[30+] Blue Coat Interview Questions and Answers [ FRESHERS ]
Last updated on 23rd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question
1. What specifically is the role of a Cyber Security expert?
Cyber Security specialists are a unit needed in each little, furthermore as large-scale enterprises. The role could vary depending on the position, nature of the organization. Some vital roles are unit the right implementation of all security protocols to assure extreme protection to information, networks, & network nodes.Assuring the loss of service interruption and information loss because of security problems is additionally one among the highest responsibilities of a Cyber Security knowledgeable. In addition to the present, such an associate degree knowledgeable should keep himself up-to-date with all the newest intelligence ways and therefore the common approaches hackers use to hack systems and information.
2. What does one understand the 80/20 rule of the Cyber Security Protocols?
Well, it’s one among the vital protocols that describe net Protocol networks and their nodes wherever eighty % of the general traffic remains native whereas the remaining twenty % is routed to a far off network.
3. In business, information is everything and as a +$³ : ⁴ity knowledgeable you recognize this, thus however you’ll check that information safety throughout your job?
- First I begin with the fundamental things that are a unit necessary to concentrate on. Installation of the Cyber Security software package is the beginning to be enforced and I can try this. This essentially includes the installation of knowledge coding software packages, firewalls, and so on.
- Next, I will be able to concentrate on employee coaching, which could be a relevant step to make sure all the networks and widgets are secure. The coaching includes network security procedures and the way they’re thought of. A back-up arrangement against network disaster is additionally one thing that will eliminate all the risks just in case things get it wrong.
4. What does one mean by phishing?
It is essentially an associate degree approach that merely deceives folks from obtaining information from the users. Regular or real WebPages like email-IDs raise users to enter their own countersign and ID.
5. What specifically information discharge is per you. What measures can you take to prevent it?
- Technically information discharge is nothing, however the departure of science from a predetermined place. It will generally invite vast risks and so it’s necessary to stay up the pace against it all the time. one of the foremost common sayings is “Prevention is better than cure”, it’s better to concentrate on factors which will result in a similar situation earlier.
- This includes technology mishaps, storing backup at associate degree insecure location that currently is that the most typical reason for information discharge. The system configuration in associate degree unreliable manner, Human errors, attack by hackers, inadequate security management for the files that are unit shared among departments, furthermore as corrupt hardware may be the leading reasons for this.
6. What area unit gateways?
When it involves obtaining property between 2 or additional network segments, gateways are used. An entranceway is largely a pc that runs the involved software package and offers services that are unit associated with translation.
7. Tell everything you recognize regarding the loss interference controls?
Well, there area unit sure factors that area unit relevant furthermore as vital during this matter. The very first thing which will be done to avoid them is making the data risk profile, next is to develop the framework following all the safety protocols. A work flow diagram would be useful for this. Also, a response chart will contribute equally.
Appendance of DLP controls everywhere the organization are some things that’s additionally useful during this manner. All the outcomes for lowering risk should be paid close attention. All the responsibilities should be properly assigned to the incident analyst, rhetorical investigators, native technical directors, furthermore on auditors for loss management interference.
8. What’s the importance of a NIC?
It is essentially a card that’s hooked up to the motherboard and is liable for connecting a laptop to a network.

9. We want to understand your personal traits that you must think about once it involves protecting the server or network information?
- The basic approach is putting in a sturdy anti-virus software system and recommending all the safety enhancements still as purchases to the management. it’s necessary that the system receives automatic updates. Passwords should not be shared with any unauthorized employees. Any information that would cause injury or loss to the organization ought to be encrypted electronically.
- Old laptop mustn’t be disposed of because it is. It should be ensured that each one of the info is deleted from them. In addition to the present, the Associate in Nursing anti-spyware tool would be best to stay up the pace. Also, info backup once a selected fundamental measure is usually recommended.
10. What does one fathom a backbone network?
It is primarily the Associate in Nursing approach that’s thought of once it involves distributing the info to numerous networks. The information measure management and channel legalizations also are the tasks that they’ll handle. in a very true sense, it’s the central infrastructure.
11. What specifically does one fathom WEP cracking? Are you able to additionally tell what its varieties are?
It is primarily a technique of manipulating the condition within the wireless servers or networks to realize access in Associate in Nursing unauthorized manner. Active and Passive cracking are the 2 varieties. Active cracking doesn’t produce any impact on the traffic till WEP security is acting its task. On the opposite facet, the aim of the passive attack is nothing but to easily enhance the load on the network to chop down the performance. It will simply be detected.
12. Name some WEP cracking tools you’re acquainted with?
The following are a number of the common WEP cracking tools:
- Kismet
- WEP Crack
- WebDecryp
- AirCrack
13. What does one mean by the term constellation in network management?
In a network, it’s doable to attach nodes or devices in varied strategies relying upon their range, demand, and tasks. The manner they’ll be connected with one another is termed as topology in a very network. Some common styles of topologies are:
- Star Topology
- Hybrid Topology
- Mesh Topology
- Ring topology
- Tree Topology
14. What are internet server vulnerabilities that cause Associate in Nursing unsecured server?
There are many vulnerabilities that may end in constant. generally the users think about default settings and don’t customize them. This usually creates vulnerabilities and imposes risk on the information gift within the nodes. Persistently the errors within the internet servers and software package additionally cause this and make a great deal of security problems. Another vulnerability is the improper configuration of the network and servers.
15. Tell the utmost length that is allowed for a UTP cable? Is it doable to beat this limit? If therefore, how?
A UTP cable will simply perform its task up to one hundred meters while not degrading its potency. Yes, it’s doable to exceed this limit. We want networking devices like switches and repeaters for this.
16. What are internet server attacks? However, are you able to forestall them?
These are primarily the attacks by hackers directly on the server to realize access over time. The hacking of internet sites, software, and nodes happens thanks to this. These attacks will be stopped up to a good extent through a number of the most effective doable ways. The primary step is to put in and assemble server software systems in a very safe manner. The server firewall should be enabled.
One should pay close attention to the system’s vulnerability. generally there’s a desire to disable remote administration thanks to security protocols. All the accounts that aren’t any longer in use ought to be removed or deleted from the server to avoid internet server attacks.
17. Name many helpful certifications for Cyber Security Experts?
- CSL (Certified Security Leadership)
- GSEC (General Security Essentials)
- CFA (Certified rhetorical Analyst)
- CFA (Certified Firewall analyst) ar a number of the most effective offered choices.
18. Name the assorted strategies that a company will think about against SQL injection?
Stored Procedures, information affiliation user access rights, sanitizing the user commands, dominant error messages, still as detective work harmful code, and selling it are a number of the approaches that are useful during this manner.
19. Counsel one methodology to form a secure dial-up affiliation to a distant server?
This can be done through VPN i.e. Virtual personal Network:
20. What will OSI stand for? Name the layer’s gift in it?
OSI stands for open system interconnection. There are a complete seven layers that are gifts during this referencing model:
- Application Layer
- Presentation Layer
- Session Layer
- Transport Layer
- Network Layer
- Data Link Layer
- Physical Layer
21. Name one referencing model aside from OSI?
TCP/IP. It stands for Transmission management Protocol/Internet Protocol. it’s not widely employed in the current situation as compared to the OSI.
22. Outline a node? however it’s totally different from a link?
A node is nothing however to some extent wherever bigger than or equal 2 devices are a part of one another. In very few models, a node is additionally thought of as a pc on a network. On the opposite facet, a link is nothing but the property among 2 nodes or devices.
23. Suppose there’s a company with a restricted variety of computers and devices in their workplace. What form of network ought they use and why?
For restricted computers and devices, LAN i.e. native space Networking could be a sensible possibility because of many reasons. They are:
- LAN assures quicker information measure.
- The cost isn’t therefore high.
- Implementation isn’t a fancy task and in several cases, the network is created in a very short time span.
24. What area unit the essential networking devices you’re acquainted with?
The following area unit the essential networking devices:
- Modem
- Router
- Hub
- Switch
- Splitter
25. Mention some steps that you simply can take against Phishing?
The simplest approach is considering a guard against spam as they’re the difficulty creators in several cases. Just in case a pop-up screen is there, personal data like User ID and positive identification should not be entered. Any quiet data associated with finance mustn’t be sent via personal email. Downloading of files received from unknown e-mail ought to be avoided and internet links given in them mustn’t be clicked.
26. Justify subnet masking? Name one similarity between Subnet Mask and information processing address?
Sometimes there’s a desire to mix the host address with the networking address. This is often precisely wherever this approach is taken into account. The extended network address is merely known with subnet masking. it’s the same as associate information processing address in terms of the amount of bits it’s product of. each information processing and subnet mask area unit of a 32-bit size.
27. What does one mean by the term knowledge encapsulation?
Networks will face plenty of problems once it involves causation giant or large sizes. therefore {the knowledge|the info|The information} is usually broken into smaller components that are unit referred to as packets or data packets. The approach is straightforward and that i.e. the supply and therefore the destination address area unit hooked up through a brief path that continues to be active until the transmission goes on.
28. What does one fathom Parity arrival knowledge transmission over a network?
Party check is a crucial approach to understand whether or not the information received is the same because it was sent or not. because the knowledge is distributed in smaller units referred to as packets on a network and is in digital kind, confirmation assures that at the receiver is that the same because it was sent. Parity checker assures such a difficulty wouldn’t declare its presence. it’s potential to correct the errors once they are detected.
29. What’s a non-public information processing address?
They are thought of once it involves mistreatment of Intranets. {they area unit|they’re} not routable to external public networks and are usually used for internal networks solely. identical IPs are used for multiple intranets.

30. What will Blue Coat do?
Blue coat gadgets are referred to as “double – use” innovation, since they’ll be utilized each to protect company systems and by governments to blue pencil and screen the open’s internet traffic. The machines will see many styles of disorganized traffic, sq. websites or record site traffic.
31. What’s a Blue Coat mediator? however will a Blue Coat intermediary work?
Blue Coat Proxysg could be a cloud-based item that offers shoppers internet security. Interfacing this occasion supply to Insight IDR can improve the safety data for examination. The Blue Coat SG machine fills in as associate mediator for all protocol, HTTPS, and FTP exchanges. It’s designed to send that course data to the online sense ICAP server. Be that because it might, in checking mode, the online sense ICAP server all around reacts to any or all amused exchanges with permit.
32. However accomplishes gyrate mediator work?
A converse mediator could be a server that sits before a minimum of one internet server, interference demands from customers. This is often distinctive in respect to a forward mediator, wherever the mediator sits before the shoppers. The converse mediator server can at that time send solicitations to and acquire reactions from the place to begin the server.
33. What area unit are the essential systems administration gadgets you recognize about? Name one referencing model aside from OSI?
The most valuable things are unit electronic equipment, Router, Hub, Switch and Splitter area unit the essential systems administration gadgets. The referencing model aside from OSI is TCP/IP. It represents Transmission management Protocol/Internet Protocol. It isn’t usually utilized within the current scenario once contrasted with the OSI.
34. Get your meaning by the term data embodiment?
Systems will confront an excellent deal of problems with regards to causation vast or cumbersome sizes. Consequently {the data|the knowledge|The data} is often broken into the litter components that area units referred to as parcels or information bundles. The methodology is simple and as an example the supply and therefore the goal address area unit appended through a temporary means that remaining components are dynamic until the transmission goes on.
35. Characterize a hub? however it’s not an equivalent as a connection?
A hub is merely a degree wherever a lot of outstanding than or equivalent 2 gadgets are a part of each other. In an exceedingly number of models, a hub is to boot, thought of as a computer on a system. On the other facet, an affiliation is merely the network among 2 hubs or gadgets. It is also wired remote affiliation looking forward to form, size and completely different parts known with the system. An affiliation is in control of maintaining the association among varied hubs on a solitary system.
36. Notice a number of stages that you just can take against Phishing?
The least advanced methodology is wondering about protection against spam as they’re the issue manufacturers abundant of the time. within the event that a uprise screen is there, individual information, for instance, User ID and secret phrase should not be entered. Any kind of information known with account ought to not be sent by suggests that of individual email. Downloading of records got from obscure email have to be compelled to be maintained a strategic distance from and net joins gift in them to not be clicked.
37. What square measure net server assaults? however may you forestall them?
These squares measure essentially the assaults by programmers on the server to induce entrance over the equivalent. Hacking of web sites, programming, and hubs occur as a result of this. These assaults may be blocked up to an extraordinary degree through absolutely the most ideal ways in which. The initial step is to institution and arrangement of server programming in an exceedingly secure manner. The server firewall ought to systematically be sceptred. One should offer shut thought to the framework of helplessness. Currently and once more there’s a requirement to handicap remote organization as a result of security conventions. All the records that aren’t, at now being employed have to be compelled to be expelled or erased from the server to stay faraway from net server assaults.
38. What does one consider a spine to arrange?
It is primarily a technique that’s viewed as transferring data to completely different systems. the info transfer capability the executives and channel authorizations square measure likewise the undertakings that it will touch upon. In an evident sense, it’s the focal foundation.
39. What exactly data spillage is as indicated by you. What estimates can you take to prevent it?
In fact data spillage is merely the flight of information science from a pre-decided spot. It will currently and once more welcome monumental dangers and during this manner it’s necessary to stay up the pace against it perpetually. A mutually of the foremost well-known colloquialisms is also “Anticipation is superior to fix”, it’s smarter to target factors which will prompt the equivalent prior to time. This incorporates innovation incidents, golf shot away reinforcement at associate degree unreliable space that today is that the most generally recognized clarification behind data spillage. The framework arrangement in an exceedingly questionable manner, Human blunders, assault by programmers, deficient security management for the documents that square measure shared among offices, even as the degenerate instrumentality may be the most explanations behind this.
40. We’ve to consider your own attributes that you have to be compelled to contemplate with regards to making sure the server or system information?
The fundamental methodology is introducing a solid enemy of infection programming and suggesting all the safety upgrades even as buys to the administration. it’s essential that the framework gets programmed refreshes. Passwords should not be imparted to any unapproved workers. Any data might prompt hurt or misfortune to the association have to be compelled to be encoded electronically. the previous computer ought not to discard all things thought of.
41. What square measure passages? advocate one technique to create a protected dial-up association with a distant server?
With regards to obtaining accessibility between a minimum of 2 system parts, doors square measure utilized. A portal is essentially a computer that runs the involved programming and offers administrations that square measure known with interpretation. this could be doable through VPN for instance Virtual personal Network.
42. What square measure net server vulnerabilities that cause associate degree unbound server?
Their square measures a number of vulnerabilities which will originate the same. In some cases the shoppers contemplate default settings and don’t redo them. This frequently makes vulnerabilities and forces chance upon the overall data gift within the hubs. Several times the blunders within the net servers and dealing framework to boot prompts this and makes an excellent deal of security problems. Another weakness is the foolish style of the system and servers.
43. Clarify subnet covering? Name one closeness between Subnet Mask and information science address?
Once in an exceedingly whereas there’s a requirement to consolidate a shared address with the systems administration address. This can be true wherever this system is assumed of. The encompassing system address may be simply associated with the subnet network. It’s like information science addresses the variety of bits it’s made from. each information science and subnet pole square measure of 32-piece size.
44. What does one trust Parity arrival data transmission over a system?
Gathering a check may be vital thanks to the manager who is aware of whether or not the data got is the same because it was sent or not. Because the data is distributed in littler units known as bundles on a system and is in computerized structure, equality check guarantees that the collector is the same because it was sent. Equality checker guarantees that such a difficulty wouldn’t pronounce its essence. it’s conceivable to handle the mistakes after they are recognized.
45. Assume there’s AN association with a group of PCs and gadgets in their workplace. What form of system would it not be better for them to utilize and why?
For restricted PCs and gadgets, computer networks for instance Neighborhood may be a good alternative attributable to some reasons. They are:
- LAN guarantees faster transfer speed.
- The expense isn’t this high.
- Implementation may be not an amazing task and far off the time, the system will be created in a very transient timeframe.
46. What’s Symantec ProxySG?
ProxySG conveys AN pliable go-between stage style to form certain concerning net interchanges and quicken the conveyance of business applications. ProxySG empowers pliable, granular, strategy powers over substance, clients, applications, net applications, and conventions.

47. Describe the role of a proxy server?
A proxy server is AN go-between that acts as each a server and a shopper for the aim of constructing requests on behalf of alternative purchasers.
48. Will proxy servers modify traffic between a shopper and server?
Yes, proxy servers will modify traffic between a shopper and server.
49. Where are you able to notice data concerning the presently offered models and capacities of the ProxySGfamily?
Model Specifications:
- ProxySG Product Family
- License capability – synchronous Users
- Proxy Edition License
50. Wherever are you able to log on to search out the Blue Coat database?
Having enraptured the Symantec knowledge domain as a part of the migration, the recent links might not work properly.
51. What area unit the 3 principal physical reading strategies for the ProxySG?
Inline, nearly inline, out of path
52. What area unit the 2 main shopper association strategies for the ProxySG?
Explicit proxy, clear proxy

53. Within which kind of physical readying may be a ProxySG out of path however still has potential visibility to any or all traffic through the employment of a tool like a WCCP-capable router or a Layer four switch?
Virtually inline.
54. Name 3 strategies by that shopper configuration will be performed in a certain ProxySG readying?
Configure the user agent to purpose to the informatics address or hostname of the ProxySG; configure the user agent to use WPAD; put together the user agent to the purpose of the placement of a political action committee file.
55. Within which shopper association sort area unit user agents aware that a proxy has been deployed?
Explicit proxy-In a certain ProxySG readying, the protocol packet sent from the shopper to the ProxySG contains.
56. What is the destination informatics address?
The informatics address of the ProxySG or a load balancer .In a clear ProxySG reading, the protocol packet sent from the shopper to the ProxySG contains.
57. That server contains what worth because the supply informatics address?
It depends on whether or not shopper informatics address reflection is enabled. If so, the shopper informatics address; if not, the ProxySG informatics address.
58. In NTLM authentication, are area unit passwords transmitted in plaintext, base 64-encoded, or encrypted?
The challenge-response design of NTLM permits the shopper to be echt while not ever trans.
59. That SGOS edition is meant for Secure net entryway deployments?
Proxy Edition.
60. If you change shopper informatics address reflection for all proxy services, what might cause shopper traffic to be handled incorrectly?
Asymmetric routing might cause protocol connections to be born and shopper requests to fail.
61. If you lose the parole to the setup console, what strategies will be wont to regain access to the setup console?
- Use the front panel buttons and screen, if offered on this model, to reset the password;
- Open a serial association, and use the command line interface command restore-defaults factory-defaults;
- Use the appliance push button, if offered on this model.
62. What happens if 2 directors on separate net browsers each modify the zone of the ProxySG?
Last one wins.
63. Once organized as a part of AN IPv6 network, however will the ProxySG get its informatics address?
The administrator should offer AN IPv4 address manually. The ProxySG obtains AN IPv6 address for every interface mechanically, and also the administrator will modify these when finishing initial configuration.
64. What client-side technology will the Management Console use?
Java applets
65. What area unit the 3 main tabs of the Management Console?
Statistics, Configuration, Management.
66. Within the Management Console, however are you able to confirm the serial variety of the ProxySG?
The serial variety is contained within the header, otherwise you will attend Maintenance > System and Disks.
67. However will the Management Console perform commands on the ProxySG?
By generating the suitable command line interface commands and capital punishment them. Can associate degree access management list for intrinsic ProxySG administration contain information science addresses, subnet masks.
68. What square measures the domain names, or some combination of these?
IP addresses and subnet masks.
69. If you click Revert thrice within the Management Console, what happens?
Only the foremost recent uncommitted changes square measure undone; changes that have already been applied can not be undone.
70. Once you click the assistance button within the Management Console, what form of facilitation are you able to expect to receive?
Context-sensitive facilitation associated with the page from which you clicked.
71. What percentage of SGOS pictures will reside on one ProxySG at constant time?
Up to five.
72. That WebPulse uses address data from Blue Coat products?
ProxySG, ProxyClient, K9.
73.In WebPulse, will background analysis of URLs use human raters?
Yes, however, given that machine analysis is inconclusive.
74. Where is the WebFilter info stored?

On each ProxySG and at many information centers around the world.
75. Why will the interior hypertext transfer protocol proxy service use the transmission control protocol Tunnel proxy by default?
Many internal applications don’t seem to be absolutely HTTP-compliant, which could cause the ProxySG to reject connections.
76. Once WebFilter is enabled, however, will the ProxySG check for updates to the WebFilter database?
Every 5 minutes, throughout the hours of the day that square measure per the Management Console.
77. Once dynamic categorization is disabled, what data is distributed to WebPulse for every transaction?
The ProxySG doesn’t contact WebPulse once dynamic categorization is disabled.
78. If each WebFilter and {a local|and square measure|a neighborhood} content filtering info are enabled on the ProxySG, that set of classes takes priority in policy processing?
Neither has automatic priority. The order of rules and layers in policy determines however classes have an effect on the choice to permit or deny a group action.
79. If an address is categorized by WebFilter as “None,” what will this mean?
The address is for a web site that has not been categorized by WebFilter. This is often common for computer network sites.
80. An address that’s categorized by WebFilter will have what percentage of applications related to it?
Zero or one.
81. What list on the ProxySG is designed to forestall requests to specific URLs from being shared with WebPulse?
The personal networks list.
82. What sorts of authentication credentials are supported in the associate degree IWA realm?
Basic, NTLM, and Kerberos.

83. Once will the ProxySG need the utilization of BCAAA with the associate degree IWA realm?
When your organization doesn’t allow the ProxySG to affix the Windows domain of the authentication server.
84. What service cluster will Blue Coat advocate for the Telnet service, and why?
Bypass suggested, as a result of its associate degree interactive service that can’t profit considerably from caching or improvement.
85. Within which form of IWA realm, BCAA or direct, will the administrator specify the information science address of the associate degree authentication server?
86. However, are you able to forestall passwords from being sent in plaintext between the ProxySG associate and degreed an LDAP server?
By facultative SSL communication between the ProxySG and therefore the authentication server.
87. Once specifying a look user for associate degree LDAP authentication realm, what body permissions square measure needed on the search user account?
No special permissions square measure needed.
88. A ProxySG has its specific hypertext transfer protocol proxy service set to Intercept with all of the default settings. associate degree LDAP authentication realm is in use, and therefore the authentication mode is ready to “auto.” When A consumer connects via hypertext transfer protocol and a particular proxy association to the web for the primary time through this ProxySG, what is the 1st response code that the consumer receives?

89. Once the ProxySG performs LDAP authentication with a particular proxy association, however, will theProxySG send a bind request with the search user DN to the authentication server?
This is the first time that an associate degree authentication request has been formed exploitation this realm since the ProxySG was last rebooted, or once the papers cache expires for the user in question.
90. for the way long square measure LDAP user credentials cached on the ProxySG?
The default is quarter-hour, however the administrator will modify this.
91.Listeners, services, or proxies: that of those square measure accountable for police work incoming traffic that matches specific information science addresses or subnets?
92. What square measures the four elements of a proxy service?
Listener parameters to match against, whether or not to intercept or bypass, that proxy to use, and attributes to regulate proxy process.

93. Once a proxy service auditor matches incoming consumer traffic and is ready to Bypass, what happens to the traffic?
The answer depends on whether or not the consumer is exploiting a particular or clear proxy association.
94. What square measures the four elements of a proxy service listener?
Source addresses, destination addresses, TCP port, action.
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