Togaf Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 16th Oct 2020, Blog, Interview Question

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Gokulraj (Chief Security Architect )

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If you are an expert TOGAF technology then this is for you. Let us know if you looking for a job change? Then do not worry, we’ve a right answer for your job interview preparation. If you are preparing for the TOGAF job interview then go through ACTE interview questions and answers page. TOGAF is The Open Group Architecture Framework that provides a structure on how to design, plan, implement and govern an Organization’s IT architecture. It is a development method used by Architects. Candidates can do certification on TOGAF to get selected for the job. Many positions are available for this job as they are more organizations coming up. Below are the TOGAF interview questions and answers which makes you comfortable to face the interviews:

1.What is an Enterprise Architecture Road-map? What kind of information does it contain?


  • An EA Road map describes a current and target architecture and a transition plan to achieve the target state.
  • An EA Road-map should include the business, application, data and technical architecture for each state.The Road map lists the projects required to implement the proposed architecture. This should include project prioritisation, risks and issues, migration strategy, estimated costs, success factors and project measurements.

2.How can you evaluate if a solution conforms to the Enterprise Architecture?


It is important to engage projects during the initiation phase to ensure that architecture compliance processes are included in the project planning. Once the solution architecture has been defined a compliance assessment should be performed. The compliance assessment ensures the project conforms to the defined Enterprise Architecture. It is also an opportunity to engage project members and get feedback for the Enterprise Architecture. The compliance assessment includes checklists for hardware, software, applications, information, security, system management and methods and tools. It also documents an overview of the project architecture / design.

3.What is SOA?


SOA is a set of design principles for building a suite of interoperable, flexible and reusable services. These design principles include discoverable service contract, loose coupling, service abstraction, service reusability, service autonomy, service statelessness and service composability.

4.What Is Enterprise Architecture?


An Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a collection of strategic information that describes a business and the information and technologies necessary to operate the business. This includes descriptions of goals, business processes, roles, organizational structures, information, applications and systems.Enterprise Architecture encapsulates the information necessary to implement new technologies in response to the changing needs of the business.  EA is often broken down into four domains: business, application, data and technology architecture.

5.What Is The Value Of Enterprise Architecture?


Enterprise Architecture is a strategic information asset to be used to shape the Enterprise. It is key to understanding the current investment in IT and efficiently planning and directing future IT investments. Enterprise Architecture is a tool for identifying opportunities to improve key Enterprise metrics related to things like operational efficiency, IT costs and customer satisfaction. Enterprise Architecture helps achieve enterprise alignment, manage change, and reduce time-to-market.

6.What Is The Zachman Framework?


The Zachman Framework is a framework for Enterprise Architecture developed by IBM in the 1980s. It provides a way of defining an enterprise according to a 6×6 matrix of architecture documentation. The columns of this matrix ask the questions why, how, what, who, where, when. The rows look at these questions from different levels of detail: contextual, conceptual, logical, physical and detailed. The Zachman Framework provides a view for Planners, Owners, Designers, Builders and Subcontractors. The basic idea is that the same thing can be described for different purposes in different ways. This creates a holistic view ― it allows different people to look at the Enterprise from different perspectives. 

7.What Is The Togaf Framework?


The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework for enterprise architecture. It provides a comprehensive approach to the design, planning, implementation, and governance of an enterprise architecture.  

  • TOGAF models the enterprise at four levels: Business, Application, Data, and Technology.  
  • TOGAF includes a methodology for defining IT in terms of a set of building blocks. It also contains a set of tools, a vocabulary, recommended standards and list of TOGAF compliant tools. 
  • TOGAF includes an iterative process for enterprise architecture called Architecture Development Method (ADM).

8.What Is An Enterprise Architecture Roadmap? What Kind Of Information Does It Contain?


An EA Roadmap describes a current and target architecture and a transition plan to achieve the target state. An EA Roadmap should include the business, application, data and technical architecture for each state. The Roadmap lists the projects required to implement the proposed architecture. This should include project prioritization, risks and issues, migration strategy, estimated costs, success factors and project measurements. 

9.What are the uses of Soa?


SOA is a set of design principles for building a suite of interoperable, flexible and reusable services. These design principles include discoverable service contract, loose coupling, service abstraction, service reusability, service autonomy, service statelessness and service composability. 

10.What Is Itil?


Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of best practices for IT service management, development and operations. ITIL gives detailed descriptions of a number of important IT concepts and includes checklists, tasks and procedures that can be tailored for any enterprise. 

Some major areas ITIL covers are:

  • Service Support
  • Service Delivery
  • ICT Infrastructure Management
  • Security Management
  • Application Management
  • Software Asset Management

In the Service Support area ITIL covers processes such as Service Desk, Incident and Problem Management, Change Management, Release and Configuration Management. In the Service Delivery area ITIL covers processes such as Service Level Management, Capacity Management and Service Continuity management.

11.What Are Soa Patterns?


SOA design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring SOA design problems. Enterprise Service Bus: A tool that fosters service communication by providing reliable messaging, message queuing, data transformations and service broker functionality. File Gateway: A file gateway is placed between a service and legacy flat file. The gateway acts as a mediator and can perform data transformations. Event Driven Messaging: The service notifies its consumers of relevant events with messages. 

12.What Is An Architecture Vision? What Information Does It Contain?


The Architecture Vision is created during the project initiation phase of a project. The purpose of the vision is to agree from the start what the desired outcome should be for the architecture. The Architecture Vision is the enterprise architect’s elevator pitch. It needs to simply and powerfully sell the benefits of the proposed architecture to decision-makers. It also needs to show how the proposed architecture will support business goals and strategy and stakeholder concerns and objectives. 

13.What Are The Inputs To The Migration Planning Phase?


The inputs to the Migration Planning phase include: Architecture reference materials Requests for Architecture Work Capability Assessment Communications Plan Organizational Model for Enterprise Architecture Governance models and frameworks Tailored Architecture Framework Statement of Architecture Work Architecture Vision Architecture Repository Draft Architecture Definition Document Draft Architecture Requirements Specification Change Requests Consolidated Architecture Roadmap Transition Architectures Implementation and Migration Plan.

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14.Define Togaf Architecture?


The definition of architecture from ISO/IEC 42010:2007 is: The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. TOGAF supports this definition by remaining consistent with the terminology of the ISO/IEC 42010:2007 but views the meaning of architecture differently based on the context used.  For TOGAF, architectures are: A formal description of a system, or detailed plan of a system at the component level for guiding implementation.

15.What Are The Outputs Of The Requirement Management Process?


The output of the requirements management process consists of: Requirements Impact Assessment Updated Architecture Requirements Specification Updated Requirements Repository.

16.What Are The Contents Of The Transition Architecture?


The contents of the Transition Architecture are: Opportunity portfolio Work package portfolio Milestones Implementation Factor Assessment and Deduction Matrix Consolidated Gaps, Solutions, and Dependencies Matrix.

17.How Can The Principles Be Applied To The Enterprise?


Principles can be applied to the enterprise by: Providing a framework to make conscious decisions about IT Establishing relevant evaluation criteria Driving the definitions for functional requirements of the architecture Providing input to assess existing IS/IT systems and future strategic portfolios Highlight the value of the architecture specifically through the Rationale statements Providing an outline of the key tasks, resources, and potential costs specifically through the Implication statements Supporting architecture governance by providing a stake to allow interpretation in compliance assessments and supporting the decision to initiate a dispensation requestPrinciples are related to each other and are applied as a set.  In some cases, one principle will take precedence over another principle to meet certain situations.

18.What Is the Preliminary Phase?


The Preliminary Phase prepares the organization for development of the architecture, ensuring: Commitment  to the process Principles and constraints are defined Scope and assumptions are defined Development team is established Framework and methodologies identified Criteria set.

19.What Are The Terms Related To Views?


There are several terms to concepts related to views: System a collection of components intended to provide a specific function or set of functions. Architecture: the systems fundamental organization of components, their relationships to each other, and the principles guiding design and growth. Architecture description: a collection of artifacts that document architecture.Stakeholders: people or groups you have key roles and concerns in the system.Concerns: the key interests of the stakeholders, which determine the acceptability of the system in the environment. View: a representation of the whole system from the perspective of a set of concerns.Viewpoint: the perspective from which a view is constructed and used.

20.What Are The Security Related Activities Within The Technology Architecture Phase Of The Adm?


Security related activities within the Technology Architecture phase of the ADM are: Assessing the security-specific architecture elements for a baseline perspective Revising assumptions about interconnecting systems Identifying and evaluating applicable guidelines and standards Identifying methods for regulating resource consumption Engineering a method for continuously measuring and communicating security measures Identifying the clearance level of users, administrators, and interconnecting systems Identifying minimal privileges required to achieve a technical or business objectives Identifying mitigating security measures Performing threat analysis.

21.Complexity Addressed: The Zachman Togaf Explained?


Working with TOGAF and the Zachman Framework has always been said to be comparable to the Periodic Table.This is because like the atoms that can be found in a periodic table, the same atoms are also the building blocks of the cells which can be found in the Zachman Framework – only this time, the building blocks are used in supporting enterprises.In the framework, one will find many columns that really do have no logical order of importance.Instead, they serve as somewhat unique abstractions of the actual enterprise itself.This is done in order to reduce what complexity there may be in the different models that are built around it.

22.Explain The Togaf Trm: Two Recognized Applications?


There are people scratching their heads on what ;The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) signifies.And while TOGAF is generally known to the people in its industry, the very concept of it makes it something that is worth knowing even if that person is not part of that industry. TOGAF for everyone’s information needs is an existing framework that is meant for Enterprise Architecture, which involves the providing of comprehensive approaches to design, implementation and planning of an enterprise information based on architecture.

23.The Need For Togaf Certification?


The Open Group has introduced the TOGAF certification program to enable architecture service providers and tools vendors demonstrate that their products and services support the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM).A method used in agreement with all major frameworks. The TOGAF Certification ensures customers that TOGAF based product and service offerings are safe, as professional care has been performed to supply commercially these products and services in the market.A Statement of Conformance is provided to customers for them to compare the product and services freely to other certified vendors.

24.Explain ViewModel – Federal Enterprise Architecture Views?


In the US Federal Enterprise Architecture organization, section, and resolution design supply dissimilar trade views by means of changing the layer of particular and addressing associated but clearly different worries. Just like businesses are them self hierarchically arranged, thus are the dissimilar perspectives presented by means of any sort of design.The Federal Enterprise Architecture Practice Guidance (2006) has described 3 kinds of architecture: Enterprise design, Segment design, and Solution design.By description, Enterprise Architecture (EA) is basically worried with recognizing commonplace either split resources – if they are strategic plans, trade actions, ventures, information, structures, either technologies.

25.How Does Enterprise Architecture Provide Competitive Advantage?


Primarily taking in construction and severity in developing/maintaining organization applications

26.How Do Enterprise Architects Use The Zachman Framework?


Zachman is basically a classification somewhat compared to an EA model. You filler in the packs by means of generating the befitting support documents, so it produces a NIC echeck catalog. I notice Zachman is further practical for information programs compared to different kinds of EA evaluation actions. It plays well with numerous different EA architectures, like TOGAF (especially eversince TOGAF does not define a taxonomy).

27.What Is An Example Of A Good Enterprise Architecture Vision Or Mission Statement? 


The EA apparition either assignment declaration ought to actually be equal to that of the organization its normal self. Describing the design of an organization seeks firstly to improve the success either effectiveness of the trade its normal self.This includes innovations in the construction of an business, the centralisation or federation of trade actions, the quality and promptness of business information, either making sure that funds consumed on data technics (IT) may be acceptable.

28.What Are The Skills And Qualities Required To Be A Good Business Analyst?


The most essential ability for a trade Analyst is information exchange. This is since a trade Analyst behaves as an organizer amid investors in quantities of dissimilar parts, and straddles the business/technology split.It’s as well essential to have a definite quantity of understanding in sections external of trade examination itself. This contains program administration, change administration, organization design, SDLC and trade procedure modelling.

29.Why Should One Adopt Togaf?


The below are some of the reasons to implement TOGAF:

  • Recognized as a comprehensive general method.
  • It is widely adopted in the market.
  • The availability is under a free abstract license.
  • With this, we can easily meet the needs of the organization and the industry.
  • It keeps away from the reinventing of the wheel.
  • Retailer, tool and technology neutral, open standard.

30.What Are The Architectural Domains Of Togaf?


The 4 unified regions of interests known as architectural domains are as below:

Data architecture: the basic task of this domain is to describe the structure of an organization’s logical and physical data possessions and the related data management resources.Application architecture: it is responsible for creating the blueprint of each application system that needs to be organized. The communications connecting the request structure, and their interactions with the interior dealing systems with the purposes of amalgamation.

31.Give An Example Of A Condition In Which You Convinced Someone To Do Your Analysis. How Did You Uphold Peoples’ Assurance?


The amount of folks concerned in machinery pronouncements is enhanced, indicating that architects need to labor with a unique group of stakeholders, all with their very possessed inspiration as well as goals. Architects need to have powerful affecting capacities to make sure that EA satisfies its purposes. But many do not hit the top. CEB information tells that just 35% of them affect the stakeholders.

32.What Does The Architecture Content Framework Provide?


  • It is capable of providing the model of architectural work products in detail, along with the artifacts, deliverables and the architectural building blocks.
  • It drives for greater reliability in the output of TOGAF.
  • It offers an inclusive proof of structural design results.
  • It encourages improved incorporation of job apparatus.
  • It gives a thorough typical structural design.
  • It comprises the detailed meta-model.

33.Define A Circumstance In Which You Worked With Organically Uncontrolled Individuals On A Project. In What Way You Coordinated The Team’s Hard Work With The General Purposes?


The typical member of staff joins forces with 10 or even more individuals merely to achieve the daily job. Network routing, the ability to exchange in order to obtain a set of objectives, is as significant to industry prosperity as a single entity act. But merely 10% of IT staff members could be identified as network workers. Seek architects that develop worth by functioning mutually in a squad.

34.What Are The Steps Involved In Architecture Development Method (adm)?


The 9 steps that help in establishing the architecture are as below:

  • Choose perspectives, apparatus and orientation figures.
  • Manufacture baseline production structural design picture.
  • Assemble intention manufacturing structural design information.
  • Act upon crack breakdown.
  • Label nominee roadmap workings.
  • Determination of collision transversely the infrastructural background.
  • Demeanor prescribed stakeholder analysis.
  • Confirm the industry construction.
  • Plan a structural design description article.

35.Give An Example Of A Situation Where Your Team Or Organization Changed Their Goals Or Resources. How It Affected Your Work? What Was Your Response To The Same? 


Business concerns are constantly in instability. Almost fifty percent of CEB Enterprise structural design associates say that trade’s technique transforms regularly in the earlier period. But a lot of EA teams account that they battle to respond to these adjustments. To prevent lagging at the rear, EA needs engineers that can swiftly adjust as well as adjust to varying conditions.

36.How The Togaf Creates Importance As A Skeleton For Enterprise Architecture?


TOGAF has actually been developed via the collective initiatives of over 300 Architecture Forum member firms from some of the world’s leading companies. Making use of TOGAF cause business style that is consistent, mirrors the requirements of stakeholders, uses the optimum technique, as well as offers due factor to consider both to present requirements and also the viewed future requirements of the business.Establishing and also sustaining a venture design is a technically complicated procedure which includes several stakeholders and also verdict procedures in the company. TOGAF plays an important duty in standardizing the design growth process. TOGAF provides a best technique skeleton for including a word and makes it possible for the association to construct practicable and also monetary solutions which tackle their trade troubles and also anxieties.

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37.Why Is Enterprise Architecture So Important?


The objective of enterprise architecture is to maximize across the venture the usually fragmented heritage of procedures into an incorporated environment that is receptive to transforming and encouraging the delivery of the business method. Today’s Chief executive officers recognize that the effective administration and exploitation of details through IT is a key aspect to business success, as well as a vital method of accomplishing competitive advantage.

38.Give An Example To Achieve Hold Up For A Disliked Verdict. How Were You Able To Manage? And What Was Your Team’s Response? How Successful Were You To Convince Them To Participate?


In a planet of unpredictability, architects should have the ability to decide, occasionally based on unfinished data, and afterward promote those conclusions with the groups as well as external stakeholders. When assessing prospects, find an aptitude to guide groups, and be clear that the prospect’s headship manner goes with your managerial culture.

39.How Many Parts Are There In Togaf Document? Elaborate Their Roles?


There are 7 parts in the TOGAF document. They are:

Introduction– this part meant to describe the solution perception of venture structural design and to be particular to the TOGAF loom. It comprises the description of conditions utilized in TOGAF and also has the responsibility of detailing the modifications between the present edition and the former edition of this framework.

ADM : ADM is a gradual method to develop a venture plan.ADM guidelines and procedures- this part blended with strategy and practices obtainable for exercise in implementing TOGAF and its ADM.

Architecture Content Framework– together with a prearranged metamodel for infrastructural objects, the employment of recycled construction, structuring chunks, and an impression of representative construction realizations.

Enterprise Continuum & Tools– in this particular part discussed regarding the suitable classifications and gears to sort out and amass the yields of structural design movement inside a venture.

40.Explain A Groundbreaking Thought You Used To Get The Solution Of Any Error In The Project. In What Way, The Concept Fluctuates From Standard Answers?


Industry privileged people are much more likely to count on modern technology to boost yields and services than possible. CEB statistics demonstrate that approximately most of the technology investing in the ordinary business is exterior to IT, and so planners require it to be adaptable enough to hold up these fresh ideas, many of which engage newer techniques.

41.How Requirements are reduced after they are produced?


Requirement are reduced automatically after Delivery is made to the Particular Order we have more than 6 standard values in the standard value key?


One way to achieve this is to create another operation step using the same work center. However, this shall be with a control key that is not a milestone. When the milestone operation is confirmed, the previous operations up to the next milestone are automatically confirmed. To get the desired number of standard values, all the ‘non milestone’ steps can be built depending on the need.

43.Scheduling times can be defined in the material master record by?


entering the in-house production time. This value can be updated from the routing by the system. # entering the setup, tear down, processing, and interoperation times. If these values are maintained, the system determines the in-house production time on the basis of lot size.

44.We have a lot of size procedures here which are creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit value for the maximum number of MRP order proposals per date in IMG?


Under customization, try materials management->consumption-based planning->maintain all plants

45.What is meant by a schema?


No, you have to tell him that schema is a set of instructions ( Programs ) modified as per requirements and its process is to collect the data from all the defined institutions with subschemas and PCRs. As I was not authorized to work on them I know just the process of schemas only, (you should have said like this.)

46.How do you restrict the data to be entered in the payroll area?


No, data is entered in a payroll area, but the employees are defined depending on their pay scale structure. If you are restricting any data to be entered for pay stress this is for indirectly for the payroll area.

47.What are the other modules integrated with OM?


OM contains all the modules to be integrated, depending on client requirement it is done.

48.What are GAPS? Some Examples?


The GAPS are some issues in the blueprint that SAP cannot capture or provide the client business process.

49.What is Qualification Deficiency? How will you come to know that a person does not have certain skills/qualifications?


Generally, the required qualifications are stored in Required Qualifications (Infotype 5129). So any deficient qualifications can be viewed in this infotype.

50.We would like to have a report/inquiry that would indicate variances (materials, material quantities) between the material recipe and actual process orders. We tried ME2M but this gives us a list of purchasing documents and not the consumption deviation. Where can I get such consumption deviation (master recipe Vs. Process> Orders)?


Do a data collection first.

  • Menu Path – Accounting->Controlling->Product cost acctg->Process mfg->Information system->Cost object hierarchy->data collection (If you are using order hierarchy you would select order hierarchy in place of cost object hierarchy in the menu path.) Then, Accounting->Controlling->Product Cost Accounting->Order Related Production->Information System Choose Report Period Costing – Target/Actual production variance.

51.How do you differentiate Tax for different countries?


Taxation has so many use exits to be created which means it all happens only from the new versions which SAP Releases.

52.What is meant by slab? How is Indian slab and US slab?


Grouping of employees depending on their allowances and PERKS is nothing but a Slab system and it also even comes for Professional Tax.

53.In OM, how to get the details for a group of employees (ex.) group of Drivers in the organization?


Drivers can be identified depending on their position at which they are working and you can have a different job code for them who do you want to look into.

54.What is the difference between Indian and US Payroll?


Yes, it is correct and even you have to say about the Benefits which are more important in the US. In the US unemployment tax will come. Garnishments will come, Residence taxation, Work tax, and others, you have to say it in a broad way then only they can know that you are working, or confident enough.

55.Mention what are the key fields found in MRP View 1?


MRP views 1 are mostly maintained for production purposes.

  • General Data
  • MRP Procedure
  • Lot size data

56.How can we shut off the “automatic costing indicator” and the “automatic scheduling indicator” which go on when the production order is released?


For “no automatic costing” follow the IMG path

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  • Production -> Production orders ->Master data -> Order – >Define order type dependent parameters

Select the order type for which u automatic costing is not required. In the controlling settings, select “no automatic costing” For “no automatic scheduling”, follow the IMG path: Production ->Operations – >Scheduling -> Define control parameters Select the order type and go to details. Deselect ” automatic dates “Alternatively, you can find indicators in the control key, which is in the routing. Transaction OPL8 gives you costing indicators (Order type-dependent parameters), and OPJU (control table for scheduling) gives some scheduling options.

57.How can I use variable size items?


For example, consider an item A with ‘kg’ as base Unit Of Measurement(UOM) and ‘m3’ as stock-keeping/issue unit. Conversion factor is 1kg = 2.4 m3.In the BOM of ‘B’, the number of A required are specified (say 5).Specify the 3 variable dimensions i.e. length, width & thickness- say 2000mm X 3000mm X 4mm = 0.024 m3 As per BOM – ‘B’ , the quantity of A required is 0.024 X 5 = 0.120 m3 If a production Order is released for 15 numbers of ‘B’ , the quantity of variable size unit will be 1.20 m3.You can change the length, width or thickness in the production order & check the resulting variable-size item quantity. At the same time, this requirement can be seen in ‘kg’ in stock/requirement list.

58.Can anybody explain to me why the work scheduling view is required for semi-finished and finished products?


We need to maintain a working scheduling view in order to make that finished or semi-finished goods available for production as we assign production scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained conversion of planned order to production will not be possible.

59.Why is my workflow not starting?


If started by an event:run SWU_OBUF and check transaction SWU3 for problems check that the linkage between the event and the workflow exists in transaction SWE2 and is activated check transaction SWEL to see if event was created / gets created (may need transaction SWELLS to turn SWELL on)test if creating the event manually in SWUE triggers the workflow check if there is a start condition that isn’t being satisfied check if the event is in a queue (if event queueing is turned on, see transaction SWEQADM)check WF-BATCH in transaction SU01, see if all is well (e.g. password not expired)If started directly (e.g. with function module SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW; not recommended if it can be avoided):run SWU_OBUF and check SWU3 for problems check if workflow has been set to General Task

60.Why is my work item going to all users?


This normally happens whenA task has been set to General Task   andthe agent assignment fails to return an agent (or hasn’t been set)   andthe “Terminate if rule resolution has no result” box has not been checkedThis is usually fixed by checking the “Terminate if rule resolution has no result” box

61.Why is this user receiving this workitem, when he shouldn’t?


run SWU_OBUF and check transaction SWU3 for problems the task has been set to General Task, no agent was determined and the “Terminate if rule resolution has no result” box was not checked so the work item is going to every user the agent determination is faulty the user has been set up as a workflow substitute for another user in table HRUS_D2the user is actually receiving an email, not a work item, and the user has been setup as an email substitute in table SOSU

62.Why is this user NOT receiving this workitem, when he should?


  • run SWU_OBUF and check transaction SWU3 for problems
  • the task has not been set to General Task
  • the agent determination is faulty
  • The user has a workflow substitute setup for him in table HRUS_D2
  • the user is actually expecting an email, not a work item, and the user has an email substitute set up for him in table SOSU
  • the user has been listed as an Excluded Agent for that task

63.Why is my workflow stuck / hanging?


run SWU_OBUF and check SWU3 for problems (e.g. SWWDHEX or SWWERRE not running)check for any short dumps in transaction ST22if a method is hanging in the background, check in transaction SWO1 that it isn’t mistakenly marked as “Dialog”if the method is a Dialog method then check the agent hasn’t been set as WF-BATCHcheck that WF-BATCH has SAP_ALLcheck if there is an error handling problem, especially if a method calls a function

64.How come my workflow works fine in DEV but not in QA?


run SWU_OBUF and check SWU3 for problems user WF-BATCH may have problems, e.g. expired password, no email address supplied custom tables used for agent determination not filled in the same way different version of the workflow is being used

65.How do I get a background step to be run as a certain user, instead of WF-BATCH?


Try having that user run a dialogue step beforehand, with advance dialogue.

66.How can I find out which users are holding up the workflows?


  • Look in the workflow logs. For a large number of workflows or workflow instances, create a report which calls the function module SAP_WAPI_WORKITEM_RECIPIENTS.
  • If you combine it with the function module SAP_WAPI_GET_WORKITEM_DETAIL you could make a report which shows all users that various workflows are waiting for.

67.How can I look inside another user’s SBWP workflow inbox?


Transaction SWI5 (assuming you have sufficient privileges)

68.Where is this workflow started?


  • Use transaction PFTC_DIS to see if the workflow has a starting event.If not, then the answer is beyond the scope of this brief FAQ, but you could try a where-used on function module SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW.
  • If there is a starting event, check in transaction SWE2 that the event is actually linked to the workflow and, if so, try doing where-used on function modules SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT and SWE_EVENT_CREATE (look for Z programs).

69.ABAP Classes and Business Workflow ?


We can use ABAP classes in the definition and runtime components of SAP WebFlow Engine in the same way as object types defined in the Business object Repository (BOR). Before proceeding further we need to know where to create and maintain ABAP Classes and ABAP Interfaces.

70.Did you set up a workflow ? Are you familiar with all steps for setting up a workflow ? 


Yes. Execute the Txn SWDD (Creating a new Workflow). In the header of the Workflow, define the Business Object and Event you refer to for triggering the Wf. Create the Steps required for your workflow(Activity). Inside the Activity, Create the task and assign the Business Object and the related method for that business object. Activate the Workflow. 

 71.Have you used performance tuning? What major steps will you use for these ?


The Main Transaction Code Involved in Performance Tuning is SE30-Runtime Analysis and ST05-SQL Trace.

 72.Have you created a Maintenance dialog for Table Maintenance ?


At the time of creating the table through, there is a check box for table maintenance allowed.So if you want to activate the table maintenance, just mark this box. Once the table gets activated, you can change its contents through SM30 or Through Table Maintenance.

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73.Name the tables used for storing the event linkages ? 


  • SWEETY PECOU – Type Linkage Table 
  • SWEINSTCOU – Instance Linkage Table 

74.Have you created database tables ?



75.Difference between client dependent and client independent tables ? 


tables which can be access by all user are client independent (no mandt field in table) 

tables which can be access by some specific user are client dependent (use mandt field in table) 

76.In the ‘select’ statement what is “group by”? 


  • Group by clause is used to fetch the data from the table by the specified field 
  • count (*) from emp table group by deptno where deptno = 1. 
  • It is used to find the number of employees present in the specified department no. 

77.SAP R/3 screens how will you develop a table control having 3 columns with only one editable ? 


we can develop it by giving the code in PBO (process before output) giving table control line = 3. it will give only 3 lines and we can make 2 lines disable in screen painter options available in table control Elementary search helps, Collective search help. 

  • Elementary search helps define a search path where we will define the table from which the data has to be read and the selection criteria. Through import and export parameters. Used when we get the data from a single table. 
  • Collective search helps: Combination of elementary search helps. When we need to fetch data based on multiple selection criterias. More than one tables are Selection from multiple tables 

78.Difference between Search Helps and Match Codes 


  • Search help: adding f4 functionality is search help(adding help for any topic) 
  • Match code: adding search help for the input field is called as math code object 

79.What are the different types of WF Agents?


  • Possible Agents:Users who are authorized to execute the taskConfigured during Task definition (Org Unit, Position, User, Work Center, Role, Rule)If a Task is configured as General Task, then all users become possible users.
  • Responsible Agents:The users to whom the work item needs to be sent.
  • This is set during Step definition. Note that Possible agents are defined during Task definition. (Org Unit, Position, User, Work Center, Role, Rule, Container Element).
  • Actual Agents:Actual user who executed the dialog task
  • Excluded Agents:Users who are not supposed to execute the dialog task (even if they are in possible agents)

80.What are the Important background Jobs for workflow?


  • SWWDHEX          For deadline monitoring
  • SWWERRE           For error Monitoring

81.How can we debug a workflow?


  • If it is a dialog task, you can set breakpoint in the method called by the task
  • If it is a method that you want to debug, use SWO1, and create a instance of the object and debug the methods
  • If it is a background task, and you are a development client, you can do the following. Create an infinite loop in the method you want to debug. Go to SM50 (processes overview) and select the relevant item, and select debug from option.

82.Difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous methods in a task.


A work item created as part of synchronous is locked until the end of the method execution. But in asynchronous, work item is locked only until the start of method execution.At least one terminating event is required for a task using Asynchronous task.

83.State Whether Notification Mail & Work Items Are Same. If Not State The Differences Between Them.


  • No, notification mail and work items are not the same. The differences between the two:The work item cannot be used to notify several users whereas Mails can be routed to several users.It is also worth noting that a mail can be forwarded in many different ways(fax, internet…) whereas the work item cannot.
  • Work Items have the advantage that they contain the intelligence needed to execute the relevant task with the correct data when the operational user executes them,
  • Work Items have their own functionality so that the operational user has access to everything that is useful to improve the flow of the process.
  • Work Items disappear on their own when they have been executed by someone else or made obsolete.

84.What Are The Three Types Of Work Items?


There are 3 Types of Work Items:

  • Dialog Work Items
  • Background Work Items
  • Workflow Work Items.

85.State Whether Workflow Supports Open Interfaces.


Yes, Workflow does support open interfaces. The most significant interface supported is the Wf-XML standard from the Workflow Management Coalition.

The WF-XML interface is based on XML and allows workflows from different vendors to communicate with each other. WF-XML is the only Open interface for supporting interoperability of business processes, independent of what the business process being integrated.

86.What is a NetWeaver and how can it be used?


To be able to run multiple products from mySAP suite, an integrated platform is put to use. This platform is called NetWeaver. It helps all these applications run on a single instance. While using NetWeaver, SAP data can be accessed using the web. And in some cases, even from mobile. This lends itself to cost saving while training clients.

87.What do you know about Master Data and Transaction Data?


Whatever an organization does and how it is defined differently across business units as well as from competitors, comprises Master Data. It helps with establishing a 360-degree view of the business. This key business information entails customer information, employee materials etc. On the other hand, data which relates to day to day transactions is called transaction data.

88.Can We Send a Standard Text As An Email?


Yes, standard texts can be sent as email from workflow. It is very easy sending standard text, which may include data from the workflow. One simply needs to create a background step which sends the work item description. This may include variables which will be substituted when mail is sent.

89.Is Only Started Automatically. Is It True?


No it isn’t. Workflows can be started in 2 ways. Manually Automatically using events.

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