Managing stakeholders LEARNOVITA

How to Effectively Manage Stakeholders | A Complete Guide For Beginners with Experts Top Picks

Last updated on 04th Nov 2022, Artciles, Blog

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Anu Mohan (Lean Six Sigma Manager )

Anu Mohan has intense knowledge of process diagnostics, PowerPoint, Excel, process diagnostics, and blueprinting. She is a certified professional with 7+ years of experience in their respective domain. Her articles assist in sharing information and abilities in core fields and provide students with informative knowledge.

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    • In this article you will get
    • What is a Project Stakeholder?
    • Difference between Internal and External Stakeholders
    • What is Stakeholder Management?
    • What is a Stakeholder Management Plan?
    • Benefits of Stakeholder Management
    • How to make a Stakeholder Management Plan?
    • Understanding the Stakeholder Management Process
    • Conclusion

What is a Project Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are the individuals, groups, or organizations who impact an execution or success of a product. They can be external or internal to the organization sponsoring a project. Stakeholder relationships can positively or negatively influence a project life cycle. Therefore, it is crucial to identify a key stakeholders and formulate the proper stakeholder management plan to be a cater to their requirements.

The following people can serve as a project stakeholders:

  • Project manager
  • Project team members
  • Government agencies
  • External customers
  • Investors
  • Contractors and subcontractors
  • Suppliers
Project stakeholders

Difference between a Internal and External Stakeholders

Project stakeholders can be an internal and external. The two categories differ from a one, and so does a stakeholder management process for each group.

Internal Stakeholders:

A person who is the part of the organization managing that project. An internal stakeholder aims to achieve a business goals and project’s strategic objectives. Internal stakeholders are can belong to following categories:

  • Team members
  • Project managers
  • Sponsors
  • Owners
  • Investors from an organization

External Stakeholders:

These stakeholders are not be a directly related to organization. Rather, they hold key value in a business or are impacted by project. They usually belong to a supply chain, creditors or public groups.

What is a Stakeholder Management?

Stakeholder management is a typically a part of a project management process comprising a crucial tasks of managing the requirements and expectations of internal and external stakeholders. An Effective stakeholder management entails the proper stakeholder management plan that illustrates a stakeholder management strategies for project.

What is Stakeholder Management Plan?

  • List of all the project stakeholders and their basic information.
  • A power interest matrix or stakeholder map.
  • A Stakeholder prioritization section.
  • A communication plan.
  • A section with a various stakeholder management strategies for a different situations .
  • Benefits of a Stakeholder Management.
  • Social license to be operate.
  • A Competitive advantage.
  • A Stronger reputation.
  • A Corporate governance.
  • A Risk management.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software:

CRMs are designed to be a simplify sales processes.These are significantly various to an engagement process. When managing a engagement and understanding of stakeholders’ needs and feedback, the use of a CRM is likely to make things trickier. Therefore, must opt for the SRM.

Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software:

This software specifically caters to a needs of a stakeholder engagement. Although both CRM and SRM can track a stakeholders, an SRM is designed to track as well as analyse the intent and content of a stakeholder engagement. It assists in a comprehending what stakeholders are saying, their needs, worries, and priorities.

How to make Stakeholder Management Plan?

Although an every stakeholder management approach needs to be a customized per your project’s requirements, the following are five steps to cover all the important aspects of stakeholder management plan.

Determine a Stakeholders:

Stakeholder identification is a first step for an effective stakeholder management plan. Identify key individuals or stakeholder groups fora project/ business.

Prioritize a Stakeholders:

After determination comes a prioritization, must acknowledge key stakeholders who would have a bigger influence over a project. An onion diagram helps in a stakeholder prioritization process.

Interview a Stakeholders:

Must interview a stakeholders to know them better for the seamless workflow. Can put forth the following questions for clearer understanding:

  • Which deliverables an interest the most?
  • What expectations do have for this project?
  • How quickly do can envision this project rolling out?
  • What have been a primary concerns/ worries about this a project? Why?

Create Power Interest Grid:

Also called a project interest matrix, the power interest grid is a chart for determining a power and interest of a stakeholders in the project. This tool is quite helpful in a stakeholder analysis.

  • High-power, low-interest stakeholders.
  • High-power, high-interest stakeholders.
  • Low-power, low-interest stakeholders.
  • Low-power, high-interest stakeholders.

Set and Manage an Expectations:

Clarity is a key to stakeholder management. Must identify stages every stakeholder would contribute to as well as the ones that would need their feedback. Formulate the stakeholder engagement/ communication plan a while being realistic, honest and transparent at a various project management phases.

Stakeholder Management Plan

Understanding the Stakeholder Management Process

  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Stakeholder Identification
  • Stakeholder Mapping

Once complete an identification process, it’s time to find the interest level and the extent of influence of a stakeholders over the project. can employ a power interest grid for purpose.

Stakeholder Prioritization:

With a list of a stakeholders in hand, must begin prioritizing them by their significance to a project. Find who would have maximum influence on the project and who is likely to be an affected by it.With an effective prioritization, it will be simpler for to keep a tab on a various stakeholders. Additionally, it would also help to determine the best stakeholder management strategies that add to the satisfaction.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Finally, with all information assimilated, must devote time to figuring out best ways to engage a stakeholders. Decide what a practices would ensure an effective communication with the project stakeholders.


A 63% of a companies have already employed stakeholder management strategies to level up a business. Managing a stakeholders’ expectations throughout a project life cycle is a paramount to project’s success. It’s time project managers are adopt a best project management practices, acquire the most in-demand skills and outperform of competition.

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