Oracle Apps Functional Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 07th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question
If you’re looking for Oracle Apps Functional Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, Oracle Apps Functional has a market share of about 5.7%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle Apps Functional Development. ACTE offers Advanced Oracle Apps Functional Interview Questions 2019 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Oracle Apps Functional Developer.
1. What is the report used to identify duplicate suppliers?
In order to find out duplicate supplier, SUPPLIER AUDIT REPORT is runned
2. What are the benefits of flexfields?
- Configure applications to support your own accounting, product and other codes.
- Enable the construction of intelligent keys.
- Configure application to capture additional data.
- Use the application to validate values and value combinations entered by the user.
- Support multiple flexfield structures depending on data context.
3. What are the types of flexfields?
- Key flexfield
- Descriptive flexfield
4. What is a key flexfield qualifier?
A qualifier is a label attached to a particular key flexfield segment so it can be located by the application requiring its information. A key flexfield qualifier can be of 2 types:
- Flexfield qualifiers identify a segment in a flexfield.
- Segment qualifiers identify a value set in a segment.
5. What are the types of Flexfield Qualifier
- Each Accounting Flexfield structure must contain only one natural account segment. When setting up the values, you will indicate the type of account as Asset, Liability, Owner’s Equity, Revenue, or Expense.
6. What is the implication of dynamic insert?
- Dynamic Insertion is a feature which controls whether the user can enter new account code combinations from any form/window. If this feature is disabled, then the user cannot input new account code combinations from any window/form.
- Oracle applications use a particular form (called a Combination form) for directly entering the new code combinations. Users can enter new account code combinations only through this form if Dynamic Insertion is disabled.
7. What are Cross Validating Values
For key flexfields with multiple segments, we can define rules to cross check value combinations entered within the key flexfield segments. This option is referred to as Cross Validation rules.
8. What are the types of Value Sets
- None: A value set of the type None has no list of approved values associated with it. A None value set performs only minimal checking of, for example, data type and length.
- Independent: Independent type value sets perform basic checking but also check a value entered against the list of approved values you define.
- Dependent: A dependent value set is associated with an independent value set. Dependent value sets ensure that all dependent values are associated with a value in the related independent value set.
- Table: Table value sets obtain their lists of approved values from existing applications tables. When defining your table value set, you specify a SQL query to retrieve all the approved values from the table.
- Special: This specialized value set provides another flexfield as a value set for a single segment.
- Pair: This specialized value set provides a range flexfield as a value set for a pair of segments.
- Translated Independent: This works similar to Independent type. However, a Translated Independent value set can contain display values that are translated into different languages.
- Translated Dependent: This works similar to Dependent type. However, a Translated Dependent value set can contain display values that are translated into different languages.
9. How many segments are there in the key flexfield(s) in oracle general ledger?
Oracle GL Key flexfield can have 15 columns each representing a segment. However, the segments type can be:
- Cost Center segment
- Balancing segment
- Account segment
- Intercompany segment
10. On which entity is a security rule applicable?
It’s a feature of Key flexfield, applicable on Value Sets.
11. On which entity is the cross-validation rule applicable?
It’s a feature of Key flexfield, applicable on Value Sets.
12. What are the important considerations in inventory control?
For inventory control to work at its best a store must consider the costs of acquisition, carrying, ordering, and stock-out. The store must also look at its reordering system, its budgeting for inventory, insurance and forecasted demand.
13. Will the changes made in a Workday calendar come into effect after saving?
No. The changes made into a Workday calendar will come into effect only after Building the Calendar.
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14. What is a key flexfields qualifier?
A qualifier is a label attached to a particular key flexfield segment so it can be located by the application requiring its information. A key flexfield qualifier can be of 2 types:
- Flexfield qualifiers identify a segment in a flexfield.
- Segment qualifiers identify a value set in a segment.
15. Types of Flexfields qualifier?
NATURAL ACCOUNT: Each Accounting Flexfield structure must contain only one natural account segment. When setting up the values, you will indicate the type of account as Asset, Liability, Owner’s Equity, Revenue, or Expense.
16. Segment qualifier .
- ACCOUNT TYPE: Asset, Liability, Owner’s Equity, Revenue, Expense, Budgetary Dr, and Budgetary Cr.
- Budget entry allowed (Yes/No).
- Posting allowed (Yes/No).
- Control Account Reconciliation Flag: Available for specific countries.
17. How different weekly offs can be assigned to different shifts without doing it manually?
Suppose Monday is the Calendar Start day and we want Thursday as weekly off for 1st shift and Friday for 2nd shift, enter the ‘Workday Pattern’ for 1st as 3 On 1 Off and 3 On 0 Off. This means that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are working days, Thursday is off and Friday, Saturday and Sunday are again working days, for any week for 1st shift. And for the 2nd shift enter the Workday Pattern as 4 on 1 off and 2 on 0 off.
18. What is an Organization?
An Organization is an inventory location with its own Set of Books
19. What is a Sub inventory?
A Sub inventory is used when two physical inventory locations share the same Set of Books, Costing Method, Workday Calendar, but different list of items.
20. On which entity is the cross validation rule applicable?
It’s a feature of Key flexfield, applicable on Value Sets.
21. What is a period in Oracle GL?
A Period corresponds to a time span within which transactions are entered prior to finalizing, otherwise called as close of the period.
22. What is Oracle Apps (ERP)?
ERP stands for organization useful resource Planning. A made from Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. Because the identity suggests corporation resource Planning. Companies approach a firm/group. Resource manner, available supply of wealth in corporation and Planning way how one can keep each day’s resource. As a consequence briefly to facilitate large corporations, organizations Oracle manufacturer have created tremendous application recognized in the category of ERP
23. What are cycles of GL, AP, and AR?
In general, GL AP and AR consist of: Structure Phase – Defines the process flows and configuration for the system and Conduct business process and data mapping workshops. Construct Phase – Contains all of the configuration activities Transition Phase – Executes system test Deploy Phase – Migrates database to customer environment For Free Demo Contact PH : (720)463- 3800 For Details : folkstrain.com
24. What are Security Rules and Cross validation Rules?
It is used to restrict the users from entering the segments. It will work at the responsibility level. It is used to restrict the end users from entering the code combinations.
25. What are the steps in attaching reports with oracle applications?
There are certain steps that you need to follow systematically for attaching the reports along with oracle application.
- Designing the report.
- Generating executable files related to the report.
- Moving executable and source files to the appropriate folder of the product.
- Registering the report in the form of a concurrent executable.
- Defining concurrent programs for registers that are executable.
- Adding a concurrent program for requesting groups of responsibility.
26. Differentiate Apps schema from other schemas?
Apps schema is the one that consists of only synonyms and there is no possibility of creating tables in it. Other schema comprises tables and objects in it and allows the creation of tables as well as for providing grants to tables.
27. Define custom top and its purpose.
Custom tops can be defined as the customer top which is created exclusively for customers. According to the requirement of the client many number of customer tops can be made. Custom tops are made for the purpose of storing components, which are developed as well as customized. At the time when the oracle corporation applies patches, every module other than custom top is overridden.
28. Which are the kinds of report triggers?
There are mainly five different kinds of report triggers available. They are
- Before report
- After report
- Before parameter form
- After parameter form
- Between pages
29. What is the firing sequence related with report triggers?
The sequence related with firing is as follows before parameter form, after parameter form, before the report, between pages and after report.
30. What is the purpose of cursors in PL/SQL?
The cursor can be made used for the purpose of handling various rows – query associated with PL/SQL. Implicit cursors are available for the purpose of handling all the queries related with oracle. The memory spaces that are unnamed are used by oracle for storing the data that can be used with implicit cursors.
31. Define record group?
Record group can be considered as a concept used for the purpose of holding a sql query that is associated with a list related with values. Record group consists of static data and also can access data inside tables of databases through sql queries.
32. Is there any possibility for having a custom schema at any time when it is required?
You have the provision for having a custom schema at the time of creating the table.
33. Define application top?
Application tops are found when we are connecting to a server. There are two types of application tops available : product top and custom top. Product top is the kind of top that is built in default by manufacturer. Custom tops can be chosen by the client, and any number of custom tops can be created as per the requirement of the client.
34. What is the concurrent program?
Concurrent programs are instances that need to be executed along with incompatibles and parameters.
35. What is a token?
Token is used for transferring values towards the report builder. Tokens are usually not case – sensitive.
36. In which table Supplier information is stored.
Supplier information can be found in following tables
37. What are Important tables in GL.
38. After Posting data goes in which tables.
GL_BALANCES.( Column Period_net_cr, period_net_dr).
39. In Which tables Journal entries are created.
Important tables are-
- Lines : GL_JE_LINES
40. What is the cycle of GL.?
In simple and layman words-
- Open the period
- Create Journal Entries
- Post the Journals.
41. Write Name of some Profile options.
- GL Sets of Books Name
- GL sets of Books id
- MO:Operating unit (multi org).
- HR:User type.
42. What are the different Profile Levels available in oracle apps?
Below are the Profiles Level available in oracle apps
- Site(Lowest level)
- Application
- Responsibility
- User
43. What is Profile and what are different types of Profiles.
- Profile: Profile is the changeable option that affects the way your application runs. There are two types of profile.
- System defined
- User defined
44. How will you attach a set of Books to the Responsibility?
through Profile. GL SETS OF Books Name.
45. What are different types of Calendars.
Different types of Calendars are listed below
- Fiscal
- Accounting
46. What are different types of Currency.
- Functional Currency
- Foreign currency.
47. In which table Segment Values are stored and concatenated values are stored.
48. In which table Currency and Period Type Name Are stored.
49. What is a set of Books and in which table set of books is stored.
Set of Books is a Financial Reporting entity which Consist of three C.
- Chart Of Accounts
- Currency
- Calendar.
50. In which table flex values are stored.
1. fnd_ flex_Values
2. fnd_ flex_Values_tl
51. In which table Code Combinations id is stored.
52. How to delete a segment value?
There is no supported way to delete a segment value. Segment values can only be disabled not deleted.
53. Is there a way to load values for a specific segment outside of the form?
iSetup is the Oracle product that provides supported APIs to load values into Oracle Applications flexfields.To load code combinations ADI may be used. Uploading zero amount journals will create new code combinations.
54. What is average Balance In Oracle Financials?
The Average Balance feature of Oracle General Ledger provides organizations with the ability to track average and end-of-day balances, report average balance sheets, and create custom reports using both standard and average balances. Average balance processing is particularly important for financial institutions, since average balance sheets are required, in addition to standard balance sheets, by many regulatory agencies. Many organizations also use average balances for internal management reporting and Profitability analysis.
55. Is there a limit to the number of periods in a budget year or how many years a budget can span?
One can define budgetary control for n number of years however, one year can have maximum of 60 fiscal periods7
56. What is a funding budget?
A budget against which accounting transactions are checked for available funds when budgetary control is enabled for your set of books.
57. What is planning budget
The plan for the future expenses is the planning budget. It is a paper work. There is no funds requirement. It does not require journals. There are no restrictions for estimating funds.
58. What are the interface tables in General Ledger ?
59. What is Journal Import?
Journal import is an interface used to bring journal entries from legacy systems and other modules into the General Ledger.(Specifically Journal Import gets entries from legacy data into the GL base tables.
The tables populated during journal Import are
60. What is the use of GL_Interface?
Gl_Interface is the primary interface table of General ledger. It acts as an interface between data originating from other modules such as AP,AR, Legacy data and the Gl Base tables.
61.What is Actual Flag?
Actual flag represents the Journal type.
- A-Actual
- B-Budget
- E- Encumbrance.
62. What is Encumbrance?
It is a process of Reservation of funds for anticipated expenditure from a budget. Encumbrance integrates GL, Purchasing and Payables modules.
63. How many KFF are in GL. AP , AR.
- Module KFF
- GL Accounting FF
- AR Sales tax Location FF
- Territory Flexfield.
64. What is the symbol of DFF in the Forms?
Square Bracket [ ].
65. What is the structure of KFF in the Accounting Flexfields.
- Company
- Cost center
- Account
- Product Future use.
66. How many segments are in AFF.
max 30 segments and min two.
67. What are flexfield Qualifiers.
Flexfield Qualifiers is used to identify the segments. Various types of flexfield qualifiers are listed below:
- Balancing Segment Qualifier.
- Cost Center segment Qualifier.
- Natural Account Segment Qualifier.
- Intercompany Segment Qualifier.
68. What is Dynamic Insertions?
u can create Code Combinations at run time.
69. How will you know that a location is available for transactions in all Organizations?
While defining the Location, don’t attach an Organization to it so that the location can be used for any organization
70. What is an Item Master Organization?
The organization in which the items are defined is called the Item Master Organization. Child Organizations (other organizations) refer to the Item Master for the item definition. There is no functional or technical difference between the Item Master Organization and other Organizations. However, for simplicity, it is recommended to limit the item master to just for an item defining organization.
71. What is the purpose of Trips and Stops?
A trip is an instance of a specific freight carrier departing from a particular location containing deliveries. A trip is carrier specific and contains at least two stops such as a stop to pick up goods and another stop to drop off goods, and may include intermediate stops.
72. Explain the advantage of using the cursors in PL/SQL?
The main purpose of using cursor is handling various rows query that is associated with PL/SQL. There are two types of cursor that are Implicit cursor and Explicit Cursor. An implicit cursor is already available in Oracle, which is available for handling all the queries related to Oracle. The memory space can be consumed by the implicit cursor which is being unnamed used by Oracle. An explicit cursor is a cursor that has been defined by the user.
73. What are the different types of triggers available?
The various types of triggers available are key triggers, message triggers, error triggers, Query-based triggers, navigational triggers, and transactional triggers.
74. Explain the different steps of attaching reports with Oracle Apps?
They are certain steps or rules that need to take care while attaching the reports with Oracle apps that are Designing the report, generating the executable file related with report, moving the executable and source file to the appropriate folder of the product, registering the report in the form of concurrent executable, defining concurrent program for registered that are executable and last is adding the concurrent program for requesting the group of responsibility.
75. Explain the parameters which are mandatory in procedures?
This is the most asked Oracle Apps Interview Questions in an interview. There is a number of parameters which needs to be taken care of while declaring the procedure and these parameters are assigned with some sort of job. For example, the parameter is Errbuf, this is the parameter which is used for returning the error messages in oracle apps and sending it to the log file for tracking. The other parameter is Retcode, which is mainly used for showing the status code associated with a procedure like 0,1,2. These are the different status shown by this parameter. 0 defines the normal status, 1 mainly defines the completed warning status and 2 defines the error occurred in the procedure.
76. Define value set?
It is the set for containing the values. These values sets are mainly aligned with report parameters and the list of values that are sent to the user for accepting one among the different values in the form of parameter values.
77. Explain about security attributes?
Security attributes can be made used by Oracle for allowing the particular rows containing data visible to the users.
78. Define data group?
Data group can be defined as the group of applications related to oracle.
79. How to attain parameter value depending on the first parameter?
Second parameter can be attained by making use of the first parameter by making use of the command $flex$value set name.
80. What is a data-link?
Data-link can be made used for the purpose of relating the results that are associated with various different queries.
81. Define Oracle Suite?
Oracle suite is the one that comprises oracle apps as well as software associated with analytical components.
82. Define FSG (Financial Statement Generator) ?
This is a kind of tool that is highly powerful as well as flexible and helps in building reports that are customized without depending on programming. This tool is only available with GL.
83. Define MRC (Multiple Reporting Currencies)?
Multiple – Reporting Currency is a kind of feature that is associated with oracle application and helps in reporting as well as maintaining records that are associated with the transaction level in various forms of functional currency.
84. Outline Ad-hoc reports?
This is a sort of report that’s created for fulfilling the news desires of a selected time.
85. Outline Autonomous transaction?
This is a form of dealing that’s freelance or another dealing. This sort of dealing permits you in suspending the most dealing and helps in performing arts SQL operations, rolling back of operations and additionally committing them. The autonomous transactions don’t support resources, locks or any reasonably committed dependencies that are a part of main dealing.
86. What’s the Definition of responsibility?
Responsibility is that the technique through which the cluster of varied modules is created in an exceedingly format accessible by users.
87. What’s Function?
Function is that the smaller a part of the appliance which is outlined within the menu.
88. What’s the menu?
Menu will be outlined as a class-conscious arrangement related to functions of the system.
89. What’s Apps Schema and Schema?
- Schema: Schema is that the location in info contains info objects like views, tables, and synonyms.
- Apps Schema: it’s wont to connect the all sachems to urge the knowledge from The info.
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