Crystal reports interview questions LEARNOVITA

30+ REAL-TIME Crystal Reports Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated on 22nd Sep 2022, Blog, Interview Question

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Sanjay (Sr Big Data DevOps Engineer )

Highly Expertise in Respective Industry Domain with 7+ Years of Experience Also, He is a Technical Blog Writer for Past 4 Years to Renders A Kind Of Informative Knowledge for JOB Seeker

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1.Justify concerning Crystal Reports?


Crystal report could be a window based mostly report author that allows the technologist to form reports from completely different knowledge sources with a minimum of written code. Crystal report will access knowledge from numerous knowledge-bases and might synchronize data from multiple databases into one report.

2. Justify however you’ll be able to connect crystal reports to the databases?


To connect crystal report back to the databases, there square measure 2 ways in which :

  • Use crystal report in-built question

3. Justify whether or not it’s attainable to form our own formulas in crystal reports?


Yes, it’s attainable to form your own formulas in Crystal reports. For that from the insert menu item select “Formula Field”. Write the formula in “Formula Editor”, here you’ll see “Function Tree” , “Field Tree” , “Operator Tree” which is able to show the report fields, functions supported by crystal reports, operators etc.

4. Is it attainable to edit SQL created by Crystal Reports?


No, it’s uphill to edit SQL created by crystal reports, but you’ll be able to read the SQL.

5. Justify however you’ll be able to enhance the performance of Crystal Reports?


Avoid mistreatment sub-reports because it hampers the performance:

  • Use report explosive indexes

6. Mention what all new options square measure out there in SAP Crystal?


In SAP Crystal, you have got following options :

  • Streamlines report style
  • Improvement to knowledge sources
  • Mobile and viewer support
  • OEM and developer options

7. Mention what knowledge supply that SAP business one supports for Crystal reports?


For crystal reports the data-source that SAP business one supports square measure :

  • SAP Business One
  • OLE decibel (ADO.

8. List out a number of the key variations between SSRS and Crystal Report?


SSRS has table base style pattern whereas in Cr you’ll be able to place objects anyplace :

  • Export to surpass in SSRS is simple than Crystal Report.
  • To manage your knowledge crystal report have many choices whereas SSRS.
  • Crystal report has shopper aspect report creation API, that permits the shopper to switch and build new reports.
  • SSRS uses expressions whereas Crystal Report uses formula in C and basic.
  • SSRS is compatible with Share-point lists and might generate reports supported lists.
  • Both of them support OLAP connections.

9. Mention what’s the final syntax for making SAP business one token?


To create SAP business token the final syntax includes :

  • @ SELECT….FROM…..WHERE, the choose command isn’t necessary for all tables.

10. Justify however you’ll be able to edit crystal reports layout in SAP business one?


To edit crystal reports layout within the SAP business one :

1. attend the most menu of the SAP business one -> select administration -> started -> General -> Report & Layout Manager.

2. In the Report & Layout Manager window, within the navigation panel on the left, scroll right down to the document style of the layout you wish to edit.

3. within the work house on the correct, choose the crystal reports layout you wish to edit and choose edit.

11.Justify however you’ll produce a bar-code in crystal reports?


To create a bar-code in crystal reports, you have got to follow the subsequent steps :

1. In crystal report, from the most menu -> Click on read -> style -> Field individual.

2. select formula field and click on on New icon on the highest of the menu bar.

3. Enter the name for the new formula like MYUPCEANBarcode and click on OK.

4. currently enter the name and argument into the editor UPCA (.. The item_barcode is the table name and field name from the information supply. Click on Save and shut.

5. The new operate can seem in Field individual currently, to use it drag/drop it onto the report.

6. Drag the sphere onto the report and tack its font properties.

7. Report is prepared, click on the preview to ascertain or print.

12. Mention what number subreports are superimposed within the MainReport?


In the MainReport, you’ll add 255 sub reports, and you can’t add sub-report below a sub-report.

13. Justify however you’ll export a crystal report with connected subreports into one surpass sheet?


  • First produce a main report and subreport discreetly
  • Now open the most report and within the insert menu, select subreport possibility
  • In sub-report possibility, “select AN existing report”
  • Choose the sub-report that’s already created
  • Place the link between the most report and Subreport with the fields needed
  • Now, export the report back to surpass Format.

14. Justify however you’ll burst crystal reports by email?


There are historically 3 ways to burst crystal reports by email :

  • Using a PDF tool
  • Using Crystal Reports computer hardware like CRD
  • Data driven commercial enterprise technique

15. Mention if there are any unit limitations of the crystal report?


Limitation of crystal report includes :

  • If information has field whose length is over 255 characters then you can not create formula victimization that field.
  • Formatting is lost whereas commercialism information.
  • By right clicking on the sector you’ll be able to browse information that’s within the information and not the info chosen by the question.

16. Mention whether or not we will use our own SQL for making a report?


You can produce your own question by victimizing the tool “Crystal SQL Designer”. you’ll be able to insert your own SQL statement, it’ll save your file as “.qry”. Also, whereas making a report rather than victimization the “Database” button uses the “Crystal SQL Statement” button.

17. Justify what it will mean once you select Enforce to, Enforce and or Enforce from in Crystal Report?


Enforce and, Enforce to or Enforce from in crystal reports area unit chosen to enforce link created in report. imposing a link between tables makes certain that the report’s individual SQL uses this link, in spite of whether or not fields are a unit needed from one or each of the concerned tables. The default operation is unenforced links, which suggests that the crystal report uses the link as long as the report’s choice statement desires it.

18.Can we have a tendency to use Crystal report as a complete application?


Generally we have a tendency to use Crystal Reports with VB6. but we are able to build crystal report complete applications additionally. except for that limitation is for viewing the report user ought to have crystal reports put in on his/her laptop.

19.How can we format fields?


For data format any field good click on that and you may get several choices like ‘Format Field.’ ‘Browse field data’ etc. Click on ‘Format Field.’ you’ll align information, suppress, build it multi-line, modify the font size, style, and type, build it link etc.If it’s Associate in Nursing quantity field then you’ll show currency symbols additionally. Right click on the sphere choose ‘Format Field’.

20.Can we have a tendency to provide parameters to the report?


We can okay provide parameters to the report. For making parameters choose ‘Parameter Field’ within the Insert menu item. ‘Create Parameter Field’ panel can pop, it’ll arouse the name of the parameter, prompting text and information. currently after you run the report it’ll prompt for these parameters.

21.Can we have a tendency to produce our own formulas in reports?


We can produce our own formulas in reports. choose ‘Formula Field’ within the Insert menu item. Write the formula in ‘Formula Editor’. Here you may get ‘Field Tree’, ‘Function Tree’, and ‘Operator Tree’, which can show the report fields, functions that are supported by crystal reports (like CDATE (. etc.., operators (arithmetic, strings etc.. severally.

22.Can we have a tendency to produce reports of victimization over one database?


We can produce reports of victimization over one information like Oracle Access. produce information supply names for each of the databases. choose tables from them and build the report. The only restriction is that if you employ 2 databases then you can’t see the SQL generated by crystal reports.

23.Can we have a tendency to export information from reports into alternative formats like in world doc etc?


Generated information is exported to word doc, or in wealthy text format. simply click on the ‘Export’ icon within the menu. Export panels popped up. it’ll arouse the ‘Format’ like comma-separated worth (csv. etc and therefore the ‘Destination’ like disk, application etc. at the moment it’ll arouse the file name and save the information.Only restriction is that the data format of information is lost, however the crystal report can try and maintain the maximum amount of data format because it will.

24.Can we have a tendency to use our own SQL for making a report?


We can additionally build our own question victimization ‘Crystal SQL Designer’ tool provided by SQL. Here you’ll insert your SQL statement intrinsically. It’ll save this file as ‘.query’ and after you produce a report rather than victimize the ‘Database’ button use the ‘Crystal SQL Statement’ button.

25.Can we have a tendency to edit SQL created by Crystal reports?


We cannot edit the SQL created by crystal reports. but we are able to read the SQL. For that choose ‘Show SQL Query’ in the information menu item. Limitation is that if you’re victimized just one information. If you employ 2 databases then you can’t even read the SQL ready by the crystal report.

26.Can we have a tendency to suppress printing in crystal reports if zero records are fetched?


Yes, {we can|we will|we are able to} suppress printing if no records are fetched. choose ‘Report Options’ within the File menu item. ‘Report Options’ panel can crop up. therein there’s one choice ‘ Suppress printing if no records’ Check this feature. If no records are found then nothing is written on the report.

27.What are the sections that we’ve got in Crystal reports?


Report has customary sections like ‘Page Header’, ‘Page Footer’, ‘Report Header’, ‘Report Footer’, and ‘Details’. but you’ll be able to add different sections conjointly. choose ‘Sections’ within the Insert menu item. you’ll be able to insert cluster sections conjointly. If you don’t need to point out any excellent section, click the on section and suppress that.

28.Can we have a tendency to add any info field once we’ve chosen the ‘Close’ button?


Yes, we will add any info field later conjointly. choose ‘Database Field’ within the Insert menu item. If you’re employing a crystal report inbuilt question then it’ll show the tables that you simply have designated. And you’ll be able to choose whichever field you wish to show on the report. however if you’re employing a ‘.qry’ file then it’ll show a question and you’ll be able to choose solely those fields, that bar there within the question.

29.Does Crystal Report support all the functions that we’ve got in Oracle?


No, Crystal report doesn’t support all the functions. Just like the decrypt operation is there in SQL however not there’s a crystal report. you wish to convert that in crystal report format (in if and else etc. but if you employ ‘.qry’ files then it takes the SQL in and of itself. there’s no got to amend any syntax.

30.Can we have a tendency to use hold on procedures for making the report?


Yes, we will use hold on procedures.

31.Is there any feature like summing total during a crystal report?


Crystal reports give options like grand total, sub-total, running total etc. you’ll choose any of those options within the Insert menu item. you’ll add up records on the idea of every record or on amendment of cluster victimization the ‘Running Total ‘ possibility within the Insert menu item.

32.I am victimizing 2 tables, one is AN access information and therefore the difference is AN oracle information. i’m obtaining a blunder language ‘SQL odbc error’ what ought to I do?


If you’re obtaining such a blunder then click the icon for ‘Report Expert’. it’ll provide a warning language that formats are lost. Ignore this you may get a ‘Standard Report Expert’ window. Reverse the links of the access information table and it’ll work.

33.How will we access crystal reports in .NET?


Crystal reports go together with Visual studio setup itself. Right click the individual answer and add a replacement item and you’ll see a crystal report example as shown in figure ‘Crystal report template’. you’ll add AN ‘.rpt’ file victimization for this example.

34.What area unit the varied parts in crystal reports?


  • There are four major parts in crystal reports: Report designer, Reports engine, Report viewer and object models.
  • Report designer provides a graphical interface to make and modify reports.
  • Reports engine will format and convert a part of crystal reports. It helps convert the contents of reports in word, excel, PDF, hypertext markup language and different formats.
  • Report viewers area unit controls that you’ll see on the visual studio tool box; you’ll drag ANd drop those controls on an ASPX page or windows application to look at reports created by the victimization crystal.
  • Object models facilitate USA management of crystal reports objects throughout style time and run time.

35.What basic steps are required to show a straightforward report in crystal?


To understand this sample let’s show a straightforward report victimization crystal.

Step one : produce an internet application project.

Step a pair of : Add a replacement item and choose the crystal report from the example. This adds a replacement RPT to your answer individually.

Step three : Double click on the RPT file click on Crystal reports.

Step four : a Right click on ‘Database fields’ on the sector individual a then click on information professional a Expand produce new association a Expand OLE decibel commotion a get Microsoft OLEDB supplier for SQL Server ( this relies on what reasonable information you wish to attach . provide the server credentials a Click end and done.

Step five : a Right click on ‘Database fields’ on the sector individual a then click on information professional a Expand the server , information and choose table that you wish to feature to the report.

Step half dozen : Expand information fields during a table ( in this case it’s ‘FactCurrencyRate’ table. currently you’ll drag and drop the fields on the report.

Step seven : we have a tendency to currently have to be compelled to show the report on the ASPX page. For that we want the ‘CrystalReportViewer’ management. therefore expand the crystal reports section of the toolbar and drag the element on the ASPX page.

Step eight : currently we want to travel to code behind and specify the report supply. That’s it, currently compile and run the project you’ll see your report board action.

36.Can crystal reports be printed as an internet service?


Right click on the ‘RPT’ file and click on ‘Publish as net service’.

37.How will we invoke the crystal report net service?


We can consume {the net|the online|the net} service as a traditional web service in .NET. The simplest means is by victimizing the ‘ReportViewerControl’ and specifying the ASMX universal resource locator within the report supply property.

38.How will we add formulas for victimization crystal reports?


To add any formula in an exceedingly crystal report could be a 3 step procedure. Below figure ‘Add formula in crystal report’ shows the 3 steps in an exceedingly pictorial format. Step one head to field individual and right click and click on the new formula. Step 2: provide a name to the formulae and click on ‘Use Editor’. Step three a you may be bestowed with a UI that has all the formulas and functions.

39.How will we pass parameters to crystal reports?


Sometimes we wish to just accept input parameters and therefore the report works in keeping with the parameter. to feature associate degree input parameter head to field individual , head to parameter fields , right click , produce parameter and you ought to be popped with a window as shown within the figure ‘Parameter field’. provides a name to the parameter , sort and that’s it you’re in action.

40.How will we export from crystal reports?


  • There are 2 ways of victimizing the export possibility one is Once we show a report employing a crystal report viewer you’ll see an associate degree export icon as shown in figure ‘Export’ below. you’ll then choose within which format you wish to export.
  • Second possibility is through commitment to writing. Below could be a straightforward code piece that shows however we will export a report. produce an associate degree object of the crystal report and decide the ‘ExportToDisk’ technique specifying within which format you wish to export. Dim Report as New CrystalReport1.
  • Report.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, “c:\my.doc”.

41.How will we print to a printer victimization crystal?


In print we’ve got 2 {ways|ways that|ways in that} by which we will print one is after you show the report employing a crystal report viewer you’ve got a print possibility and second is by code. Below could be a straightforward code piece that shows however we’ve got created associated degree object known as a report from the rpt file , nominative the printer name, paper size then known as the ‘PrintToPrinter’ technique.

  • Report.PrintOptions.PrinterName = “MyPrinter”
  • Report.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperA4
  • Report.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Landscape
  • Report.PrintToPrinter(1, True, 1, 3.

42.How can we generate cross tab reports?


When we head to produce a brand new report you’ll see the cross –tab possibility.

43.How will we tend to cluster crystals?


For clustering in crystals you would like to use the group knowledgeable wizard.

44.Can you make a case for the three-pass news that the crystal report uses?


Crystal report uses the 3 pass technique for parsing reports. Before we tend to perceive what it suggests, let’s outline what’s a pass ?. Pass may be a method utilized by crystal reports to browse and manipulate knowledge as per the report format. Below figure ‘Three pass method’ shows however the parsing happens. Let’s take a similar step by step. within the Pre-Pass1 crystal report engine evaluates constants like x=1 and pie=3.14 for a report. Pass one will do 2 necessary things: get knowledge from the information and type records with given conditions. Once this is often done it’s saved in memory and given to pre-pass2 for more parsing and manipulation. Pre-pass2 is all regarding grouping and sorting the records in step with conditions laid out in the crystal report. Pass two formats a report, apply conditions and team them. Pass three is the final tunnel; it simply counts the pages and generates reports. The report’s various choice statements want it.

45.Can we tend to Use Crystal Report As A complete Application?


Generally we tend to use Crystal Reports with VB6. but we will build crystal report complete applications additionally. except for that limitation is for viewing the report user ought to have crystal reports put in on his/her computer.

46. However can we Format Field?


For information on any field, click on that and you’ll get several choices like ‘Format Field.’ ‘Browse field data’ etc. Click on ‘Format Field.’ you’ll align knowledge, suppress, build it multiline, amendment the font size, style, and type, build it link etc. If it’s Associate in Nursing quantity field then you’ll show currency symbols additionally. Right click on the sector choose ‘Format Field’.

47. Will we tend to offer Parameters To The Report?


We can okayly offer parameters to the report. For making parameters choose ‘Parameter Field’ within the Insert menu item. ‘Create Parameter Field’ window can pop, it’ll invite the name of the parameter, prompting text and knowledge. currently after you run the report it’ll prompt for these parameters.

48. Will we have a tendency to produce Our Own Formulas In Reports?


We can produce our own formulas in reports. choose ‘Formula Field’ within the Insert menu item. Write the formula in ‘Formula Editor’. Here you’ll get ‘Field Tree’, ‘Function Tree’, and ‘Operator Tree’, which is able to show the report fields, functions that are supported by crystal reports (like CDATE (. etc.., operators (arithmetic, strings etc.. severally.

49. Will we have a tendency to produce a Report victimization over One Database?


We can produce reports of victimization over one info like Oracle Access. produce knowledge supply names for each of the databases. choose tables from them and make the report. The only restriction is that if you employ 2 databases then you can not see the SQL generated by crystal reports.

50. will we have a tendency to Export knowledge Of Reports Into different Format Like In World Doc Etc?


Generated knowledge is often exported to word doc, or in wealthy text format. simply click on the ‘Export’ icon within the menu. Export panels popped up. it’ll raise the ‘Format’ like comma-separated worth (csv. etc and also the ‘Destination’ like disk, application etc. then it’ll raise the file name and save the info. The sole restriction is data formatting of information that is lost, however the crystal report can try and maintain the maximum amount of data formatting because it will.

51. Will we have a tendency to Use Our Own Sql For Making A Report?


We can additionally create our own question victimization of the ‘Crystal SQL Designer’ tool provided by SQL. Here you’ll insert your SQL statement per se. it’ll save this file as ‘.qry’ . And once you produce a report rather than victimization the ‘Database’ button uses the ‘Crystal SQL Statement’ button.

52. Will we have a tendency to Edit Sql created By Crystal Reports?


We cannot edit the SQL created by crystal reports. but we are able to read the SQL. For that choose ‘Show SQL Query’ in the info menu item. Limitation is that if you’re victimized just one info. If you employ 2 databases then you can’t even read the SQL ready by the crystal report.

53. Are There Any Limitations In Crystal Reports?


There are bound limitations in crystal reports. They are: – If an info encompasses a field whose length is over 255 characters, then you can’t create a formula victimizing that field. whereas mercantilism info is lost. After you browse knowledge simply by right clicking on the sphere then it displays what’s there within the info, not the information chosen by the question.

54. Will We Tend to Suppress Printing In Crystal Reports If zero Records are Fetched?


Yes, {we can|we will|we are able to} suppress printing if no records are fetched. choose ‘Report Options’ within the File menu item. ‘Report Options’ panel can crop up. therein there’s one possibility ‘ Suppress printing if no records’ Check this selection. If no records are found then nothing is going to be written on the report.

55. What Are The Sections That we’ve In Crystal Reports?


Report possesses commonplace sections like ‘Page Header’, ‘Page Footer’, ‘Report Header’, ‘Report Footer’, and ‘Details’. but you’ll be able to add alternative sections additionally. choose ‘Sections’ within the Insert menu item. you’ll be able to insert cluster sections additionally. If you don’t wish to point out any section, good click on it and suppress that.

56. will we tend to Add Any info Field Once we’ve Chosen ‘close’ Button?


Yes, we are able to add any info field afterward additionally. choose ‘Database Field’ within the Insert menu item. If you’re employing a crystal report inbuilt question then it’ll show the tables that you just have chosen. And you’ll be able to choose whichever field you would like to show on the report. however if you’re employing a ‘.qry’ file then it’ll show a question and you’ll be able to choose solely those fields, that bar there within the question.

57. Will Crystal Report Support All The Functions That we’ve In Oracle?


No, Crystal report doesn’t support all the functions. Just like the rewrite operation is there in SQL however not there’s a crystal report. you would like to convert that in crystal report format (in if and else etc… but if you utilize ‘.qry’ files then it takes the SQL per se. there’s no ought to modification any syntax.

58. Will we tend to Use Keep Procedure For Making The Report?


Yes, we are able to keep procedures.

59. What is the Feature Like Summing Total In Crystal Report?


Crystal reports give options like grand total, sub-total, running total etc. you’ll be able to choose any of those options within the Insert menu item. you’ll be able to total up records on the premise of every record or on modification of cluster victimization the ‘Running Total ‘ possibility within the Insert menu item.

60. I’m victimizing 2 Tables One Is Of Access Info And Alternative Is Of Oracle Info, I’m obtaining a miscalculation speech communication ‘sql Odbc Error’ What ought to I Do?


If you’re obtaining such a miscalculation then click the icon for ‘Report Expert’. it’ll provide a warning speech communication that data formats are going to be lost. Ignore this you may get ‘Standard Report Expert’ panel. Reverse the links of the access info table and it’ll work.

61. What are the benefits Or Disadvantages Of mistreatment Crystal?


Reports during a Windows Forms application as opposition say rolling our own reports as markup language and displaying them within the web human management :

Advantages :

    1. 1. Secure as user cannot modify the info that is seem within the report if we have a tendency to use crystal report back to show the report however in markup language, user will modify the report knowledge.
    2. 2. Report layout isn’t clear, so users won’t realize however we have a tendency to style the report. however in markup language, anybody will study the report layout and may copy the technology.
    3. 3. will export into completely different formats like PDF, HTML, XML, etc, and lots of additional.

Disadvantages :

    1. 1. the user has to have the crystal report viewer in his laptop so as to envision the crystal report output. however this could be overcome if you export the report as PDF/HTML.
    2. 2. you wish to shop for a Crystal Report license for every laptop you utilize to style the crystal report.
    3. 3. should obtain the version that permits you to put in run time parts in user laptop.
    4. 4. If we’ve got a one hundred page report then the crystal can get to the method on all pages so it shows the output. and lots of additional.

62. A way to “print” In Crystal Reports whereas mistreatment Asp Dot internet Platform?


Using Crystal selections. SharedCrystalReport1 cr= new CrystalReport1;’here crystalreport1 is a crystal report that we have a tendency to style.CrystalViewer1.ReportSource = cr; OR we will directly print the report while not showing Output.

  • reportCrystalReport1 cr= new CrystalReport1;cr.PrintToPrinter(1,False,1,1.

63. How do you define Crystal Reports and Crystal Reports Explorer?


With Crystal reports human one will quickly produce and modify reports on the online, and since it’s engineered on the sure Business object enterprise platform, it will simply manage large user hundreds, individual access, and application customization.

64. A way to not absolutely Suppress A Field supported whether or not A pagination Is Odd Or Even?


Select the sphere –>Click FORMAT–>Click FORMAT FIELD–>Select the COMMON tab–>Click the FORMULA BUTTON to the correct of SUPPRESS (Don’t click the suppress check box.To suppress a field on odd numbered pages PageNumber MOD two = 1To suppress a field on even numbered pages PageNumber MOD two = zero –>Click SAVE Icon–>Close the formula editor–>Click OK on the FORMAT screen.

65. A way to Pass hold on Procedure Parameters To The Report?


Choose File–>Options menu. within the choices panel –>Click the information tab and make sure that hold on Procedures is chosen. choosing “”Stored Procedures”” mechanically displays associate out there hold on procedures after you go online to an SQL information.–>Click alright to exit the choices panel. –>On the beginning Page, click Blank Report.–>Locate and choose the SQL Server knowledge supply that contains the hold on procedure you wish to use.–>Click Next to travel to the association data dialog box–>Enter the specified data to log in.–>Click Finish–>Highlight associate SQL hold on procedure within the hold on Procedures folder, and click on the–>arrow to feature it to the chosen Tables list.–>The Enter Parameter Values panel seems.–>Highlight a parameter within the Parameter Fields list–>Assign a worth by writing into the separate worth box so click OK–>You are came to the information Expert–>Click OK and make your report mistreatment the fields within the hold on procedure.

66. What’s The “refresh” Button imagined to Do On The Crystal Report Viewer?


1. After you use the Refresh Button within the crystal report viewer, it refreshes the report information.

2. after you refresh information from the Preview tab, the Refresh Report information panel seems.

  • Select the “Use current parameter prices” choice to use the present parameter value.
  • Select the “Prompt for brand new parameter prices” choice to enter a replacement parameter value.
  • When you choose this selection and click on OK, the Enter Prompt Values panel seems.
  • The program currently runs the report victimizing the new value(s. you fixed it.

67. Is There a Way To Export A Report Definition While Not Writing Code?


Yes. the subsequent steps work assumptive you have got Crystal Reports on the machine and therefore the applicable export dlls loaded :

  • Open the report.
  • Preview it.
  • Click the EXPORT envelope.
  • Select REPORT DEFINITION for the format.
  • Select computer file.
  • Click OK.
  • Enter a computer filename or settle for the default.
  • Click SAVE. The file could be a document and might be viewed with a tablet.

68. Is There a Way To Export Report Formulas, Like Totals To Excel?


Yeah we are able to do this employing a crystal report.

69. What will It Mean after we Get The Error Message “invalid Report Version” once attempting To Open A Crystal Report?


Crystal in its evolution has modified the report file format many times. By this I mean a file created in Crystal six may be opened in Crystal six or higher. Once the file format changes were major the format isn’t BACKWARD compatible. By this I mean a file created in atomic number 24 nine can’t be opened in atomic number 24 eight or before. Crystal modified the report file format with atomic number 24 eight and atomic number 24 nine. The atomic number 24 nine modification was attributable to the introduction of Unicode support. atomic number 24 eight has the power to save lots of coins in atomic number 24 seven format. attributable to the support for Unicode atomic number 24 nine, 10, and XI cannot save the come in previous formats.

70.How To Write A Formula to Alter A Font Based Mostly Upon Data?


  • Select the sector.
  • Click FORMAT.
  • Select the FONT tab.
  • Click the FORMULA BUTTON to the correct FONTif ( = price. then “Arial”else “Times New Roman)
  • Click SAVE Icon.
  • Close the formula editor.
  • Click OK on the FORMAT screen.

71. The way to Refresh The Crystal Report From The Application?


calling crystal report management name.reset (by choosing Report menu below Refresh the report menu item at style time. can refresh the report[crystalreport1.DiscardSavedData=True].

72. What percentage of Subreports will it Report Have?



73. Where can I find the option to “Save data with report”?


You can notice the File menu.

74. Make a case for however you’ll be able to Connect Crystal Reports To The Databases?


To connect crystal report back to the databases, there are 2 ways that.

  • Use crystal report in-built question

75. Make a case for whether or not it’s potential to form Our Own Formulas In Crystal Reports?


Yes, it’s possible to form your own formulas in Crystal reports. For that from the insert menu item select “Formula Field”. Write the formula in “Formula Editor”, here you may see “Function Tree” , “Field Tree” , “Operator Tree” which can show the report fields, functions supported by crystal reports, operators etc.

76. Mention What All New options out there In Sap Crystal?


In SAP Crystal, you’ve got following options :

  • Streamlines report style.
  • Improvement to information sources.
  • Mobile and viewer support.
  • OEM and developer options.

77. Mention What are the info Sources That Sap Business One Supports For Crystal Reports?


For crystal reports the data-source that SAP business one supports ar :

  • SAP Business One.
  • OLE dB (ADO.

78. List Out a Number of The Key Distinction Between Ssrs And Crystal Report?


  • SSRS has table base style pattern whereas in metallic element you’ll be able to place objects anyplace.
  • Export to stand out in SSRS is straightforward than Crystal Report.
  • To manage your information crystal report have many choices whereas SSRS doesn’t have any.
  • Crystal report has shopper facet report creation API, that enables the shopper to change and make new reports.
  • SSRS uses expressions whereas Crystal Report uses formula in C and basic.
  • SSRS is compatible with Share-point list and may generate reports supported lists.
  • Both of them support OLAP connections.

79. Mention what’s the overall Syntax For making Sap Business One Token?


To create SAP business token the overall syntax includes :

  • @ SELECT….FROM…..WHERE, the choose command isn’t necessary for all tables.

80. Make a case for however you’ll be able to Edit Crystal Reports Layout In Sap Business One?


To edit crystal reports layout within the SAP business one :

  • attend the most menu of the SAP business one -> select administration ->set up -> General -> Report & Layout Manager.
  • In Report & Layout Manager window, within the navigation panel on the left, scroll right down to the document sort of the layout you wish to edit.
  • within the work area on the proper, choose the crystal reports layout you wish to edit and choose edit.

81. Is it potential to export a crystal report with joined subreports in one stand out sheet? If affirmative,then how?


Yes, produce a main Report, and sub report individually.

  • Open the most Report and in Insert menu, choose subreport.
  • Option, associated therein “select an existing report”,.
  • Sub report that is already created, and noble metal the link.
  • Main report and subreport with the specified fields. currently Export the report back to stand out format.

82. What number of SubReports other than One MainReport?


The correct answer is, at the most you’ll add 255 sub reports within the main report. that the total count is 256 reports are allowed for a standalone report. you’ll not add a subreport within a sub report. this can be one in all the vital queries as so much because the interview purpose.l

83. The way to add Crystal Reports(Standalone. to my VB.NET project?


There are a pair of versions of crystal reports obtainable :

  • standalone reports like Crystal Reports ten,XI,XI R2.
  • Crystal Reports that come with Visual Studio .Net like Crystal Reports for Visual Studio-Embedded Reports.
  • If need to feature reports, then attend Add Existing Item (right click on the project name within the resolution somebody., browse to the .rpt file choose|and choose} it or Add .

Reports Viewer :

Coding :

  • private ReportDocument hierarchicalGroupingReport;
  • protected void Page_Init(object sender,eventargs e.
  • private void put together crystal reports(.

84. However, will we tend to improve the performance of a crystal report? OR What all performance improvement techniques are utilized in crystal reports? (particularly metal XI.?


There are multiple ways in which to try to do that.

  • Using Report exploding indexes.
  • and Sub reports degrade the performance, therefore avoid exploitation sub reports.

85.How to show up the 2 crystal reports in a very single crystalreportviewer?


If i’m not mistaken then this may be achieved by creating Student report as main report and your alternative report family report as subreport of the most report gap in a very new page. for various page headers of each reports what you’ll do is within the main report don’t place something in PageHeader or Footer produce a blank cluster {that produce|that make} page header for the main report and in the cluster footer create the main report page footer information and on the cluster choose the choice repeat on every page. Perhaps this can facilitate your downside if I perceive what you’re searching for.

86. Why is stand out Report most popular over crystal reports?


As each Windows OS has Microsoft stand out reports and because it is straightforward, folks are aware of it. it’s a formula field in it to try to do calculations.

87.To ensure that each one of the info from a field is displayed in an exceedingly reported text object you must do that of the following?


  • use the format wizard.
  • size the text object manually.
  • choose the machine format possibility for the text object.
  • choose the will grow possibility for the text object.
  • set the will grow choice to the main points section of the report.
  • choose the will grow possibility for the text object.

88. Justify newsperson footer contents square measure moved looking on the page footer values?


Yes we are able to modify the worth of the report footer looking at the number contents. produce a formula ‘@formula’ towards(page range,0. place it in RF which is able to show the last number in words.suppose the overall range of pages is twenty four then ‘Twenty Four’. if total pages square measure five then ‘Five’.

89. A way to use five crystal reports or subreport on Different conditions in one VB program?


Different five condition is a=1,2,3,4,5 We write :

90. Where will we discover the log file generated after we run a crystal report?


When the reports run, a log file is made and every report’s output can placed fixed|the required|the desired} output directory with the computer file name specified. If solely a prefix is such, the output name also will have a date and time stamp creating it straightforward to archive reports for later viewing.

91. Will we have a tendency to decide or add subreport among subreport?


If you produce a report with a subreport and put it aside. produce another report and add the primary report as a subreport. If you are trying to form a subreport when it’s inserted it’s tough. I feel the limit on all subreports is 256.

92. Suppose I actually have a crystal report with a connected subreport furthermore. Is there any means to not print this record on the most report if no records area unit came from the subreport?


Yes, we are able to deliver the goods that mistreat shared variables as mentioned already. however, ought to additionally make certain that the subreport values ought to return to the first report before the section you have got records on.

93. Once observing the be a part of sorts in Crystal – what will it mean after you select Enforce and Inforce To or Enforce From?


Version ten introduced the aptitude to enforce links created within the report. imposing a link between 2 tables ensures that the report’s several SQL uses this link, in spite of whether or not fields area unit needed from one or each the concerned tables : –

  • The default setting is unenforced links, which means that Crystal Reports uses the link on condition that the report’s several choice statements need it.
  • you’ll be able to access the various social control choices by right-clicking on a link and choosing the link choices menu item.

94. Suppose I’m unable to check any image on Crystal Report at Run time. Thus, however, am I able to load any image that is saved in an exceedingly native disk so it is often viewed at Runtime in Crystal reports?


  • write the column of computer memory unit array kind.
  • And pass The computer memory unit information into this column.

95. Reports are often optimized for net viewing mistreatment that of the?


Following ways :

  • mistreatment subreports rather than linking tables.
  • Avoiding maps.
  • mistreatment the Page N of M special field to assist users perceive what percentage pages area unit within the report.
  • Saving reports as version ten.
  • we are able to have on-demand subreports and cargo information as per user choice rather than bring all the records whenever with table linking.

96. Wherever is that the image set, once you’ve placed it on the report?


1. truly it depends on the kind of ole implementation Your doing i.e. static , embedded or joined.

2. An associate degree OLE object may be a presentation of knowledge that was produced in another application which maintains a relationship with the appliance that was accustomed to create it. An icon created in Paint, associate degree surpass program, or a graph from MS Graph might all be OLE objects if they’re inserted within the receiving document as OLE objects. If they’re not inserted as OLE objects, they maintain no relationship with the initial application.

3. Static object: A static OLE object may be an image of associate degree object that may be displayed and written, however not emended in situ. It doesn’t have an affiliation to a server application. There are 2 forms of static objects: static bitmaps and static metafiles.

4. Embedded object: An embedded object contains an illustration of the item, yet as info that defines the content. It doesn’t have an affiliation to the initial object within the server document. As a general rule, use embedded objects once you have to be compelled to edit the item severally of the initial server document.

5. joined object: A joined object contains an illustration of the info and alink to the file wherever it originated. As a general rule, use joined objects once the info within the server document is dynamic and you would like the item in your report back to be updated once you open the report.

97. The way to open a subreport within the New that is window mistreatment the link button. I used target=new; within the formula field. however it overrides the most window and shows the report?


I use (javascript. to open my report during a new window. What I like better to do now could be to export the report promptly and open it in moveable document format.

98. What are field expressions and what are the diff types? (I looked this up on the net and ne’er found anything with regards to styles of field expressions.?


This was to confuse you extra.There are formula fields,database fields,sql expression fields,parameter fields etc and zilch like expression fields.

99. Is there a way to be able to modify an associate degree image(company emblem. dynamically during a report? Example if you’ve got a hundred reports, and with the market uncertainty if you anticipate that the corporate emblem may modify, however are you able to modify the image simply in one place and have this mirrored altogether the reports at run time?


Yes,there is the way.User might produce a word document,embed the specified image as an image object in it then embed this word document into Crystal reports(as a joined OLE object..Any modification within the word document would mirror altogether he reports mistreatment of this word doc.

100. The way to Run Multiple Hybris Instances In One Machine?


Basically hybrid runs on a tom instance. Hybris is shipped with a bundled tom. Therefore the question here is truly, the way to run multiple tom in one machine.We can run as several hybrids we would like, until our machine memory permits. To do so, we’d like to form every instance of tom to own it’s own ports to use. create below ports distinctive for every instance. we must always add below properties within the native property file of every instance with distinctive values.

  • tomcat.http.port=7001.
  • tomcat.ssl.port=7002.
  • tomcat.ajp.port=7009.
  • tomcat.jmx.port=7003.

101. Why Order is very important In things.xml?


We need to follow associate order in things.xml, once we declare item sorts in things.xml. Below square measure the explanations for it.Each items.xml is parsed during a single pass. This means additional specific sorts of square measure hooked into general sorts. In such cases they ought to be outlined before we have a tendency to use them. as an example.Here we have a tendency to see that item kind merchandise square measure exploitation of different item sorts, like catalog. to form this file, it’s obligatory that the catalog exists before the merchandise is said. we have a tendency to outline sorts of inheritance.

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