Top 5 Jobs In AI and Key Skills Needed To Help You Land One
Last updated on 10th Oct 2020, Artciles, Blog
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been gaining popularity in recent years. From robots serving food in restaurants to self-driving cars, these applications of artificial intelligence can be seen in our day-to-day lives. John McCarthy, an American computer scientist who coined the term artificial intelligence, defines this discipline as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. Mainly, AI develops intelligent software and systems based on how human minds think, learn, decide, and solve a problem. It enables machines to perform human-like functions by learning through experience.
While professionals across the globe are worried about robots replacing humans, a Gartner study reports that AI is an emerging field that will create 2.8 million jobs by 2020. AI is a broad term, encompassing general artificial intelligence, machine learning, expert systems, data mining, and more. In today’s world, AI capabilities are in high demand across industries—gaming, robotics, face recognition software, weaponry, speech recognition, vision recognition, expert systems, and search engines.
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1. Machine Learning Engineer
One of the most sought-after jobs in AI, machine learning engineers must possess strong software skills, be able to apply predictive models, and utilize natural language processing while working with massive data sets. Also, machine learning engineers are expected to know software development methodology, agile practices, and the complete range of modern software development tools right from IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ to the components of a continuous deployment pipeline.
Average Salary: $121,
2. Robotic Scientist
Robots can automate jobs, but they require programmers working behind the scenes to ensure they function well. Robotic science is used for multiple functions from space exploration, healthcare, security, too many other scientific fields. Their primary function is to build mechanical devices or robots who can perform tasks with commands from humans. Other necessary skills required for this role include writing and manipulating computer programs, collaborating with other specialists, and developing prototypes.
Average Salary: $83,241
3. Data Scientist
Data scientists collect, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data by using machine learning and predictive analytics to gain insights beyond statistical analysis. They should have expertise in using Big Data platforms and tools, including Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Spark, and MapReduce. Data scientists are also fluent in programming languages, including structured query language (SQL), Python, Scala, and Perl, as well as statistical computing languages.
Average Salary: $117,345
4. Research Scientist
A research scientist is an expert in multiple artificial intelligence disciplines, including machine learning, computational statistics, and applied mathematics. In particular, these areas include deep learning, graphical models, reinforcement learning, computer perception, natural language processing, and data representation, graphical models, reinforcement learning, computer perception, natural language processing, and data representation.
Average Salary: $83,490
5. Business Intelligence Developer
Business intelligence developers are in high demand. Their primary job is to analyze complex data and look for current business and market trends, thereby increasing the profitability and efficiency of the organization. Not only are they masters of strong technical and analytical skills, but they also have sound communication and problem-solving skills. They are responsible for designing, modeling, building, and maintaining data for complex, extensive, and highly accessible cloud-based data platforms. Average Salary: $90,430
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