Augumented Reality And Virtual Reality Tutorial

Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Tutorial

Last updated on 25th Sep 2020, Blog, Tutorials

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The border between the virtual and real world continues to break down, providing breathtaking experiences that, a short time ago, could only be found in the imagination of sci-fi writers.

Virtual Reality (VR) has been the “next big thing” for several years, but its time has finally come as a way to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that put you smack in the middle of a spectacular imaginary world. Augmented Reality (AR), which adds virtual stuff to your real world environment, is contributing to the buzz, and both technologies should become a big part of our future. With Mixed Reality (MR), you can play a virtual video game, grab your real world water bottle, and smack an imaginary character from the game with the bottle. Imagination and reality have never been so intermingled.

The History and Future of Virtual Reality

We’ve been trying to capture “Virtual Reality” for much longer than just the past five to ten years. There were popular peer-through toys in the 1950s and enclosed flight simulators debuted in the 1960s, but the idea of VR goes back even further.

As early as the 1930s, science fiction writers, inventors, and tinkerers dreamt of an environment where you could escape from reality via art and machines. We were weighing questions about Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality vs. Mixed Reality long before we had the technology to make them possible.

Technology has caught up to fiction, and market researchers predict rapid growth for the VR industry.

VR and AR Meet MR

First things first, let’s define the terminology. Virtual Reality can be used as an umbrella term to describe other technologies similar to, but different from, an actual Virtual Reality experience. But what’s the difference between Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality? Here are some more details:

Virtual Reality

VR is the most widely known of these technologies. It is fully immersive, which tricks your senses into thinking you’re in a different environment or world apart from the real world. Using a head-mounted display (HMD) or headset, you’ll experience a computer-generated world of imagery and sounds in which you can manipulate objects and move around using haptic controllers while tethered to a console or PC.

Augmented Reality

AR overlays digital information on real-world elements. Pokémon GO* is among the best-known examples. Augmented reality keeps the real world central but enhances it with other digital details, layering new strata of perception, and supplementing your reality or environment.

Mixed Reality

MR brings together real world and digital elements. In mixed reality, you interact with and manipulate both physical and virtual items and environments, using next-generation sensing and imaging technologies. Mixed Reality allows you to see and immerse yourself in the world around you even as you interact with a virtual environment using your own hands—all without ever removing your headset. It provides the ability to have one foot (or hand) in the real world, and the other in an imaginary place, breaking down basic concepts between real and imaginary, offering an experience that can change the way you game and work today.

Using Virtual Reality Technologies

From gaming, to movies, to medicine, the uses for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality are expanding.

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What You’ll Need: Headsets

There are many, many VR headsets available, all with varying performance levels and prices. Entry-level gear, such as Google Cardboard*, uses your mobile phone as the screen, whereas PC-operated devices, like the HTC Vive* or Oculus Rift*, are immersive—providing a premium VR environment. Microsoft has recently announced their Windows* 10 Mixed Reality platform that initially uses fully immersive headsets offered by Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung.

Some AR headsets are available on the market today, with more rumored to be coming in the future. The Microsoft Hololens*, Google Glass*, and the Meta 2* headset are great examples.

Every PC-connected HMD will have different system requirements, so if you’re buying a new Virtual Reality headset, make sure you check with the HMD vendor for their recommended and minimum system requirements.

What You’ll Need: Computers

If you are looking for a new computer and you’re interested in VR, you’ll need something that can handle heavy loads. When it comes to high-end desktops or laptops for Virtual Reality (and other advanced tasks like gaming or video editing), the CPU, GPU, and memory are the most critical components.

Without these high-performing components working in sync, you could have a pretty miserable experience. A powerful system will ensure that you’ll have fun as you lean in, stand up, or walk around. VR that lags makes it impossible for the virtual world to respond as you expect, which can lead to more than just disappointment; it increases the risk of motion sickness.

A high-end processor assists in positional tracking and controls how real and immersive your virtual environment will be, so you’ll enjoy a deeper experience in a higher-fidelity environment. For a great VR experience, consider the latest generation Intel® Core™ i7 processor.

A discrete graphics processing unit (GPU) is recommended, or in the case of Oculus Rift*, HTC Vive*, and Windows Mixed Reality Ultra*, it is required. The GPU is responsible for rendering the high resolution, immersive images needed for VR. Oculus, HTC, and Microsoft all have profiler tools that you can download from their websites, and you can use to run on your PC to determine if it meets the minimum requirements for their VR headsets.

Choose Your Experience

New VR and AR technologies and products continue to come to market, making new environments accessible to the masses. Virtual, Augmented, Mixed—the choice for a new reality is up to you. Let your imagination, and your readiness to try new gear, enhance your experience!

Key VR Terms to Know

Use this chart to learn more VR terms and definitions.

TermDescriptionWhy It Matters
Frames per second (FPS)Frequency at which a system can display consecutive images, or framesWithout a high and constant frame rate (greater than 60 FPS), the motion won’t look right, and you could even feel sick
Field of viewThe angle of the observable world that can be seenIf the window of view is too narrow, you could end up making unnatural head rotations
Degrees of Freedom (DoF)The number of directions that an object can move or rotate. The six degrees of freedom are pitch, roll, yaw, left and right, forward and backward, up and downMore DoFs allow you to move more naturally in VR
LatencyThe amount of time it takes a system to react/respond to movements or commandsLatency is critical when it comes to the presence inside Virtual Reality—if the system doesn’t respond instantly, it doesn’t feel real.
Augmented -Reality- And- Virtual -Reality -Tutorial

Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples of augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokemon Go. 

Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world. Using VR devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, users can be transported into a number of real-world and imagined environments such as the middle of a squawking penguin colony or even the back of a dragon.

In a Mixed Reality (MR) experience, which combines elements of both AR and VR, real-world and digital objects interact. Mixed reality technology is just now starting to take off with Microsoft’s HoloLens one of the most notable early mixed reality apparatuses.

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term that covers all of the various technologies that enhance our senses, whether they’re providing additional information about the actual world or creating totally unreal, simulated worlds for us to experience. It includes Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies. 


It takes some sophisticated technology to create Augmented Reality (AR) experiences. How does Augmented Reality work? It all comes down to location, location, location (and identification, identification, identification).

The Equipment

AR images can be displayed on a multitude of devices including eyeglasses and goggles (remember Google Glass?), headsets, and heads-up displays like helmet visors, but the most common way to use AR these days is on a smartphone, in a variety of apps and games.  

Types of AR

There are two broad types of augmented reality, these being marker-based and markerless.

Marker-based AR uses image recognition to identify objects that have been preprogrammed into your AR device or app. Fiducial markers (something placed in the field of view for use as a point of reference) help the AR device determine the position and orientation (called pose) of its camera.

Here’s how it works: First, the camera feed is switched to grayscale to speed up processing time. When it detects a marker (often something simple but distinct, like a QR code), the device compares the information from the marker with all the markers in its brain. Once it finds a match, it uses the marker’s information to mathematically determine the pose and it then displays the AR image at the exact right place.

For example, let’s say you’re in a museum like The Franklin Institute. By pointing your phone’s camera at a marker on an information plaque, you might be able to instantly see more about the artifact at which you’re looking.

Markerless AR is a bit trickier. Not having markers means that nothing has been preprogrammed into your device—it has to recognize items on the fly. The recognition algorithm in your device looks for patterns, colors, or other features that might tip it off.

Let’s take the popular mobile game Pokemon Go as an example. The incredibly popular game tracks your location via GPS, then uses geographic data and your phone’s clock to choose when and where to have Pokemon characters appear. For example, if you’re walking by a river in the daytime, you might see a water-loving creature. If you’re out at night, chances are you’ll spot a fairy or other nocturnal type. The game uses your phone’s GPS, accelerometer, and compass to orient itself—and then it uses the camera to overlay an image of a Pikachu or a Jigglypuff within your real-life surroundings.

To cut a long story short, here’s the difference between virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies:

  • Virtual reality (VR) immerses users in a fully artificial digital environment.
  • Augmented reality (AR) overlays virtual objects on the real-world environment.
  • Mixed reality (MR) not just overlays but anchors virtual objects to the real world.
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Virtual Reality

This technology immerses users in a completely virtual environment that is generated by a computer. The most advanced VR experiences even provide freedom of movement – users can move in a digital environment and hear sounds. Moreover, special hand controllers can be used to enhance VR experiences.

You need to wear a special VR headset to experience virtual reality. Most VR headsets are connected to a computer (Oculus Rift) or a gaming console (PlayStation VR) but there are standalone devices (Google Cardboard is among the most popular) as well. Most standalone VR headsets work in combination with smartphones – you insert a smartphone, wear a headset, and immerse in the virtual reality.

Immersive videos

Have you ever noticed a small cardboard icon when watching videos on YouTube? It enables the 360-degree mode that means you can wear a VR headset and experiences fully immersive videos. 360-degree videos are considered a form of VR.

Augmented Reality

In augmented reality, users see and interact with the real world while digital content is added to it. If this sounds unclear think of Pokemon Go – millions of people all over the world have been rushing with their smartphones in search for small virtual creatures. That’s the most vivid example of augmented reality.

If you own a modern smartphone, you can easily download an AR app and try this technology. There’s a different way to experience augmented reality, though – with special AR headsets, such as Google Glass, where digital content is displayed on a tiny screen in front of a user’s eye.

Mixed Reality

This is the most recent development in reality technologies that sometimes causes confusion, primarily because different experiences are called so. Without going too deep into science, let’s look at two forms of reality technologies that are referred to as mixed reality (we’ve mentioned just one of them at the very beginning):

  • Mixed reality that starts with the real world – virtual objects are not just overlaid on the real world but can interact with it. In this case, a user remains in the real-world environment while digital content is added to it; moreover, a user can interact with virtual objects. This form of mixed reality can be considered an advanced form of AR. If you can’t figure out how this works.
  • Mixed reality that starts with the virtual world – the digital environment is anchored to and replaces the real world. In this case, a user is fully immersed in the virtual environment while the real world is blocked out. Sounds like virtual reality, right? In fact it does, but the digital objects overlap the real ones whereas in conventional VR the virtual environment isn’t connected to the real world around a user. To experience this form of mixed reality, you can wear Windows mixed reality headsets. 

If you want to learn more about VR, AR, and MR as well as find out what devices you need to experience these technologies, have a look at this tutorial. It will help you better understand how these technologies work and – more importantly – how businesses can apply them.

 Types -of- AR

Careers in Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality, with its synergy and interaction can aid a lot of sectors for the only reason that it is practical and interactive with its overlaid display and information, also making it easier to work with.

Software Engineer, 3D Professional, Augment Reality Developer, 3D game developer, Unity Developer, Technical Architect AR, Consultant AR, AR designer etc. are some of the jobs in AR.

Facilitating Education and Knowledge

Visually, anything explained is better understood. One advantage AR has over VR is, the information is seen on actual things rather than a projected, virtual view. It is all about layering the data and to manipulate, it is a more practical way to impart education. Museums, art exhibits and even artists are using AR to improve the viewers’ experience. And the convenience of apps and software can be downloaded on smartphones, tablets and computer screens or virtual projection.

Augmented reality developers have already been working on this side of the entertainment for quite some time now and AR designers are using creative ways to make learning and art more appealing and memorable.

Industrial Maintenance

Industrial- Maintenance

Companies use this technology to better inspect the progress and results before completion. Riding the paperwork, layouts and replacing with cameras and software saves much more time and energy, hence increasing productivity and in turn influencing work behavior.

Engineers and architects combine forces with AR engineers and programmers to visually assemble the right information and technology that can help their firm and productivity.



To be able to view the defect and solve the problem and in a shorter period of time will be much more welcome in this field. Surgeries that require additional information for surgeons is displayed and this can reduce human error by a large margin. Infrared viewer and other ways to study the human body are being utilized and a technology that can merge X-rays and medical reports and information on how to cure health problems will be ground-breaking.

This sector requires specialized and expert players in the AR field that have some knowledge from the medical world so as to avoid error and mistakes. Hospitals are being approached with businesses that can provide customized and professional solutions to matters they face every day. It is a big change in this industry but efforts are being made constantly to improve the functions and reliability of these machines.

Navigation and Task Support

 Navigation -and -Task -Support

Whether it is GPS based programs or location information that can be displayed on the windscreen. Keeping in mind, the hazards and without obstructing the view of the driver, rider or passenger; urban exploration is also a sector.

Augmented Reality has been used for quite some time now and in any sort of vehicle. Being able to hold up a screen out the window and getting necessary information is also something users are keen on. There are multiple ways AR can be used in these fields and progress is made with every passing day.

AR professionals are tying up with car companies, travel businesses and social firms that can use this industrial science to their best advantage.

Entertainment, Marketing and Social Media

 Entertainment - Marketing -and -Social -Media

Pokemon Go was the latest example that used Augmented Reality to its advantage, followed by many others. Shopping experience and virtual trial rooms are improving day by day so that the sellers and marketers can give the customer a whole experience without having to physically do a lot. Decorating your home virtually, stimulating brand recognition and memorability, trying on different makeup and clothes, being virtually present at the game, enjoying TV and videos to the maximum potential and being able to point the screen at an object or person and obtaining information and establishing communication is the future we are looking at and marketing agencies, Social AR software engineers and AR techies and the entertainment industry are working together for it to be possible soon.

Careers in Virtual Reality

When it comes to information, the internet has spoilt us and convenience is key. Concurrently, being able to get your hands on this technology and related items has played a major role in sales and marketing where VR can help with. All the bigwigs seem to be moving to a virtual world, with the biggest hirers including Facebook, Apple, Oculus VR, Google, Walt Disney, Samsung, John Deere and many more upcoming ventures with demand for this skill has a 37% increase in jobs in connected fields.

Software Engineers, 3D professional, developer, Associated User Experience Designer, etc. are some jobs roles that are created in the VR field.

Major sectors where Virtual Reality can be helpful are:

Entertainment Industry


The top contender that VR has its hands in, is the Gaming Industry. LazyBoss Paper Chuck, SpaceQuest, HOVR, Artsy, Candy Kingdom, Arkham VR, BattleZone VR, DriveClub VR are among the bounteous games that are enhanced with the virtual experience.


Entropia Universe, a digital world with an economy where players can actually do transactions with virtual money (bought with real money) is a small example where games are integrating life situations and using them to create an alternate universe but still keeping the real world alive.

Movies and Videos

 Movies -and -Videos

More and more videos are made in VR software so that the viewer feels a part of the experience completely. The future of 3D movies is VR and a possibility in the near years.

Concerts and Theatre

Concerts and plays are taking a leap ahead with utilizing VR technology to compliment the music and sights to increase the amusement of those attending the events.

Software engineers, 3D artists, computer science professionals, Web Developers, avatar programmers, research and development, mobile developers are all sought for in this field.

Aviation, Medicine and Military

The second most important use for VR is training; military, healthcare, education. Using VR means, being able to create situations where the viewers can react accordingly and is the next best option to “field experience”. Imparting education can be made practical with virtual reality and it can also help doctors and patients with surgeries that can in turn, help in healing. Virtual Reality is already being used as therapy for patients who suffer from phobias, fears, memory loss, mental illness, emotional strength etc.

Aviation- Medicine- and -Military

Technical knowledge can help to work with these sectors to create a customized virtual reality tour that can help trainees in obtaining maximum reality experience.

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Marketing and Product Development

Marketers are trying everything they can to sell their product. With the technology of VR, companies can show the buyer how their life will be, if they buy their product. The immersion and memorability of a product or service is enhanced by using sensory additions to their VR videos and the client can get lured in. Not only that, but designing products and services and their status can be monitored to limit errors and to improve productivity.

Only a matter of time before VR will be used extensively and in the most creative ways possible leading to more jobs for VR techies.


Shopping can be made easier with utilizing the tools of virtual imagery and effective visible access. Customers can visualize the product physically on themselves or in the space they wish to shop for and can even manipulate the product to get a better prospective. Many prominent companies have already joined the VR bandwagon.


Design and Architecture

This field benefits a lot with virtual reality tours, studying the scope of the development and design, to envision and tour of structure and practicality of architecture, and to be able to view the build from different locations will affect the sales and can be useful for businesses across the globe.

Development and architectural institutions can work with VR to assist their work and clients can put their view across more effectively.

Travel and Tourism

This can be a shortcut to all the travel anxieties where travelers can take a look at the places where they want to travel, beforehand and get acquainted easily.

Travel -and -Tourism

Adventure and Hobbies

If you don’t have the convenience of a certain adventure or hobby or sport that you wish to try, go VR! Minus the commitment or the danger and you can experience firsthand at how it feels to actually do what experts and professionals make it seem so easy. Bunjee Jumping, paragliding, water sports, outdoor or even indoor activities all can be experienced with the VR gadgetry. This mechanization can also help with training and learning.

Every sector, looking to use Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality in its firm has to introduce changes right from the Marketing and Sales Department, through the Software Engineers, IT professionals, to Vision Engineers – backend and operations, Vision programmer, Research Engineer, Software developer, AR/VR Designer, to project manager and tech support. All roles, combined with the information and expertise of Augmented or Virtual knowledge can work in any field.

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