apps.
Usability Testing –Tests the user’s experience with apps.
Compatibility Testing– Tests the compatibility of apps on different devices, networks, and hardware.
Security Testing- Tests the application’s ability to keep the user’s personal information safe and confidential.
Performance Testing– ensures the app does not malfunction.
Installation Testing- Tests the installation and update process of apps.
Localization Testing– Tests apps to align geographical and cultural aspects with the end-users to ensure localization so that consumers don’t skip past it.
Mobile-device testing– Testing apps on mobile devices for better functioning.
Manual Testing– checking the functioning of the app manually to identify errors in the interface.
Automated training– used in tedious situations where manual testing is not enough, automated testing ensures quality and faster release of products.
19.What according to you is the importance of Usability testing?
Usability testing is used to check if the app is user-friendly.
It involves analyzing customer’s behavior and experience on the application to identify bugs and discrepancies.
The metrics considered for usability testing are the design of the app, response time and how intuitive it is.
20.When do you use Compatibility testing?
Compatibility testing is done to check if the app is compatible with different-
Operating systems – (Android & iOS).
Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).
Network environments- 2G,3G,4G, WIFI.
Internal hardware.
Compatibility tests are of 2 types-
Backward- tests the behavior of a mobile app with older versions of a software.
Forward- tests the behavior of a mobile app with new, developing software and beta versions.
21.Can you elaborate on ‘Performance testing’?
Performance testing is done to enhance the performance of an app in different workloads to ensure the app doesn’t malfunction.
The test checks apps on the following metrics:
Device performance- battery consumption, start time, app crashes.
API/Server performance- the speed and format of data transfer.
Network performance -time to receive information and delay in performance.
22.On what metrics is the sanity test performed on mobile apps?
The sanity test on apps can be performed based on 5 metrics:
Performance on different devices.
Performance in various network environments.
Installation and update of apps.
If the app allows calls when running in the background.
Media compatibility.
23.What is the extension of Android and iOS files?
The extension of an Android file is .apk and an iOS file is .ipa.
24.What do you understand by MT and MO?
and MO are parts of the SMS lifecycle.
MO stands for Message Originate, which refers to sending messages and MT stands for Message Terminate, referring to receiving the message.
25.What cloud-based software testing tools do you use?
For a mobile application tester, knowledge of tools and software is everything.
To answer this question, talk about the most efficient and latest Cloud-based software tools used for software testing.
Sample answer:
The use of tools depends on the software being tested.
The 5 effective cloud-based software testing tools that I use are BlazeMeter, AppThwack, SOASTA Cloud Test, Loadstorm and Manymo.
26.What is a major difference between WAP testing and Web testing?
WAP testing is used to test network applications while Web testing is mainly concerned with testing websites and portals.
27.What is Black Box testing?
Black Box testing is used to assess a software’s functional and non-functional aspects.
It analyzes system behavior based on the external design and flow of the app without considering internal implementation and design.
28.Can you name 5 errors that Black Box testing helps identify?
Black Box testing can be used to identify:
- Functionality gaps.
- Usability errors.
- User-interface errors.
- Performance roadblocks.
- Inappropriate use of database.
29.What are the important things to remember while testing apps using the Black Box testing method?
While testing apps using the Black Box testing method, it is important to:
1.Test web applications on various mobile browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc.
2.Test applications on multiple devices.
3.Make calls and send messages while the app is running in the background.
4.Change the IP address and port to ensure the device connects and disconnects properly.
30.What are the pros and cons of Black Box testing?
- Helps enhance user experience It does not consider internal layout and design
- Effectively identifies inconsistencies Considers limited data and limited paths
- Knowledge of programming language is not mandatory Makes test designing difficult as there are no specifications
- Can be carried out by tester independent of the developers Tests repetitive paths that may have been covered in unit tests
31.What are the 4 levels of software testing?
The 4 levels of software testing are:
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- System testing
- Acceptance testing
32.How would you define AVD?
AVD stands for Android Virtual Device. It is an Android emulator to test applications on PCs.
33.How will you communicate app crashes to the developer?
Interviewers ask this mobile testing interview question to understand your method of communicating with the developers in case of discrepancies.
Discuss how you communicate with developers and support your answer with reasons and past experiences if possible.
Sample Answer
I would start by identifying the scenario in which the app crashes.
Then I would use a defect tracking tool to report app crashing and attach screenshots with the error message.
I would also suggest steps to reproduce to bring app crashes in control.
34.What would you do if your app works well on some devices and crashes on others?
Mobile testers have a plethora of techniques to identify problems and bugs in an app.
Explain your strategy to assess the performance and how it would effectively provide solutions.
Sample Answer:
I would conduct compatibility tests to analyze the application’s performance on multiple devices with different network environments.
This will help in the identification of the devices on which the app crashes.
I would try uninstalling and installing the app and if it still does not function properly, I would highlight the issue to the developer and suggest fixes.
35.Can you name 2 apps for Android and iOS each to record crash logs?
To record crash logs, you can use Android Studio and Eclipse for Android devices and iOS LogInfo and Xcode iOS devices.
36.What are the most important mobile application test cases according to you?
Interviewers ask this mobile testing interview question to understand your priorities while testing an app, and if they are in-line with the company’s perspective.
Research well on the applications made by the company and identify the bugs and fixes required.
Sample Answer:
In my opinion, the most important mobile app test cases are:
- Usability test case.
- Battery usage test case.
- app functioning test case.
- Touchscreen test case.
- Security test case.
37.What do you know about mobile API testing?
API stands for Application Programming Interfaces.
Mobile API testing assesses a set of APIs to analyze their functionality, performance, and security to determine if it matches the set expectations.
38.Can you define Product-based testing in terms of mobile testing?
Product-based testing is a comparative method that measures the performance of a mobile application.
It is concerned with enhancing the quality and quantity of the product in question.
39.How would you differentiate between Emulator and Simulator?
Based on hardware and software Based on software only
It exactly replicates device behavior It imitates the activity of the device it is simulating
40.What according to you are the 5 challenges that impact mobile app testing?
The answer to this question must reflect the things you keep in mind while performing tests on applications.
Talk about the 5 things that need extra attention in your opinion and back your answer with reasons.
Sample Answer:
The 5 challenges to effective mobile app testing are:
Testing on multiple user interfaces.
Testing is based on device.
Security issues.
Creating awareness about the context of the app.
Identifying minor issues with the application’s performance.
41.What do you know about PRC and ADB?
PRC stands for Palm Resource Compiler. It has a file format similar to archives and stores resource data.
ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a client-server program that enables the development of Android apps. It consists of 3 components- a client, a daemon and a server.
42.can you create an emulator on an Android device?
To create emulator on an Android device,
Fill the name field— Select target API— Specify file size— Choose skin section— Select create AVD— Press start button— Launch.
43.What are some crucial steps involved in mobile app testing?
The crucial steps involved in mobile app testing are:
- Testing system integration.
- Installing and uninstalling the app.
- Analyzing HTML control.
- Monitoring app performance.
- Performing cross-device, cross-browser tests.
- Gateway testing.
- Network testing.
- Battery testing.
44.How can you test apps in devices with different screen sizes?
App testing in devices with different screen sizes can be done using emulators.
45.What do you know about Appium?
Appium is an open-source mobile-application test framework that can be used with web, native and hybrid apps.
It enables UI testing for mobile applications and is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
46.What makes Appium different from other tools?
Appium stands out from other tools as it :
- Enables effective web testing.
- Tests across native, web and hybrid apps.
- Supports automation tests on both emulator and devices.
- Does not depend on the mobile device.
47.What according to you are the pros and cons of Appium?
- Testing does not rely on mobile devices Slow test execution
- Any language and test framework can be used to run tests Possibility of stability issues
- Test framework suitable for both Android and iOS Requires local device as setting Appium locally is complex
- Enables cross-platform testing including simulators and emulators Tests Android versions after 4.2 only and uses another open-source library to test older APIs
- Can automate native, web and hybrid applications Familiarity with Appium object spy and object structure is necessary
48.How would you find the DOM element for an Android application?
We can find DOM for an Android application using UIAutomateviewer.
49.What is the Appium inspector?
Appium Inspector is a visual tool used to analyze elements of an application and its ability to get the basic information to interact with them.
It is used to record and play application behavior by inspecting DOM and evaluating test scripts in the desired language.
50.What languages does Appium support?
Appium stands out from other mobile automation tools with its ability to perform irrespective of the languages.
It supports all languages supporting HTTP requests. Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc., are a few of them.
51.What would you need to write Appium tests?
The basic requirements to write Appium tests are:
Driver Command– Appium facilitates writing tests using a collection of commands.
Appium Session– Since Appium tests are performed in sessions, initializing an Appium session is critical to running tests.
Desired Capabilities: The parameters that establish the type of automation tests expected from the Appium server. Platform version, device, network environment are some of the desired capabilities.
Driver Client Library– Client library helps writing Appium tests and wraps the steps involved to further send to the Appium server using HTTP.
52.Is a server machine required to run tests on Appium?
The server machine is not required to run tests on Appium as it has a 2-tier structure, enabling the connection of a test machine and test server by automating the device.
53.What are the prerequisites to run Appium?
The prerequisites to run tests on Appium are:
- Install Eclipse
- Android SDK
- JDK (Java Development Kit)
- TestNg for Eclipse
- Selenium Server JAR
- Appium Client Library
- APK App Info – Google Play
- js (included in Current Appium versions)
- Appium for Windows
54.Can you run tests in a multi-threaded environment using Appium?
Yes, it is possible to run tests in a multi-threaded environment using Appium provided that only one test runs at a time on the same Appium server.
55.What type of file is needed to test automation in Android using Appium?
To test automation in Android using Appium, .apk files are needed.
56.How will you inspect elements on iOS apps?
Elements on iOS apps can be inspected using an Appium inspector. It is a GUI based tool that identifies elements of apps on an iOS device.
57.What is a major limitation of the Appium tool?
A major limitation of using Appium is multiple session handling.
Appium has no queuing system and supporting multiple sessions has to be done manually if needed.
58.What are the approaches for test automation?
There are two approaches for Test Automation:
Image-Based Approach– This technique is based on processing the attributes of images in AUT (Application Under Test).
It is easy to automate and can test the rendering of applications and GUI accurately.
Object-Based Approach: It is a fast and accurate method to identify lists, buttons and other objects in an application.
This technique is much faster than the image-based approach and is compatible with multiple languages.
59.What are the steps to use the Appium inspector for test automation?
Here are the steps to use the Appium inspector for test automation:
Step 1. Open simulator by clicking on the dock option.
Step 2. Select simulator in device window.
Step 3. Open Appium desktop and keep simulator side by side.
Step 4. Once the inspector starts functioning, select any object on the screen to see the hierarchy and properties of the object.
Step 5. You can select any object by clicking the Select Element button, followed by the Tap button to click on an object.
Step 6. To enter text, press Send Key and to undo actions, press Clear.
Step 7. All actions performed on objects are recorded in the form of a script.
Step 8. Once done, you can copy-paste the script in eclipse editor.
60.What is WAP?
WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. Used in network apps, this communication protocol enables data access through wireless networks.
It facilitates easy connectivity between mobiles and the internet and enhances wireless interoperability.
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