What is api testing LEARNOVITA

What is API Testing | Definition, Benefits, Types & Tool | All you need to know [ OverView ]

Last updated on 05th Nov 2022, Artciles, Blog

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Narmata Ravi (API Testing Analyst )

Narmata Ravi is 6+ years of experience in API Testing with Scripting for API automation - using JAVA/Python, Automation Framework for API/ Web, Jenkins to build CI/ CD Pipeline. She spends most of her time researching technology, and startups.

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    • In this article you will get
    • What’s an API?
    • What’s API Testing?
    • Types of API testing
    • How to go about testing the API?
    • Cases of API trials include
    • Conclusion

What’s an API?

Programming interface is the condensation for operation Programming Interface, which is a product middle person that permits two operations to discourse with one another.Assume you’re looking for lodging through an internet grounded trip booking webpage. exercising the webpage’s online structure, you’ll fill in the essential data like the megacity you need to remain, under tight conditions and look at dates, number of callers, and number of apartments. also, at that point, you click “ hunt. ”.

Yet, what’s passing between entering your data to accepting your auberge opinions? APIs, that’s the thing! The point totals data from a wide range of auberges. At the point when you click “ hunt, ” the point also, at that point, associates with every auberge’s API, which conveys results for accessible apartments that meet your measures. And this occurs in seconds due to an API, which behaves like a courier that runs to and down between operations, information bases, and widgets.Yet, on the off chance that an API does n’t work productively and viably, it won’t ever be taken on, whether or not it’s free or not. To keep down from that, APIs are tried before they’re put to use.

What’s API Testing?

Programming interface testing is a kind of programming testing where operation programming points of commerce( APIs) are tried to decide whether they live up to hypotheticals for utility, responsibility, prosecution, and security.

In straightforward terms, API testing is planned to uncover bugs, irregularities or diversions from the normal conduct of an API. naturally, operations have three separate layers:

  • Show Sub Caste or UI.
  • Business Subcaste or operation UI for business explanation handling.
  • Data set Subcaste for demonstrating and controlling information.

Programming interface testing is performed at the most introductory subcaste of programming design, the Business Subcaste. It’s in the business subcaste, business explanation running is completed, and all exchanges between stoner Interface( UI) and information base do. Along these lines, icing that API offers total planned utility takes into account simple future development of the product item.It offers colorful benefits over different feathers of testing.

Language Independent Data is traded through XML and JSON, so any language can be employed for robotization, free from the cants used to foster the operation.GUI Independent API testing should be possible to really look at the center utility of the operation to uncover little miscalculations and to assess a developer’s fiber. Also, we can test the APIs without a UI.Further developed Test Coverage Most API’s have highlights, that permit an analyzer to make robotized tests with high test addition including positive and negative cases. We can infrequently observe trials that ca n’t be robotized.

Dwindle Testing Cost With API testing we can observe minor bugs before the GUI testing. generally, these minor bugs will expand during GUI testing. So tracking down those bugs while performing API testing will be smart.Empowers Faster Releases The trials that take around 8- 10 hrs when executing UI fall testing take commodity like 1- 2 hrs with API testing. This permits associations to deliver fabricates hastily with API testing.

API Testing

Types of API testing

1.Unit testing:

Unit testing are tests that are composed to accordingly run with each form of the operation. They’re composed near the law and should pass when running a form of the operation. What kind of law addition is demanded for the APIs relies upon the peril the API conveys and what functionalities it holds. Great unit testing resembles a decent establishment and this angle ought to be veritably important, completely examined; it’ll convey the remainder of the testing exertion latterly down the line.

2.Integration Testing:

Our APIs are no isolated part of a frame. Rather they work to incorporate every one of the moving pieces of a frame and all of this conciliation requires licit testing obviously. In addition to the fact that we need to insure we’re passing on and taking in the right boundaries with their right limitations still we likewise need to insure that we disinfect the approaching business in a harmonious manner.

3.Performance testing:

Prosecution testing is one of the non-useful that’s most constantly ignored and will most constantly produce problems. Be exceptionally aware that our testing surroundings regularly just hold back a small portion of the information that creation does as similar to any commerce that runs would bear some investment in a genuine situation.

Prosecution testing should consider everything flashing back harpoons for business and colorful weighty cycles running contemporaneously and gumming each other. I also know that the climate that’s employed for testing should be like a creation climate to get solid issues.

4.Cargo testing:

Cargo testing is principally the same as prosecution testing since we’re trying to imitate creation like business yet rather than making harpoons in rush hour deadlock we need to copy a harmonious constant inflow of business at a regularly anticipated rate. This is to guarantee that the API’s do n’t contain memory releases or other similar scars that may beget issues in the wake of running for a drawn out timeframe.

5.Runtime error discovery:

During these tests, we need to insure that we’ve identification empowered. This invention permits our APIs to report back any defects that happen while it’s in exertion.

6.Security testing:

This kind of testing is vital and is still constantly not planned well. We really want to guarantee that licit security testing happens dependent on a peril disquisition. This kind of testing needs to be by a set complete as it’s extremely slightly conspicuous effects still it does n’t stop there. Each developer ought to principally be a smidgen of a security analyzer with respect to APIs as they’re constantly the original line of protection into our foundation.

Security testing has multitudinous assumed names, for illustration, pentesting, PEN testing or infiltration testing and needs to zero in on many perspectives with respect to programming interface testing. the section points of our APIs should be considered yet in addition the progression of information and any shadow APIs that are as of now not in customer yet are as yet in exertion.

7.Interoperability testing:

Working with stranger programming suppliers or much more seasoned renditions of our product isn’t a commodity we can underrate. We want to make a member in our test plan where we portray what testing will be finished. soberness and need of possibilities handovers should be examined dependent on affiliated involvements and they need to help with characterizing how API testing happens when the APIs connect with.

8.Fluff tests:

As a last test before we authorize our operation we really want to fluff every one of the endpoints of our APIs. While fluffing we will shoot irregular information to those API endpoints and we really want to painstakingly probe the issues. Our garçon ought not crash from this surprising business and it ought not show any odd conduct. In light of a peril disquisition, fluff testing may be performed vastly more systematized or not in any way.

9.Blessing Testing:

During blessing testing we want to guarantees that the product meets the business musts. The analyzers need to assess on the off chance that the test prosecution results match what’s generally anticipated and demanded by the test plan. They will in this manner guide the business guests in their stoner Acceptance Testing( UAT) in which they guarantee the mates execute the pre-assembled testing situations and report any diversions on what was generally anticipated. In the event that the product is championed.

Types of API Testing

How to go about testing the API?

Programming interface testing is performed by submitting conjurations to the product exercising the operation’s customizing connection point of the operation and subsequently checking on the off chance that it returns the normal information. When robotized, API testing can be effectively performed constantly. Its main advantage is speed – lower slack time among enhancement and QA, lower time spent on troubleshooting underway.

Step 1: Produce API testing musts.You ’ll be responding to questions like.

  • The provocation behind the API and its objective buyer.
  • The work process of the operation.
  • The highlights and rudiments of the API.
  • Other APIs this API associates with.
  • Corridor of testing.
  • The issues we ’re trying for.
  • Requirements in testing.
  • The ideal result.
  • The meaning of Pass and Fail.

Step 2: Establish the API test climate. At the point not set in gravestone the practical extent of your API, the posterior Step is setting up an API test climate which is generally the undertaking of DevOps masterminds. It requires the setup of the waiters, information bases, and each asset the API cooperates with, contingent upon the product prerequisites.

Step 3: Make a primary API call. Prior to jumping into total testing, settle on an API decision just to make sure that nothing is broken and the API is functional.

Step 4: Define the information boundaries. Plan all conceivable word mixes. You’ll involve them in your trials, and latterly – to validate the issues to decide if the API proceeds true to form.

Step 5: Produces API trials. After every one of the arrangements are done, you can compose and execute trials, and, ultimately, discrepancy genuine issues and the normal bones.

Cases of API trials include

  • Testing regard in light of the word condition You characterize the information and validate the result, which can be any kind of information or status( for illustration Pass or Fail).
  • Actually looking at the conduct of the API in the frame when there’s no return regard consequently.
  • Following occasions or interferences set off by the result.
  • Vindicating the impact on the frame after information structure refreshes.
  • Approving means altered by the API call.


This article delved API testing completely and allowed about unit testing, API conciliation testing, and API prosecution testing as three distinctive testing API testing ways. exercising Testfully to test and screen API offers the accompanying advantages.

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