Python sleep LEARNOVITA

Python Sleep Method | Free Guide Tutorial & REAL-TIME Examples

Last updated on 02nd Nov 2022, Artciles, Blog

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Nirvi (Python developer )

Nirvi is a Python developer with 7+ years of experience in the Hadoop ecosystem, Sqoop, Hive, Spark, Scala, HBase, MapReduce, and NoSQL databases, such as HBase, Cassandra, and MongoDB. She spends most of her time researching technology and startups.

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    • In this article you will get
    • What is Sleep() in Python?
    • How to use the Python sleep() function?
    • Adding a Python sleep() call with decorators
    • Reasons to use Python sleep()
    • Benefits of using Python sleep()
    • Differences between sleep() and time.sleep()
    • Conclusion

What is Sleep() in Python?

Python’s sleep() method is a helpful tool for postponing programme execution. It causes a brief programme stop, enabling programmers to manage the timing of their code and ensure that time-sensitive processes are finished in the right sequence.

Syntax of Sleep():

  • sleep(seconds)


  • #include <"unistd.h">
  • int main()
  • {
  • // Sleep for 5 seconds
  • sleep(5);
  • return 0;
  • }
Python Sleep( ) Function

How to use the Python sleep() function?

The current thread’s execution can be stopped using the Python sleep() method for a specified period of time. It is helpful for having your software wait for a predetermined period of time before continuing execution.

Simply use the sleep() method with the duration in seconds you want the application to pause:

  • import time
  • time.
  • sleep(5)

This will cause the software to pause for 5 seconds before restarting.The sleep() method may also be used in a loop to pause the application for a predetermined amount of time in between iterations:

  • while True:
  • # Do something here
  • time.
  • sleep(5)

Adding a Python sleep() call with decorators

In Python, a function that accepts another function as an input and modifies it implicitly is known as a decorator. It is one of Python’s most potent features. Usually, we call the decorators before we define the function we wish to decorate.


  • import time
  • def timed_function(function):
  • def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  • start = time.time()
  • result = function(*args, **kwargs)
  • end = time.time()
  • print(f”{function.__name__} took {end – start} sec”)
  • return result
  • return wrapper
  • @timed_function
  • def add_two_numbers(a, b):
  • time.sleep(2)
  • return a + b
  • print(add_two_numbers(10, 20))

Reasons to use Python sleep()

Synchronise operations in a script:The Python sleep() method allows you to synchronise actions in a script. This is important if you want to ensure that particular processes execute in a specified sequence or at specific intervals.

Wait for an event to occur:Before continuing with a script, you may need to wait for an event to occur. Sleep() instructs the script to wait until a certain event happens.

Provide a delay between tasks:Use the sleep() method to temporarily halt the script before resuming it if you need to create a delay between two actions.

Create a looping timer:A looping timer that will carry out a certain operation after a predetermined length of time may be made using the sleep() method. For jobs that must run repeatedly, this can be used to build a looping schedule.

Simulate real-time applications The sleep() method allows you to emulate real-time applications by briefly halting the script. Testing and debugging scripts that include timing-sensitive tasks might benefit from using this.

Multithreading in Python:

Let’s start with processes and threads before we go into the sleep() technique in multithreaded systems.A computer programme is an instruction set. The execution of such instructions is defined as a process.The process is subdivided into threads. A thread can be one or several.


  • import threading
  • import time
  • def print_numbers():
  • for x in range(1, 11):
  • time.sleep(1)
  • print(x)
  • thread = threading.Thread(target=print_numbers)
  • thread.start()
  • print(“Threading has started”)

Benefits of using Python sleep()

1.Improved Programming Performance:Developers can prevent overloading a programme by using the sleep() method. Developers may guarantee that their code runs properly and effectively by introducing a delay.

2.Reduced Risk of Errors:Developers lower the possibility of mistakes arising from competing programmes operating concurrently by adding a delay between them. This is very useful for creating intricate programmes.

3.Improved User Experience:Sleep() delays can assist enhance the user experience by allowing the system to respond to user inputs more rapidly. This can result in programmes that are speedier and more responsive.

4.Increased Security:By reducing the amount of time hostile programmes have to penetrate a system, the sleep() function’s delays can improve programme security. Data breaches and other security concerns may be less likely as a result.

Multithreading in Python

Common errors when using the Python sleep() function:

Not catching the timeouterror:A TimeoutError is thrown if the sleep() method is invoked with an insufficient timeout value. Catching and correcting this issue is crucial.

Not using the correct argument type:The sleep() method accepts float or int arguments. A TypeError will be thrown if a different type is given.

Not using the correct units:The sleep() method accepts seconds as input rather than minutes, hours, or other time units.

Not using the appropriate context manager:If the timeout value is omitted while using the sleep() method in a context manager, a ValueError will be thrown.

Differences between sleep() and time.sleep()

The Unix operating system’s sleep() function may be used to pause a program’s execution for a predetermined period of time. The Python Standard Library’s time.sleep() method may be used to halt a program’s execution for a predetermined period of time. Compared to time.sleep, the sleep() method is simpler and offers less functionality (). A program’s execution can be paused using the time.sleep() method rather than the sleep() function, which can only do so for complete seconds. Additionally, sleep() cannot accept a float parameter, although time.sleep() may.

Alternatives to Python sleep():

    1. 1.Using time.wait()
    2. 2.Using time.sleep() and a loop
    3. 3.Using threading.Event.wait()
    4. 4.Using asyncio.sleep()
    5. 5.Using multiprocessing.Process()
    6. 6.Using signal.pause()
    7. 7.Using
    8. 8.Using
    9. 9.Using tkinter.after()
    10. 10.Using a Queue() object


In this article we see about Python’s time.sleep() function in this post. Let us summarise everything we have seen thus far in the article.In Python, the sleep() method suspends the current thread’s execution for a specified amount of seconds.The time module must be imported before we can utilise the sleep() method in Python.The time.sleep() method can be used in multithreaded systems.The time.sleep() method is quite useful in situations such as working with online APIs, downloading files, and so forth. We may use it to create delays in our code in a variety of ways.

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