Why is pattern recognition important LEARNOVITA

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning | A Definitive Guide | Everything You Need to Know [ OverView ]

Last updated on 03rd Nov 2022, Artciles, Blog

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Karthika (Data Engineer )

Karthika has a wealth of experience in cloud computing, including BI, Perl, Salesforce, Microstrategy, and Cobit. Moreover, she has over 9 years of experience in Data Engineer in AI can automate many of the tasks that data scientists and data engineers perform.

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    • In this article you will learn:
    • 1.What is Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning?
    • 2.Features of a pattern Recognition.
    • 3.The Importance of Pattern Recognition.
    • 4.Pattern Recognition Examples and Algorithms.
    • 5.Applications of a pattern recognition.
    • 6.Conclusion.

What is Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning?

In a human brain, pattern recognition is a cognitive process that happens in a brain when it matches an information that can see with the data stored in the memories.When talking about a computer science, however, a pattern recognition is a technology that matches incoming data with an information stored in the database.Thus, pattern recognition is the type of machine learning since it uses machine learning algorithms to recognize the patterns.Pattern recognition and machine learning detect the arrangements of a characteristics of data that uncover information about a given data set or system and also characterized by these four qualities:

  • It learns from a data.
  • It automatically recognizes a patterns even if partially visible.
  • It can recognize a familiar patterns.
  • The recognition comes from a various shapes and angles. In the other words, pattern recognition and machine learning are the two sides of a same coin.

Features of a pattern Recognition:

  • It has a more accuracy in recognizing patterns.
  • It can recognize the unfamiliar objects.
  • It can accurately identify the objects from a different angles.
  • It can recover the patterns in instances of missing data.
  • A pattern recognition system can discover the partially hidden patterns.
Components of Pattern Recognition

The Importance of a Pattern Recognition:

Pattern recognition tries to duplicate a human brain’s neural network capabilities, which further an advances Artificial Intelligence. Pattern recognition is be considered one of four cornerstones that make up a computer science.More practical, computer science-related problems need pattern recognition to help come up with the solution.Pattern finding is an essence of wisdom since patterns embody the structure and order, which helps to organize a work, making it more accessible.Finding and understanding patterns is the crucial element of a problem-solving and mathematical thinking.There are the other reasons why a pattern recognition matters, including:

  • It identifies and predicts even a tiniest bits of hidden or be untraceable data.
  • It helps to classify a unseen data.
  • It makes a valuable predictions, employing the learning techniques.
  • It can recognize and identify an object at a different distances.
  • It can help to create a predictions of unseen data and aids in a making practical, actionable suggestions.

Pattern Recognition Examples and Algorithms:

Supervised Algorithms:

  • Supervised algorithms are also called as a classification.
  • This algorithm uses two-stage methodology for a pattern identification.
  • The first stage coversa model’s development and construction.
  • The second stage encompasses the predicting new or unseen objects.

An Unsupervised Algorithms:

  • Unsupervised algorithms favor the “group by” approach.
  • These algorithms can observe a data patterns and group them according to the similarity, like by dimensions, to make predictions.
  • When talk about a pattern recognition examples in a human brain.
  • Employ pattern recognition to sort out a clean socks and place them in their pairs.
  • For something more technical, consider a facial recognition. eyes, ears, mouth, and nose are known as a facial features.
  • When a group these features, they create the features vector.
  • This vector helps to facial recognition software to search for and an identify a new data, comparing it to the previously stored feature vectors.

Applications of a pattern recognition:

Pattern recognition can be applied in a following areas:

Pattern Recognition System

Image Analysis:

  • Pattern recognition in a digital image analysis is used to an automatically study images to collect the meaningful information.
  • It gives machines to recognition intelligence needed for an image processing.

Seismic Analysis:

  • Seismic analysis involved the studying how a natural phenomena such as an earthquakes affect rocks, buildings, and soil.
  • Pattern recognition is used to discover and interpret the patterns in a seismic events.


  • Pattern recognition is used in a healthcare sector to improve the health services.
  • The patients’ data is saved and used by a physicians for further analysis.
  • This technique is also used to the recognize objects or a damages in a human body.

Fingerprint Recognition:

  • This process is used for the fingerprint recognition in a computer and smartphone devices.
  • A Modern smartphones have fingerprint recognition feature that allows to access a phone after verifying a fingerprint.

Computer Vision:

  • It is used in a computer applications to extract the useful features from an image samples.
  • It has been implemented in a computer vision to perform different tasks such as object recognition and also medical imaging.


Pattern recognition is the developing yet active and rapidly building area, with support for an improvements in related areas, for example, computer vision, material (text) and a record examination, radar processing, speech recognition, text classification, image processing. and neural network systems.

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