SAP SD Interview Questions and Answers
Last updated on 05th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question
The climbing demand for logistic management has automatically increased the popularity of SAP. Hence, many aspirants are searching for jobs related to SAP SD. The Sales Distribution module of SAP is an essential component, which is meant for recording the product data and client of a company. Moreover, it is also useful for controlling the shipping, billing, carrying and selling services as well as products.
1 .What do you understand by SAP SD? What are the functions related to it?
SAP SD (Sales Distribution) is all about the process of order to delivery. Further, it is essential for executing all kinds of business procedures like shipping, selling, and billing of products. It is also used for –
- Sales orders
- Consignment
- Credit & Debit memo requests
- Backorder
- Inquiries and Quotes
- Sales return
- Contract & Scheduling agreements
- Rush orders & Cash sales
2.Is it possible to allocate different sales organizations within a similar company code?
Yes! It is possible to assign the same company code.
3.What is the prominence of the shipping process? And how can you define the modes of transport?
We all know that shipping is an essential part of any manufacturing company to ensure efficient customer services and delivery of products. The shipping is required for outbound delivery, planning and monitoring, post goods issues, picking and packaging of goods, and shipping communication.
Talking about the modes of transport, there are few ways of defining them –
- Using T-code SPRO.
- Visit IMG> Logistics Execution > Transportation > Basic Transportation Function > Routes > Define Routes > Define modes of transport > Click on ‘Execute’
4.Can you tell me about the difference between milestone and periodic billing?
Firstly, about the periodic, it is a full amount mentioned in each bill and continues until the contract period. In contrast, the milestone is about the partial amount, which is mentioned until the full amount is billed.
5.Can you explain organizational elements that create the sales area and their function?
Basically, the product groups are generally defined as a wide-ranging spectrum of products. In every division, it is possible to create a customer-specific agreement. Moreover, it is also possible to carry out statistical analyses and setting up separate marketing.
6.What is the co-relation between Credit Control Area and Company Codes?
A credit control is necessary for assigning more than one company code to more than one credit control area. Credit Control Area is present as an organizational unit used for specifying and checking credit limits for customers.
7.What are the methods used in delivery scheduling?
In general, there are two types of techniques available in delivery Scheduling. These are mentioned as –
- Forward scheduling – In this system, you can calculate the earliest possible date dependent on the material available date.
- Backward Scdg – This is about calculating the requested delivery date.
8.What is meant by the Outline Agreement and its different types?
Well, an Outline Agreement is defined as a long-term purchasing agreement done with the vendors. In this agreement, you will find general terms and conditions related to the material that is usually supplied by the vendors. Outline agreements have two types that are involved in the SAP SD course.
- Scheduling Agreement: It is known as an external agreement comprising the details of services, products, and delivery dates.
- Contract: The contracts usually exist between ordering parties and vendors over a specified period. You will find two types of contracts mentioned as value contracts and quantity contracts.
9.How you can use product proposals in SAP SD?
Product proposals are known as critical aspects whenever we discuss SAP SD. Such proposals are used in various companies needed for revamping the sales quotient by endorsing the products at the time of sales document processing. Moreover, these proposals can easily be mapped depending on the specific requirement of business partners so that they can easily match the market demands.
10.Can you tell the difference between an inquiry and quotation?
Firstly, the inquiry is the process that includes registration of customer’s probable requirements. On the other hand, the proposal is a kind of legally abiding document, which is offered to customers following the terms and conditions for delivering the service as well as the product.
11.How can you define Cross-company Stock Transfer?
Cross-company Stock Transfer is the method of delivering the sales order via another company code. Moreover, it is also essential for providing the material from a plant having one company code to plant in another company code.
12.What is meant by Term Consignment Stock?
Consignment stock is generally the material that is available on the company premises but does not add in the stock. It is only added when it is either marked as sold or sent to the production department.
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13.What is Pricing and its different kinds of elements in SAP SD?
In SAP SD, pricing is mentioned as a process that generally includes the calculation of costs and prices for both external vendors and customers. Defining the pricing elements, these are the condition types present in an SAP system. The condition types are defined as a set of scenarios that are taken care of at the time when pricing is assigned to service or product. Some such elements are surcharges, prices, taxes, and discounts.
14.What is the use of Copy Control?
Whenever any key transaction in sales is done, there is a required of sales document need to be copied to another document. Here, the process of copy control is usually incorporated. Several routines show how data should be copied using a source document to target the document.
15.Define something about Transferring the Legacy Data to System ?
As the name suggests, it is about transferring the legacy data to all new configured and installed systems. Legacy data is known as data like material and customer that is maintained by organizations before they install the ERP system. There are lots of tools available that are needed to transfer the legacy data to Systems such as Legacy System Migration Workbench Programs and Batch Data Communication (BDC).
16.Do you know about the transaction codes used for creating and changing customer master?
Here are some of the Transaction codes which are used for the same purpose.
- XD01: Used for creating customers.
- XD02: Required for changing a customer.
- XD03: Needed for displaying a customer.
- XD04: Essential for altering customer changes.
- XD05: Required for blocking a customer centrally.
- XD06: marking a customer for deletion.
- XD07: Changing a customer account group.
- XD99: Upholds customer maintenance.
- XDN1: Keeping the numbers ranging for a customer.
17.What are the steps involved in the underlying system for determining the tax number and tax classification?
There is a sequence of steps included in determining the tax number as well as tax classification. These are –
- In case the payer has a VAT registration number, it is easy to copy the tax classification and tax number from the payer. Further, this tax number is copied depending on the ‘country of destination relevant for taxes.’
- If step 1 is not able to apply or ship-to party has a VAT registration number, it is possible to copy tax number and classification from the ship-to party.
- Moreover, if step 2 also doesn’t work, then also tax number and tax classification can be copied from the sold-to party.
18.Is it possible to create material in company codes when working on Inter-Company Sales?
At the time of working on Inter-Company Sales, there is a transaction code MM01 required for creating materials relevant to the plant and sales organization. One can extend the material is someone is using a common server.
19.Can you list the essential elements involved in the customer master record?
Here, we are mentioning the necessary elements required for a customer master record.
- Company code data
- General data
- Sales area data
20.How can one create a Quotation?
As we know, the quotations are present as legal documents that are sent to the customers. There is information like the delivery of services and goods that are included in the quotation. For creating a quotation, one has to use the transaction code ‘VA21’.
21.How can you differentiate between Sales Document and Sales Activity?
Sales Document: This document is related to sales and is generally built in the SAP system for managing the complete sales process.
Sales Activity: The mentioned activities are classified as post- and pre-sales activities. They are used to improve the sales of any company.
22.Can you define the structure of a sales order?
Any inquiry coming from the customers’ side mostly comprise of one or more items containing the number of products. This quantity is further divided into business lines that have different sales parameters. It has seen that the items are generally combined in a hierarchy, and therefore, it is possible to create a difference between batches.
23.When can you use SAP credit memo and SAP return order?
Talking about the SAP credit memo, it is usually created based on a credit memo request. It can be generated at the time when you have to pay the customer. The return order is about receiving the returned goods coming from the customers. Hence, the sales department is responsible for creating return orders, and based on this return delivery document is created.
24.What is the name of Central organization required at the time of purchasing?
Purchase Organization is the key element used during the time of purchasing.
25.Define Sales Office, Sales Groups, and Sales Employees in SD module?
Sales Office: Sales office is a geographical group that is created for structuring a sales team within an organization. The sales office can be assigned to one or more Sales Area.
Sales Groups: There is a staff of Sales Office that is divided into Sales Groups and further to Sales Employees. So, Sales Groups is a kind of group of persons related to the sales department working for numerous purposes.
Sales Employees: Sales employees are those who have personnel master records required for managing data of Sales employees.
26.Explain about Shipping Point and Loading Point in SD module ?
First coming to the shipping point, it is a point from where the team can ship the deliveries of products. Though, the subdivision of the shipping point is referred to as a loading point that means a manual entry in the header data of delivery according to customization.
27.Can you tell me what a division in the SD module is?
A division is present as a product group for a vast range of services. In sales organizations, there are lots of divisions that incorporate customer-specific arrangements.
28.Do you know what R/3 is?
R/3 is present as a three-tiered architecture, which is used by the system. There are three tiers mentioned as:
- Application server
- Database server
- Presentation server
29.Describe the role of ERP in any business environment ?
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is called as a software package. It is designed especially for integrated management of numerous business processes like order placement, invoicing, inquiry, and billing. Though, it is much needed in manufacturing industries to accomplish the core business areas like finance and production. Due to the popularity of the ERP package, its functionalities can also be extended to cover the overall business management.
30.Have you heard about Quick Viewer?
It is available as a beneficial tool for creating reports in System. Furthermore, it is useful for creating reports without any help from programming. It is quite similar to ABAP Query.
31.Why is there a need for creating Z reports?
SAP has recognized to offer different reports in every module. In case if the standard reports do not comply with the business requirement, then there is a need to develop your reports. Z reports, also known as ABAP custom reports, can create any program that needs to start with Z.
32.What do you mean by Alternative Condition base value?
This indicates typically a formula required for a condition type to promote an alternative base value needed for the calculation of a value.
33.Tell something about Invoice correction?
Nvoice correction is a kind of sales document (RK). It is a documented process showing a new method of processing complaints and issuing both debit and credit memos. It also allows the users to correct the price and quantity for more than one faulty item present on an invoice. The request for each invoice is made about the invoice. There are two items in each invoice correction request. The first one is the quantity and value copied from the given invoices. The second one is the debit item that shows the correct quantity and value.
34.Describe Sales organization, Distribution channel, and Division
Sales Organization: It is an organization unit involve in selling and distributing products, negotiating terms of sales, and accountable for truncations.
Distribution channel: As the name implies, the mentioned channel acts as a medium for materials or services to reach customers. It contains internet sales, retail, direct sales, and wholesale. The distribution channel can be assigned to one or more sales organizations.
Division: This is a wide-ranging spectrum of products.
35.What do you mean by ASAP methodology?
ASAP is all about streamlining the implementation process, and this can be done by offering methods, tools, templates, and accelerators. These are generally built on various SAP implementations. Further, this implementation is divided into 5 phases.
- Phase 1 – Project Preparation
- Phase 2 – Business Blueprint
- Phase 3 – Realization
- Phase 4 – Final Preparation
- Phase 5 – Go-live and Support
36.How will you define Item Category?
In the field of SAP, the sales item category is considered to be very important. A company requires it to control the sales document flow while impacting the schedule line category. The item category put an affect n delivery and billing process.
37.How will you deal if there are multiple down payment items present in final billing?
There are specific steps required to be followed when there is a cleared down payment request is needed to be canceled. Such steps are also required to avoid the doubled down payment items.
- T-code FBRA is used for clearing.
- If someone wants to cancel the clearing needs, it can be done via t-code FB08.
- One can cancel the down payment request by VF11.
38.Explain something about Condition Supplement ?
When a company wants to offer a discount regardless of combination up till a certain period, this is known as Condition Supplement. The system, by default, provides discounts together with a base price.
39.Differentiate between Rebate and Discount ?
Discount: It is a general disc, which is usually applied in the business transactions frequently. It is available for all the customers.
Rebate: Rebate is an agreement present between Sales Org. It is a kind of special discount, which is given occasionally. Thee customers can avail of this discount on reaching the sales volume within a time.
40.How can you explain Access Sequence for Header Conditions?
Access Sequence is a type of search strategy that is used for finding the correct condition record using the condition table.
41.Tell us about Partial Delivery or Backorder Processing?
Sometimes, there is a lack of material to complete the sales order. In such circumstances, a delivery date is given when the goods available are available before the delivery date. Thus, it is possible to deliver the goods before the arrival of the first delivery date. This process is known as Backorder processing.
42.Briefly Explain Any Three Organizational Elements Make Up A Sales Area And Their Function?
Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing is known as Division.
43.In Access Sequence What Is The Importance Of Requirement Field?
In access sequence, the system will not go to access condition type system will reply through formula.
44.What Is The Relation Between Credit Control Area And Company Codes And Explain The Credit Control Area?
More than one credit control areas is not possible to assign to a company code, since a credit control area can include one or more company codes. Credit control area is an organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers.
45.What Are The Steps Included For The Sales Person As A Partner Function In The Partner Determination?
The steps that are included for the sales person as a partner function in the partner determination, that a partner function sales representative or person responsible for these two we can add through partner function in partner procedure
46.What Is The Central Organization Element In Purchasing And The Relationship Between Sales Organization And Plants, Company Codes, Plants And Company Codes?
The Central Organizational element in purchasing is Purchasing Organization and the relationship between sales organizations and plants is Many to Many, to Company codes its Many to One and for Plants and Company codes its Many to Many to One.
47.Which Sub Module Of Sap Could Make Business Areas Obsolete And Can One Business Area Be Assigned To Several Company Codes? And What Is Z Transaction?
CO is the sub module of SAP that could make business area obsolete and it is possible that one business area can be assigned to several company codes. Z transaction is a copied standard transaction code or objects that rename it by Z which is basically standard name which will stat from Z as user defined.
48.What Is Business Area And How Is It Used?
The costs and revenue according to the business area posted by the system is called as Business Area. It is used in Sales Area if the accounts are to be posted according to sales and Plant Division if the accounts are to be posted according to products. The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy. Business Area according to Financial Accounting (FI) defines that the business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.
49.What Is A Delivery Group?
Basic grouping of all individual deliveries for Billing is called Delivery Group. It should have the same Ship to Party, Shipping Point, etc.
50.Briefly Explain The Internal Organizational Elements Within A Sales Organization And Their Function?
The Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If a sales order is entered for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. A sales person can be assigned to a sales group in the personnel master record.
51.What Is Cumulative Condition Record?
Cumulative Condition Record is a field that Condition Update during configuration for a condition type that has anything to do with the cumulative condition records.
52.How Can A Company’s Structure Represent By Defining And Assigning Corporate Structure Elements In R/3 System And What Is The Purpose Of Doing That?
The Enterprise organization chart shows the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed.
53.What Are The Views In A Material Master?
The views in a material master are Basic data, Additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view.
54.What Is A Sales Organization?
Sales organization is an organizational unit that sells, distributes products, negotiates terms of sales and is responsible for all the transactions involved with a sale.
55.What Is A Legacy System And What Is Cut Over Strategy?
Migrating from the existing system on which currently working to the SAP system is called the legacy system. Cutover strategy that depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, it decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then it make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies. Cutover planning is highly site specific. There’s no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.
56.What Is The Transaction Code For Creating A Material In Sap And What Is The Transaction Code To Extend A Material?
The transaction code for creating a material in SAP is MM41. MM01 is the transaction code to extend a material.
57.In A Material Master What Is The Base Unit?
The base unit is a measure which is used as a basis for all the transactions, all movements of quantities will be converted to that base unit of measure which is specific to an article
58.What Happens When A Value Is Not Entered For A Manual And Mandatory Condition Type And Does A Header Condition Type Have An Access Sequence?
When a value is not entered for a manual and mandatory condition type the pricing procedure will reject the conditions in the sales order. There would be no header condition type to have an access sequence.
59.What Are The Examples Of Global Settings?
The examples of Global Settings are Currencies, Countries etc and this data is application independent
60.What Is A One Time Customer?
A general customer that is created for those customers for which it do not want to create separate records is called a one time customer. This customer can be reused.
61.In A Customer Master Record Who Is A Payer?
According to customer master record a Payer is the individual or company who will settle the invoices for products or services sold.
62.Who Defines The Account Groups And Give Some Tables In Sap Sd For Customer Master?
Normally account groups are defined by the finance team and some of the tables in SAP SD for customer master are KNVV, RF02D, KNA1 etc.
63.What Is The Procedure To Know Whether The Customer Is One-time Or Regular?
The procedure to know the customer is one-time or regular since one can maintain Account Group for One-time customers
64.Is It Possible To Have Specific Customer Material Information Entered In Sap?
Yes, it is possible to have specific customer material information entered in SAP since VD51 is the transaction or inside VA02 also you can add customer material information records.
65.Give The Transaction Code For Creating A Customer In Sap Sd?
The transaction codes for creating a customer in SAP SD are VD01, VA01 and XD01
66.What Are Inter-company Customers?
This customer represents the sales customers within the same client but between different company codes.
67.What Happens When The Exclusive Field Was Ticked In The Access Sequence?
When the exclusive field of all access sequences is ticked, it will try to get available data from the first. Only in case, data is not available, will it move on to the next one.
68.In Sap Sd What Is A Sales Office?
According to SAP SD, a sales office is a geographically located unit of a sales organization.
69.What Is The Purpose Of Partner Determination?
Partner determination is used to find out who is responsible for A/R process and where the products are going.
70.Describe The Components Of Sap Sd Module?
- Master data
- Basic functions
- Sales(foreign sales and sales support)
- Shipping and transportation
- Billing
- Sales support
- Information systems are the important components of SAP’s SD module
71.Explain The Concept Of Sales Organization?
The topmost organizational unit in SD module is called the sales organization. All the transactions relating to selling and distribution of products or services are represented by the sales organization unit. One sales organization can be associated with more than one distribution channel. It is represented by a 4 character code in SAP and is assigned to more than one plant. These plants are in turn assigned to company code. So obviously n number of sales area can be brought under a single company code.
72.While Creating Quotation, I Am Getting The Error “mandatory Condition Mwst Is Missing” . Although Mwst Is Present In Procedure Rvaa01, What Are The Steps To Solve This?
Use transaction code VK11 and enter condition type MWST. Next, enter the details in that document.
73.When We Create A Bom Through Cs01, What Effect Does Bom Usage Field Have On Subsequent Configuration? For Example, If We Take It As 1=production Or 5=sales What Effect Will It Have On Subsequent Processes?
A sales usage means that production will not see it, and a production usage means that sales will not see it. The components each may or may not be saleable, but as a sales BOM is intended to explode onto a sales order, a non-saleable item on a sales BOM would generally not be recommended.
The usage is precisely what it sounds like; which function will use the particular BOM.
74.How Do You Copy Item Text From Sales Order, To Delivery,to Invoice?
Use text control function, SD-> basic function-> text control.
75.How Do You Delay Billing To The Next Month In A Delivery Note?
You can postpone the invoice date in the sales order that belongs to that particular delivery under the billing tab. Otherwise by default, the invoice will pick up the GI date of the delivery. If it is acceptable to put the GI on hold until the day of invoicing you could also suggest this as a procedure.
76.How Should I Assign Gl Account To The Company Code? I Am Doing Sd/fi Interface. By Using Transaction Code Fsso I Am Able To Enter Gl Account And Company Code. But When I Try To Save It I Am Getting The Error “account Xyz Does Not Exist In Company Code Xyz.”
You must create the GL account for the company code, exactly like you create a customer master for a CC, or a material in a plant.
77.When We Create A Third Party Customer Order, It Generates A Po To The Vendor. When We Receive The Vendor Invoice, It Is Entered In Miro, Which Then Generates An Order-related Customer Invoice. If We Create For Example, Three Different Sales Orders And Three Separate Pos And Also Make Three Separate Invoice Receipts That Are Done On The Same Day, These Invoices Are Not Combining Into A Single Invoice For The Customer. We Need This To Only Be One Invoice Per Sales Order. Where Is The Logic That Controls This And How Do We Change It?
You will have to take a look at copy control (from Sales document to Billing document), on item level. Most likely the routine will show 001. If you change that routine to 003, then you should get an invoice per sales order.
78.I Have A Requirement To Send The Invoice Copy To The Customer Or Agent That Will Be Specified At The Time Of Sending The Invoice (it Should Not Be Configured Before). How Do I Configure This And Where Do I Set The Indicators?
Use transaction code NACE. Define the output type here. In application V3, define the correct transmission medium. If you want to send it at your convenience select the dispatch time as 3 (Send with applications own transaction). Attach the output type to the correct output determination procedure defined for the document type. Use T Code VF31 to send the message. You will need basis while configuring the email addresses because SCOT and SOST will be used by it.
79.I Have A Bom Item And Another Item, Which Is A Free Gift For Child Model. This Was Not Delivered To The Dealer, But Delivery Order Status Indicates “complete Delivery” And The Scheduled Line Appeared Fine As Well. After My Analysis, I Found Some Things. The Initial Quantity Of The Bom Item Is 5 And Free Good Is 0. How Do I Go About Fixing This?
You cannot manipulate and make changes afterwards expecting the system to honor your requirements. You must add the child items as a separate order.
80.A Problem Occurs While Releasing Invoice To Accounting. Billing Is Created Successfully, But The Invoice Is Not Released To Accounting. The Error Message I Receive After Saving The Document States Error In Account Determination. How Should I Solve This Problem?
The first thing you should do is check the account determination log in the invoice.
Follow these steps: transaction code VF02-> Environment-> Acc.determ.analysis-> Revenue Accounts.
81.I Am Facing A Problem In The Internal Number Range Assignment Of Customer Data. I Have Created A New Account Group And With Each Customer I Create, The System Gives An Increment Of 5. For Example It Increases From 10005 To 10010 Instead Of 10005, 10006. How Do I Fix This?
The problem is with the number range buffering. Go to transaction code SNUM, and then object type “debitor.” Click on the pencil (change mode) and change the number in buffer.
82.How Does The Term Characteristic Relate To Transaction Code Cto4?
Material master leads to classification, and then you select the desired class. Based on class you can choose the characteristics. These characteristics are defined in CT04.
83.What Process Do You Use To Create A Consignment Stock?
Follow pathway : SAP Library-> SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components-> Logistics-> Sales and Distribution (SD) -> Sales-> Special Business Processes in Sales-> Consignment Stock Processing.
84.What Is The Business Process Of Excise Tax And How Do You Relate That In Sap?
Excise tax is the duty charged on manufacture of goods listed in the chapter and section head of Central Excise Tariff Act. Process should amount to manufacture and separate identifiable finished goods should emerge having marketability and specified in Tariff Act.
As far as SAP is concerned you, find CIN version integrated with standard SAP. There are two places where you need to configure CIN. The first is Financial Accounting-> Tax on Sale and Purchase and the other is Logistic General-> Tax on Goods Movement.
85.I Created A New Info Structure And Activated Update Rules For It. What Is The Best Way To Transport Them Into A Productive System?
After rigorous testing in the QA environment and approval of the user community you should transport the info structure and related items into a production environment during “down time,” possibly when no billing documents are being created and posted.
86.Are There Any User Exits Or Any Other Way To Include New Fields In The Sales Order Va01?
There are two ways to approach this. You can go to transaction code SE93 and give the Transaction as VA01. It will lead to a screen where you can click on a program that will take you to mod.pool. In this program click Find Icon and key in customer there. It will show you the user exits in that particular program. Another way is using SPRO.
Follow path : IMG->SD->System Modifications->User Exits. There you can click on the help document and it will show all the user exits with program name. Select the suitable one.
87.For Sto When The Invoice Receipt (mm) And Invoice Issue (sd) Is Completed, How Do We Perform A Price Adjustment If We Find The Price Is Incorrect? If We Do A Subsequent Credit/debit In Mm, How Do We Create Subsequent Credit/debit In Sd?
First cancel your invoices (SD and MM). Change the price in the STO PO. Then create new invoices SD and MM. The new values will be picked up if properly configured. The difference in the material value will be automatically posted to the appropriate stock account when you create the invoice in MIRO.
88.I Am Making An Inquiry In Which I Have A Configurable Material. When I Create A Quotation With Reference To The Inquiry, The System Is Not Allowing Me To Change The Configuration In The Quotation. I Checked The Copy Control And Found That At The Item Level Copy Control Between Inquiry And Quotation, We Have An Option For Configuration. I Have Tried These, Yet I Am Still Unable To Change The Configuration. What Should I Do?
The document may already exist. Once fixed you cannot “unfix” the configuration by changing the customizing. You must create a new quote/order. Use setting “A.”
89.Is It Possible To Have To Have Two Delivery Notes In Two Different Languages?
The destination country will decide which language the output should be printed. Make sure that you are identifying that in the program attached to the output and accordingly open the desired form.
90.Can I Copy Text From The Delivery Note To The Billing Document? How Can I Do This Through Text Determination?
You can copy text from Delivery Note to invoice. Go to the IMG (SD>Basic Functions>Text Control) and click on the help icons next to text types. Define access sequences for determining texts and define and assign text determination procedures. You need to check the delivery text field in the relevant billing document type. If you do not check this field you will not be able to copy the delivery texts to the billing document.
91.I Am Working On Intercompany Sales. How Do I Create Material In Both Company Codes?
Use transaction code MM01 to create material with organizational data pertaining to the plants and sales organizations.
92.I Do Not Know Why The Tax Field In The Customer Master And Material Master Is Hidden. This Field Is Not Suppressed In Customer Master. How Do I Make This Field Appear?
Make sure you have a tax category defined for your countries in OVK1. Then check if the tax classes are defined in OVK3 and OVK4.
93.On The Sales Order Shipping Tab There Is A Field With The Text “shipping Point.” I Would Like To Add New Shipping Points To Certain Plants. Where Is This Configured In Sap?
New shipping points are defined in enterprise structure.
Follow these steps: logistics execution -> define shipping points and assign the shipping point to plant in assign in enterprise structure under logistics execution.
Next, click: shipping -> shipping point and good receipt determination. Configure for automatic determination of shipping point based on shipping condition, loading group, and plant. Maintain relevant shipping condition in customer master. Maintain relevant loading group in material master (normally the standard). For the combination that you derive from the sales order, you should have a configuration entry for automatic determination in sales order.
94.If Several Items With Different Vat Rates Are Included In One Invoice, These Different Rates Are Displayed In Theinvoice Header Including The Respective Amount. After Saving The Invoice, The System Determines One Vat Rate Including One Tax Code And Transfers This Tax Code To The Accounting Document. How Does This Determination Work? What Is The Rule Behind This Determination?
In FS01/02/03 you will see that there is a tax category field where you enter the used tax code for this account. Normally tax conditions have specific account keys. Through transaction code VKOA or OV35 you assign which account (using key fields from sales) will be used for the account doc. Check V08 price procedure for the used account key as well.
95.When A User Releases An Invoice To Accounting It Creates An Accounting Document. The Status Of The Accounting Document Is Cleared If The User Cancels This Invoice. Is It Necessary To Delete The Previously Created Accounting Document?
No, but you will have a credit note in your customer account.
96.I Have A Problem With Lis. After Client Copy, Our Test System Does Not Update Lis Info Structures. When I Save A Sales Order, Delivery Or Billing Document I Receive An Error Message That Says, “update Was Terminated”. How Do I Fix This?
Generate the infostructure and update group again in the client in which you are facing the problem.
97.How Do You Trace The Changes Made In The Sales Order In Regards To Changes To The Partner Function In The Sales Order?
If you go into the change mode of the sales order click on environment, and then change. This menu will show you that partner functions like SH / BP / PY in the document are changed. It also shows old and new values.
98.I Am Working On Cross Company Sto. After I Create Sto, I Cannot Create Outbound Delivery By Using Vl10d. When I Check The Sto, I Find That The Delivery Creation Date Is Blank. It Seems The System Does Not Add The Sto To Delivery Due List Automatically. Is Some Setting In Sd Affecting This?
The delivery creation date is blank because the STO is blocked by release strategy.
99.Typically You Receive A Standard Credit Check When You Save The Sales Order. What Is The Best Way To Trigger It At The Start Of The Sales Order Creation So That One Does Not Have To Enter A Lot Of Data In Case You Reach The Credit Limit?
The ideal way is to check the credit limit of the customer much before the processing the sales order. Follow the path mentioned within the sales order. Also check: Sales Order-> Environment-> Partners-> Display Credit Account.
100.Is There A Way To Print An Invoice Five Times? (one Original And Four Copies)
Use transaction code VF02. Once inside the document, click on Go to-> Header ->Output. Select the output type (normally RD00). Click on Communication method and in the field “Number of messages”, enter the number of copies you want to print.
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