IAM Interview Question and Answers [ TOP & MOST ASKED ]
Last updated on 22nd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question
1.What is an importance of IAM?
With an increase in security threats and user privacy preferences turning high difficult to handle, IAM has started to play a crucial role for an organizations, irrespective of a industry and size. IAM is vital at a time when passwords get hacked within a seconds, data breaches turn a frequent occurrence and intruders infiltrate government as well as an organizational agencies.
2.What is an identity directory service?
Most of the IAM projects comprise a working with active directory and other types of repositories that are compliant with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Accordingly, LDAP skills are needed throughout the project for directory consolidation, QA testing, data conversions, and the other tasks.
3.Do prefer working alone or in team?
Communication and collaboration skills are important. I prefer working in a team as being a team player is a vital, whether have just started or are an IAM professional.
4.What is the method of getting a IP address of a computer?
To get a IP address, first, go to Start > cmd—systeminfo. The other way is to Start > Powershell—systeminfo.
5.What is the method of providing access to user into a server with a Active Directory? And, how would to disable somebody in an Active Directory?
To give access to user, first, browse the server in the Active Directory and look for the relevant Access groups in a Server properties. After that, add the user to a preferred group that offers access to a specific service. On the contrary, to disable somebody, look for the user in an Organizational Unit (OU) and right-click, choose Disable Account.
6.Can define cryptography?
Basically, cryptography can be explained as the study of secured and safeguarded communication techniques that let a sender and recipient see the contents. The concept is taken from the set of calculations based on rules, known as a algorithms, and mathematical concepts. This helps to convert plaintext into a ciphertext and then again into plaintext. The entire process is known as a decryption.
7.What is objective of cryptography?
Cryptography keeps data concealed and confidential. In case storage or transmission medium is a compromised, encrypted information will render useless to an unauthorized people without any key for decryption. And then, with the help of a message digests and hashing algorithms, cryptography makes sure a information is accurate. Additionally, digital certificates, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and digital signatures can be used for the purpose of the validation.
8.What can tell us about yourself?
Whether fresher or an experienced IAM professional, will have to give concise, on-point answer to this question. Would have to open up in such a way that an interviewer gets to learn more about the experience and skills so as to figure out whether good match for an organization or not.
9.What kind of users have worked with before?
This particular question is for professionals in the IAM field. Basically, the users would deal with vary on a basis of the job and the company, from privileged and customer accounts to a service accounts, business partners, internal employees, and much more.
10.What are the IAM solutions and tools to prefer working with the most?
Accordingly, IAM could be either a single product or the combination of hardware, cloud services, software, and processes that offer administrators visibility and regulation over a organization’s data. So, if have worked with a any IAM tools and solutions before, mention them in detail.
11.What is the biggest mistake have committed or the biggest challenge faced?
May also get a variation of this particular question, which could be “What is the hardest part of a job?” .
12.If I was a child, how will explain the vitality of a controlling system access?
A majority of roles require to explain a technical aspects to those who don’t have a substantial-tech background. Likewise, the interviewer may ask a question that would assess the abilities and skills to explain.
13.If I was not a tech person, how would explain the importance of a controlling system access?
Often, employers may also asked a question that would evaluate a interpersonal skill.
14.Tell us about the project you were a part of?
If you are new to IAM, some of employers will be interested in a practical experience. Thus, before an interview, must create a list of all the projects you have finished so far.
15. Why should hire you answer best?
Show that have skills and experience to do the job and deliver great results. never know what other candidates offer a company. But you know you: emphasize a key skills, strengths, talents, work experience, and professional achievements that are fundamental to getting a great things done on this position
16.What is experience with identity directory services such as an Active Directory?
Most IAM projects involved working with a Active Directory or other types of repositories that comply with a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). According to blog posting by Avatier, LDAP skills required throughout an IAM project for data conversions, QA testing, directory consolidation and the other tasks.
17.What is experience with a IAM in the cloud?
The cloud platform that a company used likely be included in a job description, IDPro’s Peterman explained. Among entry-level professionals and a career changers, “employers are looking for a some exposure to the cloud,” he noted. If have an experience using one type of a cloud, that can probably learn another.
18.What are favorite IAM tools and solutions?
According to a web infrastructure and security company Cloudflare, IAM may be single product or a mix of processes, software, cloud services and hardware that give an administrators visibility and control over a organizational data that individual users can access.
19. How do you handle pressure?
- Prioritize
- Foster Healthy Responses
- Set a Boundaries
- Take Time To be Recharge
- Seek a Support.
20.How do you handle stress?
- Take breaks from a watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media.
- Take care of a yourself
- Take care of the body
- Make time to unwind
- Talk to othersConnect with a community- or faith-based organizations.
21.Why is a cryptography important?
Cryptography can prevent a hackers from stealing data. Data require to be secured because the leaking of sensitive data can put businesses, government institutions, financial institutions and individuals at risk.
22.What is the most interesting/rewarding project or initiative in which have been involved?
This question gives interviewees a chance to discussed a projects that used skills useful to the position for which they are applying. Interviewees might discussed what made the project interesting to them, how they worked with the others, and what they learned. More experienced candidates might talk about a project’s management and technical complexities. New graduates can discussed a key elements of projects they worked on at universities, training programs and internships.
23.Are a team player? Discuss how have engaged with a other departments, such as legal and compliance. How do manage the internal relationships?
Collaboration and communication skills are more crucial. Being a team player is important whether have a recent grad, a career-changer or a seasoned IAM professional. Even those in the early stages of a building their resumes should be able to address this question. “Many new graduates come from a [IT-related programs] that generally have a team-based projects,” said Darren Yamaki, director of an identity and access management at the University of a Southern California.
24.What role have played in ensuring a compliance with government relations?
Compliance is important because a U.S., worldwide and industry-specific data security and privacy laws contain a specific IAM mandates. For example, HIPAA’s Security and Privacy Rules explain a access control measures for health information. Depending on their business, organizations might have to comply with the regulations like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, GDPR, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, PCI DSS and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
25.How are changes in a technology, from AI to IoT, affecting a job?
More senior employees might be asked about how AI, automation andan internet of things are changing the way they work and what IAM challenges these technologies are to be posing, USC’s Yamaki suggested. He added that new graduates might be asked how they are stay on top of developments in a field — for example, what journals or websites do they read.
26.How do get a computer’s IP address?
An interviewee at a WellCare answered the question about obtaining a computer’s IP address. “Go to a Start–cmd –system info or Start–a Powershell–systeminfo”.
27.How do give a user access to a server using Active Directory? How do disable user in an Active Directory?
WellCare posed these 2 questions to IAM interviewees, according to a Glassdoor. To grant a user access, browse the server in an Active Directory and find out associated Access groups in a Server properties. Then add the user to a desired group, which grants access to that server, according to a Microsoft’s documentation website. To disable a user in the Active Directory, find the user in the correct organizational unit (OU) and then right click and select “Disable Account”; the user account will now be a disabled and will see a down pointing arrow next to a account name, according to Netwrix Blog.
28.Describe your experience in an identity and access management?
Employers will usually begin with interviews by simply asking to provide a concise overview of the career experience. Interviewer usually asks such a question out of a genuine curiosity, but keep in mind that this question is also used to look for a signs of dishonestly in a resume. Employers would need to know if a experience matches the IAM job requirements; assessing risks, managing a program, developing or implementing a system, project management, etc.
29.What resources did use to train for a role?
The best employees take an initiative to learn on their own. Employers will need to know about online courses that have taken and other training that have done on their own. Pursuing professional IAM certifications from an Identity Management Institute is a great way to demonstrate commitment to the IAM industry and career.
30.If I was not a tech person, how would explain the importance of controlling system access?
Most roles need a person who can explain a technical matters to people who do not have a strong tech background. Consequently, can expect an employer to ask a question that attempts to gauge a ability to explain the bottom line. Employers also often ask this question to assess the interpersonal skills since even a team members might not always understand a specifics of your tasks.
31.How do manage a difficult deadlines?
Deadlines are crucial in the IAM. If applying for a management position, employers will need to assess how effectively can manage challenging deadlines.
32.What words have coworkers used to describe you?
People who care about the other people in the workplace are usually sensitive to how their former coworkers have explained them. If you are immediately able to articulate what a coworkers think about you, the odds of you being an effective team player are much be higher.
33.What actions do take on a regular basis to keep the skills current?
When employers directly ask what do to stay abreast of technological advancement, they are usually the company that is rapidly adapting to change. As a result, should try to position yourself as an innovator for remainder of the interview if you are asked this question.
34.Describe when would use a AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud?
This is one of the most complex identity management job interview questions. If knowledgeable in cloud platforms, should be able to clearly articulate cases when every major provider’s services are appropriate. Smart employers, therefore, will usually try to an immediately put on the spot to test the depth of the knowledge. Although this question is complex , the good news is that it can be simply prepared for by conducting a bit of preliminary research.
35.Explain what differentiates in Amazon EC2 from Amazon S3?
Employers who are interested in a working with a specific cloud provider’s services will often dig deeper to assess a strength of your knowledge in working with a particular platform. Amazon’s services have highest market share, so should make sure that you are completely familiar with its services before walking into an interview. However, can prepare for similar questions by simply studying and an experimenting with each of the services of a main cloud providers.
36.What is IAM service in an AWS Cloud?
IAM is a abbreviation of Identity Access Management. It’s a service provided by AWS Cloud that helps one to create user account and groups and manage their access to a AWS services and resources securely. IAM is global service and has no additional fees associated to it.
37.Explain various types of user accounts in AWS Cloud?
Root User is an Owner Account (administrator) and is created with the creation of AWS Account. It has full access by a default to all services and resources in the AWS account. This user cannot be explicitly denied access to a AWS resources or services with IAM Policies. In order to limit permissions to this user account, one has to do so with a AWS Organization Service Control Policy (SCP). Some specific tasks like closing an AWS Account can only be finished by the AWS Account Root User only.
IAM User is standard user account that has no permission to any AWS service or resource. This account is either created by a root user or an IAM administrator. IAM Policies are used to explain permissions to this user account. All the user, that need to login in AWS Management Console, or configure services or access a resources programmatically, can have their individual IAM user account with various set of policies associated to them. Certain like closing an AWS Account cannot be accomplished by this user account.
38.Describe the key elements used in a JSON schema of an IAM policy?
- Version
- Statement
- Sid
- Effect
- Action
- Resource
39.What is Identity based policy in a AWS IAM?
Identity based policy are the most frequently used in JSON permissions policy document. It’s used to control an actions of an identity (Individual user, group of users or a role) can perform on AWS Resource under certain circumstance.
40.What are the types of Identity based policy ina AWS IAM?
Managed Policy: It’s simply a policy that can apply on an individual IAM user, group of users or role in an AWS account.
Inline Policy: These policies are dedicated to a particular identity i.e. user, group or role. These policies are deleted as identity associated is deleted. These policies maintain strict, one-to-one relationship with the associated identity and can’t be associated to various identity.
41.What is MFA support for IAM?
MFA stands for a Multi-Factor Authentication. IAM MFA offers an additional layer of security by prompting a user for username and password and additionally requiring the user to also enter a code generated by the MFA device associated with user account for entering a AWS management console. To setup MFA for an account, one simply require to buy a hardware device or simply install a free virtual MFA app on his mobile, other than this no extra cost is an associated.
42. What are the identity pillars?
“The Five Pillars of Identity” is the name of an integrated psychological paradigm proposed by German psychologist Hilarion Petzold. Our physical selves, our relationships with others, our place of employment, our financial security, and our moral principles are shown as the five pillars upon which the model rests.
43.Explain what is T2 instances is?
T2 instances are designed to offer a moderate baseline performance and the capability to burst to more performance as required by the workload.
44. What is an Amazon EMR?
EMR is a survived cluster stage which helps to interpret the working of data structures before an intimation. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark on the Amazon Web Services help to investigate a large amount of data. can prepare data for the analytics goals and marketing an intellect workloads using Apache Hive and using the other relevant open-source designs.
45.What’s AWS IAM?
The IAM’s full form is an Identity and access management.
46.Are root users and IAM users the same?
No, the root user is also called a master user. The IAM user is subset of a root user.
47.In the IAM service, can monitor the IAM user activity?
Yes, can monitor the actives of IAM users. If any violation, can remove access for IAM user.
48.How authentication is controlled in IAM service?
- Can mange the users. Can control the access keys, passwords, multifactor authentication.
- Manages federated users.
49.What is a federated user access management?
A user who is allowed to access the AWS resources from third-party vendors like Google, Facebook, Linked In, Corporate credentials, etc.
50.What is Authorization in terms of a AWS IAM service?
It’s to offer authorization for certain AWS resources – not all.The best example is providing a read-only access to the ‘S3’ service.
51.How to control Authorization in a AWS IAM?
Can control authorization by a creating policies.
52. What are the four components of a IAM?
- Privileged Account Management (PAM)
- Identity Administration
- User Activity Monitoring (UAM)
- Access a Governance.
53.What’s the other name of IAM user?
Also be called a IAM entity.
54.What is CloudTrail in a AWS?
It’s a service, which records a logs of every IAM entity. So that can use these logs for auditing and compliance purposes.
55.What are the 5 top security credentials in a AWS IAM?
- User-id and Password.
- E-mail address and Password.
- Access Keyes.
- Key pair.
- Multi-factor authentication.
56.What are the Temporary Security Credentials?
These are a short-lived security credentials. These users can create from a AWSSTS service (AWS security Token Service).
57.What are the AWS IAM roles?
User – Specific a IAM entity.
Group – These people will have the same type of Access.
58.What are top AWS IAM Roles?
In AWS IAM there are 2 types of a roles. The IAM user will have the permanent identity. The federated user (Question# 5) will not have identity.
59.What is IAM Hierarchy of Privileges?
- Root user.
- IAM user.
- user with temporary credentials.
60.What are the key capabilities provided by a AWS IAM?
Access control to AWS resources – IAM enabled a fine-grained access control to AWS resources and APIs. IAM enabled to access control by specific conditions like by time of day, by an originating IP address, by SSL, by MFA etc.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) – IAM provides a capability for MFA, which augments the basic authentication with the MFA token/device based authentication.
61.What is a AWS account root user?
Root user is the user id (email id) and password used to first create a AWS account. Root user has finish access to all the AWS services and resources in an account. After creating the AWS account, it is recommended to made a separate admin user to manage admin and everyday tasks, instead of using a root user.
62.What are the AWS policies?
Policies are objects in an AWS that are associated with an entity or AWS resources to define their permissions. Policies are saved in AWS as JSON objects. AWS supports 6 types of policies: identity-based policies, resource-based policies, permissions boundaries, Organizations SCPs, ACLs, and session policies.
63.How can send a request to Amazon S3?
Amazon S3 is the REST service, and can send a request by using the REST API or the AWS SDK wrapper libraries that a wrap the underlying Amazon S3 REST API.
64. What is the best IAM tool?
- SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (FREE TRIAL)
- ManageEngine ADManager Plus (FREE TRIAL)
- ManageEngine ADAudit Plus (FREE TRIAL)
- Microsoft Azure Active Directory
- Oracle Identity Cloud Service
- IBM Security Identity and Access Assurance
- SailPoint IdentityIQ
- Ping Identity.
65.In VPC with private and public subnets, database servers should ideally be launched into a which subnet?
With private and public subnets in the VPC, database servers should ideally launch into a private subnets.
66.Explain how the buffer is used in an Amazon web services?
The buffer is used to make a system more robust to manage traffic or load by synchronizing various components. Usually, components receive and process the requests in unbalanced way. With the help of buffer, the components will be balanced and will work at a same speed to provide faster services.
67.What are the key-pairs in AWS?
Key-pairs are secured login information for the virtual machines. To connect to the instances, can use key-pairs which contain public-key and private-key.
68.Is the property of broadcast or multicast supported by a Amazon VPC?
No, currently Amazon VPI does not provide a support for the broadcast or multicast.
69.How many Elastic IPs are allowed to created by a AWS?
5 VPC Elastic IP addresses are allowed for every AWS account.
70.Explain default storage class in a S3?
The default storage class is Standard frequently accessed.
71.What are Roles?
Roles are used to provide a permissions to entities which can trust within the AWS account. Roles are very same to users. However, with roles, do not need to create any username and password to work with a resources.
72.What are edge locations?
Edge location is area where the contents will be cached. So, when a user is trying to access the any content, the content will automatically be searched in a edge location.
73.What is a VPC?
VPC stands for a Virtual Private Cloud. It allows to customize the networking configuration. It is a network which is logically isolated from another network in a cloud. It allows to have the IP address range, internet gateways, subnet, and security groups.
74.Explain a snowball?
Snowball is data transport option. It used for source appliances to a large amount of data into and out of AWS. With the help of a snowball, can transfer a big amount of data from one place to another. It helps to reduce a networking costs.
75.What is redshift?
Redshift is the big data warehouse product. It is a fast and powerful, fully managed data warehouse service in a cloud.
76.What is meant by a subnet?
A large section of IP Addresses divided into a chunks is known as a subnets.
77.Can establish a Peering connection to VPC in a different region?
Yes, can establish a peering connection to a VPC in a various region. It is called an inter-region VPC peering connection.
78.What is a SQS?
Simple Queue Service is also known as a SQS. It is distributed queuing service which acts as mediator for a two controllers.
79.How many subnets can have per VPC?
Can have a 200 subnets per VPC.
80.DNS and Load Balancer service comes under which type of a cloud service?
DNS and Load Balancer and DNS services come under the IAAS-storage cloud service.
81.What is the role of an AWS CloudTrail?
CloudTrail is a specially designed tool for logging and tracing API calls. It helps to an audit all S3 bucket accesses.
82.When was EC2 are officially launched?
EC2are officially launched in a year 2006.
83.What is a SimpleDB?
SimpleDB is a data repository of structure record which support data doubts and indexing both S3 and EC2 are called SimpleDB.
84.Explain a Amazon ElasticCache?
Amazon Elasticcache is the web service which makes itsimple to deploy, scale and save data in the cloud.
85.What is the AWS Lambda?
Lambda is an Amazon compute service which allows to run a code in an AWS Cloud without managing servers.
86.Name the types of an AMI provided by AWS?
- Instance store backed.
- EBS backed.
87.Name the AWS service that exists only to a redundantly cache data and images?
AWS Edge locations are services that are redundantly cache data and images.
88.Explain Geo Restriction in the CloudFront?
A Geo-restriction feature helps to prevent a users of specific geographic locations from the accessing content which are distributing through a CloudFront web distribution.
89. What is difference between a IAM and SSO?
While these two solutions do offer some of a same capabilities, SSO is really just a component of a more IAM solution. After all, more SSO portals lack automated provisioning and a deprovisioning, strong authentication, and full identity governance—all need functions and capabilities of the complete IAM solution.
90.What is the boot time taken for an instance stored backed AMI?
The boot time for an Amazon instance are store-backend AMI is less than 5 minutes.
91.Do need an internet gateway to use a peering connections?
Yes, the Internet gateway is needed to used a VPC (virtual private cloud peering) connections.
92.How to connect a EBS volume to multiple instances?
cannot be able to connect a EBS volume to multiple instances. However, can connect a various EBS Volumes to a single instance.
93.List various types of cloud services?
- Software as a Service (SaaS).
- Data as a Service (DaaS).
- Platform as a Service (PaaS).
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
94.State the difference between the Instance and AMI?
AMI is template consisting of software configuration part. For example an Operating systems, applications, application servers if start an instance, a duplicate of the AMI in a row as attendant in a cloud.
95.What are the various types of Load Balancers in AWS services?
- Application Load Balancer.
- Classic Load Balancer.
96.In which situation that will select provisioned IOPS over Standard RDS storage?
Should select a provisioned IOPS storage over standard RDS storage if want to perform a batch-related workloads.
97.What are the important features of the Amazon cloud search?
- Boolean searches.
- Prefix Searches.
- Range searches.
- Entire text search.
- AutoComplete advice.
98.Can vertically scaling is allowed to Amazon Instance?
Yes, can vertically estimate a one Amazon instance.
99.What is the use of lifecycle hooks in an Autoscaling?
Lifecycle hooks are used for an autoscaling to put an additional wait time to the scale in or scale out event.
100.What are different layers of Cloud Architecture explained in AWS training?
- Cloud controller.
- Cluster controller.
- Storage Controller.
- Node Controller.
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